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Toujours plongée la tête la première dans la HEAD …..

La galerie « Simone Geissler, Schmuck & Gerät » présente les collections de 7 diplômés 2010 en Design Bijou de la Head - Genève

Présentation par Christoph Zellweger, designer, Zurich
Exposition du 18 mars au 15 avril 2011

Ambroise DegenèveDaisy ConstantinIsabelle HertzeisenIrène GonetMuriel LaurentManon Marbouty Pauline Held
Isabelle Hertzeisen

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Irène Gonet ring

Isabelle HertzeisenGummi  Kette 



Simone Geissler, Schmuck und Gerät
Irrerstrasse 1
D – 90403 Nürnberg

Decouverte : Mia STRAKA

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Mia STRAKA (NZ),Nlle Zelande (NZ) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:10

Mia Straka graduated from UNITEC design school in Auckland in 2001, with a Bachelor of 3d design – Jewellery taught by acclaimed jeweller Pauline Bern.
She then lived and worked making jewellery in London for two years, before moving to Zug, Switzerland, to develop her own work. She worked towards exhibition jewellery in the atelier of Swiss jewellery Brigitte Moser, and while in Switzerland took part in exhibitions and displayed work in galleries in Biel, Switzerland and London.
Since returning home to New Zealand in 2005, Mia has been setting up her workshop and jewellery practice. Her workspace is in a shared workshop in central Auckland. 

Most pieces from Mia Straka are structures with twisted metal. Lines take on another sense and acquire rhythm. She took part in « Group Show 2009« , a group exhibition at Fingers. Quoil and Fingers: catalogue of the exhibition « Radiate » (« Mar de color rosa« )

« I love the process of translating ideas in design and then constructing them. Ideas and forms grow during the making process and often the piece evolves into something different from its original design.
The past few years I have been focussing on ways of working with metals, joining elements to create jewellery to express ideas and broadening media to include considering non-precious materials. I hope that the owners of my jewellery feel the spirit and integrity that is my intention« Mia Straka

Mia Straka - Cross Necklace – oxidised sterling silver, embroidery thread – 2009

Mia Straka - Weave Brooch  – sterling silver, red cord – 2009
Mia Straka - Glow Necklace- sterling silver, red cord – 2009
Mia Straka - ‘Chenier’ Neckpiece on red silk chain – PVC, silk cord, nylon thread- From 2011 exhibition ‘Model/Jewellery’

Mia Straka Superstructures – Three Baskets, Necklace, oxidised silver
Mia Straka Superstructures – Time Traveller, Necklace, oxidised silver, 24ct gold leaf



Classé dans : Australie (AU),COUP DE COEUR,organics,Renee UGAZIO (AU) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:08

Renee Ugazio

Buff serie
Renee Ugazio- « Buff » serie

2009-2011 – Spin serie

« At the core of this work is the relationship between body and object, the process of wearing and the lifespan of the object.  In the case of Spin, the appropriation of elements of the polishing wheel introduces another layer, that of informed knowledge and the role that plays in understanding an art object.  To fully understand these works one has to understand the origin of the object and how it is used by the craftsperson.
When one uses a polishing wheel it spins and wears away at the surface of the object and in wearing away it takes with it the surface of that object.  By using the wheel in jewellery the wheel functions in the same way, only the wearer is both object and wearer.  On the inside the wheel wears against the wearer, on the outside it bears witness to the environment impressing itself on the artefact.  The wearing and the change in the artefact through this is a process of creation in itself. Thus wearer becomes object, wearer and artist.
 The organic life cycle of the object is entirely dependant on the degree of wear.  This reinforces the dialogue between object and wearer, juxtaposing the unrelenting constance of human life and the entirely dependant life cycle of the artifact. »
Renee Ugazio-« Spin » serie  bracelets
Renee Ugazio- spin-yellow-chocker


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