OFF JOYA 2013 – ah la la ! quel programme !!!!!!

In 2013, JOYA challenged itself to reach outside the FAD exhibition hall by pairing jewellery artists and galleries, that are not necessarily jewellery oriented but understand its contribution to art and design. The purpose is to further extend the offer of this art event to the public and to create greater synergies between the contemporary jewellery outlets that already exists in the city.
The end product is a route of jewellery exhibitions around the city of Barcelona that are open to the public and reach a larger audience.
The end product is a route of jewellery exhibitions around the city of Barcelona that are open to the public and reach a larger audience.
* Ceramic Association of Catalunya- Prepares a special exhibition of ceramic jewellery “Joieria Sincrònic” in their gallery space.
* Klimt02 Gallery – The long lasting partnership with JOYA provides an opportunity to see Noon Passama’s work, winner of 2012 Art Jewelry Forum Award, at the Klimt 02 gallery.
* La Basilica- Azahara Santoro, winner of 2012’s La Basilica award for students will be featured in this gallery along with 12 other international artists that work with the gallery.
* Amaranto Joies gallery - Brazilian artist Mirla Fernandes will showcase a retrospective of 12 years of her work in Amaranto Joies gallery of Barcelona.
* « Bigote del Sr Smith » Gallery - Claudia Betancourt and Nano Pulgar from Chilean brand WALKA, will exhibit their award winning work (Excellence of Handcraftsmanship (UNESCO, Chile 2008-2009) in this new up and coming gallery.
* Fili Plaza – La artista española Fili Plaza (Salamanca, 1957) ha elegido el cuerpo humano como objeto temático, como modo de expresión de su obra escultórica, nos enseñará su faceta más conceptual y experimental.
* « Jura Golub » Atelier - Presents 6 international artists from Austria in this cozy Barcelona gallery.
* « Room Service » Gallery - This design specialized gallery will host Burcu Büyukünal, Selen Ozus, Asli Kuris and Burcu Sülek from Maden, an up and coming jewellery studio from Turkey.
* Mutuo Centro de Arte- This industrial size gallery in Barcelona’s gothic quarter will host Context. A group dedicated to showcase the work of 26 jewellery artist from Spain.
* Ring Ring Gallery- Ring Ring Arts & Crafts is an open space for the world of design, art and craft in Barcelona. Seeking to find an artist who seeks beauty and communication from their work, they will host Bigornia, a group of 7 artists led by Spanish artist Imma Batalla.
* Escola Massana – La Escola Massana nos prepararé 2 exposiciones para enseñar lo mejor de SUS alumnos :
* Klimt02 Gallery – The long lasting partnership with JOYA provides an opportunity to see Noon Passama’s work, winner of 2012 Art Jewelry Forum Award, at the Klimt 02 gallery.
* La Basilica- Azahara Santoro, winner of 2012’s La Basilica award for students will be featured in this gallery along with 12 other international artists that work with the gallery.
* Amaranto Joies gallery - Brazilian artist Mirla Fernandes will showcase a retrospective of 12 years of her work in Amaranto Joies gallery of Barcelona.
* « Bigote del Sr Smith » Gallery - Claudia Betancourt and Nano Pulgar from Chilean brand WALKA, will exhibit their award winning work (Excellence of Handcraftsmanship (UNESCO, Chile 2008-2009) in this new up and coming gallery.
* Fili Plaza – La artista española Fili Plaza (Salamanca, 1957) ha elegido el cuerpo humano como objeto temático, como modo de expresión de su obra escultórica, nos enseñará su faceta más conceptual y experimental.
* « Jura Golub » Atelier - Presents 6 international artists from Austria in this cozy Barcelona gallery.
* « Room Service » Gallery - This design specialized gallery will host Burcu Büyukünal, Selen Ozus, Asli Kuris and Burcu Sülek from Maden, an up and coming jewellery studio from Turkey.
* Mutuo Centro de Arte- This industrial size gallery in Barcelona’s gothic quarter will host Context. A group dedicated to showcase the work of 26 jewellery artist from Spain.
* Ring Ring Gallery- Ring Ring Arts & Crafts is an open space for the world of design, art and craft in Barcelona. Seeking to find an artist who seeks beauty and communication from their work, they will host Bigornia, a group of 7 artists led by Spanish artist Imma Batalla.
* Escola Massana – La Escola Massana nos prepararé 2 exposiciones para enseñar lo mejor de SUS alumnos :
-> Linea de Sortida 2013 y
-> Massana in Progress.
* Jo Joia – Los mejores trabajos de distintas escuelas españolas junto a la escuela florentina Le Arte Orafe en el recinto de la Escola Industrial.
C. Sant Sever n.7
08002 Barcelona
tel. 93 304 20 47
08002 Barcelona
tel. 93 304 20 47
Horario: 11h – 15h / 16.30h – 20.30h
La Basilica Galeria (Temporary Exhibitions) C/ Sant Sever 8

Escola Massana presents « Linea de Sortida 2013 » Sala Busquets - 14-19 Oct. 2013
Centre d’Art i Disseny
Hospital, 56.
08001 Barcelona
Tel. 93 442 20 00
Fax 93 441 78 44

Escola Massana presents « Massana in Progress » – Sala Blava - 14-19 Oct. 2013

Amaranto joies presents « Mi Cuerpo, tu cuerpo. Mirla Fernandes » – 17 Oct.-10 Nov. 2013
Sant Domènec 23
08012 Barcelona
Horario de martes a sábado de 12 a 14:30h y de 17 a 21:30h.

Ring Ring Arts & Crafts presents « Personalismes by Bigornia » -Bigornia, a group of 7 artists led by Spanish artist Imma Batalla : Mireia Bonastre — Mireia Calaf — Laura Juanós — Toni Marti — Anabel Ortega — Mar Sánchez
Carrer de Lluís el Piadós, 3
08003 Barcelona

Klimt 02 Gallery presents « Portraits by Noon Passama » Winner of Art Jewellery Forum Award 2012 – 16 Oct.-1er Nov. 2013
Riera Sant Miquel 65,
08006 Barcelona
phone:00 34 933687235
Tuesday to Friday from 17 h to 20 h

DTerra Gallery+Workshop presents « Walter Chen : Ondas » 19 oct.-30 Nov. 2013
St. Cugat del Vallès – (near Barcelona)
tel +34 936747807 –

Jura Golub presents « Jura Golub and friends from Vienna » – 17-18-19 Oct. 2013 - 6 international artists from Austria : Petr Dvorak – Jura Golub – Jacqueline I. Lillie — Gerti Machacek — BaoToan Puls — Florian Wagner
Diputacio 349
08009 Barcelona
+34 931 26 20 39
11 a 21 h

« El Bigote del Sr. Smith » presents « Matadero/Walka Studio » – Claudia Betancourt and Nano Pulgar from Chilean brand WALKA, will exhibit their award winning work (Excellence of Handcraftsmanship (UNESCO, Chile 2008-2009) in this new up and coming gallery.
Calle Joaquín Costa
08001 Barcelona
+34 93 412 09 50

Room Service Design presents « maden studio istanbul » - Room Service : This design specialized gallery will host Burcu Büyukünal, Selen Ozus, Asli Kuris and Burcu Sülek from Maden, an up & coming jewellery studio from Turkey
C/ dels Àngels, 16
08001 - Barcelona
T. +34 933 021 016
Lunes-Viernes: 10-14h y 16-19h
Sábado: 11-14h

Associació Ceramistes de Catalunya presents « Sincrònic » special exhibition of ceramic jewellery: Alfredo Gómez — Aline Berdichevsky — Carolina Giner — Esther Pi — Eva Mazana — Isabel Sousa Carvalho — Laia Ossorio — Luzia Vogt — Maria Saura — Marta Armada — Marta Ortí — Marta Pachón — Olivia Monti — Paula Estrada — Peter Hoogeboom — Roberta Ferreira — Rosa Nogués Freixes — Rosa M. Viadé — Shu-Lin Wu — Unai Cariñena — Zita Rodrigues – 26 sept.-31 oct 2013
Associació Ceramistes de Catalunya
C/ Doctor Dou, 7 baixos 1a
08001 Barcelona.
Tel: 93 317 69 06
C/ Doctor Dou, 7 baixos 1a
08001 Barcelona.
Tel: 93 317 69 06

Escola d’Art del Treball presents « Jo.Joia » – 3-30 oct. 2013
Escola d’ART del Treball
Comte d’Urgell, 187
08036 Barcelona
Tel. 93 321 90 66
Fax 93 410 54 34