EXPO ‘Philip Sajet: Beauty is the Most Important’ – Copper Museum, Knights Academy, Legnica (Poland) – 30 Avril-6 Juin 2013
Philip Sajet: Beauty is the Most Important
Philip Sajet tries, through goldsmithery, to combine the incompatible in his pieces. Thus the sharp glass shard penetrates the round metal setting of the ring, a green stone butts up against the delicate pearl, a classically cut, precious stone is sawn through and put back together. This is not about the destruction or extraction of something fragile but about emphasising that the one is not possible without the other. Harmony, balance comes through the combination of the various elements. Shells, a fragile and delicate material, used by man as jewellery for thousands of years, are combined by Sajet into a stole which can be seen in the accompanying photograph magnificently adorning a naked body, to which it lends an unassailable aura, like armour. The intangible, elusive glitter of a cut stone is replaced with metallic constructions which mimic it and turn the gentle glimmers into thorns. In the earrings the facets are imitated, but only the edges and not the light which emanates from gemstones. Small stones in their natural state are found at the connections, brightening the cool, aloof construction. Tiny and raw, they breathe life into the piece.
Sajet’s jewellery has a unique, distinctive use of form but it is made to be worn and through wearing to change its impact, breaking free from its artist-creator and developing its own life. The wearer too will change on wearing the piece, as it connects to his or her personality and deliberately draws in the attention of a third party, the beholder. In this light it is hardly surprising that Sajet has produced predominantly rings, earrings and close fitting necklaces which adorn the hands and frame and highlight the face. These are the parts of the body which stand for the expressive side of the personality; our facial expressions and gestures communicate with others, emphasise our nature, the unsaid and the said.
Philip Sajet Ring: Point 1986-2010 Rock crystal, silver, gold
Philip Sajet Ring: Shard 2008 Red glass, niello on silver
Copper Museum, Knights Academy
Chojnowska 2
59-220 – Legnica
mail: galeria@galeria.legnica.pl