SCHMUCK 2012 en Valencia (Spain) – 4 Avril-27 Mai 2012
4 abril/27 mayo Schmuck 2012
Inauguración: 4 abril, 20.00 h. Reinauguración: 3 mayo, 18.30 h.
We believe that this discipline, as yet underestimated and with so much yet to be done in terms of development and consolidation in Spain, will benefit hugely gaining a more fully deserved recognition of the possibilities which jewellery offers as a language of the plastic arts, as well as in the area of study plans.
This celebration is clearly not without its revindication. We are asking that the different educational bodies raise the level of the study of jewellery to a parallel level as that enjoyed in other countries of a similar cultural and economic background as ours. Only thus will our professionals not need to accept inferior conditions within the European market and will we be able to erradicate the evident comparative slur. We have the human resources as well as the programmes. Now we only need the conviction and the political will. We wish to extend this revindication to the other artistic departments of Photography, Applied Arts, and Audiovisual Media. It is incomprehensible that in 2012 these fields still have not received this level of study and preparation.
For all these reasons we wish to invite you to come and acquaint yourselves with the work of so many international jewellers of both sexes who will be meeting in vlc over these days; to discover the techniques and the expressive potential of contemporary jewellery; in short, to enjoy its multiple languages. And above all, we wish to share the experience with you.
Alexander Blank – (gauche) Herbert Hofmann Preis 2012
Despo Sophocleous (droite)
Dr. Karl Bollmann was invited as juror for Schmuck 2012. He selected 65 jewellery artists. His statement about the jury will be published in the catalogue Schmuck 2012.
Selected artists for SCHMUCK 2012:
Iacov Azubel (AR), Jamie Bennett (USA), Doris Betz (DE), Alexander Blank (DE), Liv Blåvarp (NO), Frédéric Braham (FR), Helen Britton (AU), Sigurd Bronger (NO), Kim Buck (DK), Jacqui Chan(NZ), Sungho Cho (KR), Octavia Cook (NZ), Georg Dobler (DE), Kiko Gianocca (CH), Lisa Gralnick (USA), Ursula Guttmann (AT), Rebecca Hannon (USA), Mielle Harvey (USA), Mari Ishikawa (JP), Margit Jäschke (DE), Svenja John (DE), Machteld van Joolingen (NL), Beppe Kessler (NL), Sabine Klarner (DE), Beate Klockmann (DE), Esther Knobel (IL), Daniel Kruger (ZA), Birgit Laken (NL), Kristiina Laurits (EE), Florence Lehmann (FR), Lieglein Grandpa Wooley (DE), Felix Lindner (DE), Xiao Liu (CN), Jana Machatová (SK), Mia Maljojoki (FI), Jorge Manilla (MX), Margherita de Martino Norante (IT), Mikiko Minewaki (JP), Nazumi Nagano (JP), Ritsuko Ogura (JP), Karla Olšáková (CS), Pavel Opocensky (CS), Martin Papcun (CS), Kathryn Partington (UK), Francesco Pavan (IT), Ruudt Peters (NL), Karen Pontoppidan (DK), Ramon Puig Cuyàs (ES), Philip Sajet (NL), Katsura Sasaki (JP), Pedro Sequeira (PT), Karin Seufert (DE), Jiri Sibor (CS), Despo Sophocleous (CA), Bettina Speckner (DE), Gisbert Stach (DE), Tore Svensson (SE), Janna Syvanoja (FI), Carine Terreblanche (ZA), Catherine Truman (AU), Tanel Veenre (EE), Graziano Visintin (IT), Francis Willemstijn (NL), Petra Zimmermann (AT).
MuVIM – Sala Baixa
calle Quevedo 10
Valencia (SP)
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h.
Domingos de 10.00 a 20.00 h.
Lunes cerrado.
Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern