EXPO ‘Paula Lindblom: Var Dag – Arki Päiva’ – Galleria Jänis, Turku (Finland) – 22 Avril-18 Mai 2012
Paula Lindblom : Var Dag – Arki Päiva
22-Apr-2012 – 18-May-2012
« Every day – each day like the next, but not quite….
Humour, warmth and austerity – three words I associate with my jewellery. I experience colour and shape in almost everything in my surroundings. There is inspiration to be found in everything - in a meeting, a shape, a feeling, a reflection, a movement, in a text and so on…
Nothing is too small and insignificant so as not to be taken seriously – everything has a meaning at any given time or place. I make unique, wearable sculptural pieces of jewellery that are free-standing sculptures when they are not worn on the body. The size of jewellery and the fact that it is worn on the body interests me and that is why I have chosen to work with jewellery as an art form. I choose my materials from what I find around me, at home, on a walk or at a flea market… ideas and issues decide my choice of material. What interests me is to give the materials new energy, to put materials and objects into a new context; jewellery, based on today’s consumer society. I want the original materials to shine through, first I want the viewer to see and experience the piece of jewellery, but then at a second glance I hope the viewer recognizes the materials/ objects I have used, life is revealed if you take the time, time past and present emerge into each other and create a new story….. « Paula Lindblom
Paula Lindblom – Necklace 2011 Mixed media
Paula Lindblom - Brooch 2012 Mixed media
Paula Lindblom Brooch 2012 – Mixed media
Paula Lindblom – Brooch 2012 Mixed media
Galleria Jänis
Jarrumiehenkatu 3
20100 – Turku
website: annasailamaa.wordpress.com
mail: anna.sailamaa@gmail.com