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LOOT 2013: MAD about Jewelry – 1-5 Oct. 2013

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,MAD Museum (US),SHOP,USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:43

The Museum of Arts and Design will present LOOT 2013: MAD about Jewelry, its curated exhibition and sale of artist-made jewelry for four days this October. Now in its 13th edition, LOOT: MAD about Jewelry has become known as the ultimate pop-up shop for contemporary art and studio jewelry by both artists and collectors alike; it affords the public the rare opportunity to acquire pieces directly from some of the most innovative jewelry artists in the world. This year, the creations of more than 50 emerging and acclaimed jewelry artists will be on sale. Prices will range from $200 to $12,000, with $1000 the average. Proceeds from the selling show will benefit the Museum’s exhibition and education programs.

Opening Benefit:
Tuesday, October 1, 4:30PM to 8PM
The Show Continues:
Wednesday, October 2, 11AM to 6PM
Thursday, October 3, 11AM to 9PM
Friday, October 4, 11AM to 9PM
Saturday, October 5, 11AM to 6PM

LOOT 2013: Violaine Ulmer - porcelain
Violaine Ulmer (FR) - porcelain necklace
For Parisian jeweler Violaine Ulmer, the conception of a new piece of jewelry involves consideration of the interactions of light, transparency, form, & space to create a plastic object, not just an item of adornment. Each piece is above all a sculpture & a further source of experimentation. This approach gives form to “objewels” (objects-sculptures-jewelry), work that can be placed at the intersection of art, fashion, & design. Her current explorations focus on the meeting point between specific porcelain techniques & classic jewelry-making processes. Through this research, Ulmer evolves forms that exploit the fundamental character of her materials; they are both generous & pared to the essence.
Mathilde Quinchez .Mathilde Quinchez (FR)
Inspired by the lines found in nature, and more particularly by seeds and cocoons, Paris-based designer Mathilde Quinchez conveys a subtle and sensual world at fertility’s moment of origin. She communicates the most intimate matters with delicacy: her small, original cells convey a latent strength, comprising both the essence and the entirety of the universe. Beyond symbols, Quinchez brings us back to our perception of our senses—a wide range of simple and vital emotions. Her work also reflects on time, in her careful attention to detail, and the patina that the jewels will eventually wear. Quinchez’s way of working with silver, her pure lines and forms that explore fullness and emptiness, and her delicate perforations make her jewels extremely refined. In her hands, the metal becomes a synthesis of light, femininity and subtlety.
Andrea PinerosAndrea Pineros (FR)
 Andrea Pineros ’ work is based on the themes of structure and lightness. With his background in design, he is inspired by urban constructions such as bridges, towers, stairs, and even transport networks. As he observes Paris, its inhabitants, its intrinsic rhythms and movements, he considers the thousands of daily trips that form networks and links. Pineros transcribes these ideas into jewelry, focusing on the essential concepts of full and empty, tension between links, proportion and equilibrium, growth and chaos. The wire he uses to create his designs serves as a pencil does for an architect: this thread which can stretch out, multiply, and fill an entire space allows him to express his creative universe. His pieces remind us that the preciousness of an object resides not only in its material but in its esprit. Through his jewelry, Pineros reduces the monumental in scale to make it accessible and finally tame.
LOOT 2013 Florence Croisier
Florence Croisier (FR)
Florence Croisier composes with the body, catching the variants of composition that movement can offer. Born in Geneva, Croisier graduated from Geneva’s School of Decorative Arts and worked in Paris as a designer or maker for different companies until 1999, when she started her own collection. Three years later, she began working with titanium. This material’s durability, hypoallergenic property, and capacity to take on beautiful colors allowed Croisier to fully express her creativity—and titanium’s lightness allows the wearer to pile on as many pieces as desired while retaining complete freedom of movement. Croisier started this work using a sculptural approach, but later began to use titanium wire as a kind of pencil permitting her to draw directly with the material. Others of Croisier’s pieces are assembled from an accumulation of repetitive elements organized into a structure that is sometimes completely random, sometimes inspired by nature.
LOOT 2013 Fabien Ifirès
Fabien Ifirès

Self-taught designer Fabien Ifirès apprenticed in luxury saddlery and handmade shoe-making workshops. He decided to create his own label in 2010 in collaboration with Michaël Vandewielle. His mastery of traditional sewing techniques allows him to explore all the possibilities of leather, his favorite material, and offer pieces that are precious and unique due to his meticulous creative process. All of Ifirès’ jewels are entirely handmade according to traditional saddlery techniques, with very high quality leathers sourced from the best European tanneries.

Hungarian designer Janka Juhos was born into a family of artists, and so her future career was marked out well in advance. After receiving her BFA in 2010, Juhos founded her own jewelry design company, JUJJ.
Hungarian designer Janka Juhos was born into a family of artists, and so her future career was marked out well in advance. After receiving her BFA in 2010, Juhos founded her own jewelry design company, JUJJ.
LOOT 2013: Yoko Shimizu
Yoko Shimizu
Japanese designer Yoko Shimizu studied at Alchimia Contemporary Jewelry School in Florence, Italy, and chose to stay there to establish her jewelry practice. Living in a foreign country has heightened Shimizu’s consciousness of her cultural background and natural sense of expression and aesthetics. Subtleness and simplicity, fragility and vigor, harmony and tension are all important to her work. The theme of her collection in resin is transformation, which is manifest in Shimizu’s exploration of the mutability of forms, materials, and colors. Pieces of wood are alchemized into pieces of resin, and the surface of wood is transferred onto the surface of the resin. The metamorphosis of wood to resin, of natural to artificial, of opaque to transparent, and the continuous changes that occur when the jewels are worn on the body … all of these inspire Shimizu’s work.
LOOT 2013: Michihiro Sato
Michihiro Sato
Michihiro Sato became interested in contemporary jewelry when he was an arts education student in Japan. After his graduation, he traveled to the University of Pforzheim in Germany to research the field. This was the beginning of a very long stay in Germany, where he gained valuable experiences and perspectives as a citizen, an employee of several advertising agencies, and finally a freelance artist before he left the country in 2002 to study jewelry in Oslo, Norway. Most importantly, in Germany Sato encountered the philosophy of Buddhism, which has influenced his work. Sato is currently living and working in Osaka, Japan as a freelance jewelry artist and teacher. He creates his jewels using various materials, including paper, silver and resin. His experiences living in different cultures have had a great impact on his creations. For Sato, something transient is beautiful if he has the insight to perceive something permanent
Jo Hayes Ward Constructing jewelry from small building blocks,
Jo Hayes Ward – Constructing jewelry from small building blocks


EXPO ‘TRANS-formation, TRANS-fusion, TRANS-mission’ – Galerie Elsa Vanier, Paris (FR) – 11 oct.-27 nov. 2013

Parcours du Bijou «Circuit Bijoux» – Paris – à partir de SEPT. 2013

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014

bannière Circuits Bijoux
Galerie Elsa Vanier -
TRANS-formation, TRANS-fusion, TRANS-mission -
Du 11 octobre au 27 novembre 2013, ouverture presse le jeudi 10 octobre -
Agathe Saint Girons fête ses 20 ans de création avec une grande exposition de bijoux de collections et pièces uniques du projet Bijoux-portraits initié en 2012.
Agathe St Girons - (énormes !) sautoirs verre soufflé, argent, cuir - série 'Parures précieuses' - expo "Dans la Ligne de Mire"
Agathe St Girons – (énormes ! superbes !!) sautoirs verre soufflé, argent, cuir – série ‘Parures précieuses’ – |expo « Dans la Ligne de Mire »]
« Et plus si affinités » : Du 14 novembre 2013 au 20 mars 2014, ouverture presse le 13 novembre.
Pendant son exposition, Agathe Saint girons invite un créateur de son choix qui en invitera un second … Quatre créateurs inconnus de la galerie sont ainsi invités à investir une vitrine pendant un mois.
Agathe Saint Girons invite Marianne Anselin du 14 novembre au 11 décembre 2013.
Marianne Anselin invite Muriel Laurent du 11 décembre 2013 au 15 janvier 2014.
Muriel Laurent invite Ambroise Degenève du 15 janvier au 19 février 2014.
Ambroise Degenève invite Ariel Kupfer du 19 février au 20 mars 2014.


bracelet manchette d'Agathe Saint Girons
bracelet manchette d’Agathe Saint Girons – collection « funky croco », Bracelet manchette en argent et laque


« Surprise Party«  Du 30 novembre 2013 au 20 mars 2014, ouverture presse le 29 novembre
Pour fêter le 10 e anniversaire de la galerie, les créateurs permanents de la galerie exposent leurs pièces marquantes et imaginent un bijou surprise. En parallèle, Elsa Vanier expose sa collection privée.
Costanza — Helene Courtaigne-Delalande — Florence Croisier — Nathalie Dmitrovic — Esther — Jean Grisoni — Patricia Lemaire — Delphine Nardin — Laurence Oppermann — Laurence et Philippe Ratinaud — Yael Sonia — Martin Spreng — Agathe Saint Girons — Anna Tabakhova — Claire Wolfstirn…

Finissage des expositions Circuits Bijoux le jeudi 20 mars 2014


Galerie Elsa Vanier
7, rue du p ré-aux-Clercs
75007 Paris
Tél. : + 33 (0)1 47 03 05 00
Du mardi au samedi, de 11h30 à 19h
entrée libre

2013 Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennial – Beijing, China – 28 Sept.-12 Oct. 2013

Classé dans : Chine (CN),Salon — bijoucontemporain @ 0:08

2013 Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennial‘ at Beijing, China from September 28th ~ October 12th.

The exhibition will belong to the 2013 Beijing International Design Week, as one of the exhibition areas.

The main theme of the exhibition is Jewelry • Identity, which aims to show an exchange of different cultures.
In addition, it also focus on pushing forward the development of diversified art works and providing platform and space for different art concepts and ideas.

Liisa Hashimoto :  I am going to exhibit my works at '2013 Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennial' at Beijing, China from September 28th ~ October 12th.
among the exhibitors selected :
Liisa Hashimoto José MarinAna Albuquerque
José Marin - Brooch: "HILO DE LANA" Titanium and tsavorite. – à Hilo de Lana.
José Marin – Brooch: « HILO DE LANA » Titanium and tsavorite
Liisa HASHIMOTO -- mebae rings
Liisa HASHIMOTO — mebae rings
Ana Albuquerque, Ring, 2008
Ana Albuquerque, Ring
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
(Beijing, China)
28.Sep.2013 – 12.Oct.2013
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
798 Art Area – Beijing – China
Telephone: +86-010-64288164
Telephone: +86-010-64288286


EXPO ‘Suspended in Pink’ – Viaduc des Arts, Paris (FR) – 12-20 Oct. 2013

 Parcours du Bijou «Circuit Bijoux» – Paris – à partir de SEPT. 2013

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014

bannière Circuits Bijoux


suspended in pink
CIRCUITS BIJOUX - suspended in pink - Viaduc des Arts, Paris (FR) - 12-20 Oct. 2013

VIADUC DES ARTS – Suspended in Pink Du 12 au 20 octobre 2013 Le rose. Il agit comme un fil conducteur parmi ce mélange hétéroclite d’artistes/bijoutiers. Vous en connaissez certains, d’autres non. Le rose tisse un chemin à travers les différentes histoires racontées par les cinquante objets créés par cinquante artistes/bijoutiers. Le rose. Ce n’est qu’une couleur, rien de plus, rien de moins. C’est un début.

Commissaires : Laura Bradshaw-Heap, Alexandra Hopp, Ria Lins, Shari Pierce

Andrea Coderch –  Silke Feischer –  Annette Dam –  Sofia Björkman –  Babette von Dohnanyi –  Thea Clark –  Claire Lavendhomme –  Vinit Koosolmanomai — Claire Mcardle — Yeseul Seo — Zoe Robertson –  Corrado De Meo –  Erica Voss — Christophe Zellweger — Demitra Thomloudis — Drew Markou — Farrah Al-Dujaili — Galatée Pestre — Helena Johansson — Heng Lee — Isabel Dammermann — Iris Eichenberg — Jane Richie — Jo Pond — Jorge Manilla — Josephine Siwei Wang — Karen Bartlett — Karen Vanmol — Karin Roy Andersson — Kate Rohde — Katharina Moch — Kevin Hughes — Lauren Markley — Laurence Verdier — Lital Mendel — Lynn Batchelder — Mallory Weston — Masako Hamaguchi — Michelle Kraemer — Minna Karhu — Patricia Agallucci — Rachel McKnight — Réka Fekete — Rhona Mccallum




57, avenue Daumesnil -
75012 Paris
Du lundi au dimanche de 13h à 19h
Le vendredi jusqu’à 20h
entrée libre


EXPO ‘FANTASTICI !’ – Putti Art Gallery, Riga (Latvia) – 26 Sept.-13 Oct. 2013

Classé dans : AGC Italia,Exposition/Exhibition,Italie (IT),Lettonie (LV) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:14


Contemporary Italian Jewellery

from September 26 until October 13, 2013, the gallery will display major Italian contemporary jewellery exhibition “FANTASTICI! Contemporary Italian Jewellery”. This exhibition is a collaboration between Art Gallery Putti and the Association of Italian Contemporary jewellery AGC (Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo).

An international group exhibition “Conceptual Jewellery” in 2011 with Italian artists exhibiting their work in the Art Gallery Putti  is view-pointed as the beginning of a friendly cooperation foundation with the association’s AGC representatives in Italy.

Italian Association for Contemporary jewellery AGC is a noteworthy platform for both emerging and already acknowledged Italian jewellery artists. It is a non-profit organization, established in Trieste in 2004 in order to develop and promote contemporary art jewellery. It entails artistic research, renewal of the ornament ideas and experimentation with new materials and technologies, as well as maintaining the historical tradition of skills and abilities. The exhibition “FANTASTICI! Contemporary Italian Jewellery”, is understandably presumed to become a unique event in the Latvian cultural space.


FANTASTICI! Contemporary Italian Jewellery    Artists: Catalina Brenes, Luisa Bruni, Maria Cristina Bellucci, Monica Cecchi, Elisabetta Dupre, Anna Fornari, Emma Francesconi, Maria Rosa Franzin, Manuela Gandini, Heidemarie Herb, Giancarlo Montebello, Gigi Mariani, Paola Mirai, Rita Marcangelo, Margherita de Martino Norante, Alessandro Petrolati, Kellie Riggs, Barbara Uderzo.  Management: Agita Putāne  Place: Putti Art Gallery  (Rīga, Latvia)  26-Sep-2013 - 13-Oct-2013  website:

The 18 Italian jewellery artists participating in the exhibition are :  Catalina Brenes — Luisa Bruni — Maria Cristina Bellucci — Monica Cecchi — Elisabetta Dupre — Anna Fornari — Emma Francesconi — Maria Rosa Franzin — Manuela Gandini — Heidemarie Herb — Giancarlo Montebello — Gigi Mariani — Paola Mirai — Rita Marcangelo — Margherita de Martino Norante — Alessandro Petrolati — Kellie Riggs — Barbara Uderzo.


Putti Art Gallery  (Rīga, Latvia)



EXPO ‘DE FER ET D’ACIER’ – Magasins Weber Métaux, Paris (FR) – 20 sept.-11 Oct. 2013

Parcours du Bijou «Circuit Bijoux» – Paris – à partir de SEPT. 2013

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014

bannière Circuits Bijoux

Catherine LE GAL : « DE FER ET D’ACIER » – Partout et de tout temps des artisans ont travaillé le fer pour en  faire des bijoux. Catherine Le Gal, elle, utilise l’acier. En écho à quelques pièces en fer venues d’ailleurs, collier dogon du mali, garde de sabre japonais, elle crée une collection forte et colorée.

Catherine LE GAL DE FER ET D'ACIER ras de cou en acier patiné et or - Catherine Le Gal - 2011 - - EXPO : WEBER MÉTAUX - "De fer et d’acier" - 20 sept.-11 oct. 2013 -
 Catherine Le Gal - ras de cou en acier patiné et or -  – 2011
Bague acier patiné et or Catherine Le Gal 2011
Catherine Le Gal – Bague acier patiné et or  2011
Weber Métaux
66, rue de Turenne
 75003 Paris
Du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 17h30
entrée Libre

EXPO ‘Parure en majuscule’ – Galerie Cipango, Paris (FR) – 19 sept. 2013-2 mars 2014

Parcours du Bijou «Circuit Bijoux» – Paris – à partir de SEPT. 2013

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014

bannière Circuits Bijoux

Galerie Cipango -  19 sept – 2013 au 2 mars 2014 « Parure en majuscule » – bijoux Christophe Tissot -

Galerie Cipango -  19 sept - 2013 au 2 mars 2014 "Parure en majuscule" - bijoux Christophe Tissot - Galerie Cipango 14, rue de l’Echaudé - 75006 Paris Du lundi au samedi de 11h à 19h Entrée libre  Plus d’infos sur
bijoux Christophe Tissot

Galerie Cipango
14, rue de l’Echaudé
75006 Paris
Tél : 33 ( 0) 1 43 26 08 92
Ouvert du lundi au samedi de 11h00 à 19h00
Métro : Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Odéon ou Mabillon

JOYA 2013 – Barcelone (ES) – 17-18-19 Oct. 2013 – ça approche !

JOYA 2013  Place: Convent dels Ángels (FAD) (Barcelona, Spain) – 17.Oct.2013 – 19.Oct.2013

Management: Paulo Ribeiro, Anthony Chevallier

JOYA 2013  Place: Convent dels Ángels (FAD) (Barcelona, Spain) Management: Paulo Ribeiro, Anthony Chevallier 17.Oct.2013 - 19.Oct.2013 deadline: 30.Apr.2013  website: mail: mail:


Akis Goumas  Greece –  Alma Godolé  France –  Amira Jalet  Costa Rica –  Andreia Rollot Miguel Portugal –  Angela Ciobanu  Romania –  Angela Simone  Italy –  Anna Krol  Poland –  Anna Puig Spain –  Barbara Uderzo  Italy –  Carlos Bellante  Argentina –  Christina Karakalpaki  Greece –  Daniela Boieri  Italy –  Doru Dumitrescu  Romania –  Edith Bellod  France –  Erato Kouloubi (Kouloumpi)  Greece –  Eun Mi Kwon  S.Korea/Germany –  Florence Croisier  France –  Gabrielle Desmarais  Canada –  Pallavi Gandhi  India –  Hiroko Kobayashi  Canada –  Irene Palomar Argentina –  Isabelle Busnel UK/France –  Jose Marín  Spain –  Liana Pattihis  UK –  Marcos Honorato  Chile –  Maria Diana  Italy –  Maria Ribeiro  Portugal –  Maria Tsimpiskaki  Greece –  Marlene Beyer  Germany –  Nicoletta Frigerio  Italy –  Niki Stylianou  Greece –  Silvia Beccaria Italy –  Silvia Piantini  Italy –  Solveig Linke  Germany –  Stephanie Bates  UK –  Viktoria Münzker  Austria –  Violaine Ulmer  France –  Virginia Escobar  Colombia –  Yana Tankovska  Bulgaria –  Yannik Mur  France –


Liana Pattihis - 2013 - "splendour in the grass" silver cable chain, silver trace chain, enamel
Liana Pattihis – 2013 – « splendour in the grass » silver cable chain, silver trace chain, enamel – detail
Florence Croisier - merveille!!
Florence Croisier


EXPO ‘New Talent 2013′ – Lesley Craze Gallery, London (UK) – 6 Sept.-5 Oct. 2013

Lesley Craze GalleryNew Talent 2013

Twelve makers from across the UK …..

Lesley Craze Gallery - New Talent 2013
Olivia Creber - "Keeping Schtum" - resin, acrylic, brown horse hair - Edinburgh College of Art 2013
Olivia Creber – « Keeping Schtum » – resin, acrylic, brown horse hair – Edinburgh College of Art 2013
Kirsten Manzi - Park Avenue necklace - painted wood, rubber, piano wire, silver - Duncan of Jordanstone 2013
Kirsten Manzi – Park Avenue necklace – painted wood, rubber, piano wire, silver – Duncan of Jordanstone 2013
Heather McDermott - Caught in the rope necklace - stainless steel, acrylic, - Edinburgh College of Art 2011
Heather McDermott – Caught in the rope necklace – stainless steel, acrylic, – Edinburgh College of Art 2011
Drew Markou - series of brooches - stainless steel, spraypaint, concrete - Birmingham city UniversityDrew Markou – series of brooches – stainless steel, spraypaint, concrete – Birmingham city University
Ami Victoria Pepper - necklace - silicone, bronze, gold - Birmingham City University 2013
Ami Victoria Pepper – necklace – silicone, bronze, gold – Birmingham City University 2013
Carrie Dickens - Tactile Orange neckpiece - 3D printed nylon, leather,- Loughborough University 2012
Carrie Dickens – Tactile Orange neckpiece – 3D printed nylon, leather,- Loughborough University 2012
Cristina Zani - My seoul brooch - wood, patinated brass, gold leaf, paint, steel, linen - Edinburgh College of Art 2012
Cristina Zani – My seoul brooch – wood, patinated brass, gold leaf, paint, steel, linen – Edinburgh College of Art 2012
Kirsty Stewart - feather ring - silver, perspex - Edinburgh College of Art 2013
Kirsty Stewart – feather ring – silver, perspex – Edinburgh College of Art 2013
33 – 35a Clerkenwell Green
London EC1R 0DU
Tel: +44 (0)20 7608 0393
Fax: +44 (0)20 7251 5655


EXPO ‘Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons’ – La FLAQ, Paris (FR) – 20-28 Sept. 2013

Parcours du Bijou «Circuit Bijoux» – Paris – à partir de SEPT. 2013

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014

bannière Circuits Bijoux

Morgane de Klerk - "Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons"
La FLAQ : « Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons » – Du 20 au 28 septembre 2013
« Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons » fait référence aux tons jaunes, tantôt doux et subtils ou vifs et alarmants. Dans le domaine du bijou la relation entre le jaune et l’or est forte, puisque le jaune représente, imite ou remplace le métal précieux. En manipulant le jaune d’une certaine manière, on peut le transformer en or !
Benedikt Fischer — Nao IshizakaMorgane De Klerk Jasmin MatzakowFlorian Milker Q Hisashi Shibata

 We want to shake up the image of traditional jewelry and show that it is a full artistic medium, a means of exchange and communication. Art jewelry is half sculpture half fashion. It is, in fact, wearable art that creates a direct relation between the person who wears it and the one who observes it. This interaction is much more interesting and enriching to us than the ideal spread by the luxury houses of the Place Vendôme, which is outrageously decorative and stripped of any emotional value. We want to create a contrast with this French bijouterie-joaillerie, often very conservative, and that is why it is important for us to realize this project in Paris.
With our exhibition Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons we seek to show that any material can be of value and bear a meaning in relation to how it’s modified and polished. Yellow color is central in this project. Our pieces are inspired by gold, food and feelings evoked by yellow tones.

 "Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons"  - Q hisashi Shibata & Nao Ishizaka
Q hisashi Shibata & Nao Ishizaka

Nous voulons secouer l’image du bijou –traditionnel- et démontrer qu’il s’agit d’un medium artistique à part entière, d’un moyen d’expression et d’échange. Le bijou est à mi-chemin entre la sculpture et le domaine de la mode au sens large du terme, c’est un art portable qui crée un rapport direct entre la personne qui le porte et celle qui l’observe. Cette interaction nous est beaucoup plus intéressante et plus riche que l’idéal diffusé par les maisons luxueuses de la Place Vendôme qui est outrageusement décoratif et finalement sans valeur émotionnelle. C’est pourtant pour créer un contraste avec la bijouterie joaillerie française, souvent très conservatrice, que nous tenons à réaliser ce projet à Paris.

Avec notre exposition Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons, nous voulons illustrer que tout matériau peut gagner de la valeur et du sens selon la façon dont il est modifié et travaillé. Le jaune est centrale dans ce projet, ce qui nous amène à développer le rapport existant avec l’or, la nourriture ou les ressentis que génèrent les tons jaunes.

Gold, Butter and Ripe Lemons - Morgane de klerk
Gold, Butter and Ripe Lemons – Morgane de klerk
"Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons" - Morgane de Klerk
Morgane de klerk
"Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons" - Benedikt Fischer


36, rue Quincampoix -
75004 Paris
Du mardi au samedi de 18h à minuit
entrée libre


Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot