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EXPO ‘Black Bile – Hanna Hedman’ – Platina Gallery, Stockholm (Suede) – 31 Janv.-16 Mars 2013

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Platina (SE),Hanna HEDMAN (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:51

Platina Gallery -  Hanna Hedman  Exhibition – Black Bile Platina 31st of January-16th of March 2013

EXPO 'Black Bile - Hanna Hedman' - Platina Gallery, Stockholm (Suede) - 31 Janv.-16 Mars 2013 dans Exposition/Exhibition invitation_Hanna_Hedman“ALL AROUND IS BEAUTY, BUT A LINGERING BLEAKNESS IS PULLING DOWNWARD.” – HANNA HEDMAN

Platina Gallery -  Hanna Hedman  Exhibition - Black Bile, Platina 31st of January-16th of March 2013

Hanna Hedman’s new group of jewellery specially produced for her solo exhibition at gallery Platina merge from aesthetics of loss, personal inner darkness, imitated nature and talismanic objects.

Blossoming sentimental flowers that imitate still life paintings become preserved into metal. Desiccated leaves form a hand that wants to hold on to you or a mask to hide behind. The work represent a frozen moment of decay; a preserved dark beauty that derives from the struggle of good and evil. Light and darkness are contesting one another. The jewellery wants to be beautiful on one hand, but on the other hand haunting and not even jewellery at all.

Materials: Copper, silver, leather and paint.
Sanna Lindberg

Hanna Hedman  Exhibition - Black Bile - Platina  Gallery - 31st of January-16th of March 2013 Hanna Hedman Necklace: Black Bile 2013 – Silver, leather, copper, paint – 45 x 12 x 26 cm – Photo: Sanna Lindberg

Hanna Hedman  Exhibition - Black Bile, Platina 31st of January-16th of March 2013 Brooch: Black Bile 2013Silver, leather, copper, steel, paint35 x 7 x 14 cmPhoto: Sanna Lindberg

  Hanna Hedman  Necklace: Black Bile 2013  Silver, leather, copper, steel, paint  65 x 22 x 9.5 cm  Photo: Sanna Lindberg Hanna Hedman  Necklace: Black Bile 2013  Silver, leather, copper, steel, paint  65 x 22 x 9.5 cm  Photo: Sanna Lindberg


Platina Gallery
Odengatan 68, Stockholm,
tel  08-300 280
Öppet Tisdag – Fredag 11-18, Lördag 11-15



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