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EXPO ‘NEW PLACES – Abstractions of a City’ – Platina, Stockholm (SE) – 21 Mars-13 Avril 2013

Karin Johansson: NEW PLACES – Abstractions of a City
Klimt02: Karin Johansson: New Places - Abstractions of a City Stockholm Sweden - Platina  (Stockholm, Sweden)  21-Mar-2013 - 13-Apr-2013    website:  mail: Johansson Necklace: White Corner 2013 – Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed pink coral, acrylic – photo by Johan Hörnestam)

« In the beginning, a variety of many-coloured images of a city: meeting points, streets, people, blue skies, night and day. Staying in a playful mood, capturing the pulse, the movement, or the silence.
Sketching, cutting paper, creating a map of sorts in my studio, micro and macro at once as my perspective. Picking out colours, choosing materials, thinking about my purpose, reflecting on meanings and limitations. Giving each element its shape, assigning it a size and its place, connecting it further to circumscribe in to space.
Having it all transform into a necklace seemed only most obvious to me: no up, no down, playing around the neck, constantly finding new directions. Wearing the object, you become the inhabitant of the new place. «  Karin Johansson

 Karin Johansson  Necklace: Shortcut 2012  Gold, enamel, reconstructed white coral, reconstructed pink coral, reconstructed jade, acrylic  88 cm  photo by Johan HörnestamKarin Johansson Necklace: « Shortcut II » 2012  Gold, enamel, reconstructed white coral, reconstructed pink coral, reconstructed jade, acrylic  88 cm  photo by Johan Hörnestam

Karin Johansson  Necklace: Backyard 2013  Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed pink coral, reconstructed onyx, acrylic  photo by Johan HörnestamKarin Johansson  Necklace: Backyard 2013  Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed pink coral, reconstructed onyx, acrylic  photo by Johan Hörnestam

Karin Johansson  Necklace: After The Rain 2013  Gold, enamel, reconstructed jade, acrylic  photo by Johan HörnestamKarin Johansson  Necklace: After The Rain 2013  Gold, enamel, reconstructed jade, acrylic  photo by Johan Hörnestam

Karin Johansson  Necklace: Mid Day 2013  Gold, enamel, reconstructed white coral, reconstructed pink coral, acrylic  photo by Johan HörnestamKarin Johansson  Necklace: Mid Day 2013  Gold, enamel, reconstructed white coral, reconstructed pink coral, acrylic  photo by Johan Hörnestam



Odengatan 68
11322 – Stockholm
Telephone: +46-8-300280


EXPO ‘Christian Astuguevieille’ – La Piscine, Roubaix (France) – 16 Fevr.-19 Mai 2013

Classé dans : Christian ASTUGUEVIEILLE (FR),Exposition/Exhibition,France (FR),MUSEE — bijoucontemporain @ 2:51

Christian Astuguevieille – Exposition du 16 février au 19 mai 2013 -

L’exposition Christian Astuguevieille est un voyage dans l’imaginaire du créateur reconnu sur la scène internationale pour son travail sensoriel, onirique et pluridisciplinaire. Réunissant plus d’une centaine d’objets emblématiques, parmi lesquels bijoux, divinités, meubles, livres tactiles, dessins à l’encre de Chine, sculptures totémiques et autres assemblages déconcertants dont certains ont été réalisés spécialement pour l’exposition, La Piscine rend hommage à l’infinie richesse du parcours d’un artiste inclassable.

Christian Astuguevieille

 Christian Astuguevieille

Christian AstuguevieilleChristian Astuguevieille – bracelets

Christian AstuguevieilleChristian Astuguevieille – collier Christian AstuguevieilleChristian Astuguevieille – collier (détail)

Christian AstuguevieilleChristian Astuguevieille – bracelets Christian AstuguevieilleChristian Astuguevieille – bracelet  Astuguevieille Bracelet eponge bleueChristian Astuguevieille - Bracelet eponge bleue

CHRISTIAN ASTUGUEVIEILLE 1983.    Pièce unique. BRACELET pistils noirs et métal. Diamètre_intérieur_6,7 cm.Christian Astuguevieille - 1983.    Pièce unique. BRACELET pistils noirs et métal

CHRISTIAN ASTUGUEVIEILLE Important collier torque en corde de coton peint à l'or 1988Christian Astuguevieille – collier torque en corde de coton peint à l’or 1988



La Piscine
rue de l’Espérance, 23
59100 Roubaix (France)
Tél. : +33 3 23 69 23 60


EXPO ‘(very) new French jewellery’ – V & V Gallery, Vienna (Austria) – 15 Mars-17 Avril 2013

(Very) New French Jewelry – C&M&J&N&Y&A&C CHEZ V&V - V & V Gallery , Vienna, Austria

Du camée à la video, l’Atelier Bijou de la HEAR (Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin, dont l’ESAD Strasbourg) expose un ensemble d’objets aussi variés que le sont les différentes personnalités de ces diplômées de la HEAR.

12.03.13 C chez V & V  (very) new french jewellery - Exhibition at the galerie V, Vienna, Austria    March 15 to April 17, 2013  Opening at 7 on Thursday, March 14

Avec : Camille Fischer — Marion DelarueJulia MorogeNelly Zagury — Yiumsiri Vantanapindu — Annie Sibert — Carole Deltenre
Coordination : Florence Lehmann et Sophie Hanagarth

March 2013 - (very) new french jewellery - V & V Gallery , Vienna, Austria  I’ve been invited (Nelly Zagury) w/  contemporary jewelers by V Gallery to show some of my work, jewellery unique pieces & photography.  I’m in charge of the visual communication of the event. Artists invited: Camille Fischer, Marion Delarue, Julia Moroge, Nelly Zagury, Yiumsiri Vantanapindu, Annie Sibert, Carole Deltenre

expo V - carton expo collective - texte

Galerie V&V

Bauernmarkt 19
1010   Wien tel +43 1 535 63 34
fax +43 1 8102121 40


Deborah Rudolph ON THE ROCKS !

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Deborah RUDOLPH (DE),IDAR-OBERSTEIN (DE),pierre / stone — bijoucontemporain @ 12:58

Deborah Rudolph or the « spirit of stone »

c’est …. SOMPTUEUX !

« Stones fascinate me; they are thousands of years old, yet at the same time limited. They exist in all kinds of colours and shapes.
No two stones are the same. In my work I concentrate on preserving the primary character of each stone. I focus on the shape and the structure - the aspects unique to each stone. It is these elements that make it possible for every piece of jewellery to have its own individual character and depth, regardless of similarity in form. Under this credo I develop single pieces and small series. »

On her exhibition at Galerie Marzee 4 March until 16 May 2012
« I like the sensitive connection between humans and stones. I find it interesting that we can hang out in front of a stone for hours, just to look at it. I like the way we carry them around like treasures. I find it interesting that we trust in stones so much that we build our houses and walls with them. I like stone collages that occur unintentionally. I like the way we set stones in streets. I like how stones help us to remember, as memorials or gravestones. I like the freedom in stones and the danger, such as when someone tries to reach the top of a mountain. I like their roughness and their fragility.«   Deborah Rudolph

Deborah Rudolph (Diploma 2010 at Idar Oberstein )

Deborah Rudolph (Idar)Deborah Rudolph  – Kunstschnee, necklace, 2012, rock crystal, epoxy, silver, kevlar 

Deborah Rudolph  Halskette  Bergkristall, Silber (DETAIL) (exhibition "the spirit of stone" Rudolph  Halskette  Bergkristall, Silber (DETAIL) (exhibition « the spirit of stone« )

Bergsteigerkette - Deborah Rudolph Deborah Rudolph – Bergsteigerkette – rock crystals (Bergkristall) Silver and kevlar string

Deborah Rudolph brooch 'lichtung' back & front - Black jade, silver, steelDeborah Rudolph broche 2010 -  ‘lichtung’ back & front – Black jade, silver, steel

Idar - Deborah Rudolph - 'see see' broochDeborah Rudolph « see see » brooch – back & front

Deborah Rudolph - brooch, Stein auf Stein 2, 2010, stone, rock crystal, epoxy, steel - 100 x 70 mmDeborah Rudolph – brooch, « Stein auf Stein 2″, 2010, stone, rock crystal, epoxy, steel – 100 x 70 mm

Deborah Rudolph - Schichtaug Blue, brooch, 2011, slate, sodaliteDeborah Rudolph – Schichtaug Blue, brooch, 2011, slate, sodalite

Eins drei - Deborah Rudolph - Necklace, 2010 Onyx, aquamarine, silver, kevlarDeborah Rudolph – Eins drei – Necklace, 2010 Onyx, aquamarine, silver, kevlar

Deborah Rudolph (Diploma 2010) • "Beloved and Unloved Stones” brooches - Agate, Quartz, Boulder • Photo: Deborah Rudolph (6th Tallinn Applied Art Triennial 2012 • Nominee)  (Hochschule Esd Idar-Oberstein)Deborah Rudolph « Beloved and Unloved Stones” brooches – Agate, Quartz, Boulder • Photo: Deborah Rudolph (6th Tallinn Applied Art Triennial 2012 • Nominee)

deborah rudolph back (?) of a broochDeborah Rudolph -  Brooch: Ueberwachsen 2011 – Black jade, silver, steel

Kunstader brooch - Deborah Rudolph - brooch - Plastikader, brooch, 2012, carneol, epoxy, steel -106 x 60 x 6 mmDeborah Rudolph  – Plastikader, brooch, 2012 – carneol, epoxy, steel -106 x 60 x 6 mm

Deborah Rudolph (Idar)Deborah Rudolph  –  « Achatmuff 2″ , necklace, 2012, agate, silver, kevlar    necklace

Deborah Rudolph  –   necklace

Seenplatte - Deborah Rudolph
Deborah Rudolph  – Seenplatte  necklace - Bergsteiger ohrringe  (earrings)Deborah Rudolph  – Bergsteiger ohrringe  (earrings)
Ohne Farbe necklace - Deborah RudolphDeborah Rudolph- Ohne Farbe necklace 

Decouverte : Mariko Sumioka, architectured Japan

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Japon (JP),Mariko SUMIOKA (JP) — bijoucontemporain @ 11:24

Mariko Sumioka is a jeweller based in Edinburgh.  Inspired by Japanese traditional architecture and the spirit of Zen, her unique drawings and enamel techniques enable her to explore the inspiration into the wearable jewellery.

and on Facebook

Pray for Japan, Mariko Sumioka
Mariko Sumioka « Pray for Japan » brooch
« I feel awe and respect for natural and man-made objects which have been there and lived since ancient times.
This idea is deeply rooted in my origin: Japanese culture and environments. The Japanese respect, understand and accept nature as one of their members. I am fascinated by Japanese traditional architecture, which is an essential part of human lives as a central part of a culture and a place where people have basic connections with natural surroundings.
I am inspired by Japanese unique architectural characteristics: natural materials and colours, dark and bright contrasts, linear forms, geometric shapes and spaces.
Since human beings live in architecture, there are some reasons in each element. I have researched theoretically and visually into those handed down traditions and tried to bring them into my pieces of jewellery.
My work explores a connection with human bodies and how the wearer and viewer interact with each other, themselves and the objects. Also, studying the principle of Zen and the essence of the Japanese love of nature helps me to understand people’s attitude behind their culture.
Drawing is an essential part of my creation, especially collaging. By adding elements onto others, I always find many different ways of assembling these elements in both drawing and creating jewellery. This technique also helps me to break down my original thoughts into different ideas, and to find new ideas and designs by abstracting elements.
Enamelling with simple colours enables me to explore my images of natural materials and textures which can be found in Japanese architecture. 
I have also challenged and investigated contemporary ideas of jewellery as sculptural objects or body pieces. I do not force people to wear a piece in a certain way, but want people to play with my pieces and find their own ways of wearing them.  » (dazzle-exhibitions)
Mariko Sumioka showed this bamboo brooch in her BA (Hons) in Jewellery and Silversmithing degree show at Edinburgh College of Art. ECA has a very strong history: notable alumni include Eduardo Paolozzi, Elizabeth Blackadder, Callum Innes and Richard Wright   Photograph: PR/Edinburgh College of ArtMariko Sumioka showed this bamboo brooch in her BA (Hons) in Jewellery and Silversmithing degree show at Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) in 2011 -  Photograph: PR/Edinburgh College of Art
Japan blue roofs (inspiration for  Mariko Sumioka )inspiration : Japan blue roofs – toits en tuiles vernissées bleues des vieilles maisons traditionelles japonaises ….
Mariko Sumioka - 'rokusyo no yane' earringsMariko Sumioka – ‘rokusyo no yane’ earrings
Mariko SumiokaMariko SumiokaMosaic Brooch
Mariko Sumioka "yane" mosaic broochMariko Sumioka « yane » mosaic brooch
Mariko Sumioka  Yane Mosaic BroochMariko Sumioka  « Yane » Mosaic Brooch
Mariko Sumioka - broche 'yane to michi'Mariko Sumioka – broche ‘yane to michi’
Mariko Sumioka - 'interior' earrings - oxidised copper, copper, enamel, gold plated silver, silk cordMariko Sumioka – ‘interior’ earrings – oxidised copper, copper, enamel, gold plated silver, silk cord
Mariko Sumioka 'omikuji' broochMariko Sumioka ‘omikuji’ brooch
Mariko Sumioka (BA) - necklace Bamboo Necklace 2011, oxidised copper, enamel on copper, kimono, gold-plated steel cable   800 x 230 x 20 mm - United Kingdom, Edinburgh College of ArtMariko Sumioka – Bamboo Necklace 2011, oxidised copper, enamel on copper, kimono, gold-plated steel cable – 800 x 230 x 20 mm – (BA at United Kingdom, Edinburgh College of Art) (Galerie Marzee)
Mariko Sumioka -bamboo neckpiece  2011 - oxidised copper, enamel, kimono, gold plated steel cable - long 80cm (DETAIL)Mariko Sumioka -bamboo neckpiece  2011 – oxidised copper, enamel, kimono, gold plated steel cable – long 80cm (DETAIL)
Mariko Sumioka, work inspired by the architecture of her native Japan - the "tea house" series Mariko Sumioka, work inspired by the architecture of her native Japan – the « tea house » series rings
Mariko Sumioka -architectural rings 2011Mariko Sumioka -architectural rings 2011
Mariko Sumioka - bamboo earrings  2011Mariko Sumioka – bamboo earrings  2011


EXPO ‘Melinda Young: The World Is a Pearl’ – Studio 20/17, Waterloo (Australia) – 5-23 Mar 2013

Classé dans : Australie (AU),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Studio2017 (AU),Melinda YOUNG (AU) — bijoucontemporain @ 22:22

Melinda Young: The World Is a Pearl  – Studio 20/17 (Waterloo, Australia)

the world is a pearl continues Melinda Young’s fascination with the quirks of her immediate surroundings; the things and people that inhabit them. For this exhibition she has sifted through collections of domestic items and the materials in her studio – old ideas are revived, new jewellery has been born from the detritus of old work and discarded objects. The results are an intimate collection of works that are a meditation on the rhythms, repetitions and colours of daily life in the midst of Sydney’s urban sprawl.

Melinda Young: The World Is a Pearl  - Studio 20/17 (Waterloo, Australia)  05-Mar-2013 - 23-Mar-2013    website:  mail: Young – Necklace: …and stories of your dreams 2013 – Labradorite, glass beads, found metal bells / on Morgan Street, 2013, Freshwater pearls, gum nuts, oxidized 925 silver

Melinda Young  Pendants: Across the Rooftops & Temple 2013  Freshwater pearls, coral, 24ct gold, amber, silk thread, found plastic game pieces, Freshwater pearls, coral, mother of pearl, 24ct gold, amber, silk thread, found plasticMelinda Young  Pendants: Across the Rooftops & Temple 2013  Freshwater pearls, coral, 24ct gold, amber, silk thread, found plastic game pieces, Freshwater pearls, coral, mother of pearl, 24ct gold, amber, silk thread, found plastic


Studio 20/17
Unit 6B, 2 Danks St
NSW 2017 – Waterloo
Telephone: 02 9698 7999
Fax: 02 9698 7999

SCHMUCK 2013 – The official selection

This year the exhibits accepted for SCHMUCK were selected by Bernhard Schobinger of Richterswil in Switzerland. A trained goldsmith, Schobinger is one of today´s leading jewellery designers. His works are regarded as influential in determining new directions in style and the man himself is seen as an artist with a unique aesthetic sense who has broken new ground particularly in avant-garde jewellery design. Not surprisingly, the works selected by him for SCHMUCK 2013, reflect this background. « They include a number of exciting new artists, but also many familiar names, » reveals Dieter Dohr. The exhibits at SCHMUCK include works by Robert Baines (Australia), David Bielander (Switzerland), Sungho Cho (Korea), Sam Tho Duong (Vietnam), Kimiaki Kageyama and Ryuichiro Nakamura (Japan) and Bruce Metcalf (USA).


Selected artists:
Robert Baines, AU — Peter Bauhuis, DE — David Bielander, CH — Melanie Bilenker, USA — Alexander Blank, DE — Julie Blyfield, AU — Kathrin Borst, DE — Klaus Burgel, USA/DE — Hyun Sook Chang, KR — Ying-Hsiu Chen, TW –  Sungho Cho, KR — Kristin D’Agostino, NZ/USA — Sam Tho Duong, VT — Andrea Ďurianová, SK — Stephanie Fleck, DE — Karl Fritsch, NZ/DE — Kyoko Fukuchi, JP –  Makoto Hieda, JP – Yu Hiraishi, JP –  Marian Hosking, AU — Mari Ishikawa, JP — Mari Iwamoto, JP – Kimiaki Kageyama, JP –  Jiro Kamata, JP — Kim Yeonkyung, KR — Jun Konishi, JP –  Alejandra Koreck, RA — Julia Maria Künnap, Estland – Agnes Larsson, SE — Helena Lehtinen, FI — Jens-Rüdiger Lorenzen, DE — Natalie Luder, CH — Carlier Makigawa, AU — Doris Maninger, AT — Sally Marsland, AU — Nanna Melland, NO — Bruce Metcalf, USA – Choonsun Moon, KR — Mrokon-Thomas Monomer, DE — Kazumi Nagano, JP — Ryuichiro Nakamura, JP — Estela Saez Vilanova, ES — Giulia Savino, IT — Sondra Sherman, USA — Lousje Skala, AU — Janna Syvänoja, FI — Fumiki Taguchi, JP — Mirei Takeuchi, JP — Sabina Tiemroth, RA — Silke Trekel, DE — Fabrizio Tridenti, IT – Luzia Vogt, CH — Lisa Walker, NZ – Cia-Xuan Wu, TW — Wen-Miao Yeh, TW — Annamaria Zanella, IT –  Christoph Zellweger, CH

58 participants from 18 countries:
Argentinen (2), Australien (6), Deutschland (8), Deutschland/Neuseeland (1), Deutschland/Vietnam (1), Estland (1), Finnland (2), Italien (3), Japan (12), Korea (4), Neuseeland (3), Norwegen (1), Österreich (1), Schweden (1), Schweiz (4), Slowakische Republik (1), Spanien (1), Taiwan (3), USA (4)

After the Internationale Handwerksmesse, SCHMUCK will be setting off on tour. In 2013, it will be stopping off in the town of Legnica in Poland, where visitors can admire the pieces as part of the International Jewellery Competition in May 2013. Since 2006 the exhibition has put in a guest appearance in a range of countries, among them Spain (Museo de Illustración y Modernidad, Valencia), Australia (RMIT Gallery, Melbourne), Great Britain (Birmingham City University), Poland (Municipal Art Gallery, Lódz), Italy (Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua), the US (Museum of Arts and Design, New York) and France (Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer).

Annamaria Zanella (IT) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Annamaria Zanella (IT)

Estela Saez, ES (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Estela Saez, ES

Fabrizio Tridenti, Brooch, silver, brass, acrylic paint (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Fabrizio Tridenti, Brooch, silver, brass, acrylic paint

Lousje Skala, Bracelet, 'correlation' 2010 - ABS, chrome rapid prototyping (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Lousje Skala, Bracelet, ‘correlation’ 2010 – ABS, chrome rapid prototyping

Karl Fritsch, Ring, 2011 silver, pounamou (NZ jade) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Karl Fritsch, Ring, 2011 silver, punamou (NZ jade)

Robert Baines (AU) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection) Robert Baines (AU)
Melanie Bilenker (US) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Melanie Bilenker (US)
Choonsun Moon, Necklace, 2012 plastic, beads, wire, elastic (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Choonsun Moon, Necklace, 2012 plastic, beads, wire, elastic
Mari Iwamoto (JP) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Mari Iwamoto (JP)
david Bielander - bracelet 'koi' - thumb tacks, leather, silver 2012David Bielander – bracelet ‘koi’ – thumb tacks, leather, silver 2012
Bruce Metcalf (US) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Bruce Metcalf (US)
Internationale Handwerksmesse
6.-12. März 2013, Messegelände München

EXPO ‘Contemporary Jewellery x 4′ – Gallery shop Si, Kobe (Japan) – 20 Fevr.-18 Mars 2013

Classé dans : Andrew LAMB (UK),Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Japon (JP),Lina PETERSON (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 4:41

Contemporary Jewellery x 4

Gallery shop Si  (Kobe, Japan)  20-Feb-2013 – 18-Mar-2013


Contemporary Jewellery x 4    Artists: Andrew Lamb, Beth Gilmour, Lina Peterson, Michiyo Tsuzaki  Management: Michiyo Tsuzaki  Place: Gallery shop Si  (Kobe, Japan)  20-Feb-2013 - 18-Mar-2013    website:  mail:

Artists: Andrew Lamb, Beth Gilmour, Lina Peterson, Michiyo Tsuzaki

Lina PetersonLina Peterson – Brooch: Carved in neon red 2013 – Wood, paint, cotton cord
Andrew Lamb  Brooch: Lenticular  18ct yellow gold, silver  photo Graham ClarkAndrew Lamb  Brooch: Lenticular  18ct yellow gold, silver  photo Graham Clark
Michiyo Tsuzaki Necklace (silver 950)Michiyo Tsuzaki Necklace (silver 950)


Gallery shop Si
tel/fax 078-341-8810

EXPO ‘Lipstick’ – Galerie Annick Zufferey, Carouge (CH) – 2-23 Mars 2013

Exposition LipstickSophie Hanagarth (enseignante de l’atelier bijou) s’expose en Suisse du 2 au 23 mars

Exposition Lipstick - Sophie Hanagarth (enseignante de l'atelier bijou) s'expose en Suisse du 2 au 23 mars

LIPSTICK est une bague- bouche, un tube sur lequel se profile à l’une des extrémités des lèvres pulpeuses.
En l’enfilant c’est le doigt qui se fait engloutir, un membre qui se fait prendre. Conçue comme une amorce à la sensualité, cette bague nous absorbe, nous mange,
nous suce. Un bijou cannibale…

Sophie Hanagarth - bracelet machoires, fer forgéSophie Hanagarth – bracelet machoires, fer forgé
Sophie Hanagarth - BRACELET MACHOIRES, fer forgé
Sophie Hanagarth – BRACEET MACHOIRES, fer forgé
Sophie Hanagarth - bagues bouche, acier inoxSophie Hanagarth – bagues bouche, acier inox
Sophie Hanagarth - - bracelet chaine et vers - fer forgéSophie Hanagarth – - bracelet chaine et vers – fer forgé


Galerie Annick Zufferey
place des Charmettes 1
1227 Carouge/ Genève
+41 (0) 22 343 03 05


EXPO ‘dialogue de femmes aux amériques’ – Galerie Bensimon, Paris (FR) – 8 Mars 2013 – …..

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,France (FR),Gabriela HORVAT (RA),GALERIES,PARIS — bijoucontemporain @ 17:58

‘dialogue de femmes aux amériques’

Gabriela Horvat & Ruth Kneass
Sculptures et bijoux

EXPO - Paris 'dialogue de femmes aux amériques'

Ces deux femmes parlent une même langue, celle de la création, utilisent un vocabulaire identique, bois et pierres, parfois complétés de textile, mais leur grammaire est différente. Chaque pièce est unique, car, tout d’abord, la nature ne se répète pas, et puis elles sont constituées dans une poésie toute personnelle selon la logique du travail fait main, le « handcrafted » si cher à Serge Bensimon.

Gabriela Horvat Gabriela Horvat

gabriela Horvat (Argentina)


Galerie Bensimon

Gallery S. Bensimon
111, Rue de Turenne
F-75003 Paris – France

+33 (0)1 42 74 50 77


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