Amberif – Gdansk (Poland) – Fair : 19-22 Mars 2014 – Design Award : deadline 10 Fevr. 2014
AMBERIF - International Fair of Amber, Jewellery and Gemstones
Amberif Design Award Entry Deadline: February 10, 2014
Amberif Design Award 2014 – exhibition of the award-winning works in the International Amber Jewellery Design Competition “Materia Prima” C
The watchword of this year’s Amberif Design Award is not just the alchemic representation of the primal substance able to take on the perfect form but also a direct reference to the contemporary idea of sustainability in design which respects local tradition, refers to the historical heritage of functional arts and elevates natural materials. Prized already in ancient Rome, Baltic amber is predisposed, as a substance close to the ideal, to be transformed into an original design. The unique nature of each individual nugget has always provoked artists to look for the right form, interpret associations, make use of its internal structure, colours, shades, transparencies and natural peculiarities preserved for the lucky finder over the past 40 million years. In an era of disposable products, it is sometimes worthwhile to look back to pre-history and fix your sight on the elusive aspects of both the physical and the metaphysical. The material, the medium itself usually gives designers a hint towards their first decisions; let us try to listen to this hint and follow through with it. We expect jewellery (without any functional limitations at all) in which the amber will be a remarkably strong justification for highlighting its most natural properties.
Prof. Sławomir Fijałkowski
Amberif Honourable Mention 2013
The Amber Prize 2013
11 Zaglowa Street
80-560 – Gdansk
Telephone: +48 58 55 49 362