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SCHMUCK 2014 – OFFICIAL SELECTION – (Munich, Germany) – 12-18 Mars 2014

Schmuck 2014déjà ! … encore !! ……


Place: Willy Brandt Allee 1 (Munich, Germany)
Management: Wolfgang Lösche
12.Mar.2014 – 18.Mar.2014

Schmuck 2014 - déjà ! encore !!  Place: Willy Brandt Allee 1 (Munich, Germany) Management: Wolfgang Lösche 12.Mar.2014 - 18.Mar.2014  website: www.hwk-m...
More than 552 goldsmiths from 43 countries around the globe applied to participate in the special “Schmuck” (Jewellery) show at the International Crafts Fair in Munich next year. This great interest once again confirms the importance of this event in the context of contemporary jewellery-making and the significance attached to it worldwide. An above-average number of applications were received this year from Australia, Japan and Taiwan, but also from New Zealand and Argentina, the latter having been among the applicants for only a few years now. The selection for 2014 was made especially interesting thanks to the many new exhibitors nominated by the curator Jorunn Veiteberg of Copenhagen. Unusually, “Jewellery 2014” features over 25 new exhibitors, who will be represented in this renowned exhibition for the first time.
For the year 2014, a total of 66 participants from 25 nations were invited to exhibit. Numerically most strongly represented are goldsmiths from Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Denmark and Sweden. The applicants grow younger by the year, an indicator that even before or immediately after finishing their training goldsmiths seek to compete in our special show, present their work to an interested public, experts, gallery owners and museum curators, and rapidly find their way into the jewellery avant-garde. “Jewellery” is an important venue for making a name for oneself in international goldsmiths’ circles, establishing contacts, and not least, witnessing the award of the prestigious Herbert Hofmann Prize on Saturday.
Selected Artists: Anne Achenbach, DE –  Tobias Alm, SE – Sawa Aso, JP — Rut-Malin Barklund, SE — Peter Bauhuis, DE — Nicole Beck, DE — Alexander Blank, DE — Iris Bodemer, DE — Bas Bouman, NL  — Sungho Cho, KR — Eunmi Chun, KR –  Kat Cole, USA – Annette Dam, DK — Rian de Jong, NL — Laura Deakin, AU — Peter Deckers, NZ/NL – Paul Derrez, NL — Bin Dixon-Ward, AU — Georg Dobler, DE — Iris Eichenberg, NL/USA/DE — Réka Fekete, HU — Benedikt Fischer, AT — Kyoko Fukuchi, JP — Antje Godglück, NL/DE — Andi Gut, DE — Gesine Hackenberg, NL/DE — Cecilia Hecker, Arg. — Hanna Hedman, SE — Akihiro Ikeyama, JP — Karin Johansson, SE — Mareike Kanafani, DK — Beppe Kessler, NL — Ulrike Kleine-Behnke, DE — Jun Konishi, JP — Manon van Kouswijk, NL/AU — Marie-Louise Kristensen,DK — Daniel Kruger, Südafrika/DE — Dongchun Lee, KR — Sally Marsland, AU — Sharon Massey, USA – Yutaka Minegishi, JP/DE — Shelley Norton, NZ — Maria Nuutinen, FI — Kristi Paap, EE — Noon Passama, TH/NL — Ruudt Peters, NL — Lina Peterson, GB — Nicole Polentas, GR/AU — Jo Pond, GB — Auba Pont, ES – Tabea Reulecke, DE — Patricia Rodriguez, Arg. — Mette Saabye, DK — Karin Seufert, DE — Despo Sophocleous, CA/DE — Christoph Straube, DE — Jie Sun, CN — Fumiki Taguchi, JP — Anna Talbot, NO — Sabina Tiemroth, Arg. — Karola Torkos, DE — Karen Vanmol, BE — Gabi Veit, IT — Andrea Wagner, NL — Florian Weichsberger, DE/IT — Wen-Miao Yeh, TW
Retrospektive bei Schmuck 2014: Dorothea Prühl, Deutschland
Honored as next year’s Modern Classic will be Dorothea Prühl, a goldsmith who lives in Halle. A teacher at Burg Giebichenstein Art College, she not only helped shape an entire generation of young goldsmiths but, over and above her teaching activity, has created an admirable, original oeuvre that holds a very special place within contemporary jewellery design.
The special “Jewellery” show is characterized by the choice of certain themes which, in the eyes of curator Jorunn Veiteberg, represent salient traits of current jewellery design. As signs of our times and selection criteria, she sees found objects of metal or wood, things that bear definite marks of use, materials that speak an expressive, earthy language, forms and structures reminiscent of architecture, as well as masks, a tendency to mysticism, and forceful color schemes.
Willy Brandt Allee 1 (Munich, Germany)
Management: Wolfgang Lösche
12.Mar.2014 – 18.Mar.2014

EXPO ‘Materiality’ – J-Tour Gallery, Shanghaï (CN) – 5-20 Janv. 2014

« Materiality – Relationship between material and contemporary jewellery” , an exhibition curated by Anna Cheng, was hosted at Ame Gallery (Hong Kong) last month. It is our great honor to showcase works from 16 artists from all over the world, showing a wide spectrum of contemporary jewellery works.  The objective of this show is to highlight the use of unconventional materials used in contemporary jewellery today.

« Materiality”, the dual city exhibitions that feature 16 artists from around the world to interpret materiality in contemporary jewellery.
Material can be referred to as the physical or conceptual properties of the artwork. The Material the artist uses can be seen as a tool or a medium to convey his/her concepts and ideas. The Material itself can also be the inspiration, which becomes the focal point of the art piece.
The unconventional use of materials is one of key themes in contemporary jewellery today. Artists may use any materials that inspire them in their jewellery composition to tell a story and make a statement.
In this exhibition, we focus on the Material chosen by the artists and how it is used as the theme in their contemporary jewellery works.

If you have missed the show in Hong Kong, you can catch it in Shanghai : It will be at J-tour space  from 5 – 20 January.


Materiality – Relationship between material and contemporary jewellery” ,
Participating artists:   Adelina Carmichael (Australia) –  Alix Manon (Belgium) — Anja Eichler (Germany – China) –  Corrado De Meo (Italy) — Hana Hong (USA) — Jessica Armstrong (USA) –  Joo Hyung Park (UK) — Kee Ho Yuen (USA – Hong Kong) — Lawrence Woodford (Canada) –  Lital Mendel (Isreal) — Masumi Kataoka (USA) — Mina Kang (Korea) — Minwon Kim (Korea) — Noa Liran (Isreal) — Noy Alon (Israel) — Viktoria Münzker (Austria)
New Nomads: Noa Liran.
Noa Liran  – « Know where you came from and where you are going » Necklace , eggshell, silver
Noa Liran - Necklace , eggshell, silver - detailNoa Liran – Necklace , eggshell, silver – detail
Viktoria Munzker "Yellow Richelieu" brooch - fish scales, aluminium, lacquer - 2013Viktoria Munzker « Yellow Richelieu » brooch – fish scales, aluminium, lacquer – 2013
Masumi Kataoka, contemporary Jewelry | Work 2011-2013 -  Balloon, Animal Intestine, Sterling Silver, Nickel, 2011
Masumi Kataoka – brooch -  Balloon, Animal Intestine, Sterling Silver, Nickel, 2011
Mina Kang - brooch 2013 - ramie fabric, thread , stainless steel  ("Materiality ......" exhibition)
Mina Kang – brooch 2013 – ramie fabric, thread , stainless steel
Corrado de Meo - bracelet "a lot of stories" - polystyrène, silver, oxide, electroformed // Materiality – a contemporary jewellery exhibition in Hong Kong and Shanghai
Corrado de Meo – bracelet « a lot of stories » – polystyrène, silver, oxide, electroformed
Joo Hyung Park - melted series detail of a brooch - From "Beauty in imperfection" collection. Brooch, ring Brass, sterling silver 2013, 2010Joo Hyung Park – melted series detail of a brooch – From « Beauty in imperfection » collection. Brooch, ring Brass, sterling silver 2013, 2010
Anja Eichler - EiEiEi series - 'Void in red' collier 2013 - hardened quail eggs, silver, mirrors, steel cable 2,3 x 1,8 x 2,3cm (per element) 50cm (entire length)

Anja Eichler – EiEiEi series – ‘Void in red’ collier 2013 – hardened quail eggs, silver, mirrors, steel cable 2,3 x 1,8 x 2,3cm (per element) 50cm (entire length)

Lital Mendel -  "once more" necklace - paper
Lital Mendel -  « once more » necklace – paper
Hana Hong Blue Bloom I , Brooch Paper towel, sterling silver, Linen, cotton thread, steel
Hana Hong Blue Bloom I , Brooch Paper towel, sterling silver, Linen, cotton thread, steel 
Alix Manon - One earrings - wood, paper, bistre, thread, glue, steel wire - "One" consists of two pieces that are similar but different in weight, choise of material and texture. The earrings are like sisters, they belong together but express their own personality. // Materiality – a contemporary jewellery exhibition in Hong Kong and Shanghai
Alix Manon – « One » earrings – wood, paper, bistre, thread, glue, steel wire
Kee Ho Yuen - 'planning an idea' ring 2012 - anodised aluminium, bird eye maple wood, brass, rock, acrylic paint, clear acrylic ... (EXPO Materiality)Kee Ho Yuen – ‘planning an idea’ ring 2012 – anodised aluminium, bird eye maple wood, brass, rock, acrylic paint, clear acrylic … /
Shanghai city Changning District
Songhong road 685
Tel: 021-52830705

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