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COUP de COEUR : Malgosia KALINSKA en noir et blanc

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Malgosia KALINSKA (PL),plastiques,Pologne (PL) — bijoucontemporain @ 8:42

Coup de Coeur pour les bijoux de Malgosia Kalinska, et tout particulièrement pour ses transformations de sacs en plastiques !

Building from plastic bags to create rhythmical, ordered structures, I have found for them a new place in my designs. Embedded in necklaces and rings they function as gemstones and pearls.

« Plastic bags, disposable package for disposable products after they’ve served their purpose, become useless- they reside in our drawers, as well as being chased by the wind in the African desert, they constitute an unwanted powerful force.
Building from plastic bags to create rhythmical, ordered structures, I have found for them a new place in my designs. Embedded in necklaces and rings they function as gemstones and pearls… « 

Master of Arts, Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź (Pologne), Department of Fabric and Fashion, specialization Jewellery Designs

2008 Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Lodz, Faculty of Textile and Fashion Design, diploma with mention of the Department of Jewelry Design, Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.

Malgosia Kalinska  Bracelet: untitled 2011  Plastic bag, silverMalgosia Kalinska  Bracelet: untitled 2011  Plastic bag, silver

Malgosia Kalinska  Bracelet: Untitled 2012  Plastic bag, silver  - Kalinska  Bracelet: Untitled 2012  Plastic bag, silver

Recycled plastic bags becomes beautiful jewellery in the hands of Malgosia KalinskaMalgosia Kalinska – Necklace: Untitled 2012 – Plastic bag, silver – 19 x 19 x 5 cm

Malgosia Kalinska  Necklace: Untitled 2011  Plastic bag, silverMalgosia Kalinska  Necklace: Untitled 2011  Plastic bag, silver

Malgosia Kalinska -   Brooch: Untitled 2011  Plastic bag, silverMalgosia Kalinska -   Brooch: Untitled 2011  Plastic bag, silver

Malgosia Kalinska Brooch: Untitled 2011 Plastic bag, silverMalgosia Kalinska Brooch: Untitled 2011 Plastic bag, silver

Malgosia Kalinska  Brooch: Untitled 2011  Organza, silverMalgosia Kalinska  Brooch: Untitled 2011  Organza, silver

Malgosia Kalinska (PL) - Necklace: Untitled 2012 - Silver,plastic bag  Photo by the artist - -   "Building from plastic bags to create rhythmical, ordered structures, I have found for them a new place in my designs. Embedded in necklaces and rings they function as gemstones and pearls."Malgosia Kalinska (PL) – Necklace: Untitled 2012 – Silver,plastic bag 

elle fait aussi d’autres SUPERBES choses, comme cette bague vue à JOYA 2012 :

Malgosia Kalinska ring (at JOYA Barcelona)Malgosia Kalinska ring


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