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Janny HUANG YOKOTA   « jewelry pieces with hidden spaces« 

« Materials are paper and enamel powder »

Janny Huang Yokota (Taiwan)Janny HUANG YOKOTA  – magical (and mysterious !) textures – 2013  (« sodium powder which is the newest work I am doing right now. »)

« Janny Huang Yokota’s delicate pieces are made from diverse media including silver, cement, enamel, paper and found objects such as coral and rocks. »

Après la découverte de cette première bague (ci-dessous) COUP de COEUR pour la serie « Cremation » !

Janny Huang YokotaJanny HUANG YOKOTA  – « 2 individuals & one eternity » 2013

« Cremation »  serie (made between 2012 to 2013)
« To me Jewelry is personal,
like the secrets that buries under a rock,
or under a tree, or even like talking secrets to a flower.
I have buried and Cremate words written on a paper in this cement stone.
And this is how Taiwanese burn something precious to the deceased love ones.
It’s secretive and precious as the words vanishes into ashes. »
Janny Huang Yokota - serie "Cremation"
Janny HUANG YOKOTA  - « Cremation«  serie
Janny Huang Yokota - serie "Cremation"
Janny Huang Yokota -  « Cremation » serie
Janny Huang Yokota - serie "Cremation"
Janny Huang Yokota – serie « Cremation »
Janny Huang Yokota - ring from "Cremation"  serie
ring from « Cremation«   serie
Janny Huang Yokota "To me Jewelry is personal,   like the secrets that buries under a rock,  or under a tree, or even like talking secrets to a flower.  I have buried and Cremate words written on a paper in this cement stone.  And this is how Taiwanese burn something precious to the deceased love ones.  It's secretive and precious as the words vanishes into ashes. "
« Cremation«   serie
Janny Huang Yokota - - "Cremation"  serieJanny Huang Yokota -  « Cremation »  serie
Janny Huang Yokota - "Cremation"  serieJanny Huang Yokota - « Cremation »  serie
Janny Huang Yokota - serie "Cremation"Janny Huang Yokota - serie « Cremation »
« Navel Tree » serie (2013)
« Every travel I make tickles me , carries me
to an amazing boundary such as the rabbit hole in the Alice wander land.
It’s like getting out of my navel and grow my spirit to an imagining beautiful plant.
A navel plant that grows to connect with outsiders! »
Janny Huang Yokota - "Navel Tree" serie -
Janny HUANG YOKOTA  jewel (brooch ?) from the « Navel Tree » serie 2013
Janny Huang Yokota - "Navel Tree" serie -
Janny Huang Yokota – « Navel Tree » serie 2013
Janny Huang Yokota - "Navel Tree" serie -Janny Huang Yokota – « Navel Tree » serie 2013
« white for bones 、white for spirits » serie (2013)
 » Bone and Spirits are the beauty beyond Death.
When we live everyday in life,
our bone structure support us physically and
our spirits fulfill us to see things differently.
But those 2 things between our body and mind
are the things that we can not see with our actual eyes.
When we have the feeling of remorse,
I think it’s the closest feeling to reach our bones,
When we have the feeling of emptiness ,
I think it’s the moment we search for spirits.
With the moments of feeling remorse and emptiness,
we recognize the existence of Being.
It’s very human like and I see the true beauty in it.
For me it’s a image of white that links to purity and truth.
After death it’s the bone and the spirit that lasts forever.
I choose my mother’s old jewelry to take a model out of it,
maybe because of her young death has lead me to see beyond.
And to remind me what is the true beauty of life.
Her jewelry is a bone to me and her spirits comes within »
Janny Huang Yokota - "White for bones - white for spirits" serie
Janny Huang Yokota – « White for bones – white for spirits » serie 2013
Janny Huang Yokota - "White for bones - white for spirits" serieJanny Huang Yokota – « White for bones – white for spirits » serie 2013
Janny Huang Yokota - "White for bones - white for spirits" serieJanny Huang Yokota – « White for bones – white for spirits » serie 2013
Janny Huang Yokota  (Taiwan) - "2 individuals & one eternity"Janny HUANG YOKOTA    – « 2 individuals & one eternity » 2013
Janny Huang YokotaJanny Huang Yokota – brooch  – « this piece is made of enamel powder and there is paper inside. It’s not baked, I use medium like resin to hold it together »  2013
ET ….. CERISE SUR LE GATEAU : le travail de Janny Huang Yokota sera  exposé chez
ALLIAGES (Lille) à l’espace permanent :-)

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