EXPO ‘Chained’ – Benaki Museum, Athens (GR) – 25 Avril-27 mai 2012
‘Alysodeméno’ – ‘Chained’
« ‘Alysodeméno’ – ‘Chained’, represents a body of work, a journey in time which links pieces created from 2005 to today, from my early experimentations with enamel, through to ‘Adapted Patterns’, a collection based on the simple schematic linear patterns relating to various types of Greek traditional aprons and costumes. The title ‘Alysodeméno’ is used here primarily as a metaphor. The work not only involves enamel which is ‘chain bound’, but also reflects a personal visual language. As the future is inexorably linked to the past and the traditional is tied to the contemporary, so is the strong undivided link between what represents me as an artist and my Greek-Cypriot cultural heritage. « Liana Pattihis
Liana Pattihis – Adapted Patterns Small necklace 01 2011
Liana Pattihis – Adapted Patterns on the body Liana Pattihis – blue brooch 2011
Liana Pattihis – Brooch – Enamel on silver (Photo: Gallery Complete)
Liana Pattihis – Blue Circle Brooch
The Benaki Museum Pireos Athens Greece
Pireos Street Annexe
138 Pireos street