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…. environnement urbain : travaux, béton, ferrailles, échafaudages, palissades, barrières, outillages, machineries, matériaux de construction, lignes, cartes, plans, routes, échangeurs, sens interdits …….. démolition, reconstruction ….  tout cet environnement, même hostile ou menaçant, fascine ….. un moment, le mouvement est arrêté, « photographié », pensé, intériorisé puis réinterprété selon chacun, retraduit, « miniaturisé » pour devenir bijou … une construction nouvelle, en quelque sorte ….

(voir également l’article « Architectures …………… en broches »)

Andrea Zeuner  – Superhighway Brooch 2011  Brass, asphalt crack repair, steel

Andrea Zeuner – Superhighway Neckpiece – Brass, asphalt crack repair, nickel – 2010
Andrea Zeuner Neighborhood Brooch – sterling, copper, raw garnets, wood, steel
Caitie Sellers Transistor Brooch – sterling & steel
Caitie Sellers topographic brooch – Sterling Silver.
The inside of this brooch is composed of 5 pierced disks to make that image. The top of the brooch screws off so the wearer can take out the slices and do something else with them

Phoebe Porter - transit necklace
Andrea PIneros – Broche CIRCUITOS, 2011. The city, the friends, the family and you – Brass, Cristal, car paint
Stephanie Barbié -Lo natural, lo artificial – broche – alpaca, plata, resina, metacrilato
« El mapa de una ciudad, como primera aproximación de un espacio, reune lo artificial y lo natural, lo simbólico y lo real. Confronta imaginación y deseos con vivencia y realidad. Esas piezas surgen de esta confrontación. «
Michael Dale Bernard Excavator necklace, stainless steel, silver, vinyl tubing, powder coat,  2009*7aJ*dvf*6IXARaS0b3ZP7uPA6Ia6FeC24Z93B9aj/6.Dozer.jpg?width=737&height=552
Michael Dale Bernard Dozer brooch, one of a pair designed for the Neo-Rococo show. Stainless steel, aluminum, silver, brass, iron pyrite, powder coat, 2010

Maru Lopez – Derrumbe paredes – 200 – Silver,Iron and cement

Vanessa Arthur - ‘Demolition necklace’ – Reclaimed wood, laminate, copper, wooden beads, gold elastic, 925 silver.
Diego Bisso – Environmental Jewelry – Marmo (marble)

Dana DiPlacido (2011 graduate from MassArt, Massachusetts College of Art and Design ) – House bracelet, 2011 – stainless steel

Robean Visschers  «under-construction» structure ring -Gold, silver (oxidized)- 2006

Robean VISSCHERS ring
Robean Visschers  construction/structure ring

Robean Visschers Untitled 2009 Brooch

Bin Dixon-Ward – brooch – 2009

Ara Kuo – ‘MAZE’ brooch

Alice Bo-Wen Chang Bodyspace/bodyscape serie – red brooch

Linda Hughes Square Neckpiece and bracelet

« Colour plays a very important part in your jewellery and it is often bold and bright. Would you consider this a signature style or do see yourself moving towards a different palette in the future?
The palette relates directly to street signage but I do feel free to incorporate other colours and don’t feel inhibited by it.
What ignited your interest in signs? Was it marked by a particular experience or moment?
Some of the urban landscape in Australia seems particularly contrived, like a theatre set. A mixture of international influences all mixed up, often without connecting to the environment. My attention is drawn to signs as ‘street furniture’ if you like, ‘props’. «

Linda Hughes – Necklace

« In her new body of work, contemporary jeweller Linda Hughes explores the ‘stripe’, historically favoured as a metonym for danger, exclusion and as a device to attract attention. Hazard signage, ubiquitous in the urban landscape, changes when placed on the body as jewellery. In this exhibition, Hughes applies the visual language of the stripe to the sculptural form of the wearable. Displayed against as a series of graphic backdrops, the work explores the tension between body and environment, critiquing the complex theatre of public space. »

Linda Hughesnecklace  – « It’s got legs » exhibition

« Shared Zone, is both the culmination of Linda Hughes master’s research and her first solo exhibition.
Hughes utilises the familiar urban language of invisible everyday objects such as road signs, posts and hazard markings. Juxtaposing these symbols on the body she uses them to define space and create landscape. Her work invites the wearer to become a part of the “theater of the wearable” that arises when the brooches, neckpieces and bangles are placed so as to interact and create their roles – transforming the body into a stage. »

Linda Hughes, Wing Brooch, Red & White Series, 2009, laminate and acrylic. Photography Argonaut Design

Galatée Pestre   sautoir ‘Sens Interdit’ – argent noirci, émail.

Analiese Stinson (2011 graduate from MassArt, Massachusetts College of Art and Design )- Map Bracelet #2–The Trip to School and the Long Way Home, 2011 silver, fabricated

Fabrizio Tridenti’s complex structures

Bergner Schmidt – Concrete jewellery

Benita Dekel, Massconstruction – silver & concrete (ciment)

« Benita Dekel, a graduate of the Department of Jewelry Design at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design (Israël), developed a series of jewelry pieces that combine silver with concrete. The results of the combination of concrete, which we usually associate with heavy, industrial construction, and delicate constructions in silver is that despite being made of concrete the pieces do not appear heavy. The shapes of the pieces, which are very familiar, almost as though they have been taken from various construction sites, manage to surprise both in their shape and new function«

Todd Pownell – architectural nest*hdw2-EkmKanaQdR7a5zL*3OtSocLMHHYbo6/spiral_bracelet_new_jas.jpg?width=737&height=567

Donna Veverka – Spiral Staircase bracelet

Silvia Walz – série « Casitecturas » Victors Haus – brooch – silver, copper, enamel

Sabine Conrad – necklace Burnt Future 2011, copper, silver, wood, paint

Esther Knobel – 4 brooches From “The Mind in the Hand” series

Renzo PASQUALE – OLIMPICA – spilla (brooch) – omaggio a Palladio (2008)*BG1KEhaEIsXXaDBJbMjRt1I47XG-XTwLBUj9WQLh4upNyh/pic5.jpg?width=600&height=600

Christina Elleni Cox « Changeable Cities » bracelet (on Kit&caboodle)

EXPO ‘Rêves’ – galerie ALLIAGES, Lille (FR) – 8-31 Dec. 2011-

On vit tous avec un rêve, même s’il est caché au fond de nous. Un jour, POP !, il éclate au grand jour. On le cache, on le dit, on l’évite, il revient… Rêves quand il est au pluriel chez Alliages, c’est un cumul extraordinaire des pièces de rêve d’artistes.

De A comme Alba à V comme Vanneste, l’alphabet des artistes d’Alliages est prolixe. Comme leurs rêves, de tableaux, de vases, de bijoux, de sculptures, de métaux parfois précieux, de résines colorées, de verres aux reflets profonds et de terres cuites selon les techniques ancestrales …

La réalité des rêves des artistes nous mène aux confins de la joie, de l’humour, de l’étonnement mais toujours au centre de l’esthétique, de la beauté. Ils sont monochromes, ou s’illuminent de couleurs irisées. Petites ou grandes pièces de céramique, petits ou grands tableaux, petites sculptures de verre ou de métal et de résine, petits bijoux d’argent et de pierres précieuses (ou pas)… Petits et grand rêves pour petits et grands.

Petit ou grand Noël de rêve, les artistes d’Alliages ont réalisé le vôtre et celui de ceux que vous aimez. Il vous attend, venez le chercher le 8 décembre pour l’offrir le 25 et faire briller les yeux de vos tendres proches.

Le vernissage de cette brillante exposition se tiendra le jeudi 8 décembre à partir de 18H à la galerie ALLIAGES, 111, Bd Victor Hugo à LILLE. L’ambiance sera gaie, informelle et les artistes vous présenteront leurs travaux avec décontraction.

N’ayez pas peur de l’art, et des galeries, chez Alliages, c’est différent !

Artistes exposants :

Elisabeth ALBA (Créatrice de Bijoux, Barcelone) — Margarita ALONSO (Créatrice de Bijoux, Barcelone) — Beatriz COBOS (Créatrice de Bijoux, Barcelone) — Fred DEPIENNE (Peintre, Lille) — Emmanuelle DURAND (Céramiste, Lille) — Ana GARCIA (Créatrice de Bijoux, Barcelone) — Françoise JORIS (Céramiste, Lille) — Sylvie JOUSSET (Créatrice de Bijoux, Bruxelles) — Françoise JOYE (Céramiste, Lille) — Lia KOENEN (Céramiste, Pays-Bas) — Selma LEAL (Créatrice de Bijoux, Barcelone) – Patricia LEMAIRE (Créatrice de Bijoux, Paris) — MILEX (Plasticien, Pas-de-Calais) — Claudia PAGEL (Créatrice de Bijoux, Lille) — Andrea PINEROS (Créatrice de Bijoux, Paris) — Brigitte PRUVOST (Céramiste, Lille) — Josep RAVENTOS (Créateur de Bijoux, Barcelone) — Juan RIUSECH (Créateur de Bijoux, Lille) — Hélène SOETE (Céramiste, Lille) — Hanna VANNESTE (Créatrice de Bijoux, Anvers) — Marie-Anne VER EECKE (Céramiste, Bruges) — (Margarita Alonso, Josep Raventós, Ana García Moya, Selma Leal & Beatriz Cobos forment le groupe Factotum à Barcelone)

bijoux Sylvie JOUSSET

Patricia Lemaire – ah vos souhaits… - broche – argent 925, poivre T – 2010



111 Bd Victor Hugo
59000 Lille, France


EXPO ‘Venus Adorned’ – The Snyderman-Works Gallerie, Philadelphia (USA) – 2 Dec. 2011-3 janv. 2012

Classé dans : Bruce METCALF (US),Exposition/Exhibition,Jillian MOORE (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:03

Venus Adorned

Bruce Metcalf - Solo Exhibition

On view from December 2, 2011 to January 3, 2011A solo exhibition of new work by Bruce Metcalf.
Reception December 2nd, 5:30-8:30pm
Bruce MetcalfDentate, 5.75″ x 2.5″, Maple, 18k yellow gold, 2011

Bruce MetcalfHeart Speaking, 5.5″x 2.5″, Maple, 24k gold-plated brass, gold leaf, 2011

Also featuring work by Jillian Moore On view from December 2, 2011 to January 14, 2012.

Jillian Moore- « Tentaculi« ,  Fabricated and electroformed copper, paint, ink, 2010

Jillian Moore- « Lobus » – Foam, composite & epoxy resin, felt, fabricated copper, paint- 2011

The Snyderman-Works Galleries
303 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
+1 215.238.9576


COUP de COEUR : Emiko OYE et ses parures FASTUEUSES !

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Emiko OYE (US),necklaces,plastiques,recup' / recycled,USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05


COUP de COEUR : Emiko OYE et ses parures FASTUEUSES ! dans COUP DE COEUR

« Cartier blanc » – Necklace from My First Royal Jewels Jewellery Collection. Repurposed LEGO necklace inspired by Cartier, Paris ruby, diamond and platinum necklace, 1922. emiko-o 2008

 dans Emiko OYE (US)

« The Duchess 2″ – Necklace from My First Royal Jewels Jewellery Collection. Repurposed LEGO necklace inspired by Cartier’s diamond, emerald and platinum necklace, and Harry Winston’s pendant, 1960. emiko-o 2008.

 dans necklaces



Spécial « LAPIN de noël » – si si …………

« crise lapinifère » aigüe dans la sphère bijoutière — stop — sans doute en cause l’année du LAPIN (2011) ?? — stop — à méditer — stop — quid du rabbit ? — stop –

voir article avec lequel tout a commencé …. : l’Année du LAPIN commence ….. avec Tabea Reulecke  (Tabea Reulecke: Solo ExhibitionATTA Gallery (Bangkok, Thailand) – 19 Fevr-15 Mars 2011)
Paola Bernasconi  Broche, trophée du quotidien.. Reulecke  « Bunnies » Rings

Tabea Reulecke- ‘Kasper’, 2008 – brooch – enamel on copper, silver, gold, garnet

Tabea Reulecke ein feldherr

Alexander Blank  hare brooche
Xavier Moncluscarrot and rabbit brooch
- silver, wood, laminated paper, plastic and enamel paint
Sophie Castle – ‘Rabbit Family’ gold plated set of rings

Monique VozLLe coup du lapin

Felieke van der Leest

Ákos Lipoczi – ring

Sari Liimatta – bracelet

Ara Kuo – « My little Bunny » Brooch

Ara Kuo – « Bunny candy » Brooches

Ara Kuo – « Bunny candy » necklace

Tithi Kutchamuch

Marta Mattsson – Animal Rocks – Brooch – Electroformed copper, resin, rock crystal, silver

 dans Alexander BLANK (DE) dans Ara KUO (Taiwan)
Marta Mattsson - ‘Reversed beauty’ Brooch – Stuffed bunny, walnut wood and silver

Pauline Edie – rabbit brooch – porcelain, oxidised precious metal, yellow precious metal

Zoë Wendel [BFA 2011/Jewelry+Metalsmithing at RISD]Rabbit Skeleton Necklace – laser-cut brass*FAXt1JL0v5OKqGq9PjH*q1DmPbldutfjpoRwtDdc-SXxo01h7lEvSrCCYO2W/DSC_0097.JPG?width=737&height=493

Meiri Ishida – rabbit brooch – felt, silver

Bin Dixon-Ward – pre-2008 brooch

Grainne Morton – Triumphant joyful rabbit brooch

Vanessa Arthur  – Hip hop rabbits brooches just illin and chillin – with silver « bling » !

Alexander Blank – Memento Juniori (Bugs), pendant,  2011  – Rigid foam

EXPO ‘A FLEUR DE MOTS’ – Galerie l’Objet rare, Paris (FR) – 1er-15 Dec. 2011

GLA à l’Objet rare

« A FLEUR DE MOTS« -Plus qu’un simple ornement, le bijou est un medium de rencontre. Cet ensemble d’oeuvres de GLA vient interroger le langage du corps, par le bijou et ce qu’il raconte. C’est une invitation au dialogue, entre mots précieux et bijoux bavards.

EXPO ‘A FLEUR DE MOTS’ - Galerie l'Objet rare, Paris (FR) - 1er-15 Dec. 2011 dans Aude MEDORI (FR) 372971_247701001954860_1430322933_n
GLA, collectif d’artistes bijoutières, s’empare du Verbe et propose chez Objet Rare une narration plastique avec ses bijoux de mots.

GLA, group of jewellery artists, seize the word and propose a plastic narration with its jewellery of words. It is an invitation to a dialogue,between precious words and talkative jewels.
Bracelets bulle de Galatée Pestre – Bagues cadavre exquis de Laurence Verdier – Bague menu d’Aude Medori

Galatée Pestre invites us to enter into comic strip bubbles, while Laurence Verdier plays with exquisite corpses, and will exhibit a work of art realized with the writer Joelle Guillais. Aude Medori transforms our favourite texts into wearable art.
more information :


Le bijou est bien plus qu’un simple ornement, il est un media de rencontre. Tel un roman, il peut avec un anneau nous conter une histoire d’amour. Tel un carnet de voyage, il peut avec ses matériaux surprenants nous emmener ailleurs. Tel un pamphlet, il peut à l’aide de ses badges revendiquer. Cette exposition vient interroger le langage du corps, par le bijou et ce qu’il raconte. C’est une invitation au dialogue, entre mots précieux et bijoux bavards.GLA, collectif d’artistes bijoutières, s’empare du Verbe et propose chez Objet Rare une narration plastique avec ses bijoux de mots. Galatée invite à entrer dans des bulles de BD. Laurence se joue des mots avec des bagues “cadavre exquis” et expose un travail réalisé en binôme avec une écrivain, Joëlle Guillais. Aude rend portables nos textes préférés.
Galatée Pestre - sautoir 350 bulles

Galerie l’Objet rare
11 rue Paul Bert


EXPO ‘NOI9′ – Ilias Lalaounis Jewellery Museum, Athens (Greece) – 9 Nov.-31 Dec. 2011

NOI9 – contemporary jewellery group
9 jewelers / 9 countries / 9 approaches

NOI9 : Anastasia KANDARAKI  — Ara KUO  — Catalina BRENES  — Isabel DAMMERMANN  — Joanne HUANG  — Malaika NAJEMMaria E. LOPEZ  — Sayaka ITO  — Selen OZUS

Ara Kuo – « PASS ON » Necklace

Selen Ozus

Joanne Huang - ‘Cover & Discover’ Series. Ring. Silver, PVC sheet, silk

Malaika Najem  ebony wood ‘Flora’ bracelet

Ara Kuo « FORTRESS-NIGHT » Brooch

Anastasia Kandaraki  « podikomura » necklace, vintage leather, silk thread, cotton

Catalina Brenes – « verde que te quiero verde «   ring – 2010 – silver, quartz, onix, turquoise

Maru LOPEZ (Maria E. Lopez) – Un beso 2010 – necklace – silver and shibuichi

Sayaka Ito

Isabel Dammermann – « Dyad » brooch




Ilias Lalaounis Jewellery Museum, Athens

Kalisperi 12 Athènes 117 42
Fax: 01-923-7358


EXPO ‘Saskia Detering – Schmuck und Gefäß’ – Villa Bengel, Idar-Oberstein (DE) – 29 Nov. 2011-12 Janv. 2012

Saskia Detering – Jewels and hollow-ware

EXPO 'Saskia Detering - Schmuck und Gefäß' - Villa Bengel, Idar-Oberstein (DE) - 29 Nov. 2011-12 Janv. 2012  dans Allemagne (DE) 211175_257651434284693_568752052_n

Saskia Detering‘s exhibition « Jewels and hollow-ware » will be held at the industrial monument by Jakob Bengel in Idar-Oberstein from 29th November until 12th January 2012. Medium and large items will be on show. They’re waiting for you!
Saskia DeteringBrosche 2008



With her unique works Saskia Detering creates suggestive and vivid pictures of warmth, cold, flowing, blossom, holding. One calls forth the other, wide outstretched calls for concentrated, colored for faded and transparent. Her mostly large-sized and massive works still have a dimension, that allows a personal access, they are „chamber music“.

Her works are set under the motto of Jacques Lipschitz „A Sculpture is actually a man made companion, with an immortal human heart within, that sends out impulses to bring us happiness, warmth and educate us all at the same time.“

jewels made by the German sculptress Saskia Detering, in tension between abstract and concrete :
Saskia DeteringBrosche 2008

Saskia Detering
Saskia Detering Brosche 2008

Saskia Detering Brosche 2008

Villa Bengel
Wilhelmstraße 44
55743 Idar-Oberstein (Germany)
Tel.: 06781 27030

Opening: Tuesday – 29 November 2011 – 6 pm


COUP de COEUR : SeulGi KWON, new works 2011

Classé dans : brooches,COUP DE COEUR,Korea (KR),plastiques,Seul-Gi KWON (S.KR) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:34

Always so MAGICAL, so mysterious, so attractive !!

SeulGi KWON says :

« As root of subject matter of art, nature provided infinite possibility of creation and we created artworks based on continuous study and experience toward art from past to present. In the past, roots were selected within the scope that can be experienced visually but due to development of science technology even microscopic parts are used as subject matter of art. Together with development of natural science, visual images that were not experienced in the past were created and this helped us to cause new imagination to us. Based on these experiences, we are able to create organic form in a new viewpoint which is different from the past.
There are organisms that pursue changes while it complies to certain rule known as order and harmony within the nature. These organisms are consists of cells. Unit cells itself shows various change in forms at each stage during the course of creation, grow, division, and extinction. The course of change gives fantasy about unpredictable ‘organism’ and organic form itself of cells which are basic unit of life formation contain element of infinite fantasy.
By analyzing cell form and shape through basic element of model, we arranged shape trait of cell as line, form and color. We used it as basic shape measure and instead of reproduce it as itself we expressed 2nd dimensional image that can be considered from the subject.
We actively expressed organic movement of cell with its mysterious color and its constant changing form by using silicone which is synthetic resins as its major component, and made spectator and wearer to feel interest by texture and materiality and transparency of silicone. »

SeulGi KWON brooch 2011 -silicone, pigment, plastic, thread, stainless steel
SeulGi KWON  brooch 2011  silicone, pigment, plastic, thread, wood, stainless steel
SeulGi KWON  Untitled brooch – 2011 – silicone, pigment, glass bead, thread, stainless steel
SeulGi KWON  untitled  brooch – 2011 – silicone, pigment thread, plastic, glass bead, stainless steel

SeulGi KWON- Untitled  brooch – 2011  silicone, pigment sterling silver, thread, stone, glass bead, stainless steel

SeulGi KWON Untitled  brooch – 2011  silicone, sterling silver, thread, stone, stainless steel

SeulGi KWON Untitled – brooch – 2011 – silicone, pigment, plastic, thread, wood, stainless steel (detail)

SeulGi KWON Untitled  brooch – 2011 – silicone, pigment, thread, stainless steel

SeulGi KWON brooch 2009 – silicone, plastic, stainless steel

SeulGi KWON brooch 2009  silicone, plastic, thread, stainless steel


COUP de ROUGE avec Eugenia INGEGNO

Classé dans : ALCHIMIA (IT),COUP DE COEUR,Eugenia INGEGNO (IT),Italie (IT) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:03


« I look at unlived second lives, something that did not happen but that could have happened. Situations seen for just a brief moment and then left waiting.

Portraits glimpsed, dreamed or only imagined.
A series of objects, real or not, accumulated and broken up to extract what is essential for me: a decorative detail or a fragment, just enough to trigger a memory.
As the Sunday photographer takes snapshots to capture the present, pursuing life as it flees, as if everything that he coudn’t photograph had never existed. Lost forever. I live the present as a future memory like a professional photographer, making it posed, manipulating reality, tries to photograph some memories, to give a body to recollection, replacing it for the present before his eyes (I.Calvino).
I catch the shape impressing the material into the mold as the photographer captures the image impressing light on the film.
All that this has been and this is what remains. This thing exists or has existed.
This is the reality and the past at the same time; an emanation of the real past: magic. »


2005 – 2009: Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence, Italy. 3 year program: Advanced Jewellery Course with Stefano Marchetti and Lucia Massei, Specialization Jewellery Course with Manfred Bischoff.
2009-2010: Tutorial-Specialization year with Lucy Sarneel, Alchimia, Florence – Amsterdam.
2006: Arline Fisch “Textile techniques in metal”, Alchimia, Italy | Roberto Mannino « Papermaking », Rome, Italy.
2008: Marianne Schliwinski, Alchimia, Florence, Italy.
2009: Mari Ishikawa, Alchimia, Florence. | Lucy Sarneel Alchimia, Florence.
awards and scholarships:
2008 – 2009: Scholarship from Alchimia.
August 2009: Marzee Prize 2009, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen.
September 2010: ArtOrnamento 2010 Prize, Rome.


UNPERSONAL RECOLLECTION : As the Sunday photographer takes snapshots to capture the present, pursuing life as it flees, as if everything that he couldn’t photograph had never existed. Lost forever. I live the present as a future memory like a professional photographer, making it posed, manipulating reality, tries to photograph some memories, to give a body to recollection, replacing it for the present before his eyes  (I.Calvino).
Eugenia INGEGNO - « Ursula. Immunizing memories » serie – ‘3.02.1966′ Ring – Resin and gold 18kt – 2009
Eugenia INGEGNO - « The house in front of the world »  serie – UNTITLED  Brooch – Silicon, iron, silver – 2009
Eugenia INGEGNO - « From the hands » serie – ‘DOREA #3′ Necklace – Resin, silk wire, silver gold plated – 2010
Eugenia INGEGNO - « About jealousy » serie - ‘MONO’ Pendant – Zinc, ribbon – 2008
Eugenia INGEGNO - « Dorella. Everithing for Her » serie – ‘CIOCIA’ Brooch – Iron, silver, paint – 2008
Eugenia INGEGNO - « Dorella. Everithing for Her » serie – ‘RED SHOES’ Brooch – Cardboard, silver, paint – 2008
Eugenia INGEGNO -UNPERSONAL RECOLLECTION « Mustaches » serie – ‘PABLITO EL DRITO’ Necklace – Silver, silk wire – 2010
Eugenia INGEGNO - UNPERSONAL RECOLLECTION « Mustaches » serie -  ‘MANGIAFUOCO’ Necklace – Silicon, resin, silver – 2010