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EXPO ‘Salon des Artistes Joailliers’ – Hip Galerie, Paris (FR) – 22-25 Nov. 2012

La Hip Galerie d’art a le plaisir de vous inviter à sa deuxième édition du Salon des Artistes Joailliers.
Placé sous le thème de  » RAINBOW « , c’est une expérience haute en couleur et en créativité qui sera de mise.


HIP galerie 2012

Vingt deux joailliers indépendants, tous sélectionnés pour leur talent et l’originalité de leurs créations, ont déjà répondu présents. Vous pourrez ainsi découvrir les créations d’artistes tels que Daniela Baumgartner, Flavia  Damiani, Erminis Erminos, Origine Atelier, Hélène Courtaigne Delalande, LG (Designed by Luttenbacher), Laurence Oppermann, Yael Sonia ou encore Alina Alamorean.

Chacun aura assemblé ou décliné les couleurs à sa manière, selon ses influences et son univers. Entre splendeur et délicatesse, le mélange de couleurs ajoute une élégance aux créations, et met en valeur la structure de la pièce, qu’elle soit en or, en argent, en métal, ou en fer.

artistes participant :
Hélène Courtaigne DelalandeJean BoggioLaurence OppermannDaniela Baumgartner — Eliane DS (Eliane Dunoyer De Segonzac) — Edéenne — Patrice Fabre — Erminis Erminos — Renate Traber — Lisi Lopez — Flavia Ribeiro — Yael Sonia — Christine Escher –  Garaude — Valérie Egée — Agathe Saint GironsMarianne Anselin –  Géraldine LuttenbacherAlina Alamorean — Cécile Chalvet — Linda Ladurner

 Agathe St Girons - b.o. (earrings) gribouillisAgathe Saint Girons  b.o. (earrings) « gribouillis » Alina Alamorean -   rainbow ringAlina Alamorean -   Bague arc en ciel

Laurence Oppermman - HIP - Galerie d'artLaurence Oppermman – bague

hélène courtaigne delalande - bague "rainbow" opales d'éthiopieHélène Courtaigne Delalande bague « rainbow » – opales d’éthiopie

ELIANE DS - pendentif hippocampeEliane DS – pendentif hippocampe

Edéenne - bague 'tulipes noires' Edéenne – bague ‘tulipes noires’


Hip Galerie d’art
8 rue Saint Roch
75001 Paris
Tel : 01 42 61 13 08

EXPO ‘[+Ladder]‘ – Galleri manens kompis, Kyoto (JP) – 17-25 Nov. 2012

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Japon (JP),Liisa HASHIMOTO (JP) — bijoucontemporain @ 9:41

Liisa Hashimoto Art Jewelry Exhibition

[ +Ladder ] Liisa Hashimoto Art Jewelry Exhibition    galleri manens kompis   tel/fax 075-821-3477  My solo exhibition will start from 2012/ 11.17(sat) ~ 11.25(sun).  place: galleri manens kompis   time: 12:00 ~ 17:00  close:11/20(tue), 11/21(wed)    I will be in the gallery on the 17th, 24th, 25th.    I will be showing my new series with the ladder motif.

My solo exhibition will start from 2012/ 11.17(sat) ~ 11.25(sun).
I will be in the gallery on the 17th, 24th, 25th.
I will be showing my new series with the ladder motif.

Hinge Dept. by Liisa Hashimoto – Red Ladder Brooch, silver / acrylic paint. Exclusive to The Big Design Market. • See more at The Big Design Market on 7/8/9 December 2012 – Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne.  www.thebigdesignmarket.comred Ladder Brooch -  silver / acrylic paint

Hinge Dept. by Liisa Hashimoto – Ladder Ring, silver. Exclusive to The Big Design Market. • See more at The Big Design Market on 7/8/9 December 2012 – Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne.  www.thebigdesignmarket.comLiisa Hashimoto – Ladder Ring, silver


[ To the Open Air ][ To the Open Air ]





galleri manens kompis
tel/fax 075-821-3477
time: 12:00 ~ 17:00
close:11/20(tue), 11/21(wed)

EXPO ‘Psychomanteum’ – Gallery Loupe, Montclair, NJ (USA) – 17 Nov.-6 Dec. 2012

Gallery Loupe  -   NEW DATE for Nicole Polentas SHOW AND TALK …
Nicole will now be speaking at Brooklyn Metal Works on Friday Nov. 16th at 7 pm and not on Nov. 11th as originally planned.

 Gallery Loupe  -   NEW DATE for Nicole Polentas SHOW AND TALK...Nicole will now be speaking at Brooklyn Metal Works on Friday Nov. 16th at 7 pm and not on Nov. 11th as originally planned.

Nicole Polentas currently resides in Australia, but her connection to her family’s origins in Crete are an important influence on her jewelry. An accomplished gold and silversmith, she draws on her Greek heritage for inspiration and for the unique manner in which she exhibits her current body of work – in a setting meant to depict the psychomanteum – the naturally occurring rockpools of myth where ancient Greeks would go to consult the oracles.
Polentas has created her personal psychomanteum using plinths to display her jewelry. The installation includes water in order to re-create the aquatic area where one could commune with the gods. The jewelry pieces themselves are fascinating and intricate constructions of metal wire and steel sheets, sterling silver, plastic and paint, ornamented with personal photographs and bits of traditional music from Crete known as riztitka. For the artist, the song fragments are a bridge to her sense of belonging to a place she is rooted but no longer lives – her past and present become connected in her very personal jewelry. 
Nicole Polentas will speak at Brooklyn Metal Works on Friday evening, Nov. 16 at 7pm.

  Nicole Polentas - brooch  http://www.galleryloupe.comNicole Polentas – brooch

Nicole Polentas -   http://www.galleryloupe.comNicole Polentas – necklace « KLEPTOCRACY » …… 2011

Nicole Polentas -

Nicole Polentas – necklace 2011

Nicole Polentas -   http://www.galleryloupe.comNicole Polentas – brooch 2011

Nicole Polentas -   http://www.galleryloupe.comNicole Polentas – necklace 2011 Nicole Polentas -   http://www.galleryloupe.comNicole Polentas – brooch 2012

Nicole Polentas -   http://www.galleryloupe.comNicole Polentas – brooch 2012

Nicole Polentas -   http://www.galleryloupe.comNicole Polentas – necklace 2012



Gallery Loupe50 Church Street
Montclair, NJ
07042 USA
P 973 744 0061
F 973 744 0062


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