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EXPO ‘Sense of Scale’ – Lillstreet gallery, Chicago (US) – 24 Janv.-2 Mars 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Heejin HWANG (KR),Sarah CHAPMAN (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 2:47

Sense of Scale: Metal Sculpture and Wearable Art” presents new work by 4 metalsmiths who were challenged to create both small, wearable jewelry and impressive sculpture for the wall or pedestal. Sarah Chapman, Heejin Hwang, Stacey Lee Weber, and Darlys Ewoldt are connected by their experiences as teachers (both past and present) in Lillstreet’s deeply rooted metals department and the diversity of their work speaks to the variety of techniques, materials, and approaches being taught here

“Sense of Scale: Metal Sculpture and Wearable Art” presents new work by 4 metalsmiths : Sarah Chapman, Heejin Hwang, Stacey Lee Weber, and Darlys Ewoldt
StaceyLeeWebberStacey Lee Webber - God Bless America: Ball Chain -copper, pennies, nickel – L x H x W: 144” x 1” x 1” – 2011 – Photo: Joseph Leroux
heejin hwang - tactile-sensations 2012 - Sensuality II - Steel wire Necklace - Hwang – tactile-sensations 2012 – Sensuality II – Steel wire Necklace
HeeJin Hwang    - tactile sensations IIHeeJin Hwang    – tactile sensations II
4401 N Ravenswood (at Montrose)
Chicago, IL 60640
 tel 773-769-4226

EXPO ’50/50′ – ECU Symposium (USA)- 17 Janv.-2 Fevr. 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Symposium,USA — bijoucontemporain @ 1:53

50/50 – part of the 2014 ECU Symposium

At the Gray Gallery African Art room – East Carolina University – Jenkins Fine Art Center

50/50 is an exhibition taking place this January at the 2014 East Carolina University as part of the 5th Metals Symposium. Material Topics: Image and Meaning.
The exhibition will take place at the African Art Room in the Gray Gallery in Greenville, North Carolina. The show will open on Friday, January 17th, 2014.Curated by Robert Ebendorf and Tara Locklear
50-50 - ECU Symposium
Artists: Boris Bally, Jamie Bennett, Michael Dale Bernard, Alicia Jane Boswell, Lola Brooks, Autumn Brown, Kathleen Browne, Ashley Buchanan, Raissa Bump, Kat Cole, Jim Cotter, Donna D’Aquino, Linda Darty, Dan Dicaprio, Robert Ebendorf, Maria Eife, Arline Fisch, Lisette Fee, Susie Ganch, Michael Gayk, Caroline Gore, Arthur Hash, Thomas Hill, Mike Holmes, John Iversen, Nicole Jacquard, Tim Lazure, Sungyeoul Lee, Tara Locklear, Randy Long, Patricia Madeja, Sharon Massey, Barbra Mcfadyen, Bruce Metcalf, Tom Muir, Emiko Oye, Mary Hallam Pearse, Beverly Penn, Katie Poterala, Gustav Reyes, Meghan Patrice Riley, Marissa Saneholtz, Marjorie Schick, Biba Schutz, Alejandro Sifuentes, Eric Silva, Courtney Starrett, Renee Zettle-Sterling, Loring Taoka, Amy Tavern, Billie Jean Theide, Demitra Thomloudis, Julia Turner,
Sarah West, Laura Wood, Leia Zumbro
Gustav ReyesGustav Reyes
The Wellington B. Gray Gallery
East Carolina University School of Art and Design
5th Street
Greenville, NC  27858
Phone: (252)328-6336

Decouverte : Laritza Garcia : « color in the urban landscape »

Classé dans : Laritza GARCIA (US),SNAG (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 1:45

Laritza Garcia, member of SNAG, is a metalsmith and educator living in Austin, Texas. She received her BFA in Jewelry and Metals from Texas State University and her MFA in Metal Design at East Carolina University. Painting, illustration, and involvement with youth outreach have been a meaningful influence in the direction of her jewelry design practice.

« My work seeks to convey my enthrallment with color in the urban landscape and the transiency of street art. Formally I am driven by keen considerations for line, shape, color, and form both on and off the body. While theoretically, I strive to connect the wearer to the ephemeral qualities of childhood play.  »

"A Blue Brooch"" by Laritza Garcia - Copper, steel, brass, silver, powder coat 3" x 2" x 1.5"
Laritza Garcia « A Blue Brooch » – 2012 – Copper, steel, brass, silver, powder coat 3″ x 2″ x 1.5″

« My design practice is underpinned by the conversion of two dimensional lines into objects of adornment. I use inks and calligraphy brushes to make loose illustrations that are the base from which components are developed.
I implement a vibrant color palate as a graphic trigger in efforts to reconnect with playful attitudes. I believe that playfulness helps people cope; problem-solve and can offer emotional lightness.
The intent of this body of work is to infuse wardrobes with pieces that bring levity to the forefront of everyday interactions. »

Laritza Garcia - Primary necklace copper, steel, steel cable, sterling silver, powder coat, fresh water pearls, garnet, black onyx, 2012 16" x 5.5" photo: Tara LocklearLaritza Garcia – Primary necklace copper, steel, steel cable, sterling silver, powder coat, fresh water pearls, garnet, black onyx, 2012 – 16×5.5″ - photo: Tara Locklear
Urban ScrawlLaritza Garcia - « Urban Scrawl » necklace – 2012 – Copper, Steel, Brass, Sterling Silver, Powder Coat
15″ x 5″ x .5″
Neon Stripe Brooch -  Laritza Garcia   2012  - Copper, steel, brass, powder coat 4”x 2”x 1”
Laritza Garcia  – Neon Stripe Brooch – 2012  – Copper, steel, brass, powder coat 4”x 2”x 1”
« My roots are embedded in the U.S. and Mexico border region of the Rio Grande Valley. I have also lived in the culturally vibrant cities of Austin Texas, Atlanta Georgia and most recently, Greenville North Carolina, where I currently pursue a Master’s in Fine Arts at East Carolina University. My work is fueled by my experience of color in the urban backdrop. Notable about my jewelry is the highly saturated color palette that permeates my visual vocabulary. Each composition boasts its own personality: vivid, upbeat and with a hint of pop urbanism. I am particularly interested in color’s ability to both reveal and coat aspects of dialogue. My active participation teaching Youth Art-Reach in communities infuses my work with elements of play. I am drawn to rutolos, graffiti, murals, and neon signs that dot the landscape, and am compelled to alter my own surroundings with work that is vivid, bold and exists somewhere between two and three dimensions.« 
Laritza Garcia "Rosa Fuschia" necklace - Tinkered series Steel, Copper, Sterling Silver, Powder CoatLaritza Garcia « Rosa Fuschia » necklace – Tinkered series Steel, Copper, Sterling Silver, Powder Coat
Spun Vermillion Brooch -  Laritza Garcia  2012  - Copper, Fine Silver, Steel, Powder Coat 5” x 3” x 1”Laritza Garcia – Spun Vermillion Brooch -  2012 – Copper, Fine Silver, Steel, Powder Coat 5” x 3” x 1”

« My personal development and professional training have led me to believe that playful attitudes help people cope, problem-solve and can offer emotional lightness. My jewelry pieces present familiar childhood imagery in efforts to drive forth the restorative nature of imaginative behavior. Gestural objects in vibrant colors materialize as graphic triggers that reconnect people with regenerative powers of playfulness. My approach encompasses a dual investigation of gestural drawing and traditional metalworking practices. I use inks and calligraphy brushes to make linear illustrations that are the base from which ideas are developed into refined pieces of adornment. The intent of this body of work is to infuse wardrobes and activate walls with whimsical pieces that bring levity to the forefront.«  Laritza Garcia

Carnaval Brooch -  Laritza Garcia   2012 - Copper, Silver, Brass, Steel, Powder Coat 3.5” x 4” x 2” Laritza Garcia - Carnaval Brooch -  2012 – Copper, Silver, Brass, Steel, Powder Coat 3.5” x 4” x 2”
Spun necklace - 2013 - Laritza Garcia Laritza Garcia - Spun necklace – 2013

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