Schmucksymposium Zimmerhof
Zimmerhof symposium (44ème édition)
The public and private lives of jewellery ( 7 -10 juin 2012)
Un séminaire sur le bijou contemporain – programmé par brune boyer, emmanuel lacoste et benjamin lignel – sur l’invitation d’Yvonne von Racknitz et Uli Haass – avec Namita Wiggers, Cristina Filipe, Christoph Zellweger, Susan Pietzsch, Alena Alexandrova, Christian Hoedl, Carole Deltenre, Cécile Bulté, Pascale Gallien, Alexandre Bardin alias Vera Berkson, Philippe Liotard, Emmanuel Lacoste & Christian Alandete.

Concept 2012
This year, the symposium’s programme was put together by the French association la garantie. The program will tackle, on the first two days, the different public spaces in which contemporary jewellery can be found, and how actors in the field have sought to challenge the boundaries between those spaces. The last two days will focus more specifically on private spaces and the body.
Our primary aim is to deal with issues that have cropped up recently in opinion pieces and academic texts, and in contemporary practice: how makers sometimes produce for museums, and forget the user; how museums in turn try to propose ‘hands-on’ exhibition projects; how some individuals have literally gone ‘on the street’ to meet the user; how the body is at once a destination, a reference, and an arena of transformation. In short, we intend to provide a platform for debate on the exciting and problematic to and fro of contemporary jewellery between maker, wearer and institution.
Secondly, we hope that this program will give the attendees an opportunity to test a growing interest in the field for exhibition design against the larger historical and theoretical context of museology and (contemporary) jewellery exhibition history.
The results of this symposium will later be published both online and in print.
Brune Boyer, Emmanuel Lacoste & Benjamin Lignel, für la garantie

About Zimmerhof
Zimmerhof is a yearly reunion of around 200 members of the jewellery field – students, makers, designers and historians – taking place in an impressive old farmhouse estate in Bad Rappenau-Zimmerhof.
While the four-day event revolves around talks and presentations, it also provides the opportunity to chat at length with those peers we often only ‘bump into’ in other events: it’s an occasion to exchange information, communicate about one’s work, and generally have a good time together.
In order to keep both the attendants and the organisers on their toes, the lectures are always organized by a different team of jewellery professionals: two, sometimes three, people choose a theme, and select a roster of international speakers accordingly. The speakers come from Spain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, and France; alumni students from academies throughout Europe also present their work (talks are given either in English or German). According to the tradition, visitors are encouraged to bring a couple of their own pieces, which are shown on Friday night on the now legendary Schmucktisch (jewellery table).
Zimmerhof Symposium is the longest existing symposium of it´s kind. Through the years it has grown to be the time and place to be for contemporary jewellery people to meet and greet, to talk and discuss. Bolstered by tradition and ever changing programs, we feel sure that the symposium will continue to inspire for many years to come: we hope to see you there!
Programm/ Program
Donnerstag 07. Juni
• 14.30 Begrüßung
• Namita Wiggers (USA) Kuratorin
„Treasure House and/ or Pleasure House: Democratizing Experience in Museums“
• Christina Filipe (PT) Schmuckmacherin, Gründerin der PIN Association
„the private life of a piece of jewellery“
Freitag 08. Juni
• Christoph Zellweger (CH) Schmuck und Objektmacher, Professor
„Bodies as Jewels – vom Körperschmuck zu Körpern als Schmuck“
• Susan Pietzsch (DE) Schmuckmacherin, Herausgeberin von Schmuck2
„Schmuck2 publications – Excerpt from the Practice“
• Alena Alexandrova (NL) Kuratorin, kulturtheoretikerin
„Around, but never at the center: Weaving an Atlas of Jewels and gestures.
On the Practice of Suska Mackert“
• Christian Hoedl (DE) Schmuckmacher, Kurator
„Resistance of the line“
• Carole Deltenre (F) Schmuckmacherin
„ When intimacy is shown publicly“
bitte Schmuck mitbringen! Please bring Jewellery with!
Pecha Kucha
Kurzpräsentationen von 6’40”min (20 Dias/ 20 Sekunden). Jeder ist zur Teilnahme eingeladen.
a series of short 6’40” presentations (20 slides/ 20 seconds). This is open to everyone, and will be done on a first com/ first serve basis.
>check infos!
Samstag 09. Juni
• Cécile Bulté (F) PhD Studentin in Kunstgeschichte
„Pinned to the body, carved on the house: late medieval representations of sex“
• Pascale Gallien (F) Sammlerin
„How an intimate passion granted me collector status“
• Alexandre Bardin alias Vera Bergson (F) Performance Künstler
„Everscreen“ (eine Performance)
• Philippe Liotard (F) Soziologe, Universität Lyon 1, Herausgeber von Quasimodo
„On body modification“
• Emmanuel Lacoste (F) Performance Künstler
„Share. (eine Performance)
When sharing the private space makes it larger“
Sonntag 10. Juni
• Runder Tisch
Namita Wiggers (USA), Alena Alexandrova (NL), Christian Alandete (F) ->to be confirmed.
Moderation: Benjamin Lignel (F)
Kontakt und Sekretariat (wochentag 9:00 bis 12h30)
Yvonne von Racknitz | Schloß Heinsheim | Gundelsheimerstr 36 | D-74606 Bad Rappenau
Tel. +49 (07264) 808853 | Fax +49 (07264) 808854