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EXPO ‘The After Joya effect – Niki Stylianou’ – Popeye Loves Olive, Athens (Greece) – 1er-14 Juin 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Grece (GR),Niki STYLIANOU (GR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:23
The « After Joya effect »  – Niki Stylianou Jewellery
Inauguration mardi 3 juin  à 19:00h
Photo de Erato Eratu.
Inspired by the Joya – International Jewelry Exhibition in Barcelona, 6 Greek and 28 foreign jewelry designers, travel and meet again, this time at a new place, “Popeye Loves Olive” in Athens. The aim of this encounter is the interaction and the transformation of individuality to collaboration, diversity to unification and exchange to sharing.
NIKI STYLIANOUShe was born in Athens, Greece. She studied Architecture Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Royal College of Art(MA 1994, School of Architecture and Interior Design, MPhil 1998, School of Communication Design and School of Humanities).
She has also attended several courses and workshops on printmaking, painting, ceramics and jewelry.
From 1994 to 2001 she worked in London as a freelance Architect and Designer. Her projects were multidisciplinary covering a number of fields between Architecture and Art.
In 2001 she returned to Greece and formed the Architectural team L.A.ST., together with T. Athanassopoulos and A. Lapourtas.
Since 2004 Niki Stylianou works as an artist and jewelry designer/maker.
She has participated in several national and international exhibitions.ABOUT HER WORK
The Ancient Greek word «kosmos» could be read as rhythm; as order; as the making of a pattern that could be traced again and again and be embodied in the cosmos as we understand it. In a way «kosmos» makes the cosmos visible. «Kosmos» could also be read as adornment. Homeric epics describe how «kosmos» clothes the body as a second skin to make it appear.
Through her work, N. Stylianou, tries to redefine «kosmos», designing adornments made of ordinary and overlooked everyday objects. Things that she de-constructs and re-arranges in space/puzzles, that clothe the body while speaking of immaterial relationships: the precious and the non-precious; the beautiful and the ambiguous; the familiar and the unusual; the lasting and the ephemeral.
Continuous themes are also geometry and exploration of pattern, texture and balance.
In the following collections, the object chosen to be de-constructed and researched is the rubber glove. Rubber gloves are thus washed several times until they become odor free, they are hand cut, hand painted, stitched, fabricated and mixed with precious and semi-precious materials.
The resulting work is elegant and well-crafted with an underlying sense of humor.

Niki Stylianous - Neckpiece: Rubber, SilverNiki Stylianous - Neckpiece: Rubber, Silver
 Niki Stylianou !Niki Stylianou
Niki Stylianous - Photo de Yearbook.Niki Stylianou
Libona 5, Plateia Agias Eirinis
10560 Athènes

 tel +30 21 0867 3461

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