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  • > EXPO ‘Statements from Another Place’ – Galeria Reverso, Lisbon (Portugal) – 11 Juin-27 Juill. 2012


EXPO ‘Statements from Another Place’ – Galeria Reverso, Lisbon (Portugal) – 11 Juin-27 Juill. 2012

Per Suntum, Kaori Juzu, Castello Hansen : Statements from Another Place

« To those who wonder -,
There is no underlying theme, as such, for this exhibition.
We have no project and we do not raise questions about, or make ironic comment on jewellery, and there are no other issues or other inferior subjects to look for.
It’s plain, just jewellery.
Perhaps a radical statement nowadays, maybe it’s also just plain.
What we do share is the passion for the media, the will to face technically challenging work and to sacrifice our time to achieve the goal – jewelry. No short cuts.
If I were to introduce Per Suntum I would say that Per is a brilliant jeweler and a true Master in the crafts.Take your time and let his pieces speak. The effort will be payed back generously.
Kaori Juzu makes « impossible » master enameled pieces with shapes, signs and symbols carried within, from her native culture in Japan.
 » To me jewelry is a highly condensed media for communication, not unlike poetry.It.s a travel trough something small into something larger of a different nature, ethereal if you like ». » Castello Hansen


EXPO 'Statements from Another Place' - Galeria Reverso, Lisbon (Portugal) - 11 Juin-27 Juill. 2012 dans Castello HANSEN (SE) 2012_statments01# Pendente / Pendent | Kaori Juzu

2012_statments03 dans Exposition/Exhibition# Anel / Ring | Per Suntum

2012_statments04 dans Gal. Reverso (PT)# Anel / Ring | Castello Hansen


Galeria Reverso
R. da Esperança 59/61
1200-655 – Lisbon
Telephone: +351 213 951 407
Fax: +351 213 951 407

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