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Next Jeneration / Jewellery Talent Contest 2014 – DEADLINE 28 Febr. 2014

Classé dans : Concours / Competition,Italie (IT),POLI.Design Milan (IT) — bijoucontemporain @ 8:08

Next Jeneration / Jewellery Talent Contest 2014

DEADLINE 28 Febr. 2014

Next Jeneration / Jewellery Talent Contest 2014 -3nd edition

Fiera di Vicenza S.p.A., with the scientific advice of the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano, publishes an International Contest dedicated to ideas of young talents under 30.

Fiera di Vicenza S.p.A. believes in young people and the Contest is an essential scouting tool to identify and promote new talents in the international gold scenario. The theme of the 2014 Contest is the Design of a Sentimental Jewel, understood as a jewel to celebrate the most important moments of human life and feelings, from love to mourning, from memory to loss. The inspirations for the Sentimental Jewellery may relate to materials, shapes, processings, symbols, traditions and customs of the past or of the present, capable to transfer to the jewel sentimental and commemorative values.

The deadline for submitting the Designs is 28 February 2014.

The Award Ceremony will take place in May 2014 at VICENZAORO Spring


CONCOURS-  Next Jeneration / Jewellery Talent Contest 2014 - terza edizione  Fiera di Vicenza S.p.A., con la consulenza scientifica della School of Design del Politecnico di Milano, ..... DEADLINE 28 Febr. 2014
Participation is open to all Italian and foreign designers who, by 30 January 2014 are not older than 30 years (date of birth within 30 January 1984).
The documents required must be delivered by hand or sent by mail or courier no later than 12.00 pm of 28 February 2014 to:
Fiera di Vicenza S.p.A.
Via dell’Oreficeria, 16
36100 Vicenza, Italy
Attn. Carolina Lotto
Events Manager
JURY : Gijs Bakker Designer and Founder of Droog Design and “Chi ha paura…?” – Luisa Bocchietto Designer and President of the ADI – Associazione per il Disegno Industriale – Alba Cappellieri  Professor of Jewellery Design, Politecnico Univeristy of Milan – Marco Romanelli  Designer – Augusto Ungarelli
President of Club degli Orafi Italia -

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