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EXPO ‘Philip Sajet: Beauty is the Most Important’ – Copper Museum, Knights Academy, Legnica (Poland) – 30 Avril-6 Juin 2013

Philip Sajet: Beauty is the Most Important 

 Philip Sajet: Beauty is the Most Important   Copper Museum, Knights Academy  (Legnica, Poland)  30-Apr-2013 - 06-Jun-2013    mail:

Philip Sajet tries, through goldsmithery, to combine the incompatible in his pieces. Thus the sharp glass shard penetrates the round metal setting of the ring, a green stone butts up against the delicate pearl, a classically cut, precious stone is sawn through and put back together. This is not about the destruction or extraction of something fragile but about emphasising that the one is not possible without the other. Harmony, balance comes through the combination of the various elements. Shells, a fragile and delicate material, used by man as jewellery for thousands of years, are combined by Sajet into a stole which can be seen in the accompanying photograph magnificently adorning a naked body, to which it lends an unassailable aura, like armour. The intangible, elusive glitter of a cut stone is replaced with metallic constructions which mimic it and turn the gentle glimmers into thorns. In the earrings the facets are imitated, but only the edges and not the light which emanates from gemstones. Small stones in their natural state are found at the connections, brightening the cool, aloof construction. Tiny and raw, they breathe life into the piece.
Sajet’s jewellery has a unique, distinctive use of form but it is made to be worn and through wearing to change its impact, breaking free from its artist-creator and developing its own life. The wearer too will change on wearing the piece, as it connects to his or her personality and deliberately draws in the attention of a third party, the beholder. In this light it is hardly surprising that Sajet has produced predominantly rings, earrings and close fitting necklaces which adorn the hands and frame and highlight the face. These are the parts of the body which stand for the expressive side of the personality; our facial expressions and gestures communicate with others, emphasise our nature, the unsaid and the said.

Philip Sajet  Ring: Point 1986-2010  Rock crystal, silver, goldPhilip Sajet  Ring: Point 1986-2010  Rock crystal, silver, gold

Philip Sajet  Ring: Shard 2008  Red glass, niello on silverPhilip Sajet  Ring: Shard 2008  Red glass, niello on silver

Philip Sajet  Ring: A La Recherche du Joyau Perdu 6 -  2011  Enamel, silver, gold, rock crystalPhilip Sajet  Ring: A La Recherche du Joyau Perdu 6 -  2011  Enamel, silver, gold, rock crystal
Philip Sajet  Ring: Black Marquise 2011  Niello on silver, goldPhilip Sajet  Ring: Black Marquise 2011  Niello on silver, gold


Copper Museum, Knights Academy
Chojnowska 2
59-220 – Legnica


EXPO ‘REFLETS’ – Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR) – 29 Mai-3 Juin 2013

« Reflets »
A unusual exhibition about french jewellery
from 29th May 2013 to 3rd June 2013
Palais de Tokyo,

Reflets - Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR) - 29 Mai-3 Juin 2013

Près de 200 créateurs (cliquer pour voir la liste) vous proposent de découvrir environ 400 bijoux, véritables ambassadeurs du « goût français ».
La scénographie audacieuse fait ressortir les multiples facettes de la bijouterie-joaillerie. Chaque bijou, du plus accessible au très haut de gamme, du plus classique au plus décalé est mis en valeur avec le même soin. Le parcours du visiteur se déroule au fil de trois univers principaux :
Le temps d’un parcours surprenant, le visiteur est ainsi invité à vivre une expérience sensorielle autour du bijou. Aux antipodes d’une présentation conventionnelle, Reflet(s) emmène le visiteur au cœur de trois univers où le bijou est source de rêve.
L’ambition des organisateurs : offrir un nouveau regard sur la bijouterie et révéler la vitalité des acteurs du métier


avec, entre autres Patricia LemaireFlorence Croisier Andrea Piñeros  Alina Alamorean Agathe Saint-Girons Aude Médori Galatée Pestre Benedikt Aïchelé –  Claire Wolfstirn Florence Lehmann –  Laurence Oppermann Laurence Verdier Marianne Anselin Monika Brugger –  Sophie Hanagarth  …….

 Andrea pinerosAndrea Piñeros – présente le sam. 1er juin de 14 à 18h

Patricia Lemaire - REFLETS au Palais de Tokyo  j'aurai le plaisir de vous y retrouver plus particulièrement samedi 1er et dimanche 2 juin de 14 à 19hPatricia Lemaire :   présente les samedi 1er et dimanche 2 juin de 14 à 19h

Florence Croisier Creations - «Waterfall» : Necklace made of a blue-grey titanium wire, with 6 elements in 950 silver.  2010 creation - à partir 600€Florence Croisier Creations – «Waterfall» Necklace – blue-grey titanium wire, with 6 elements in 950 silver.  2010



1 avenue du Président Wilson
75116 Paris
T. 01 81 97 35 38
from 11 am to 11 pm , free entrance

EXPO ‘FYLAXTA’ – Estudio Gallery, Kifisiá (Greece) – 23 Mai-5 Juin 2013

Classé dans : Eleftheria SPANTIDAKI (GR),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Estudio (GR),Grece (GR) — bijoucontemporain @ 17:21

at Estudio Gallery : « FYLAXTA » (talisman) with Eleftheria Spantidaki

« The exhibition « FYLAXTA » (talisman) is my second solo exhibition. I have created a collection where small square fabrics (when I was a child my mother used to wear on me a small fabric Talisman for good luck) became flowers or combined with other materials like wire, plexiglas, cords. « 

 AT Estudio Gallery - exhibition  *

Eleftheria Spantidaki - Fylaxta means Amulets Colored wire, silk fabric, glass beads Eleftheria Spantidaki  Fylaxta (Amulets) Colored Wire, silk fabric, glass beads

2aStudio@WhiteBoxEleftheria Spantidaki


Estudio Gallery
22A, Kyriazi str.,
14562 Kephissia (Kifisiá), Greece
+30 21 0808 6611


Chiara Scarpitti : poésie bien encadrée

Classé dans : Chiara SCARPITTI (IT),COUP DE COEUR,Italie (IT),textile — bijoucontemporain @ 21:24

 Chiara Scarpitti

« Her jewels are very special, they are created by a mixture of different materials which define a strong style.
The design approach is alchemic. The starting point of alchemy is the unity of matter: matter is one, but can take myriad forms and be combined in many others inexhaustible ways. From raw material borns also the work of a designer. Both a designer that an alchemist work with the idea of “practice trasmutatoria”. For both, values are given specifically to the mass, space, light and shadow, and is active the participation of the body to these physical elements. Both live and think the object of their search. Oriented research, however, to the “recovery of manual dexterity, to the practical experiment, to the verify in the laboratory”.
The haute couture tailoring techniques, along with inkjet prints on silk combine the industrial chemical cut steel to create a new type of jewellery between design and craftsmanship, unicity and seriality. There’s an attempt to return with an aura of mystery and magic in who wears this jewel. Reactions between jewelry and body, between jewelry and another, between jewelry and the space around him, “Reaction Poétique”. » (design catwalk)

 Chiara Scarpitti :Poetry Containers, silk organza, digital prints, silverChiara Scarpitti : REACTION POETIQUE – collars and poetrycase 2010  – Poetry Containers, silk organza, digital prints, silver

Chiara Scarpitti - collars - new workChiara Scarpitti – ALCHEMIC ROOM 2011 – collars

ALCHEMIC ROOM – frames 2011 | Chiara ScarpittiChiara Scarpitti – Alchemic room – frames 2011

frames 2011 | Chiara ScarpittiChiara Scarpitti ALCHEMIC ROOM – frames 2011 (detail) – silk organza, digital print, oxidate silver, stainless steel, laser cut tecnology, chemical solutions

frames 2011 | Chiara ScarpittiChiara Scarpitti – frames 2011 

CHIARA SCARPITTI 'fly birds'Chiara Scarpitti  PHYLOGENESIS 02 – 2012 -silk, silver, steel, plexiglass / digital printing, chemical cut, laser cut - photo U. Puca

Chiara SCARPITTI - collars & poetrycase - silk organza, digital printChiara SCARPITTI- REACTION POETIQUE – collars and poetrycase 2010 - silk organza, digital print, silver, gold, chemical solutions
Chiara Scarpitti
Chiara Scarpitti – ALCHEMIC ROOM 2011 -
Chiara Scarpitti - microplisséChiara Scarpittimicroplissé 2011
Chiara Scarpitti - REACTION POETIQUE – quasicristalli 2010 -  silk organza, digital print, silver, gold, chemical solutionsChiara Scarpitti – REACTION POETIQUE – quasicristalli 2010 -  silk organza, digital print, silver, gold, chemical solutions
Chiara Scarpitti - REACTION POETIQUE – quasicristalli 2010 - bracciale - silk organza, digital print, silver, gold, chemical solutionsChiara Scarpitti – REACTION POETIQUE – quasicristalli 2010 – bracciale – silk organza 
chiara scarpitti  tensiostructures 2010tensiostructures 2010  (bracelets) Chiara Scarpitti

EXPO ‘Joyas Sensacionales – Lo Impossible’ – ArteArtesania, Mallorca (Baleares)(ES) – 24 mai-24 juin 2013

Joyas Sensacionales : « Lo Impossible »

 Joyas Sensacionales - ArteArtesania - 24mai-24juin 2013

Por 5º año consecutivo ArteArtesania presenta en Soller « JOYAS SENSACIONALES – LO IMPOSIBLE », el Proyecto que comenzara Silvia Walz hace 6 años y que consiste en reflexionar y trabajar « sensaciones » desde el ámbito de la Joyería Contemporánea de Autor.
18 joyeras se juntan en el Taller Perill de Barcelona, para dar forma a este proyecto de la reconocida profesora de la Escuela Massana de BCN, Silvia Walz.
Más de 20 exposiciones que trataron de « Lo Peligroso », « Lo Frágil », etc… y que es acogido por Galerías de Joyería Contemporánea de España y Alemania…

Alicia GiràldezBegoña PratsCarme RoherElisa PellacaniEva BurtonEva GirbesFátima TocornalLola GratacósLourdes CarmeloMontse BasoraMontserrat LacombaNicole DeusterNuria AngurenRosa Nogués – Stéphanie BarbiéXus AnglèsYaiza Alemany Paula Bahadian Marta Roca Gema Canal Maria Diez Carolina Giner Alfredo Gomez

MONTSE BASORA - LO IMPOSIBLE - "Joyas Sensacionales 2013" by ArteArtesaniaMONTSE BASORA – LO IMPOSIBLE

GEMA CANAL - LO IMPOSIBLE - "Joyas Sensacionales 2013" by ArteArtesaniaGEMA CANAL – LO IMPOSIBLE

XUS ANGLES - LO IMPOSIBLE - "Joyas Sensacionales 2013" by ArteArtesaniaXUS ANGLES – LO IMPOSIBLE


ROSA NOGUES - LO IMPOSIBLE - "Joyas Sensacionales 2013" by ArteArtesaniaROSA NOGUES – LO IMPOSIBLE




C/ Sa Lluna 43
07100 – Soller
Mallorca – Baleares
0034 971631732

Découverte : José MARIN … un monde de titan(e)

Classé dans : Espagne (ES),Jose MARIN (ES),MELTING POINT Valencia,metal — bijoucontemporain @ 0:17

José MARIN – Enfin… « découverte » … elle date d’il y a un an, à Valencia (Melting Point 2012) …. mais je suis lente à la détente parfois !
et il faut que j’avoue une chose (honteuse !) : j’ai beau admirer son travail, savoir que le travail du titane est difficile et admirer la prouesse technique, apprécier la gentillesse du créateur, je n’arrive pas à « accrocher » à ce fichu titane ………. pourtant ces bleus devraient me « titiller » …. en fait, ce qui m’attire dans ces bijoux ce sont les failles : creux, ruptures, accidents, où s’immiscent, se lovent, percent diamants, perles et pierres précieuses …. oui, des bijoux très sensuels, en creux et en courbes …..

José Marin - detail of a necklace at JOYA 2012José MARIN – detail of a necklace at JOYA 2012

"Nube espigada". Pendant: Titanium, gold and diamonds - José MarinJosé MARIN – « Nube espigada ». Pendant: Titanium, gold and diamonds

JOSE MARÍN - titanium earringsJosé MARIN – earrings « Cayeron mil chicas »- Titanium, gold and diamonds

« In my childhood , while playing at my father’s workshop, I dreamed of becoming myself a jeweller someday, and sometimes dreams come true, now I have fun as a professional jeweller.
When I choose a material it is always with the idea of transforming it into a magical object, capable of transporting viewers to any personal place they can imagine. My goal is to make jewellery that, as you look at it, can convey intangible aspects of nature: smell, joy, nostalgia, sensuality
At this time I have opted for Titanium, a unique metal. Its high hardness and toughness, the antithesis of the morphology, brings the challenge of making jewels by hand as Valencia craftsmen did 100 years ago, jewels made on the basis of an indomitable yet virtuous metal.
Combining Titanium with gold and precious stones, looking for new avenues for contemporary jewellery, giving full value to the work and not the materials.
The result is a very organic jewellery, inspired by botanical motives and large volumes. « 

José Marin - broche (JOYA 2012) - titanium, gold & tsavoriteJosé MARIN – broche (JOYA 2012) – titanium, gold & tsavorite

José Marin - "Sueños prohibidos". Earrings: Titanium, gold and amethystJosé MARIN – « Sueños prohibidos ». Earrings: Titanium, gold and amethyst

TITANIUM - José Marin - Today is a great day for me (dec 2012) , I am nominated as a finalist in the National Crafts Awards in the category of Product Award, this competition was organized by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, we are 4 finalists and the winner will be known on the day of the award at an official ceremony.  The work I have submitted to the contest are collections of silver-titanium and gold-titanium.José MARIN-  brooch –

« Dec. 2012 – great day for me : I am nominated as a finalist in the National Crafts Awards in the category of Product Award, this competition was organized by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Spain), we are 4 finalists and the winner will be known on the day of the award at an official ceremony.  The work I have submitted to the contest are collections of silver-titanium and gold-titanium. »

Jose Marin    Brooch ''Pluma de Ganso'' Titanium, Silver, Gold and Amethyst.José MARIN   Brooch  »Pluma de Ganso » Titanium, Silver, Gold and Amethyst.

José Marin - "Quisiera encontrar" ring - titanium, rubies

José MARIN« Quisiera encontrar ». Ring: Titanium, gold and ruby 

José Marin - "La que no puedo olvidar". Bracelet: Titanium and goldJosé MARIN – « La que no puedo olvidar ». Bracelet: Titanium and gold

TITANIUM - Jose Marin - pulseraJosé MARIN – pulsera/bracelet

Jose Marin    Brooches of the series '' wallpaper'' Titanium & SilverJosé MARIN    Brooches of the series  » wallpaper » Titanium & Silver


Concrètement, vous avez quoi ?

c’est certain que le ciment, c’est « concret », pour jouer avec les mots !

Attention, article bétonné !! ;-)

Amira Jalet presents "La esencia del Otro"  Cemento procesado con arena y piedra, rejilla electro-soldada, resina transparente, madera de balsa y laurel, vidrio de color y aluminio.sera présente à JOYA 2013Amira Jalet  « La esencia del Otro »  Cemento procesado con arena y piedra, rejilla electro-soldada, resina transparente, madera de balsa y laurel, vidrio de color y aluminio.

 Mass Construction by Benita Dekel (Jewelry Design Department, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design)  You can almost sense Betina’s hands carving their way through concrete. The raw feeling of it takes me to the land of scaffolding and builders.  Photos by Ran Plotnizky.Benita Dekel (IL),  2011  – Mass Construction by Benita Dekel (Jewelry Design Department, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design)
You can almost sense Betina’s hands carving their way through concrete. The raw feeling of it takes me to the land of scaffolding and builders.  Photos by Ran Plotnizky. (from DesignMilk)

Benita Dekel, 2011 - jewelry with concreteBenita Dekel, 2011 – jewelry with concrete – braceletBergner Schmidt‘s concrete jewelry is both architectural and sculptural.Bergner Schmidt concrete jewelry – collier en béton – Bergner Schmidt‘s concrete jewelry is both architectural and sculptural.

Bergner Schmidt concrete jewelry - collier en bétonBergner Schmidt  concrete jewelry - 

bergner schmidt, concrete jewelry Concrete Jewelry by Bergner Schmidt
Concrete collar - concrete jewelry by bergner schmidtBergner Schmidt Concrete collar – concrete jewelry

Geraldine Nishi  Necklace: Melanzana 2010  Concrete, silver, beadsGeraldine Nishi  Necklace: Melanzana 2010  Concrete, silver, beads
kathleen_hennemann - beton - Hennemann – beton collection 
kathleen_hennemann beton
Kathleen Hennemann – beton collection
kathleen_hennemann beton - Kathleen Hennemann – beton collection
The dynamic concrete SET bracelet worn - 275$ -  concrete jewelry by KON ZUKconcrete jewelry by KON ZUK - Concrete + Stainless Steel  bracelet (Karen Konzuk aspires to create jewelry that is more wearable architecture than simple accessory. A graduate of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Karen earned a BFA with a major in Jewelry Design and a minor in Art History, and then introduced the KONZUK line shortly after graduation.)
anillo de hormigón armado diseñado por Fernando Menis    Menis concrete ringanillo de hormigón armado diseñado por Fernando Menis   (ES)  Menis concrete ring
Concrete ring by Holcim Art (author of jewelry is MgA. Katka Venclíková, A graduate of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague) - ring by Holcim Art (CZ) (jewelry by MgA. Katka Venclíková, A graduate of the Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design, Prague)  
Holcim Art - "Functionnal house' concrete necklaceHolcim Art (CZ) (jewelry by MgA. Katka Venclíková) – « Functionnal house’ concrete necklace

REVIVRE RING, Concrete-Nickel. Nickel-plated concrete and brass ring shank. REVIVRE RING, Concrete-Nickel. Nickel-plated concrete and brass ring shank.
DECADENCE – Collection 05 – by GALA curios (AU), a jewellery and accessories label by designer Jasmine Noir.
DECADENCE draws aesthetically on ruinous cities – landscapes which have been developed and then abandoned by humans, and overgrown once again by nature. Contrasting sharp geometry with organic, ornamental detail, the collection miniaturises the cycle of life, death and the beauty of decay.

Área Visual: Concrete rings: materiales de arquitectura al servicio de la moda. 22designstudio.22Design Studio (Taiwan) created a series of rings which were inspired by architectural design and urban style, made from cement and stainless steel. Smooth, cool concrete texture and various shapes of these rings emit calm yet inspiring design by the two young designers from Taiwan. (22 Design Studio was founded by Sean Yu and Yi-ting Cheng in 2005. The main mission of 22 Design Studio is to operate self-owned label 22™. The collection of 22™ presents series of personal accessories made of cement and metal) 

concrete ring - Jim Cotter Jewelryconcrete ring // Jim Cotter Gallery

Ring in gold and concrete with diamonds by Patrice FabrePatrice FabreRing in gold and concrete with diamonds  

Concrete Objective Ring - Faceted angles have been cast and shaped by hand into a sculptural, cubist-style grey ring. Care instructions: This is a unique handmade piece of art jewellery. Please treat it delicately and avoid contact with liquids and perfumes. 66£  20130127 11:32notjustalabel – Concrete Objective Ring – Faceted angles have been cast and shaped by hand into a sculptural, cubist-style grey ring.

stylized organs jewlery. these are actually pendants. made of concrete by anna szabó. i'd take the heart.Anna Szabó / Ivanka Studio (HU) – stylized organs jewlery – pendants. made of concrete (from Mocoloco)- awarded “Jewel of the Year 2012”

Concrete rings - by Israel's Hadas Shaham  Defying the cold, industrial style you might expect from a line of concrete jewellery, her pieces are architectural with a pretty flourish — little pieces of paved paradise that even Joni Mitchell might appreciate. rings – by Israel’s Hadas Shaham  Defying the cold, industrial style you might expect from a line of concrete jewellery, her pieces are architectural with a pretty flourish   (from thecarrotbox)

Another square ring from Hadas Shaham. concrete tire tread pattern.square ring from Hadas Shaham (IL) (detail). concrete tire tread pattern.

Hadas Shaham Ring Necklace - Concrete, Sterling Silver and Gold PlatingHadas Shaham Ring Necklace – Concrete, Sterling Silver and Gold Plating

Set in Cement Round Ring - concrete ring -    Made exclusively for sale in the Walker Art Museum Gift Shop.  shop.walkerart.orgSet in Cement Round Ring – concrete ring -    Made exclusively for sale in the Walker Art Museum Gift Shop.

Concrete ring for Hazy day  by Lezerman, via Flickr      http://www.lezerman.comLinda Ezerman Concrete ring for Hazy day

Metsa Design : Cement pearls - These cement earrings are modeled on classic pearl studs. Each concrete sphere is cast by hand and set onto a sterling silver post. With wear, the colour of the earrings will deepen as the concrete is exposed to the air and the oils from your skin.Metsa Design : Cement pearls – These cement earrings are modeled on classic pearl studs. Each concrete sphere is cast by hand and set onto a sterling silver post. With wear, the colour of the earrings will deepen as the concrete is exposed to the air and the oils from your skin.
Check this out – Handmade Concrete Jewelry from Berezki Handmade Concrete Jewelry from Berezki Jewelry (Alisa Berezovski)

Liesbet Bussche

Belgian designer & street artist Liesbeth Bussche adds glamour to Amsterdam streets by replicating jewelery pieces from industrial items found around town such as these post earrings made of concrete ballsLiesbet Bussche - Belgian designer & street artist Liesbeth Bussche adds glamour to Amsterdam streets by replicating jewelery pieces from industrial items found around town such as these post earrings made of concrete balls

urban concrete ball earring by Liesbeth Bussche
Liesbet Bussche, her graduation project from the Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam was all about street jewellery.

cement returns to cement …………..

EXPO ‘Summer Session’ – Putti Art Gallery, Riga (Latvia) – 27 Mai-31 Aout 2013

International contemporary jewellery exhibition

Summer Session

Valdis Broze  Necklace: Untitled 2013  Silver 925, gold 18kt, garnet, coral(Valdis Broze Necklace: Untitled 2013 Silver 925, gold 18kt, garnet, coral)

In accordance to the school summer holidays, from May 27, 2013 until August 31, 2013 an international contemporary jewellery exhibition “Summer Session” will put on display at the gallery; it will allow the viewers to imagine the show of Arts Academy final session. But only in this show professional and internationally recognized artists will play the role of students.  At the centre of attention of this jewellery exhibition will be summer flora and fauna inspired motifs, as well as life attesting colour palette.

Artists participating in the exhibition: Maris Aunins (Latvia) — Lisa Bjorke (Sweden) — Valdis Broze (Latvia) — Eugenia Ingegno (Italy) — Andris Lauders (Latvia) — Guntis Lauders (Latvia) — Reka Lorincz (Hungary) — Gigi  Mariani (Italy) — Nora Rochel (Germany) — Maris Sustins (Latvia) — Flora Vagi (Hungary) —  Janis Vilks (Latvia) — Catalina Gibert (ES) — Margherita de Martino Norante (IT).

 Gigi Mariani  Ring: Hold On! 2013  Silver, 18 kt yellow gold, niello, patinaGigi Mariani  Ring: Hold On! 2013  Silver, 18 kt yellow gold, niello, patinaNora Rochel  Ring: Untitled 2011  925 Silver - Fair Trade, rhodium-plated, gemstones  Photo by Janusch TschechNora Rochel  Ring: Untitled 2011  925 Silver – Fair Trade, rhodium-plated, gemstones  Photo by Janusch TschechEugenia Ingegno, “Giallo Serpotta”Eugenia Ingegno  Necklace: Yellow Serpotta 1 2012  Papier mache, concrete, paint, silver, copper and pure silver coated

Flora Vagi  Brooch: Stones Happen In A Garden 2012  Cedar wood, pigment, acrylic paint, silver, steel Flora Vagi  Brooch: Stones Happen In A Garden 2012  Cedar wood, pigment, acrylic paint, silver, steel

Lisa Björke  Necklace: Raven #2 2013  Iron, iron powder, wood glue, yarn  Detail  Photo by: Lisa BjörkeLisa Björke  Necklace: Raven #2 2013  Iron, iron powder, wood glue, yarn  Detail  Photo by: Lisa Björke

Catalina Gibert at 'Purus' exhibitionCatalina Gibert


Putti Art Gallery
16 Mārstaļu iela
1050 – Rīga
Telephone: +371 67214229
Fax: +371 67214230


EXPO ‘Glancing Back, Looking Forward’ – Sienna Gallery, Lenox, MA (USA) – 26 Avril-28 Mai 2013

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Sienna Patti (US),Susie GANCH (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 23:30

SUSIE GANCH: « Glancing Back, Looking Forward »   

« In a culture that values youth as the highest form of beauty in an industry (jewelry) motivated by beautification, these pieces reflect back the changes I see in my mirror every morning ».    -  Susie Ganch glancing-back

Artist Susie Ganch is currently Associate Professor and Head of the Metals Program at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond Virginia. She is also Director of Radical Jewelry Makeover, an international traveling community jewelry mining and recycling project that was recently hosted by the Wheelwright Museum (in Santa Fe, NM), Queensland College of Art Griffith University and Artisan Gallery (in Brisbane, Australia).  Solo exhibitions include Velvet da Vinci, University of Wyoming-Laramie, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and Quirk Gallery, Richmond, VA. Group Exhibitions include: Unexpected Pleasures (Design Museum, London, England, and the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia), Heat Exchange (Shemer Art Center and Museum, Phoenix, AZ, and Kunstmuseen der Stadt Erfurt, Galerie Waidspeicher im Kulturhof Krönbacken, Erfurt, Germany), Surface and Substance (Contemporary Applied Arts and Electrum Gallery, London, England and Ruthin Craft Centre, Wales), Evolution and Imagination (Cameron Museum, NC). Collections include the Asheville Art Museum. Susie is a recent recipient of the Theresa Pollack Fine Art Award, a VA Commission for the Arts Grant, and multiple VCU Faculty Research Grants.  Publications include: Metalsmith Magazine (2008, volume 28, no. 3, cover article), The Compendium Finale of Contemporary Jewellry Makers, and Bijoux. Illustration et Design. Susie Ganch | Sienna Gallery Sienna Gallery

« …I recently began using pre enameled sheet steel, forming it, soldering it, and creating simple forms that reveal the life cycle of the resulting piece. They are intentionally raw, their surfaces containing hundreds, thousands of little cracks.  Solder is left on the surface, flux will come out over time, and because the steel is distressed (by forming), it will continue to shed bits of enamel.  They will age and evolve, gaining rust losing enamel while the diamonds and rubies on the surfaces will remain the same. I am considering my own evolution and what it means to transition into the next period of my life.  In a culture that values youth as the highest form of beauty in an industry (jewelry) motivated by beautification, these pieces reflect back the changes I see in my mirror every morning.  This jewelry will eventually disintegrate leaving some lonely diamonds and rubies behind. (In my imagination, they are the true loser in the story). Optimistically, I want this work to “die” making room for what will come next.  Part of my responsibility as an artist is to think of future generations and what they might need in order to make room for what jewelers sometime down the road will want to make… »

Susie Ganch - Glancing Back, Looking Forward at Sienna gallery

Susie Ganch | Sienna Gallery Sienna Gallery
Susie Ganch | Sienna Gallery Sienna Gallery
Susie Ganch | Sienna Gallery Sienna Gallery Susie Ganch | Sienna Gallery Sienna GallerySusie Ganch | Sienna Gallery Sienna Gallery




Sienna Gallery
80 Main Street
Lenox, MA 01240 USA
(001) 413 637 8386

« Circuit Bijoux » – ‘Paris-Mexico : Articulations’ – Fondation Maison du Mexique, Paris (FR) – 20 Sept.-6 Oct. 2013

Parcours du Bijou «Circuit Bijoux» – Paris – à partir de SEPT. 2013

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014

 bannière Circuits Bijoux

Joya Contemporanea de México en Paris

MUMEDI Museo Mexicano del Diseño  2 au 30 Juillet

JOYARTICULATIONS CIRCUIT BIJOUX Commissaire Sophie Hanagarth  Une sélection de bijoutiers contemporains mexicains réunis par Sylvia Burgoa et Ricard Domingo autour du thème « articulations » expose des parures pleines de chaleur, de couleurs, composées de végétation luxuriante, d’images, dans une atmosphère de jardin d’hiver à la maison du Mexique.

puis, à Paris, Fondation Maison du Mexique  20 Septembre au 6 Octobre

Exposición de Joya Contemporánea México-París  – Una treintena de artistas mexicanos, reunidos por Sylvia Burgoa y Ricard Domingo Nicolás, convergen alrededor de un tema común: “Articulations“.  Curaduria: Sophie Hannagarth-Ricard Domingo – – PARIS 20 sept-6 oct
Une sélection de bijoutiers contemporains mexicains réunis par Sylvia Burgoa et Ricard Domingo autour du thème «articulations avec ou sans mouvement» expose des parures pleines de chaleur, de couleurs, composées de végétation luxuriante, d’insectes, d’images religieuses, de squelettes dans une atmosphère de jardin d’hiver à la Maison du Mexique.

Exposición de Joya Contemporánea México-París  Una treintena de artistas mexicanos, reunidos por Sylvia Burgoa y Ricard Domingo Nicolás, convergen alrededor de un tema común: “Articulations“.  Curaduria: Sophie Hannagarth-Ricard Domingo – - PARIS 20 sept-6 oct

 Artistas:  Adriana Dávila / Milka Manifesto –  Alejandra Solar –  Andrea Ruiz –  Bárbara Magaña –  Brenda Farias –  Carmen Lucía Sandoval –  Cynthia Serrano –  Edgar López Jiménez –  Edith Brabata –  Felipe Cardenas –  Leticia Llera Martinez –  Lola Ramos –  Luciana Corres –  Martacarmela Sotelo –  Maria Paula Amezcua –  Martha I. Garcia / Pladi –  Martha Vargas –  Migdalia Rivera –  Óscar Figueroa –  Paula Guzmán –  Pineda Damián –  Raquel Bessudo –  Samuel Burstein –  Sylvia Burgoa –  Vanessa Drummond –  Xanath Lammoglia –  Ximena Alarcon Cavrois

 Sylvia Burgoa :  "Circuits Bijoux" Paris :  Joya Contemporanea de México en Paris  MUMEDI Museo Mexicano del Diseño  2 au 30 Juillet  Fondation Maison du Mexique  20 Septembre au 6 OctobreSylvia Burgoa

[Lola Ramos Collier "Un soleil pour ton cœur"]
Lola Ramos Collier « Un soleil pour ton cœur »
Jane Lopez Exposition Articulations Du 20 septembre au 6 octobre 2013 A la maison du Mexique 9C, boulevard Jourdan - 75014 Paris
Jane Lopez
MAPAU AMEZCUA Collier "ARMADURA DE LUZ O SIN LODO...NO HAY FLOR DE LOTO....." - exposition "ARTICULATIONS" - maison du Mexique



Casa de México
Cité Universitaire
9 c Boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris

Línea de RER B, estación: Cité Universitaire, o
Bus: 21 y 67, o
Tram: 3