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EXPO ‘From Chaos to Comprehension’ – Danish Arts and Crafts Association, Copenhagen (DK) – 7-30 Juin 2013

The exhibition From Chaos to Comprehension  shows the work of 7 contemporary Jewellery artists from Denmark/Germany, Thailand, the UK, China and Taiwan. All graduated from the MA ‘Jewellery, Silversmithing and Related Products’ at Birmingham City University, UK in 2011 and 2012. And all experienced the turbulent, but rewarding process, of studying for an MA; which led them from a state of chaos to comprehending their work, its’ prerequisites and processes.

From Chaos to Comprehension opens on Friday June 7th 2013 in the exhibition room of the Danish Arts and Crafts Association in Bredgade 66 in Copenhagen and runs till June 30th.


The jewellers are:  Panjapol KulpapangkornNanna GrønborgFliss Quick Hannah Fewtrell-BoltonEmily Bullock — Xiaohan-Ren — I-Ting Ho.

Curating the exhibition in Copenhagen, Nanna Grnborg formed this collective of fellow artists to exhibit the individual results of their studies. The work shown is the outcome of an ongoing struggle in which chaotic situations in the working process are followed by comprehension, which in turn fosters new questions. All of the artists share the belief that study was an important step and a base for future work. What connects them, is a striving for good solutions to their individual concepts.
The concepts and work are as different as their makers, and they reflect various perspectives on Jewellery in the context of society and personal experience:
Panjapol Kulpapangkorns work is a result of recorded and collected memories sent to him from participants around the world, including film, sound, photographs and found objects. His work evolves around memory as a very personal and individual experience, which we also wear in the mind.
Nanna Gronborg is influenced by the fusion of cultures and the contradictions between the rational and the intuitive. Her work balances this with subtle irony, while relying on theoretical tools like semiotics and the science of perception to reflect on it.   
Fliss Quick works as a narrator conjuring protagonists and their consequent environments or scenarios to build a vocabulary of making to evoke stories.
Hannah Fewtrell- Bolton is very excited by fashion: The way it enables the wearer to express their personality and style every day without ever having to speak a single word fascinates her. She is interested in making a statement and causing a reaction.
Xiaohan-Rens collection is about capturing the vestiges of memory and creating artefacts that allude to moments in time. His sketchbooks are the inspiration behind the jewellery.
Emily Bullock is initially inspired by a location; a country, a city, a house. The jewellery she creates transforms aspects of these locations into 3D representations. Each composition is abstract and personal to how she has interpreted the setting and scenery.
I-Ting Ho focuses on human skin in her work. Skin Secret, the title of her project, is about the ԓid and the ԓego. She researches the use of products and other ways to beautify the skin in order to create a differently perceived identity.
Thereafter From Chaos to Comprehension travels from its first opening at Officinet in Copenhagen to Gallery ATTA in Bangkok, Thailand from August 14th to September 28th 2014.

Emily Bullock  Brooch  Mixed mediaEmily Bullock  Brooch  Mixed media

Nanna Grønborg - brooch - 2012 -  brooch, porcelain, silver, steel, 65 x 70 x 45 mm, photo: Nanna GrønborgNanna Grønborg  – brooch – 2012 -  porcelain, silver, steel

panjapol kulp - 40 - documentary jewellery  from Birmingham,UK to Bangkok, Thailand.  “ Every step has its own story ”Panjapol Kulp – 40 – documentary jewellery  from Birmingham,UK to Bangkok, Thailand.  “ Every step has its own story ”

Hannah  Fewtrell-Bolton  Brooch: MADE ME, Jewellery Is At My Feet, The Show Is Yours 02  Mixed mediaHannah  Fewtrell-Bolton  Brooch: MADE ME, Jewellery Is At My Feet, The Show Is Yours 02  Mixed media

Fliss Quick   NecklaceFliss Quick  Necklace  « wish I’d joined the foreign legion », 2011

Xiaohan Ren - brooch Piece One 2011, wood, pen (found)  ca 130 x 40 mm - United Kingdom, Birmingham Institute of Art and DesignXiaohan Ren – brooch Piece One 2011, wood, pen (found) 

I TING HO - Skin Secret - Brooch I 2012 -  Metal/ Rubber Photo by I-TingI TING HO – Skin Secret – Brooch I 2012 -  Metal/ Rubber Photo by I-Ting


The Danish Arts and Crafts Association
Bredgade 66
1260 – Copenhagen



EXPO ‘Gioielloinarte – Il preziosismo pittorico di Gustav Klimt’ – Univesità e Nobil Collegio degli Orefici, Roma (IT) – 25 mai-5 juin 2013

Gioielloinarte – Il preziosismo pittorico di Gustav Klimt

 Gioielloinarte - Il preziosismo pittorico di Gustav Klimt- 25 mai-5 juin - Roma

Gioielloinarte – In mostra 113 gioielli unici di artisti italiani e stranieriche interpretano “Il preziosismo pittorico di Kustav Klimt”

“Il tema è sicuramente affascinante e ricco di spunti e il riscontro che ne abbiamo avuto per numero di iscrizioni lo ha ampiamente confermato”. Così dichiara la propria soddisfazione Corrado di Giacomo, Console Camerlengo dell’Università e Nobil Collegio degli Orefici, Gioiellieri, Argentieri dell’Alma Città di Roma organizzatrice del concorso gioielloinarte, bandito a inizio 2012 e che vede ora il suo completamento nella mostra dei gioielli selezionati. “Abbiamo scelto come ispirazione ‘Il preziosismo pittorico di Gustav Klimt’ nel 150° anniversario della nascita del grande artista, figlio di un orafo,” spiega il Primo Console Piero de Stefano “che ha saputo analizzare e interpretare lo spirito inquieto del proprio tempo e che, partito da una formazione tradizionale, divenne uno dei massimi esponenti della secessione viennese”.

L’inaugurazione e la premiazione dei vincitori del concorso sono in programma per venerdì 24 Maggio alle ore 19 presso la sede del Nobil Collegio in via S. Eligio 7 e la mostra rimarrà poi aperta, con ingresso libero, dal 25 maggio al 5 giugno.

Nelle due sezioni “gioiello tradizionale” e “gioiello contemporaneo” saranno presentate 113 delle 179 creazioni di artisti provenienti da Argentina (1), Austria (3), Brasile (1), Florida (1), Francia (1), Germania (9), Giappone (1), Gran Bretagna (1), Israele (2), Italia (150), Corea (2), Olanda (1), Serbia (2), Slovenia (3), Svezia (1). La selezione dei progetti iscritti è stata affidata a una Giuria presieduta dal Console Camerlengo Corrado di Giacomo e composta da: Donatella Fici, responsabile dello sviluppo prodotto della Jewellery Business Unit di Bulgari; Micol Forti, direttrice del settore contemporaneo dei Musei Vaticani; Anna Mattirolo, direttrice del MAXXI Arte di Roma; Laura Maria Vittoria Vallero, direttrice vendite Italia della Tiffany & Co.

La sezione”gioiello tradizionale” vede la presenza di 42 gioielli che privilegiano l’utilizzo di metalli preziosi e gemme naturali con limitato uso di materiali diversi, mentre nella sezione “gioiello contemporaneo” sono esposti 71 creazioni che utilizzano materiali preziosi in abbinamento a svariati materiali.


Elenco partecipanti:
* Sezione Contemporaneo (Contemporary Selection)
Stefano Alinari — Kyoung Sook Bae — Domitilla Baffigo — Alessio Barbierato — Sabina Bernardelli — Matteo Bonafede — Mauro Bonafede — Cristiana Cauro e Donatella Stefanini — Silvia Cerroni — Claudia Chianese — Giorgio Chiarcos — Francesca Coltenacci — Roberto Demeglio — Francesca Del Magro — Sara Devoti — Mimmo di Cesare — Francesca di Ciaula — Elviro Di Meo e Antonio Rossetti — Elisabetta DuprèSergio Figar — Enrico Franchi — Maria Rosa FranzinNicoletta FrigerioFrancesca Gabrielli — Daniele Gaudenzi — Natasa Grandovec — Maurizio Guerra — Hadas Levin — Heidemarie Herb Annamaria Iodice — Agnieszka Kiersztan — La Rocca e Figliolia — Dominique Labordery — Francesca Lefevre — Noa Liran — Beniamino Lotti — Gigi Mariani — Alessia Macovero — Nagai Yutaka — Margareta Niel — Fabio e Davide Palleschi — Giorgia Palombi — Roberta Pavone — Alessandro Petrolati — Antonio Picardi — Giulia Piccirillo — Claudia Pini — Claudio Ranfagni — Maria Susana Riga — Roberta Risolo — Maddalena Rocco — Roberto Walter Romani — Valerio Salvadori — Walter G. Schroder — Loreto Segato — Hye Jin Shin — Giovanni Sicuro – Minto — Gian Luca Staffolani — Simonetta Starrabba — Claudia SteinerJie Sun — Yurniko Takata — Francesco Teresi — Anna Cino — Linda Gambero — Agnese Tramacere — Barbara UderzoGraziano Visentin

* Sezione Tradizionale (Traditional Section)
Riccardo Alfonsi — Danilo Bonucci — Luisa Bruni — Sigismondo Capriotti — Antonella Caspoli — Renato Ciccotti — Ubaldo Crescenzi — Antonella Cristella — Damiano Damiani — Nicola De Stefano — Fabrizio Di Cori — Gianmaria Donini — Fabio Felici — Sergio Figar — Forlenza — Angelo Gori — Sevak Grigoryan — Rosa Imperato — Samantha lovenitti — Ruslan Ivanytskyy — Massimo Licciardello — Martina Loncar — Giuseppe Lucarini — Marco Malasomma — Antonio Ottiero — Michele PaparelLa — Pepe Roberto — Patteruti Paola — Claudia Pini — Chiara Principe — Claudio Ranfagni — Gustavo Renna — Corrado Sacchi — Gabriele Sala — Rosaria Scotto — Sergio e Stefano Spivach — Giampiero e Fabio Verna

Luisa Bruni collana "horror vacui"Luisa Bruni collana « horror vacui » ….

"Il faggeto"  Gustav Klimt – and the Klimt painting which inspired it : « Il faggeto »  Gustav Klimt Silvia Cerroni - bracciale - DOV’E’ L’ORO? / WHERE’S THE GOLD? (SECESSIONE DEL GIOIELLO) - vetro acrilico, fili di velluto bordeau & nero, argento, foglia d'oro 24KT -TECNICA:  BANCHETTO, FUSIONE A FREDDO CON SOLVENTI -   BRACCIALE MODULARE ISPIRATO AI PARAVENTI GIAPPONESI (GIAPPONESISMO DI KLIMT) COMPLETAMENTE SCOMPONIBILE ESTRAENDO I DUE FERMI IN ARGENTO E RIPOSIZIONABILE. I L DISEGNO DEI PANNELLI E’ REALIZZATO IN FILO DI DI VELLUTO SU VETRO ACRILICOSilvia Cerroni – bracciale – « dov’è l’oro ? / where’s the gold? »  – vetro acrilico, fili di velluto bordeau & nero, argento, foglia d’oro 24Kt – bracciale modulare ispirato ai paraventi giapponesi

Barbara Uderzo, Necklace, Barbara Uderzo, Necklace


Univesità e Nobil Collegio degli Orefici
Via di Sant’Eligio 7
00186 – Rome



EXPO ‘La Frontera’ – Museo Franz Mayer, Mexico – 6 Juin-28 Juill. 2013

La Frontera opens June 6 at the Museo Franz Mayer in Mexico City

Exposición que explora el espacio de la frontera y lo que representa, entablando un diálogo entre diferentes artistas que a través de la joyería expresan cómo entienden esta realidad geográfica de implicaciones económicas, políticas, sociales, culturales e ideológicas.  A través de 150 piezas, diseñadas por  90 creadores provenientes de distintos continente se reflexiona sobre nuestra frontera con Estados Unidos y las implicaciones que ésta tiene para cada uno de nosotros.

La Frontera - and then at Velvet da Vinci  August 14 - September 15, 2013

& then :   14 Aout-15 Sept. 2013 : Velvet da Vinci Gallery

La Frontera opens June 6 at the Museo Franz Mayer in Mexico City.    Julia Turner  Three Days Walking (Mourning Brooch)( Julia Turner  Three Days Walking (Mourning Brooch))

« Borders separate but also unite » (Octavio Paz)
Historically the relationship between Mexico and the United States has been complicated, deep, and conflicted. Due to geography, this relationship is unavoidable and comprised of many underlying currents: economic, political, social, cultural, ecologic and ideological.
La Frontera (The Borderlands) is the physical space where the relationship between Mexico and the U.S is most evident. In recent years, drug trafficking and violence have made it the focus of almost daily news. However, the extremely porous nature of the border allows not only the illegal passage of arms and drugs, but also ideas, money, projects, families, and culture.
The border is an environment of opportunity both legal and not. Nearly 2000 miles long, the U.S. – Mexico border is the most frequently crossed international border in the world. Companies use differences in labor and environmental regulations to their advantage and create discontent on both sides of the border. Since the 1980s economic and political refugees from Central America have swelled populations at the border and migrations across it. The construction of the 700- mile U.S. – Mexico Border Fence of the past several years is the most tangible symbol of failed politics.
The exhibition LA FRONTERA seeks to explore this physical space and what it represents. This is why we want artists either born in either of these countries or who live in either of these countries to express how they understand the border.

 Jorge Castañón - "Hacia dónde va tu Sangre ? " -   'LA FRONTERA' exhibition -   Algunas veces queremos cruzarlas, otras , necesitamos cruzarlas, buscando recomenzar, renacer, una segunda oportunidad posiblemente.  Tal vez nuestros cuerpos puedan lograrlo, pero … qué será de nuestro corazón, nos acompañará?  Qué buscamos y qué dejamos, dos ideas de signos opuestos que nunca se igualan.  Nace una herida, que eternamente intentaremos que cicatrice.Jorge Castañón – « Hacia dónde va tu Sangre ?  »  La frontera(Donna d’Aquino jewelry )


Iacov Azubel bracelet, "¿Son necesarias las fronteras?"Iacov Azubel bracelet, « ¿Son necesarias las fronteras? »


Museo Franz Mayer
Hidalgo 45, Centro Historico, Cuauhtémoc,
06300 Ciudad de México, DF, Mexique
Téléphone :+52 55 5518 2266


EXPO ‘José Marin : Spotlight’ – Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge (USA) – 18 Mai-22 Juin 2013

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Mobilia (US),Jose MARIN (ES),USA,www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 23:33

Jose Marin: Spotlight  – Mobilia Gallery

Jose Marin is a talented metalsmith from Spain; he chooses to work in titanium, the element discovered in Cornwall, England and named after the Titans of Greek mythology. He incorporates precious and semi-precious stones set in an element that is extremely difficult to work with. Marin is intrigued with the fact that titanium is found in almost all living things: water, soils and rocks.


Jose Marin: Spotlight  - Mobilia Gallery (Cambridge, United States)  18-May-2013 - 22-Jun-2013    website:

« When I choose a material it is always with the idea of transforming it into a magical object. At this time I have opted for Titanium, a unique metal. Its hardness and toughness brings the challenge of making jewels by hand. Inspired by botanicals, and combining Titanium with gold, silver and semi-precious stones, I enjoy exploring new directions for contemporary jewelry with all the colors that nature provides. »Jose Marin

JOSE MARÍN - titanium earringsJosé Marin – titanium & diamonds earrings « Cayeron Mil chicas »

Jose Marin  Bracelet: Monstruos En Fila  Titanium, 18k gold  20x7.5x2.3 cmJose Marin  Bracelet: Monstruos En Fila  Titanium, 18k gold  20×7.5×2.3 cm

José Marin - "Quisiera encontrar" ring - titanium, rubiesJosé Marin – « Quisiera encontrar » ring – titanium, rubies

Mobilia Gallery
358 Huron Avenue
Cambridge Massachusetts 02138
Phone: 617-876-2109
Fax: 617-876-2110

EXPO ‘Windswept’ – The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh (UK) – 5-29 Juin 2013

Windswept - Heather Woof

05 Jun 2013 – 29 Jun 2013

Heather Woof is a recent graduate from Edinburgh College of art.

Heather’s current ‘windswept’ collection has been inspired by the wild Scottish weather and is reminiscent of the powerful natural forces which shape the landscape around us. Working with hand cut titanium and mild steel the artist aims to evoke a sense of dynamism in these otherwise static materials. She tries to capture a sense of fluid movement in hard and unyielding metal, to create sculptural pieces, which appear to have been quite literally blown over by the wind.

 Heather Woof  - Windswept Brooch  2013  hand cut and heat-anodised titanium, silver  W:7cm H:7cm D:2cmHeather Woof  – Windswept Brooch  2013  hand cut and heat-anodised titanium, silver  W:7cm H:7cm D:2cm

Heather Woof - Windswept pendant -hand cut and heat-anodised titanium, silver  2013 - The Scottish Gallery, EdinburghHeather Woof – Windswept pendant – hand cut and heat-anodised titanium, silver  2013

Heather Woof Windswept brooch 2 - 2013  hand cut and heat-anodised titanium, silver  W:5.5cm H:5.5cm D:2.5cm   The Scottish Gallery, EdinburghHeather Woof Windswept brooch 2 – 2013  hand cut and heat-anodised titanium, silver  W:5.5cm H:5.5cm D:2.5cm  

Heather Woof Windswept studs - 2013  hand cut and heat-anodised titanium, silver  W:1cm H:1.5cm D:1cm  - The Scottish Gallery, EdinburghHeather Woof Windswept studs – 2013  hand cut and heat-anodised titanium, silver  W:1cm H:1.5cm D:1cm


The Scottish Gallery
16 Dundas Street
Edinburgh EH3 6HZ
T 0131 558 1200
F 0131 558 3900


Coup de Coeur : Apawan Kultawanich, the beauty of translucency

Apawan Kultawanich (Thailand) takes a familiar object and transforms it, exploring « the beauty of translucency. »

«   The inspiration of my work comes from material experimentation. Plastic drinking straws is ready-made object that is overlooked its high potential properties. What made an object valuable? Through the research and experiment, Plastic drinking straws is transformed into material for jewellery. Translucency and optical effect are the outstanding characteristics of plastic drinking straws which are utilized as theme in my project.  The surprising biomorphic feature of melted plastic straws inspires the simplified organic shape of work pieces. I aim to capture a timeless delightful sense that is similar to the one we receive from natural object. Furthermore, the natural sense enhances tactile qualities illustrated through delicate and dynamic patterns and forms. My work explores the beauty of translucency through the plastic drinking straws, and challenges perception of material value in jewellery. The plastic drinking straw is transformed by experimental processes so as to bring out its aesthetic value. My work is a combination of optical effect, translucency and natural shape which result in an eye-catching delicate craft work. The optical effect in my work will change depending on the light and background behind the pieces when it set on the body. »
MA project at BIAD school, 2012

Apawan Kultawanich, Translucency 5, 2012, Body piece, Plastic Straw, 1000 x 200 x 50 mm, photo: Teerut ChanwatanaApawan Kultawanich, Translucency 5, 2012, Body piece, Plastic Straw, 1000 x 200 x 50 mm, photo: Teerut Chanwatana

Apawan Kultawanich - Body-piece in detailApawan Kultawanich – Body-piece in detail

Apawan Kultawanich, Untitled, 2012, Bangle, Plastic Straw, Acrylic, 220 x 220 mm, photo: Teerut ChanwatanaApawan Kultawanich, Untitled, 2012, Bangle, Plastic Straw, Acrylic, 220 x 220 mm, photo: Teerut Chanwatana

Apawan Kultawanich - Brooch  II, IIIApawan Kultawanich – Brooch  II, III

Apawan Kultawanich - rings  MA project - BIAD school, UK, 2012Apawan Kultawanich – rings  

Apawan Kultawanich - Brooch  IApawan Kultawanich – Brooch  I

EXPO ‘The Lunatic Swing’ – FUNAKI Gallery, Melbourne (AU) – 4-29 Juin 2013

Classé dans : Australie (AU),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Funaki (AU) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:08

The Lunatic Swing

After Schmuck fair 2013, The group of artists from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich come back again and display the exhibition at Funaki Gallery

EXPO ‘The Lunatic Swing’ – FUNAKI Gallery, Melbourne (AU) – 4-29 Juin 2013 dans Australie (AU) Invitationcardfrontside_TheLunaticSwing

Looking past the confines of the given space these six emerging contemporary jewellers will exhibit their work on a transformed landscape. Stretching fabric tight over these traditional forms the play of light swings a delirious dance. The artists involved are all alumni of Munich’s Academy of Fine Art having studied under Prof. Otto Künzli.

Participants:  , Israel — , South Korea — , Germany — , Australia — , Germany — , Australia

  ‘The Lunatic Swing’ Exhibition- Melanie Isverding necklace "cavea"Melanie Isverding – « Cavea » · Necklace · 2012 · Steel, enamel, pulverized hematite, crushed pearls, lacquer, silver, cotton string

Sungho Cho  Brooch: Abstract Portrait 02 2012  Keum boo (24k), silver, wood, paintSungho Cho – brooch « Abstract Portrait 02″ 2012 Keum boo (24k), silver, wood, paint

Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary  GREY WITH STAINS · Necklace · 2012 · Graffiti, silver · 8 x 6,5 x 4 cm · Length: 47 cm

Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary  GREY WITH STAINS · Necklace · 2012 · Graffiti, silver



Gallery Funaki
4 Crossley Street
3000 – Melbourne
Telephone: 613 9662 9446
Fax: 613 9662 9446



EXPO ‘Lahti Jewellry’ – Galerie Pont & Plas, Gent (Belgium) – 2 Juin–5 Oct. 2013

Lahti Jewellry at Galerie Pont & Plas, Gent, Belgium -    Finnish and international jewellery designers will present their visual view of Lahti (town in a bay of Finland, traditionally considered as a melting-point for different cultures), with each one using Lahti as the theme for designing and producing a piece of jewellery.  Curated by Helena Lehtinen and Anna Rikkinen, and with a lovely catalogue!

Lahti Jewelry - galerie Pont & Plas, Gent (BE)

02 06 2013 – 05 10 2013  Lahti Jewellry at Galerie Pont & Plas, Gent, Belgium -    Finnish and international jewellery designers will present their visual view of Lahti, with each one using Lahti as the theme for designing and producing a piece of jewellery.  Curated by Helena Lehtinen and Anna Rikkinen, and with a lovely catalogue!

Artists:  Sara Borgegård ÄlgåEija MustonenKim BuckSeth PapacGemma DraperRuudt Peters Iris EichenbergTiina RajakallioJantje FleischhutConstanze SchreiberGesine HackenbergNelli Tanner — Hanneke Van Hage — Ketli Tiitsar — Hanna HedmanTerhi TolvanenJeannette JansenTarja TuupanenAgnes LarssonTanel Veenre Mia Maljojoki Amandine MeunierFrancis Willemstijn — Annika Åkerfelt — Javier Moreno Frias.



Galerie Pont & Plas
Hooiaard 6 (hoek Graslei),
B-9000 Gent, BE
+32 9 225 07 69


EXPO ‘Laca Japonesa aplicada a la Joyería Contemporánea’ – Museo de la Mujer, Buenos Aires (Argentina) – 31 mai-28 juin 2013

Primera Muestra en Argentina de Laca Japonesa aplicada a la Joyería Contemporánea

Museo de la Mujer, Buenos Aires
Inauguración: Viernes 31 de Mayo. 19:00 horas. Entrada libre y gratuita
31 Mai : laca japonesa aplicada a la joyeria contemporanea

Esta exposición difundirá el trabajo del taller de Francine Schloeth  -artista plástica suiza- y de alrededor de 30 alumnos provenientes de distintas profesiones,  aunque predominan la joyería y la restauración.

“LAS EMOCIONES” (amor, alegría y placer, miedo, ira y tristeza) fue el eje temático elegido para la selección de las maravillosas piezas a exponer en esta ocasión.

Es una oportunidad única para ver en conjunto trabajos artísticos con laca japonesa, una técnica milenaria, que necesita mucho tiempo, dedicación y paciencia debido a las particulares características de temperatura y humedad que requiere su secado y a que su brillo único y profundo se logra con la aplicación de numerosas capas.


 Participan :
Albertina Tozzini — Ale Koreck — Alejandara Agusti — Alejandro Gallo — Barbara Paz — Beatriz Zarazaga –
Diana TorcolettiElisa GulminelliFabiana GadanoFrancine SchloethIacov Azubel — Iona Nieva — Irene Palomar — Liliana Ginocchio — Lucia Brichta – Luz Arias Mabel Pena — Maria Eugenia Solís — Maria Rosa Mongelli — Matilde Moreno Vera — Mónica Borgogni — Niqui Silvestri — Norma Rinaudo — Patricia Mastaller — Piqui Zuckerman — Rafael Alvarez — Sabine Hauss — Sandra Pulgar — Sara Bari — Soraia Marocco — Tali Wasserman — Valeria Dowding — Veronica Caffarelli.

 Fabiana Gadano  Brooch: Buenos Aires 2013  Japanese lacquer cashew, alpaca, silver 925, japanese lacquer, steel thread  10 x 9 x 0.5 cm  Photo: Damián WasserFabiana Gadano  Brooch: Buenos Aires 2013  Japanese lacquer cashew, alpaca, silver 925, japanese lacquer, steel thread  Photo: Damián Wasser

Francine Schloeth  Brooch: Sadness 2013  Japanese lacquer cashew, silver 925, slate, japanese lacquer  11 x 5 x 1 cm  Photo: Damián WasserFrancine Schloeth  Brooch: Sadness 2013  Japanese lacquer cashew, silver 925, slate, japanese lacquer    Photo: Damián Wasser

Irene Palomar  Necklace: Rage  Japanese lacquer cashew, wood, cooper thread recycled, japanese lacquer, rice paper, cooper pan  2 x 15 x 50 cm  Photo: Damián WasserIrene Palomar  Necklace: Rage  Japanese lacquer cashew, wood, cooper thread recycled, japanese lacquer, rice paper, cooper pan Photo: Damián Wasser


Museo de la Mujer
Pje. Dr. R. Rivarola 147
C.A.B.A.- Argentina
TE: 54-11- 4383-9054

martes a sábados
de 15:00 a 20:00 hs


EXPO ‘Réka Fekete : Balance’ – Galerie Ra, Amsterdam (NL) – 25 Mai-10 Juill. 2013

Réka Fekete : Balance      

Réka Fekete: Balance    Artists: Réka Fekete  Management: Paul Derrez  Place: Galerie Ra  (Amsterdam, Netherlands)  25-May-2013 - 10-Jul-2013    website:éka Fekete, Satellite#1151, brooch, 2012, steel, silver)

‘In the Balance collection I draw with the material and explore connections: I look at how each individual component can be coupled to the next link. This creates different spontaneous compositions and creations mainly in steel and coloured wood which are linked together by silver rivets. The components can be juxtaposed with each other in different ways, thereby finding a new sense of balance. This dynamic adds character to the pieces, just like the bright colours and the irregular organic forms do. To touch and explore the various possibilities of movement is to engage in contact, a form of introduction between the onlooker and the jewellery, in order to be fellow companions ultimately.’  Réka Fekete

Réka Fekete - Sun in the sky - 2013 brooch - steel, laminate, silver, aluminium, paintRéka Fekete – Sun in the sky – 2013 brooch – steel, laminate, silver, aluminium, paint

Réka Fekete - Sun in the sky - 2013 brooch - steel, laminate, silver, aluminium, paintRéka Fekete – Sun in the sky – 2013 brooch – steel, laminate, silver, aluminium, paint

interview by AJF Blog :
« Why is your show called Balance?
Réka Fekete: « As well as in my previous series, I am experimenting with movement within these pieces. Movement stands for personality, for the ever-changing quality of life, and for the freedom in it. The way I connect the elements gets special attention this time. The connection itself becomes so prominent that it appears to be the main element. Other times, the elements fit into each other and are hammered together so an extra connecting element is no longer needed. Within the construction of each piece there is a lot of mobility and different ways of wearing it. This mobility also expresses how I am in my life. At any moment I might change my mind and take a new path in order to maintain my balance, which I think is one of the most fundamental aspects of life. No matter how much you reduce and consolidate as long as the components of each side remain in balance you will be fine. I see the act of preserving this balance as an exchange. It is simply the way we live and just like the different kinds of relationships that exist between people. »
How does this new work differ from the work you were doing last year?
Réka Fekete:  » I am drawing a lot, and I felt the need to integrate it into my three-dimensional work. While putting the pieces together, I felt like I was drawing. There are black lines of steel connecting colored surfaces of wood or laminate. White wooden parts get blackened little by little as the steel rubs up against it. It ends up looking like charcoal on paper.
For my installation at Galerie Ra, I added some drawings on the wall as well. I wanted the wall to be more than an object upon which the pieces are presented. Acting like a huge piece of paper, the wall becomes part of the work, connecting the pieces and bridging the surfaces and the jewelry. In this series of work, I began to paint on the wood with my fingers instead of spraying each piece with one color. This process allowed me to discover a very liberating way of interacting with my materials. I think I was able to bring similar effects to the wall of the gallery. Overall, this new body of work has evolved graphically, especially within the shadows where the linearity of the steel is constantly reflected. »


Reka Fekete BroochRéka Fekete Brooch

Reka Fekete BroochRéka Fekete « Satellite #11″ Brooch

Reka Fekete Juggling BroochRéka Fekete Juggling Brooch

Reka Fekete BroochRéka Fekete Brooch

Galerie Ra
Nes 120
1012 KE – Amsterdam
Telephone: 020 6265100
Fax: 020 6204595