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Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘LUSITANIA’ – F.X.Muschelkalk, Munich (DE) – 7-9 Mars 2013

LUSITANIA @ Schmuck 2013

Estefânia Almeida  –  Catarina Dias (Membro PIN) –  Inês Nunes (Membro PIN)  –   Pedro Sequeira

Pré – Apresentação · Galeria Adorna Corações – Porto  2 Março 16h
F.X.Muschelkalk – Munich  7,8,9 Março 13h-17h
Pós- Apresentação · Oficina 12 – Lisboa  16 e 17 Março 16h

during SCHMUCK : LUSITANIA @ Schmuck 2013    Estefânia Almeida  Catarina Dias | Membro PIN  Inês Nunes | Membro PIN  Pedro Sequeira    Pré - Apresentação · Galeria Adorna Corações | Porto  2 Março 16h    F.X.Muschelkalk | Munique  7,8,9 Março 13h-17h    Pós- Apresentação · Oficina 12 | Lisboa  16 e 17 Março 16h Portuguese Jewelry in Munich
During 7th, 8th and 9th March, four Portuguese contemporary jewelers will exhibit their work in Munich Schmuck 2013, the biggest annual event of Contemporary Jewelery. Lusitania is the title of the exhibition, one of 250 events that will be inaugurated simultaneously in six intense days of meetings and discussions on contemporary jewelery attracting curators, collectors, gallery owners, researchers, students and jewelers from all around the world.. The places where these events are going to happen vary, the modern art museum, galleries, alternative spaces and the Munich International Trade Fair.. Estefania r. de Almeida, Catarina Dias, Inês Nunes and Pedro Sequeira, will present their latest works in an unique partnership where Porto and Lisbon are aiming to explore and to disclose original proposals in other territories in a conducive environment to this area.
During the exhibition that will take place at the wine shop F.X. Muschelkalk will be offered a tasting of Portuguese wines, choice of the host Jörg Linke. The event will be covered in a report format platform online magazine Umbigo and there will be a pre-presentation of the exhibition at galeria Adorna Corações in Porto, on March 2 at 4 p.m., during the inauguration day of Miguel Bombarda’s Street, the art galleries street in Porto. The itinerancy finishes in Lisbon at OFICINA12 on the 16th and 17th March at 4 p.m

Catarina Dias   (PT)  / Lusitânia – Momento II (Umbigo Magazine) Catarina Dias / Day Ring / Anéis e pulseiras de seda selvagem, 2013

Pedro Sequeira /Transporte/ Boxer shorts cortados, modificado para peça de pescoço, 2010 Pedro Sequeira /Transporte/ Boxer shorts cortados, modificado para peça de pescoço, 2010

Estefânia r. de ALmeida /Estrutura / Instalação de 200 anéis de porcelana chinesa, 2012.2013 Estefânia r. de Almeida /Estrutura / Instalação de 200 anéis de porcelana chinesa, 2012.2013



F.X. Muschelkalk
Dreimühlenstrasse 32, Munich, DE

Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘The Lunatic Swing’ – Kunstarkaden, Munich (DE) – 26 Fevr.-30 Mars 2013

The Lunatic Swing

The group of artists from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich come back again and display an exhibition during the Schmuck fair 2013.

Special-Opening during « SCHMUCK 2013 Munich » on 7th March at 5pm – 8pm.

Opening on 26 th February at 7pm

during SCHMUCK : "The LUNATIC swing" -  Neue Ausstellung mit Attai Chen, Carina Shisaz-Shoshtary. Sungho Cho, Laura Deakin Melanie Isverding und Emma Price - in Kunstarkaden, München -

Looking past the confines of the given space these six emerging contemporary jewellers will exhibit their work on a transformed landscape. Stretching fabric tight over these traditional forms the play of light swings a delirious dance. The artists involved are all alumni of Munich’s Academy of Fine Art having studied under Prof. Otto Künzli.

Participants:  Attai Chen, Israel — Songho Cho, South Korea — Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary, Germany — Laura Deakin, Australia — Melanie Isverding, Germany — Emma Price, Australia –

  Melanie Isverding - Cavea Melanie Isverding – Cavea

Sungho Cho - Abstraktes Selbstbildnis, Brosche Sungho Cho – Abstraktes Selbstbildnis, Brosche



PS : June 4, 2013  to  June 29, 2013  the exhibition will be at FUNAKI Gallery !

Sparkassenstraße 3,
80331 Munich
opening times: tuesday-saturday 1-7pm, sunday 1-6pm

Tel.: 089 233-23784
Fax: 089 233-21892


Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘Flora eats Fauna’ – Nymphenburg Palace, Munich (DE) – 8-10 Mars 2013

Flora eats Fauna

Who are they?
(Animals? Plants? Organisms? Objects? Bodies? Humans?… Creatures?)
If we are vulnerable, how vulnerable are they?
Who nurtures who? Does life precede death, or does death precede life?
Come and wander amongst ‘the others’, let yourself get intertwined in a cycle caught between defense and protection, captivating beauty and cruelty.
Discover your own values through their bewildering characteristics. We need each other.

during SCHMUCK : Flora eats Fauna -  Artists: Nora Rochel, Dana Hakim, Susanne Wolbers, Leonore Jock, Jasmin Matzakow, Stephanie Hensle, Jimin Kim, Hannah Joris.  Place: Nymphenburg Palace, Johannissaal in the Orangery  (Munich, Germany)  08-Mar-2013 - 10-Mar-2013    website:

Artists: Nora RochelDana HakimSusanne WolbersLeonore JockJasmin MatzakowStephanie HensleJimin Kim — Hannah Joris.

  Nora Rochel  Necklace: Happy Easter! 2013  Felt, stuffed animal Nora Rochel  Necklace: Happy Easter! 2013  Felt, stuffed animal

Jimin Kim  Brooch: Hallucination Flower I 2013  Korean paper, latex Jimin Kim  Brooch: Hallucination Flower I 2013  Korean paper, latex

Jasmin Matzakow  Brooch: Arcus 2012  Amaranth-wood, silver, steel, 11x9x2,5 cm, chiselled, mounted Jasmin Matzakow  Brooch: Arcus 2012  Amaranth-wood, silver, steel, 11x9x2,5 cm, chiselled, mounted

Dana Hakim  Brooch: My Four Guardian Angels 2013  Iron Nets, Rubber, Mirrored Plastic, Paint, Lacquer  The Blue Series  Photo by Josef Bercovich Dana Hakim  Brooch: My Four Guardian Angels 2013  Iron Nets, Rubber, Mirrored Plastic, Paint, Lacquer  The Blue Series  Photo by Josef Bercovich


Nymphenburg Palace, Johannissaal in the Orangery
Schloss Nymphenburg
80638 – Munich
Telephone: (0 89) 1 79 08-0

Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘Five Men’ – Tschechische Zentrum, Munich (DE) – 6 mars-5 Avril 2013

Five Men – Zeitgenössischer Schmuck

Tschechisches Zentrum – 6.3.- 5.4.,

during SCHMUCK : "Five Men" – Zeitgenössischer Schmuck Tschechisches Zentrum

L’exposition «Cinq hommes» présente l’actualité bijoux de cinq artistes tchèques : Pavel Filip, Rene Hora, Pavel Opocensky, Martin Pouzar, Jiri Sibor

Im Rahmen der Internationalen Handwerkermesse (6.-12.3.). Reihe Schmuck 2013. 

Die Ausstellung „Five Men“ stellt fünf verschiedene Herangehensweisen erfahrener Schmuckkünstler vor, die sich mit Geometrie beschäftigen. Diese Vorgehensweise beeinflusst ihre Fähigkeit, zu einer neuen Formenlehre und „Ausstrahlung“ in der Herstellung von Metallschmuck beizutragen. Infolge dessen ist eine Vergegenständlichung der Gedanken und Vorhaben in der Materie zu beobachten – Titan, rostfreier Stahl, Duraluminium in Kombination mit weiteren Materialen.

Unter der Kuration von Jiří Šibor. Vernissage in Anwesenheit der Künstler.

Pavel Filip, 1962 Lanškroun
Seine Arbeit zeugt von großer Erfahrung in der Bildhauer- und Restauratorenarbeit. Dabei handelt es sich um Kompositionen gegossener und bearbeiteter Farbharze in Kombination mit Titan und Duraluminium. Die geometrischen Reliefstrukturen beeindrucken durch neue Formen und Farbigkeit.

"Five Men" – Zeitgenössischer Schmuck  Tschechisches Zentrum(jewel (brooch ?) by Pavel Filip) Pavel Filip (brooch ?)

Pavel Filip  Brooch: Untitled 2013  Epoxy resin, titanium  ("Five Men" exhibition during SCHMUCK 2013)Pavel Filip  Brooch: Untitled 2013  Epoxy resin, titanium 

René Hora, 1960 Domažlice
Er arbeitet schon seit langem mit plastischen Stoffen, vor allem mit Celluloseacetat. Um diese Erfahrung bereichert, beschäftigt er sich nun  an der Oberfläche mit angeschwärztem Aluminium, wobei er den Negativ- und Innenraum der Brosche nutzt. Manchmal verwendet er Wortspiele oder das Relief einer Form.

René Hora  Brooch: Euthanasia 2012  Blackened aluminium ("Five Men" exhibition during SCHMUCK 2013)René Hora  Brooch: Euthanasia 2012  Blackened aluminium

Pavel Opočenský, 1954 Karlovy Vary
Der Künstler beschäftigt sich immer noch mit dem bisher ambitioniertesten Projekt seines Schaffens, das den Titel „Titan Idoly“ trägt und mit dem er schon 2004 – 2006 mit Arbeiten aus Bronze und 2003 mit Arbeiten aus Holz begonnen hat. Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, eine tragbare Arbeit mithilfe präziser und ausgeklügelter Technologie herzustellen – aus beständigem, widerstandsfähigem,  hartem, aber trotzdem leichtgewichtigem Metall. Die Formgebung und  die bildhauerische Vorgehensweise sind einer deskriptiven Geometrie untergeordnet. Im Resultat entsteht eine Kombination von Eigenschaften, die der unendlichen Ewigkeit nahe kommen. Das Titan als Material und die gewählte Technologie stellen die bis dato größte Herausforderung für den Autor dar.

Pavel OpočenskýPavel Opočenský

Pavel Opočenský  Brooch: Titanium Idol 2012  Titanium ("Five Men" exhibition during SCHMUCK 2013)Pavel Opočenský  Brooch: Titanium Idol 2012  Titanium

Martin Pouzar, 1977 Jablonec nad Nisou
Martin Pouzars Werk ist vielfältig. Er ist vor allem als Schmuckkünstler bekannt, aber er beschäftigt sich auch mit Grafik und Design. In seinen Schmuckstücken und Kammerwerken fehlt nie der genaue geometrische Plan. Die daraus resultierenden Arbeiten sind durch Verspieltheit und  handwerkliche Vollkommenheit geprägt. Sein Schaffen bringt die Begeisterung des Künstlers für das Leben, ein deutlichen Konzept und eine Neugier für neue Technologien zum Ausdruck.

Martin Pouzar  Brooch: Untitled 2012  Stainless steel ("Five Men" exhibition during SCHMUCK 2013)Martin Pouzar  Brooch: Untitled 2012  Stainless steel

Jiří Šibor, 1966 Brno
Für die ausgestellte Schmuckkollektion mit dem Titel „Skryté prostory“ (Die verborgenen Räume) hat er vor allem Broschen geschaffen, die im Rahmen der Struktur mehr oder weniger sichtbare Teile enthalten. Zuerst kann die Form des Objektes wahrgenommen werden, und erst werden die Schatten und Reflexionen der Metallteile und Farbkomponenten von Glas oder Acryl sichtbar. Der Autor arbeitet mit der Aufmerksamkeit unserer visuellen Wahrnehmung, die eine unserer vielen bestimmenden Sinne ist und unser Denken und Suchen beeinflusst.

Jiří Šibor  Brooch: Glass 2008  Glass rods, stainless steel, rivetedJiří Šibor  Brooch: Glass 2008  Glass rods, stainless steel, riveted

Jiří Šibor  Brooch: Twisted Circles 2011  Acrylic, Stainless steel, riveted  ("Five Men" exhibition during SCHMUCK 2013)Jiří Šibor  Brooch: Twisted Circles 2011  Acrylic, Stainless steel, riveted

Jiří Šibor  Brooch: Hidden Spaces 2013  Stainless steel, glass ("Five Men" exhibition during SCHMUCK 2013)Jiří Šibor  Brooch: Hidden Spaces 2013  Stainless steel, glass

Tschechische Zentrum

Prinzregentenstr. 7
805 38 München

Tel. +49 89 21024932

Do 10-17, Fr 10-17, Sa 10-14, So 12-16 h,

Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘Schmuckmalen’ Munich (DE) – 6-12 Mars 2013


Vernissage: 06.03.2013 17Uhr-

Choonsun Moon Heejoo Kim Hyorim Lee Yeonsoo Kim

during SCHMUCK : Schmuckmalen – avec Heejoo Kim et Choonsun Moon

  Choonsun Moon Choonsun Moon

Heejoo Kim Heejoo Kim

Hyorim Lee - brooch, 2012, leather, beads, iron, string - 195 x 100 x 30 mm, €525 Hyorim Lee – brooch, 2012,  leather, beads, iron, string


Steinheilstraße 16 Rgb.
80333 München -
Tel. +49 176 32916054 -
6.-12.3.,10-19 h,

Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘Te mato por que te amo’ – Atelier Shari Pierce, Munich (DE) – 6-9 Mars 2013

You are cordially invited to the duo exhibition « Te mato por que te amo » by artists Jorge Manilla (Belgium/Mexico) and Shari Pierce (USA/Germany).

Exhibition Dates: March 6th-9th, 2013

 te mato porque te amo

Manilla and Pierce had the idea to exhibit their new work together in a domestic space (a former apartment) ) because they are both working in one way or another with the themes of love and hope, passion and violence, loss and destruction, truth and consequences.

Pierce will show an installation of her new work “He loves me, He loves me not” and Manilla presents his new body of work “Contemporary Savagery”.
« As many of the satellite events that surround Schmuck, Te Mato por que Te Amo (I Kill you Because I Love you) promises to be an interesting one.
Two separate rooms in a private home will host two diametrically different exhibitions. Two different artists, two different practices, and two different themes. Themes which, in life ocassionally intertwine; often between the walls of private homes.
In one room, Mexican artist Jorge Manilla explores Contemporary Savagery: raw emotions such as fear, jealousy, cowardice, pain, rancor and bad blood, all concepts buried within the motives for violence and the ways these manifest in our contemporary world. He aims to find the exact point in which a person becomes the victim and another one the victimizer. His research ends in the body; in unappealing ornaments, troubled, melted objects that create frightening and confusing images that create an inner cataclysmic reaction in the viewer and the wearer. At the end, those objects transcend their materiality to become dissected feelings, broken memories and empty vessels that reveal the fragility of our situation as human beings in a hostile environment.

In an opposite room -a bedroom- and spectrum, American artist Shari Pierce deals secretly, delicately, with the game Effeuiller la Marguerite or “He loves me, he loves me not”, in which one person seeks to determine whether the object of their affection returns that affection or not by plucking one petal off a flower (usually a daisy) for each phrase. The phrase this person tells aloud on picking off the last petal supposedly represents the truth between the object of their affection loving them or not. Pierce allegorically recreates the phrase and its meaning, over and over, using several languages, summery colors and perishable materials that speak about love, hope and loss, in the way these feelings often and inevitably collide.
Together but separate, these two artists share a continent, a passion for tackling complex matters and for a few days, a home. A coexistence that brave Schmuck visitors will certainly enjoy to witness. » Valeria  Siemelink

and have a look/lecture at this place :  aplacewherelive_blog  by Marta Miguel Martinez-Soria

Manilla  " Contemporary Savagery " 2012. Necklace: mixed materials. Photographer: Hanne Nieberding Jorge Manilla   » Contemporary Savagery  » 2012. Necklace: mixed materials. Photographer: Hanne Nieberding. Photos courtesy of the artist.Jorge Manilla contemporary-savageryJorge Manilla –  » Contemporary Savagery  » 2012.  Necklace: mixed materials.  Photo: Hanne Nieberding.  Photos courtesy of the artist.

Jorge Manilla - " Contemporary Savagery " 2012.  Necklace: mixed materials.  Photographer: Hanne Nieberding.  Photos courtesy of the artist. Jorge Manilla –  » Contemporary Savagery  » 2012.  Necklace: mixed materials.  Photo: Hanne Nieberding.  Photos courtesy of the artist.

Jorge Manilla - te mato por que te amo (detail)Jorge Manilla – « Contemporary Savagery » (detail)Jorge Manilla contemporary-savageryJorge Manilla -  » Contemporary Savagery  » 2012.  Necklace: mixed materials.  Photo: Hanne Nieberding.  Photos courtesy of the artist.


Atelier Shari Pierce
Morawitzky straße 1,
80803 München  – Germany

Daily Opening Hours: 13:00-17:00
(or by appointment +4917628993050)

Jorge Manilla :
Shari Pierce :

Schmuck 2013 – ‘Handshake, 12 Contemporary Jewellers meet their Hero’ – Internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich – 6-12 Mars 2013

Classé dans : Allemagne (DE),BOOKS / BIBLIO,SCHMUCK / MJW (DE) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:59

Messegelände München, Halle B1/939,
Booklaunch, Handshake -  12 Contemporary Jewellers connect with their Heroes
Artist and Curator’s talk

The HANDSHAKE project will be in Munich in the section called “FRAME” at the Handwerk & Design of the 2013 Internationale Handwerksmesse. Handwerk & Design:    06 – 12 March – exhibition of the Handshake project – Halle B1, stand 939

The organisers (Peter and Hilda), plus ten mentees (Sharon, Jhana, Kristin, Sarah, Gillian, Jessica, Sam, Neke, Lynsay, Debby) will be around at the stand during the SCHMUCK week. Please visit them and get a copy of their brand new112 page full colour book (click).

during SCHMUCK : 12 Contemporary Jewellers connect with their Heroes, Artists’ and Curator’s talk

Handshake is a mentoring project involving emerging jewellers from New Zealand matched with their chosen idols/mentors from across the globe. The project began in February 2011, and is ongoing until 2013, with exhibitions in NZ and beyond along the way. This site has the blogs from all the mentees, background information  and exhibition dates . Please check back regularly to see what the mentees are up to and how their relationships are going.

The 112 page full colour HANDSHAKE book features essays by Benjamin Lignel and Raewyn Walsh, and interviews with work of all participants.

EXPO ‘Made in Italy’ – Galerie Meister & Margarita, Frankfurt (DE) – 9-23 Mars 2013

« Made in Italy »

Vernissage: Samstag 09.03.2013 17 h.

"Made in Italy"  9 mars à 17:00 (UTC+03)  Galerie "Meister und Margarita", Schulstrasse 38. - Frankfurt (DE)

Wir laden sie herzlich zur Ausstellung „Made in Italy“ ein!
Vier Goldschmiede-Meister aus vier verschiedenen Regionen präsentieren ihre Werke.
Stefano Pedonesi aus Lucca (Toscana)
Raffaele Irace aus Praiano (Campania)
Corrado de Meo aus Leghorn (Toscana)
Gianluca Staffolani aus Ascoli Piceno(Marche)
Lassen Sie sich in die Welt der italienischen Goldschmiedekunst begleiten. Die Künstler werden zur Vernissage anwesend und werden gerne über ihre Schmuckserien etwas erzählen.
Wir haben extra dafür einen Dolmetscher engagiert. Es wird wieder ein amüsanter Event sein.
Traditional, werden wir gerne für den Empfang ein Cocktail kreieren, da biettet sich doch etwas mit Campari oder Martini an.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Besuch!
Mit besten Grüßen, Alexander Sobolev.

exhib "Made in Italy" -

"Made in Italy"

"Made in Italy"



Galerie Meister und Margarita
Schulstraße 38
60594 Frankfurt, Germany


Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot