SCHMUCK 2014 – Munich – 12-18 Mars 2014
Märta Mattsson and Tanel Veenre :
two exhibitions SOLOƧ – NEVER ODD OR EVEN, Part I and Part II will open next week in Munich. We hope to see you there ! Keep your eyes open this week for sneak peeks of our new pieces and the project on our facebook pages

Part I · Kunstgießerei München – The Foundry
Schleißheimerstraße 72
14-16 March 2014
Privat View on Friday 18
Saturday 11-19 Sunday 11-16
Part II · 84 GHz
Poetry by Daniel Graziadei
Music by Lauri-Dag Tüür
Georgenstraße 84
13-16 March 2014
Privat View on Thursday 19
Friday to Sunday 12-20

« Me and Tanel only have palindromes on our minds right now… Here is the concept behind our collaboration and our two upcoming exhibitions in Munich next week.
Tanel Veenre & Märta Mattsson
[palindrome] is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of symbols or elements, whose meaning may be interpreted the same way in either forward or reverse direction.
Palindromes like, A NUT FOR A JAR OF TUNA or EVIL RATS ON NO STAR LIVE, might not make so much sense to us but nonetheless they are symmetrical riddles that play with our perception of how we see things. Many believe that symmetrical objects have an inner harmony, and value them for this. In nature, symmetry is approximate. For example, plant leaves, while considered symmetric, rarely match up exactly when folded in half. If there is no such thing as perfect symmetry in nature, can we find perfection in imperfections?
What happens when two artists decide to mirror their own work but also reflect and bounce off each other’s visual language? Will we BORROW OR ROB ideas from one another? Will we feel the need to be the one who MUST SELL AT TALLEST SUM? Will our work end up at the same LEVEL? Or will ‘DAMMIT I’M MAD!’ for doing this pop up in our heads? Our new series of work has been created under an echo of two minds exploring the contradictory meanings of symmetry in nature and life. Mirrors are commonly used for personal grooming or admiring oneself. In the mirror you can see yourself, but not quite… The mirror image is reversed. In a mutual admiration can we create a MEGA GEM? This might get interesting, WON’T IT NOW? Have we hit your RADAR? Come and see this TOP SPOT that is TOO HOT TO HOOT! »
Marta Mattsson – rebirth – 2014
Tanel Veenre – Brooch: Animus Antilope (silhouette), 2014 – Seahorses, artificial resin, silver, cosmic dust
Tanel Veenre – Brooch: Palindrome I (silhouette), 2014 – Seahorses, opal, artificial resin, silver, cosmic dust
The Foundry
Schleibheimer Straße 72
80797 – Munich
Telephone: +49 (0)89 30 63 79 11
84 GHz
Georgenstrasse 84
80799 – Munich
Telephone: +49(0)89 30 63 79 11