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Parcours du Bijou « Circuit Bijoux » – Paris – de SEPT. 2013 à MARS 2014 !!!

Dès Septembre 2013 aura lieu à Paris le «Parcours du Bijou»

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014

l’image crée par les Ateliers d'Art de France pour l'identité des CIRCUITS BIJOUX. Cette image sera le support pour la communication dans la presse et l'affichage dans des lieux publics.  Le bijou choisi est la bague Herbes Folles de la créatrice de bijoux Claire Wolfstirn.

Le Parcours du Bijou sera constitué d’une trentaine de manifestations autour du bijou, qui se dérouleront à partir de fin septembre 2013 : expositions, performances, conférences …
Son objectif : montrer la diversité du bijou, français ou étranger, ancien ou contemporain.




 Eric de Gésincourt - CIRCUIT BIJOUX Paris - sept 2013(Eric de Gésincourt – bagues)

Circuits Bijoux

Plus de 200 créateurs de bijoux contemporains créent l’événement pendant 7 mois !

Du bijou de créateur au bijou contemporain, de la joaillerie au bijou couture, du bijou du Moyen Age à celui du 21ème siècle, l’étendue de la création en matière de bijou est riche.
Or à ce jour, aucun évènement n’a permis de montrer, au même moment, cette incroyable diversité.
Pour pallier ce manque de visibilité, un groupe de créateurs de bijoux, de galeristes, d’institutionnels s’associent autour d’un évènement spécifique, entièrement dédié au bijou.
Son objectif : montrer la diversité du bijou , français ou étranger, ancien ou contemporain.

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014, ils vous donnent rendez-vous dans plus de 50 lieux d’exposition-vente à Paris :

* aux Musée des Arts Décoratifs avec l’exposition « Dans la ligne de mire« , scène du bijou contemporain, du 20 septembre 2013 au 2 mars 2014
* au fil des galeries, musées, centres culturels, boutiques et showrooms dédiés ou non au bijou
*avec un cycle de conférences et tables-rondes


le détail du programme sur


Circuits Bijoux est un événement présenté par Ateliers d’Art de France, en partenariat avec Les Arts Décoratifs et l’association d’Un bijou à l’autre.

La communication et l’affichage public à Paris sont prévus. L’ensemble des informations sur le circuit sont relayées et actualisées sur le site :

Andrea Piñeros - ring - CIRCUIT BIJOUX Paris - sept 2013(Andrea Piñeros – ring )

Circuits Bijoux met en lumière plus de deux cents artistes de la scène contemporaine nationale et internationale du bijou :
Marianne Anselin Alexander BlankBrune BoyerLaura Bradshaw-HeapMonika BruggerChristophe BurgerCostanzaHélène Courtaigne DelalandeFlorence Croisier — Esther — Eric de GésincourtJean GrisoniAnnabelle d’HuartSophie HanagarthElie HirschGilles JonnemanAoï KotsuhiroïOtto KünzliEmmanuelle LacosteFlorence LehmannPatricia LemaireCamille Lescure Benjamin LignelGéraldine LuttenbacherLaurence Oppermann — Laurence et Philippe Ratinaud — Agathe Saint-GironsYael Sonia — Martin Spreng — Anna Tabakhova — Caroline VolcoviciClaire Wolfstirn etc etc …..  ainsi que plusieurs collectifs tels que Borax08001 , Contrepoint , Corpus , GLA , La Garantie,Viruthiers … réunissant des artistes de la nouvelle génération telles que Laurence VerdierGalatée Pestre ou encore Nelly Van Oost
Claire Wolfstirm (pendant) - CIRCUIT BIJOUX Paris - sept 2013Claire Wolfstirm collier & pendentif ‘éventail’
17 sept-19 oct  EXPO "Un bijou pour moi"  Avec cette exposition, les boutiques Talents prennent part aux Circuits Bijoux.  Talents Opéra présente les colliers pièces uniques de 24 créateurs conçus pour l'occasion, ainsi qu'une monographie de Yannick Mur.  (bijou Yannick Mur - Médaillon Bubble) -  Talents - Etoile  26 avenue Niel | 75017 Paris  Tél. : 01 44 40 22 80Yannick Mur – Médaillon Bubble à EXPO « Un bijou pour moi »  – boutique « Talents Opéra » présente les colliers pièces uniques de 24 créateurs conçus pour l’occasion, ainsi qu’une monographie de Yannick Mur

Céline Sylvestre - CIRCUIT BIJOUX Paris - sept 2013Céline Sylvestre
Eliane MICHEL - CIRCUIT BIJOUX ParisEliane Michel
Salon Parures et Allures - Ateliers d'Art de France - collier Ynaccollier Ynac au Salon « Parures et Allures » (Ateliers d’Art de France), Espace des Blancs Manteaux 

Parcours du Bijou    logo_dun_bijou_a_lautre-bleu%20petit dans Ateliers d'Art de France



Logolagarantie-formatweb%20petit dans Ateliers de Parislogo%20atelier%20de%20paris%20petit dans CIRCUITS BIJOUX/PARCOURS BIJOUX (FR)gla_noirrose%20petit dans D'un bijou à l'autre (FR)

       LogoMairiedeParisVersionPartenariat%20petit dans EVENEMENT / Type of EVENT



Galerie Collection (Ateliers d’Art de France)
4 rue de Thorigny, 75003 Paris
Métro : Saint Paul (ligne 1) et Arts et Métiers (ligne 3 et 11)
Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 11h à 13h et de 14h à 19h.
Tél. : 01 42 78 67 74


l’Atelier (Ateliers d’Art de France)
55 avenue Daumesnil (Viaduc des Arts), 75012 Paris
Métro Gare de Lyon (lignes 1 et 14)
Tél. : 01 43 45 28 79


Boutiques Talents :

Talents – Opéra
1bis, rue Scribe | 75009 Paris
Métro Opéra (lignes 3, 7 et 8 )
Tél. : 01 40 17 98 38
Ouvert du lundi au samedi de 11h à 19h.
Talents – Etoile
26 avenue Niel | 75017 Paris
Métro Ternes (ligne 2)
Tél. : 01 44 40 22 80
Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 11h à 14h et de 15h à 19h.


EXPO ‘Karin Seufert’ – Jewelers’ Werk Galerie, Washington DC (USA) – 18 Mai-7 Juin 2013

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Jewelerswerk (US),Karin SEUFERT (DE),USA,www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:07

Karin SeufertJewelers’ Werk Galerie  (Washington DC, United States)  18-May-2013 – 07-Jun-2013

Karin Seufert -  Jewelers' Werk Galerie  (Washington DC, United States)  18-May-2013 - 07-Jun-2013    website:

Karin Seufert  Brooch: Sphinx  Polystrene, pvc, silver, steel  7,5x8.0x7.5 cmKarin Seufert  Brooch: Sphinx  Polystrene, pvc, silver, steel
Karin Seufert  Ring  Silver, flock  2.5x2.8.0.6 cmKarin Seufert  Ring  Silver, flock

Karin Seufert  Brooch  pvc, thread, gold 14kt  13x5 cmKarin Seufert  Brooch  pvc, thread, gold 14kt  13×5 cm
karin Seufert

Jewelers’ Werk Galerie
3319 Cady’s Alley NW
20007 – Washington DC
United States
Telephone: 202 337-3319


EXPO ‘PLANETE INSOLITE’ – Saint-Leu la Forêt (Ile-de-France) – 24-25-26 mai 2013

PLANETE INSOLITE 24-25-26 mai 2013
les 25 ans de Saint-Leu Art Expo avec160 créateurs : Bijoux, Bois, Déco, Laque, Métal, Mode, Terre, Verre
Exposition-vente au centre-ville de Saint-Leu la Forêt (95), avec de nombreuses animations
Vendredi 16-19h, samedi et dimanche 10h-19h

avec Michèle Forest

25 années lumière : planète insolite - 25 ans Saint Leu Art Expo - 24/26 mai 2013

avec Michèle Forest, créatrice textile :

Michèle Forest

Michèle Forest

Michèle Forestet encore PLUS de BIJOUX ! :

Pierre-David ABT et Claire MAHEY – Atelier Silène, Bijoux argent et bois précieux — Sara BRAN — Anne DE LA FORGE, Conceptrice styliste de bijoux –  Marie-Hélène DE SOUSA : Lena , Création de bijoux — Ghislaine GARCIN, Bijoux – Accessoires textiles –  Aurélie LEJEUNE – Les bijoux d’Oré — Catherine MARGHIERI Bijoux laque — Laurentine PERILHOU et Clément SMOLINSKI : LauClem Bijoux, Bijoux tissage macramé — Mathilde QUINCHEZ — Lucille SALIOU : Molusk – Lise SPARZA-GLANZMANN : Mademoiselle Lise Design, Bijoux contemporains –  Françoise WINTZ Broderie – expression textile — Claire WOLFSTIRN, Bijoux contemporains sculptures

Sara BranSara Bran – bracelet

Claire Wolfstirm (pendant) - CIRCUIT BIJOUX Paris - sept 2013Claire Wolfstirm (pendant)

EXPO ‘Salomé Lippuner: de laque, d’ombre et d’or’ – Galerie Elsa Vanier, Paris (FR) – 24 Mai-27 Juill. 2013

Salomé Lippuner : Of lacquer, shadow and gold  -  24-May-2013 – 27-Jul-2013

 De laque, d’ombre et d’or

Bijou Salome Lippuner - de laque et d'ombre - galerie Elsa vanier Paris

From 24th May, the Gallery will be showcasing the Urushi jewellery of Salomé Lippuner, an internationally acclaimed artist still little-known in France. The Swiss jeweller chose“Urushi”, the Japanese lacquer, to highlight the grace of the contours of the human body.
We focus on the period of Salomé Lippuner’s residence in Paris in 2012, where she was granted a studio at the Cité Internationale des Arts by the “Bern Design Foundation” to show the works that were created then. During her stay, she set herself the task of creating jewellery using a limited number of tools. She said: “the limits created stimulation and often demanded a change of approach”.

Salomé Lippuner: Of lacquer, shadow and gold -     Galerie Elsa Vanier  (Paris, France)  24-May-2013 - 27-Jul-2013    website:  mail: galerie@elsa-vanier.frSalomé Lippuner – Necklace – lacquered wood, horse hair – -  Brooch – lacquered maple, tourmaline and gold
photo ©Xavier Reboud

Salomé Lippuner  Sweetwater Pearls and red Urushi lacquerSalomé Lippuner  Sweetwater Pearls and red Urushi lacquer

Salomé Lippuner and Urushi
Salomé Lippuner’s first memory of lacquer dates back to a visit to a childhood friend’s home. The play of light on the lacquer still holds the same fascination for her today. Later, in Paris, before training as a jeweller, she had another striking esthetic encounter, in the course of her architectural meanderings, with Eileen Gray’s lacquered paravents: Salomé Lippuner was bowled over not only by the artist and her admirable works, but also by the revelation that it was possible to create modern forms with urushi!
For Salomé, designing lacquered pieces is like breathing – it’s an absolute necessity. It also helped her discover that urushi isa vast playing ground for trying out new ideas and that jewelry was adapted to its incredible demands. « To enhance a lacquered surface, often in contrast with the divine brilliance of a precious stone, is a moment of bliss every time. But it is also a victory over a very demanding matter, because the more you try to master it, the more it masters you »

Salomé Lippuner  BroochSalomé Lippuner  Brooch


Galerie Elsa Vanier
7 rue du Pré aux Clercs
75007 – Paris
Telephone: +33 1 47 03 05 00
Fax: +33 1 47 03 05 55

EXPO ‘A bit of clay on the skin’ – Musée Gardiner, Toronto (CA) – 16 Mai-11 Aout 2013

A Bit of Clay on the Skin: New Ceramic Jewellery
Vernissage le 15 Mai , musée Gardiner, Toronto, Canada

A Bit of Clay on the Skin: New Ceramic Jewellery explores the appeal of ceramics, especially porcelain, in jewellery. Organized by the Fondation d’Entreprise Bernardaud (France) and curated by the renowned German-born goldsmith and jewellery artist Monika Brugger, the exhibition showcases the versatility and allure of the medium, which can be modeled or cast, used alone or with metal, wood, and stone, and vary in color and texture.

The exhibition presents 140  works and features the work of 20 cutting-edge jewellery artists, including creations by such notables as Peter Hoogeboom (The Netherlands), Ted Noten (The Netherlands), Gésine Hackenberg (Germany), Marie Pendariès (Spain), and Shu-Lin Wu (Taiwan). While some make reference to traditional jewellery in materials and symbolism, others altogether redefine it in substance, form, and matter.

A bit of clay on the skin - 16may-11aug. 2013 -  Vernissage le 15 Mai , musée gardiner, Toronto, Canada

This exhibition is part of the Toronto International Jewellery Festival
in conjunction with Meta-Mosaic, the 2013 SNAG Conference

A Bit of Clay on the Skin - Yiumsiri VantanapinduYiumsiri Vantanapindu

Yiumsiri Vantanapindu (a bit of clay on the skin) - Vantanapindu

Marie Pendaries - La DotMarie Pendaries – la dot

A Bit of Clay on the Skin - Peter Hoogeboom -Peter Hoogeboom

111 Queens Park, Toronto, ON M5S 2C7, Canada
Téléphone : +1 416-586-8080


DETAILS from the every day life

…. Ou ce qu’il reste d’une vie trépidante de « fashion addict » ….. nous sommes « étiquetées » !!

Kajsa Lindberg  Brooch: Every Day – Clips 2008  Laminate, concrete  10 x 8 x 1 cmKajsa Lindberg « Everyday Clips » brooches  2008  Laminate, concrete  10 x 8 x 1 cm (Velvet da Vinci)

« Every day I’ve been working on the routines and rituals of everyday life. The system of repeats and symbols that we inhabit and need. I’m always collecting things I come into contact with – things that say something to me.
The project is reminiscent of archaeology. It’s a sort of contemporary archaeology. Instead of exploring a different age I try through my findings to find out what’s happening here and now. Just as notes form a pattern and a history for things. That’s what I use as my basis when I make my jewellery.
I watch the ground.
I have used the bike that is drawn on the streets. On my way again and again.
In the necklace I have used pieces of iron connected with rubber rings to form a chain. It is reminiscent of a bike chain and the bike is travelling around the body on its own chain.
With the same materials I have made broader and bigger necklaces. Protection.
Street stones. Letters. Signs.
If you look. Small codes everywhere.
Bread. » Kajsa Lindberg

from the everyday life - Elizabeth Callinicos brooches  Elizabeth Callinicos brooches (Velvet da Vinci)

Emily Gill www.emilygill.caEmily Gill 

Katherine Wheeler - Made from sewn inkjet printed fabric tags.Katherine Wheeler - Made from sewn inkjet printed fabric tags

Estadania r. de Almeida - Brooch notebook/tagEstadania r. de Almeida – Brooch notebook/tag

Florence Jaquet, 2011Florence Jaquet, 2011 Tea tags, cotton thread  (il semblerait que la « fashion addict » boive beaucoup de thé …..)

Yunju Lee‘s precious stains…  “The worthless and unpleasant stain that we find in our daily life can be transformed into the most valuable and fascinating jewellery. Jewellery is not always extraordinary, but it is an object tht we can learn in our daily life”Yunju Lee‘s precious stains…  “The worthless and unpleasant stain that we find in our daily life can be transformed into the most valuable and fascinating jewellery. Jewellery is not always extraordinary, but it is an object tht we can learn in our daily life”

Yunju Lee is a recent graduate from the jewelery program at london’s central st. martins. her works takes a decidedly opposite perspective to the idea of beauty in jewelery. instead of diamonds and gems, lee crafts brooches that look like stains from ketchup or a woman’s lips. other pieces include a nose ring that has a milk moustache hanging below and ring with a household iron pattern. while the subject in her work is commonplace and unconventional, she executes them in more traditional silver, gold and enamel. (designboom)

Small every day life mishaps are her starting point of creation. Her exquisite jewellery and the collection, which was about “worthless and unpleasant stains, which we find in our everyday lives”, were transformed into precious jewellery. A set of ketchup dribbles stain to be worn on your tie, black enameled sterling silver ink stains to pin on your shirt or a cheeky lipstick trace set on a solid gold collar. More girlie lips and charming milk mustache (nose ring) can be found at the collection. Her funky and delightful collection is exclusively available only in, London.

EXPO ‘In between’ – Museo N. de Cerámica, Valencia (ES) – 14 Mai-7 Juil. 2013

Christine Graf : « In between » Joyería Contemporánea en EASD Valencia

Exposición de la joyera y esmaltadora alemana Christine Graf.

El 14 de mayo a las 19h. se inaugura la exposición « In between » en las salas del Palacio Marqués de Dos Aguas de Valencia (Museo N. de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí de Valencia.) -  La exposición podrá verse hasta el 7 de julio.

'In between' by Christine Graf at 'Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarios González Martí' (Valencia, Spain)  From May 14 until May 17, 2013

Los próximos 15, 16 y 17 mayo, a las 10 h, Christine Graf impartirà el curso (workshop) « Enamel. A multi-coloured voyage of discovery », un taller para experimentar con el esmalte.

Christine Graf

Como la propia Christine Graf afirma, la inspiración para su obra se encuentra en las imágenes y emociones de la vida cotidiana, que dan como resultado un complejo y polifacético “sonido visual”. Esas impresiones recibidas se conjugan con sus manos, su mente y los materiales que usa para transformarlas en piezas de joyería.
El material predilecto de Graf es la malla de cobre de manufactura industrial que trabaja como si se tratara de un tejido o de papel, lo cual le permite darle forma directamente con sus manos siguiendo su instinto. Usando las técnicas tradicionales del textil ‐transformado en metal‐, intenta cambiar las cualidades estéticas de la estructura de la malla.
A continuación aplica varias capas de esmaltado que cubren el metal, haciendo desaparecer sus cualidades estructurales y otorgándole una nueva identidad visual y metafórica.
Las piezas en contexto, la sutileza de los matices y la textura, los diferentes tamaños, los diálogos que se establecen entre el espacio y la frontera crea la ilusión de una composición múltiple : como la propia Christine
Graf lo expresa, una “sinfonía polifónica”.
Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
Departamento de difusión
Ref. Mailing
C/ Poeta Querol, 2
46002 Valencia


EXPO ‘Gioielli in Fermento 2013′ – Torre Fornello (Italy) – 12-29 Mai 2013

Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2013
La Vigna delle Arti
12 – 29 maggio 2013
inaugurazione / opening domenica 12 maggio alle ore 16.30
con la collaborazione di AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo e JOYA Contemporary Jewellery Fair
con il patrocinio di Provincia di Piacenza, Comune di Ziano Piacentino

On Sunday May12th 2013 during the opening of the exhibition, Enrico Sgorbati, Torre Fornello’s owner, and the Jury chaired by Gualtiero Marchesi
will assign the Torre Fornello Award – Gioielli in Fermento 2013
GianCarlo Montebello Jewellery designer, professor famous artist jewellery editor
Gigi Mariani Goldsmith artist, AGC committee member
Paulo Ribeiro Director of Joya Barcelona, Contemporary Jewellery Fair
Eliana Negroni Curator of the Gioielli in Fermento Torre Fornello Award project

Esposizione Gioielli in Fermento


A competition open to designers, artists, goldsmiths and handcrafters, for contemporary jewellery inspired by the following theme:

the sense of taste seeking for flavours: great skill in combining and refining

Fire, Ferran Adrià - Ring Party, Rita MarcangeloFire, Ferran Adrià (Ferran Adrià, Fundacion ElBulli.) – Ring Party, Rita Marcangelo

candidati al Premio Torre Fornello – Gioielli in Fermento 2013 :
Espongono gli autori: 
Patricia Alvarez (Argentina) — Graziano BarzettiEleonora BattaggiaSilvia BeccariaMaura Biamonti (Francia) — Narciso Bresciani — Lilia Breyter (Argentina) — Maria Carelli (Argentina) — Luisa Chiandotto — Patricia Cruz (Colombia) — Maximilian Czerny — Giuseppina Dallanoce — Nicoletta Dal Vera — Corrado De MeoClara Del Papa – Martina Eiselein (Germania) — Eva Franceschini e Laura Stefani — Nicoletta Frigerio –  Gaspare Gaeta — Patricia Gallucci (Argentina) — Francesca Gazzi — Eleonora Ghilardi — Lucilla Giovanninetti — Roberto Grimani e Raffaele IraceHeidemarie HerbAnnamaria Iodice — Mia Kwon (Germania) — Li-Chu Wu (GB) — Simona Materi — Materiaprima design — Alessia Mocavero — Katharina Moch (Germania) — Victoria Münzker (Austria) — Margareta Niel (Austria) — Roberta Pavone — Barbara Paz Sanchez (Argentina) — Alessandro Petrolati — Sara Progressi — Roberta Risolo — Gianni Riva — Stefano RossiMaddalena Rocco — Kika Rufino (Brasile) — Giulia Savino — Flora Sica — Simonetta Starrabba — Claudia Steiner (Austria) — Federico Vianello — Heike Wanner (Austria) — Seo Jeong Woo (Korea) — Davide Zambon —  Caterina Zanca.

Gioilli in fermento 2013 -  Heidemarie Herb brooches - Herb brooches
 Eun Mi Kwon necklace "likeleaf #7" necklace Montblanc porcelain ..Eun Mi Kwon necklace « likeleaf #7″ necklace Montblanc porcelain ….
Silvia Beccaria La Speziale (the Apothecary) gorgiera, fil di ferro, carta, tulle, pepe rosa, cardamomo, coriandolo, pepe della Giamaica, argento, tessitura a mano ruff, wire, paper, tulle, pink pepper, cardamom, coriander, Jamaican pepper, silver - Gioilli in fermento 2013 - Beccaria La Speziale (the Apothecary) gorgiera, fil di ferro, carta, tulle, pepe rosa, cardamomo, coriandolo, pepe della Giamaica, argento, tessitura a mano ruff, wire, paper, tulle, pink pepper, cardamom, coriander, Jamaican pepper, silver
Gioielli in Fermento 2013 - Giancarlo Montebello - 'soften ellipse' earringsGiancarlo Montebello – ‘soften ellipse’ earringsMaura Biamonti "chi-vuol-esser-lieto-sia_premio-torre-fornello" gioiellinfermento 2013Maura Biamonti

Viktoria Münzker. - Gioielli in fermento 2013Viktoria Münzker - Gioielli in fermento 2013

Viktoria Münzker – brooches « spumante » – Gioielli in fermento 2013 – Premio Torre Fornello IIIedizione

Viktoria Munzker brooches "spumante" Munzker brooches « spumante »

Viktoria Münzker - Gioielli in fermento 2013 - Premio Torre Fornello IIIedizione

Gioielli in Fermento 2013 -Maria Rosa Franzin  -'Fermenti'Maria Rosa Franzin  – ‘Fermenti’


Torre Fornello Vineyard
29010 – Ziano Piacentino
Tel: 335 8083039


Coup de COEUR : Évelie MOUILA

Classé dans : COLLECT,COUP DE COEUR,ENSAAMA Paris (FR),Evelie MOUILA (FR),France (FR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:46

 Évelie Mouila

pieces that explore the sensation of wearing jewellery

Le corps « encadré » et tenu, avec douceur et fermeté. Le cadre met en valeur mais aussi donne à voir, pointe l’attention sur ce qui est encadré, et en même temps lui donne un « soutien », un cadre  ………

COLLECT - Project Space - Évelie Mouila - pieces that explore the sensation of wearing jewellery. Made by Évelie Mouila, the installation combines making & visual communication. Through her practice Mouila found an unexpected solution to materialise the relation between body, jewellery & clothes. Coming from the idea that jewellery alone can be seen as clothing, she creates jewellery that dresses the body, becoming clothing, & clothing that dresses the body is jewellery. at COLLECT 2013 (at Saatchi Gallery (London, UK) From May 10 until May 13 May, 2013 )Project SpaceÉvelie Mouila – pieces that explore the sensation of wearing jewellery. Made by Évelie Mouila, the installation combines making & visual communication. Through her practice Mouila found an unexpected solution to materialise the relation between body, jewellery & clothes. Coming from the idea that jewellery alone can be seen as clothing, she creates jewellery that dresses the body, becoming clothing, & clothing that dresses the body is jewellery.

French Jewellery & Graphic designer Évelie Céline Mouila lives in London.
Her loves are photography, visual communication and accessories.
Mouila learns graphic design in Paris at the Ensaama (National School of Applied Arts and Crafts) to become graphic designer. In 2009, she arrives in London to work at the Christopher Raeburn Studio. While on assignment she got broad fashion knowledge.
In 2011 she starts a Master of Art at the Royal college of Art in London in the Goldsmithing, Silversthing, Metalwork and Jewellery department.
In 2012, she is graduated with the show and a collection called “Juliette”. Her collection emphasizes the actual lines of the body but also create new lines and contours. She creates connections that you don’t normally think about for a piece of jewellery.
After participating at the London Design Festival, this current work will be exhibit at the “Pinakothek Der Moderne” during the Schmuck 2013 which open March 7, 2013 at Munich and at Project Space of COLLECT 2013, the International Art Fair for Contemporary Object in the Saatchi Gallery, London, on 10-13 May 2013.
Currently working alongside Hans Stofer and Michael Rowe, she is curator and visual designer for the Jewellery department of the Royal College of Art

© 2011 Évelie Mouila CÉLINE COLLECTION Photography / Design: Évelie Mouila My idea was to focus around the collar. How the collar can become directly my necklace© 2011 Évelie Mouila CÉLINE COLLECTION Photography / Design: Évelie Mouila  – My idea was to focus around the collar. How the collar can become directly my necklace

Évelie Mouila (MA)  United Kingdom, London, RCA (Royal College of Art)    Necklace, 2012  paper, polystyrene bead, silver  200 x 190 x 360 mm, 160€Évelie Mouila (MA)  United Kingdom, London, RCA (Royal College of Art)  -  Necklace, 2012  paper, polystyrene bead, silver  200 x 190 x 360 mm

My 2012 collection emphazises the actual lines of the body but also creates new lines and contours. It’s about an intimate feeling of wearing jewelry that only the wearer can feel. Part of the jewelry pieces have direct connection with the skin and are worn hidden underneath the clothes : the other part is the decorative element and is visible.

Necklace & Hair Jewellery - Évelie Mouila  This jewelry reception the hair, and creates bunches of your hair. Acts as jewellery with new functionality.Évelie Mouila – Necklace & Hair Jewellery –  This jewelry reception the hair, and creates bunches of your hair. Acts as jewellery with new functionality.

Evelie MouilaÉvelie Mouila  – Necklace & Hair Jewellery – This jewelry thanks to the vertical rod encloses the hair between the body and the jewellery. The hair become a flat and soft surface which reception the jewelry.

Necklace & Hair Jewellery - Évelie Mouila  This jewelry thanks to the vertical rod encloses the hair between the body and the jewellery. The hair become a flat and soft surface which reception the jewelry.Necklace & Hair Jewellery – Évelie Mouila

Necklace & Hair Jewellery - Évelie Mouila  This jewelry thanks to the vertical rod encloses the hair between the body and the jewellery. The hair become a flat and soft surface which reception the jewelry.Necklace & Hair Jewellery – Évelie Mouila

Evelie Mouila


Découverte : Akis GOUMAS – will be at JOYA Barcelona 2013 – 17-18-19 Oct. 2013

Classé dans : Akis GOUMAS (GR),Grece (GR),JOYA (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 20:04

JOYA Barcelona 2013 – 17-18-19 Oct. 2013

préparez-vous !

JOYA Barcelona 17-18-19 oct 2013 (Piece: Florence Croisier)

… avec Akis Goumas. De l’aérien, au fil de la ligne, une architecture qui s’envole ….

Akis Goumas was born in Athens in 1952. He obtained the ASOEE diploma in 1978. He has been designing and creating jewelry since 1980. His work has been distinguished in National competitions 7 times (1982-84-86-88-91-92-95-). During 1982-1986 he studied gemology. In 1988 he was a visitor artist in Portsmouth College of Art and Design. Co-founded “ONAR S.A.” company in 1990, producing jewelry (and art and design objects) and he undertook the design department. (At the same time) he also taught creative jewelry classes at Campus Arts and Sciences (Athens 1994-98) and at Chalkis Art School (Chalkis 2000 until now). He started designing for the Museum of Cycladic Art of Athens in 2008. His work is exhibited at the Benaki Museum shop and at the Cycladic Art Museum shop ( )
Akis Goumas presents “Periapta”  Silver, gold leaf, acrylic pigments and silkAkis Goumas – “Periapta”  Silver, gold leaf, acrylic pigments and silk
Akis Goumas - In orbit ring --
Akis Goumas – In orbit ring
Akis Goumas - ring - "tensions" forged silver, titanio, coloured wood -Akis Goumas – ring – « tensions » forged silver, titanio, coloured wood
akis goumas - brooch - silver, goldAkis Goumas- brooch – silver, gold
Akis Goumas - brooch 'bark' hammered silver, pigmentAkis Goumas - brooch 'bark' hammered silver, pigment
Akis Goumas- brooch (back & front) ‘bark’ hammered silver, pigment
Akis Goumas - Ring-Silver,gold leaf ,acrylic pigment.Akis Goumas – Ring-Silver,gold leaf ,acrylic pigment
Akis Goumas - necklace "Pleione" Alpaca,acrylics.Akis Goumas – necklace « Pleione » Alpaca,acrylics
Akis Goumas bracelet "shell" - forged silver, wiresAkis Goumas bracelet « shell » – forged silver, wires