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EXPO « the Earring Show 2″ – Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco (USA) – 21 Mai-29 Juin 2014

Classé dans : earrings,Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Velvet da Vinci (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:32

the Earring Show 2 coming in May …  at Velvet da Vinci

Exhibition organized by Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montreal and Velvet da Vinci     -
Exhibition runs May 21 – June 29, 2014
Opening reception is Friday May 23 – 6-8 pm.

Velvet da Vinci celebrates the publication of « New Earrings » by Nicolas Estrada. May 21 – June 29, 2014
the Earring Show 2 coming in May... at Velvet da Vinci  Exhibition organized by Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h, Montreal and Velvet da Vinci - Exhibition runs May 21 - June 29, 2014 Opening reception is Friday May 23 6-8 pm.
Participating artists:   Anne Bader / DE — Rike Bartels / DE — Ela Bauer / NL – Catalina Brenes / IT — Angela Bubash / US — Liesbet Bussche / NL — Petra Class / US — Andy Cooperman / US — Pilar Cotter / ES — Nikki Couppee / US — Babette von Dohnanyi /DE – Lluis Duran / ES — Nicolas Estrada / ES — Mirla Fernandes / Brazil — Hella Ganor / IL — Julia Harrison / US — Liisa Hashimoto / JP — Joanne Haywood / UK — Peter Hoogeboom / NL — Iris Saar Issacs / AU — Beate Klockmann /DE — Daphne Krinos / UK — Felieke van der Leest / Norway – Judy McCaig / ES — Martin Papcùn / DE — Katja Prins / NL — Vina Rust / US – Biba Schutz / US — Karin Seufert / DE — Jan Smith / CA — Antje Stolz / DE — Rudee Tancharoen / Thailand — Amy Tavern / US — Emily Watson / US — Sayumi Yokouchi / US
  Karin Seufert Earrings 390    Karin Seufert Earrings 
The Earring Show 2 opens at Velvet da Vinci tonight!  6-8 pm Nikki Couppee Blue studs
Antje Stolz Spiderstone earrings
Antje Stolz Spiderstone earrings – Spiderstones, Blue, Red, & Green, 2013, Slate veneer, remanium, enamel-paint, pearl silk
Daphne Krinos earrings photo: Joel DegenDaphne Krinos earrings photo: Joel Degen
 Peter Hoogeboom Jugs Ear  Peter Hoogeboom Jugs Ear jewels – 1996, Ceramic, sterling silver, cork
 Felieke van der Leest "The Outsiders" earrings  Felieke van der Leest  « The Outsiders » earrings
Liisa Hashimoto, Red Ladder Earrings, 2014, Sterling silver, acrylic paintLiisa Hashimoto, Red Ladder Earrings, 2014, Sterling silver, acrylic paint
earrings —   Beate Klockmann.Beate Klockmann « Ein Paar Berge » (A Few Mountains) earrings
Rike Bartels, Orschmuck, 2013, Gold, brass, synth. rubyRike Bartels, Orschmuck, 2013, Gold, brass, synth. ruby
Joanne Haywood, Earrings, Cloudberry, 2007, Oxidized sterling silver and textileJoanne Haywood, Earrings, Cloudberry, 2007, Oxidized sterling silver and textile


EXPO ‘ZWARD: Uniform Haze’ – Beyond Fashion, Antwerp (BE) – 8 Mai-28 Juin 2014

Classé dans : Belgique (BE),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Beyond (BE),Kirsten SPUIJBROEK (NL) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:40

ZWARD: Uniform Haze

ZWARD is a collaboration of Kirsten Spuijbroek (jewelry designer) and Jelmer Noordeman (illustrator).

   [ZWARD Ring: Burnt Resin] ZWARD is a collaboration of Kirsten Spuijbroek (jewelry designer) and Jelmer Noordeman (illustrator).: ZWARD – Ring: Burnt – Resin – 24 x 24 x 14 mm

ZWARD Necklace: Deconstructed Geometrics Part One Resin 1000 x 17 x 17 mm: ZWARD – Necklace: Deconstructed Geometrics Part One – Resin

 During this exhibition ZWARD shows one-offs – limited and unlimited edition jewelry. The works are generally realized in resin, in combination with precious metals. They stand for contemporary craft. Resin is a beautiful and versatile material, which makes highly detailed designs possible.
By playing with lines, transparency and color, surprising « Smoke-like » patterns emerge. At first glance nothing is what it seems to be. Previously ZWARD was inspired by the link between childhood and adulthood, focusing on toys as a main inspiration.
Their latest work is about leaving this nostalgia behind by deconstructing and destroying toys, and creating something new out of their “ashes”. ZWARD’s latest pieces deal with breaking bonds. By digging deeper into the nature of the material the wearer is being deceived and confuses the viewer’s eye.

ZWARD Necklace: Deconstructed Geometrics Part Two Resin, magnet 605 x 64 x 35 mm:  ZWARD – Necklace: Deconstructed Geometrics Part Two – Resin, magnet 


ZWARD neckpiece - Kirsten SpuijbroekZWARD neckpiece « block » collection



Beyond Fashion
Pourbusstraat 7
2000 – Antwerp
Telephone: +3232378541


EXPO ‘Danner Rotunde. Neu Kuratiert von Otto Künzli’ – Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum, Munich (DE) – 14 Mars 2014 – 14 Mars 2015

Danner Rotunde. Neu Kuratiert von Otto Künzli

Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum
(Munich, Germany)
14-Mar-2014 – 14-Mar-2015
Danner Rotunde. Neu Kuratiert von Otto Künzli

In 2014 ten years of jewellery in the Pinakothek der Moderne are celebrated with a new, ‘revisited’ exhibition in the Danner Rotunda – open to the public as of March 15.

Since 2004 Die Neue Sammlung has incorporated contemporary jewellery in the Pinakothek der Moderne in its permanent display in the Danner Rotunda as well as in temporary exhibitions. As such, one of the most multifaceted artistic forms of expression today is permanently being presented in a museum of this type for the first time alongside art, architecture, graphic works and design.

The Danner Rotunda forms a central core in which exhibits by more than one hundred jewellery artists from around the world are shown – thanks to the commitment of the Danner Foundation with its extensive collection and private donors, as well as gifts from individual jewellery makers.

The first presentation was curated by Prof. Hermann Jünger, the director of the jewellery class at the Munich Art Academy between 1972 and 1990, together with Otto Künzli who took over the professorship in 1991. Through the revamping of the Danner Rotunda in 2010, Karl Fritsch – as the representative of a younger generation – set a completely new accent.

Subsequently Otto Künzli was once again overhauling the collection for the reopening of the Danner Rotunda in 2014 which includes exhibits solely from the Danner Foundation’s and the museum’s own holdings without any loans. Whilst forming a link to the concept of the initial installation, the protagonists in the international world of jewellery are shown in a new light, reciprocal effects can be highlighted, associations provoked and dynamic correlations created between the works.

Bernhard Schobinger, Necklace, 1988Bernhard Schobinger, Necklace, Flaschenhalskette, 1988Glass, tape
Peter Chang, Bracelet, 1995Peter Chang, Bracelet, 1995 Plastic

Jiro Kamata, Pendant, 2012Jiro Kamata, Pendant, 2012 – Optical lenses, stainless steel, silver

Hermann Jünger, Necklace, 1957

 Hermann Jünger – Necklace: Untitled, 1957 – Gold



Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum
Barer Strasse 40
80333 – Munich
Telephone: +49 89 272725-0


EXPO ‘SUSIE GANCH – TIED’ – Visual Arts Center, Richmond (VA – USA) – 4 Avril-7 Juin 2014

Classé dans : ASSOCIATION,Exposition/Exhibition,Susie GANCH (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:37

April 4 – June 7, 2014 April 6, 2014
Visual Arts Center of Richmond

April 4 - June 7    SUSIE GANCH | TIED visual arts center of richmond Susie Ganch  Drag, digital print
Susie-Ganch-Drag-with-detail. Ganch – Drag (with detail)
Susie ganch - Drag, detail - photo by Terry Brown
This comprehensive exhibition ties together the multifaceted career and work of Susie Ganch, Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and Director of Radical Jewelry Makeover. An accomplished jeweler and sculptor, Ganch has staked a unique career with trifold contributions to the field of Craft. As a university educator, she trains the next generation of jewelers and metalsmiths; as a practicing artist, she pushes the boundaries of jewelry and sculpture through material, design, and function; as a director of the Radical Jewelry Makeover project, she creates community events that encourage our consideration of the social and environmental impacts of mining and jewelry production through the creation of innovative jewelry made from recycled sources.Susie Ganch: TIED includes two galleries of Ganch’s independent work and one gallery devoted to her collaborative project, Radical Jewelry Makeover (RJM).  This RJM installation includes work by 22 well-known jewelers from across the United States who participated in previous RJM events as well as jewelry made by regional RJM artists and local VCU students.As an outreach program of the nonprofit Ethical Metalsmiths, Radical Jewelry Makeover (RJM) is an innovative community-mining project that raises awareness of the connection between mining, metalsmithing, activism, collaboration and art. The project is both performance and event, linking recycling, reuse and collaborative work sessions with the creation of unique, innovative, handmade jewelry. To learn more about RJM and the artists involved in this exhibition, visit: and
Susie-Ganch-Falling-in-LoveSusie Ganch -  Falling-in-Love
Visual Arts Center of Richmond
1812 West Main Street
Richmond, VA 23220  (USA)
tel 804.353.0094
fax 804.353.8018

EXPO ‘The After Joya effect – Akis Goumas’ – Popeye Loves Olive, Athens (Greece) – 6-17 Mai 2014

Classé dans : Akis GOUMAS (GR),Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Grece (GR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:12
The « After Joya effect »  – Akis Goumas
Photo de Erato Eratu.
Inspired by the Joya – International Jewelry Exhibition in Barcelona, 5 Greek and 28 foreign jewelry designers, travel and meet again, this time at a new place, “Popeye Loves Olive” in Athens. The aim of this encounter is the interaction and the transformation of individuality to collaboration, diversity to unification and exchange to sharing.
Christina Karakalpaki exhibition, from 23-04 to 3-05
Akis Goumas 6-17 05
Erato Kouloubi  from 23-04 to 14-06
ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ:ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 15/05/14 ΣΤΙΣ 19.00' @ Popeye loves olive !!« ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΩΝΤΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΔΙΑΔΡΟΜΗ-ΑΠΟ ΤΟΝ ΜΥΘΟ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΓΧΡΟΝΟ ΚΟΣΜΗΜΑ»(Από το μέρος στο όλον – το φθαρτό και το άφθαρτο )Ο Άκης Γκούμας και η Γεωργία Γκρεμούτη θα παρουσιάσουν το σκεπτικό και τον τρόπο που εργάστηκαν για να δημιουργήσουν την ενότητα κοσμημάτων «Περί-απτά».FOLLOWING THE TRAIL – MYTH TO CONTEMPORARY JEWELRY»(From the monad to the whole – combining the elements-perishable-imperishable)Akis Goumas and Georgia Gremouti will talk about their inspiration, creative processes and the way they collaborated and worked to create the jewelry collection "Peri-aptta".
Akis Goumas  jewels & drawings

Akis Goumas
He was born in Athens in 1952. After his diploma in Economics he studied jewelry with Greek distinguished craftsmen. He works as visual artist and jewelry designer since 1985.His work has been awarded in several national competitions. He has participated in many jewelry and fine art exhibitions .His recent exhibitions are:
2013 Museum Benaki shop (solo)
2013 JOYA Barcelona
2014 La Basilica contemporary exhibitions
He teaches jewelry design for almost 20 years. He also works with a group of archaeologists researching the prehistoric metal technologies of the Aegean region.

Akis Goumas ’ statement :
The process of designing α piece of jewelry or an object is a journey in time. I follow a path through emotions, concepts and images. It is an ensemble of elements powered by memories, experiences and myths. My work is a medium through which I communicate with other people.
I enjoy observing natural structures and studying prehistoric findings from the Aegean region with a group of archaeologists.
The pieces that I make are three dimensional compositions/objects, designed to be worn.
Techniques, materials, colors and textures are the language through which I express myself during these journeys of creating.

Akis Goumas  Georgia Gremouti    Περίαπτα
Akis Goumas ring & drawings
Akis Goumas Georgia Gremouti Περίαπτα
Akis Goumas  necklace
Libona 5, Plateia Agias Eirinis
10560 Athènes

 tel +30 21 0867 3461


EXPO ‘Jorge Manilla. Morbid Moves’ – Centre del Carmen, Valencia (ES) – 8-11 Mai 2014 – Melting Point Valencia 2014

Classé dans : Espagne (ES),Exposition/Exhibition,Jorge MANILLA (MEX),MELTING POINT Valencia — bijoucontemporain @ 22:44
«Jorge Manilla. Morbid Moves»   forma parte del recorrido de exposiciones de Melting Point 2014 del 8 al 11 de mayo.

8 mayo/11 mayo

Melting Point Valencia 2014

Inauguración: 9 mayo, 12.00 h

Jorge Manilla - Morbid Moves

« … mi exposicion MORBID MOVES en el Centro del Carmen en Valencia, … es parte del resultado del trabajo hecho para mi projecto de doctorado PhD. Que se llama « Other Bodies.. »« 

« El objetivo de esta serie es evidenciar la expresión corporal por medio de movimientos.
Movimientos que son solo el producto de mi imaginación, en los cuales pienso, analizo e interpreto por medio de materiales. Fragmentación siempre ha jugado un papel importante en mi trabajo y mi pregunta central en la realización de esta serie fue ¿cómo puedo unir nuevamente esa fragmentación que durante años fue fundamental en mi obra?
Usando madera como material empecé a desgarrarla, a tallarla, a darle formas y movimientos que a primera vista parecen libres, pero en realidad no lo son, movimientos mórbidos en formas de facetas, marcas de los cuchillos que las cortaron representando de esta manera la metafísica de la obscenidad humana. A través estos movimientos morbosos quiero penetrar en el lado obscuro de cada ser y por medio de las uniones crear un mundo de imágenes idealizadas en el cual los seres humanos no solo son fragmentos.. si no que se convierten nuevamente en una identidad.«  Jorge Manilla (2014)
Jorge Manilla morbid 1a (2)Jorge Manilla - Morbid 1 – Madera – 32 X 35 X 6cm – 2014
Jorge Manilla morbid 6h

Jorge Manilla - Morbid 6
Jorge Manilla morbid 9kJorge Manilla – Morbid 9 – Madera, piel – 28 X 29 X 6cm – 2014
Jorge Manilla morbid 5Jorge Manilla – Morbid 5 – Madera – 33 X 18 X 12cm – 2014
morbid 6Jorge Manilla - Morbid 6 – Madera, acero – 49 X 30 X 10cm -  2014
morbid 21bJorge Manilla - Morbid 21 – Madera, hilo piel – 28 X 15 X 6cm – 2014



Centre del Carmen
Calle Museo 2

CONFERENCIAS – Melting Point 2014 VALENCIA (Spain) – 8-11 Mai 2014

Melting Point Valencia 2014

Jueves 8 de mayo

10.00 hPresentación

Conferencia 1  – Miroslav Cogan (Turnov Museum). Fruits of Paradise
Conferencia 2 – Isabel Barceló Chico (Museo de la Ciudad, Valencia). El Oro sobre la Piel. La Joya como Manifestación de la Cultura

 Melting Point 2014

Sábado 10 de mayo

10.00 h
Conferencia 3 – (10h)  Florence Lehmannn (ESAD, Strasbourg, FR)
Conferencia 4 -(11h) Wim Vandekerckhove (University of Greenwich) interviewed by Gisbert Stach
Conferencia 5 -(12h) Andrea Coderch. Mi Vida d.J.

 Melting Point 2014

Domingo 11 de mayo

10.00 h
Conferencia 6 – Doris Maninger (Alchimia) . What Jewellery Can Teach Us
Conferencia 7 – Natalia Saldías. Creación y Rescate de Oficios Populares de Valparaíso a través de la Joyería Contemporánea.
Conferencia 8 – Jorge Manilla. Otros Significados (Anatomía del Pensamiento).

EASD València
* Salón de Actos *
C/ Pintor Domingo, 20
46001 – Valencia
Tel. 963 156 700 Fax. 963 156 701


Violaine ULMER – Boutique Éphémère à Bordeaux (FR) – 9-10 Mai 2014

Classé dans : ceramique,COUP DE COEUR,France (FR),GALERIES,Violaine ULMER (FR) — bijoucontemporain @ 19:40

Je présenterai mon travail à Bordeaux les 9 et 10 mai 2014, à l’agence Bawa, au 91 rue David Johnston.

Expo-vente le 9 mai à partir de 15h30, et le samedi 10 mai entre 11h00 et 19h00.


Les architectes Aurore Wasner et Térence Barbié m’ont gentiment proposé leur lieu de travail pour y installer une boutique éphémère :


peut-être vous offirez-vous ces « appeleurs d’Anges » qui m’enchantent ???!!


Violaine ULMER - Boutique Éphémère à Bordeaux (FR) - 9-10 Mai 2014 dans ceramique Appeleurs-d-Anges-4-450x335
Violaine Ulmer - « Appeleurs d’Anges » – 14 petits anneaux, fabriqués à la main un-par-un, qui sont portés ensemble pour faire une bague vivante.
Elle reprend une coutume de l’autre bout du monde : Lors d’un événement important,  mariage, baptême …, on offre un nombre d’anneaux à la personne. Ces anneaux représentent le capital de bonheur de la personne, charge à elle à le redistribuer. Pour ce, elle prend un de ces anneaux et elle l’offre – en appelant les anges pour l’autre personne. 


agence Bawa
91 rue David Johnston
33000 bordeaux
le vendredi 9 mai à partir de 15h30,
le samedi 10 mai entre 11h00 et 19h00.


EXPO ‘Greenware, Crockery, Chinawear’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montreal (CA) – 8 Mai-8 Juin 2014

Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h – Greenware, Crockery, Chinawear

Greenware, Crockery, Chinawear - Shu-Lin Wu & Peter Hoogeboom
Greenware, Crockery, Chinawear est le titre intrigant choisi par Shu-Lin Wu et Peter Hoogeboom, deux artistes d’exception, créateurs de bijoux contemporains en porcelaine pour leur première exposition en duo. Initiée par Noel Guyomarc’h, cette exposition sera présentée en primeur du 8 mai au 8 juin 2014 avant de commencer son périple aux Etats-Unis, à Taiwan, en Chine et en Hollande.
For their first joint exhibition, Shu-Lin Wu and Peter Hoogeboom, two exceptional artists, designers of contemporary jewellery in ceramics, chose the intriguing title Greenware, Crockery, Chinawear. Initiated by Noel Guyomarc’h, this exhibition will be presented from May 8 to June 8, 2014, before travelling to the United States, Taiwan, China and the Netherlands.
Shu-Lin Wu GCC#1, Collier en céramique, argent, nylonShu-Lin Wu GCC#1, Collier en céramique, argent, nylon
Peter Hoogeboom, Red Lantern, Collier en porcelaine taiwanese, argentPeter Hoogeboom, Red Lantern, Collier en porcelaine taiwanese, argent
4836 Bd St Laurent,
Montréal, QC H2T 1R5, Canada
Téléphone :+1 514-840-9362


EXPO ‘Joyas Sensacionales. Taller Perill’ – Taller de Pepe March, Valencia (ES) – 8-11 Mai 2014 – Melting Point Valencia 2014

«Joyas Sensacionales. Taller Perill»   forma parte del recorrido de exposiciones de Melting Point 2014 del 8 al 11 de mayo.
 we are really happy to present our New Exhibition -Reinterpreting the ‘Cadavre Exquis’-

8 mayo/11 mayo

Melting Point Valencia 2014

Vernissage: 9 mayo, 19.00 h


 From 'Melting Point Valencia' we are really happy to present our New Exhibition -Reinterpreting the 'Cadavre Exquis'-Opening Friday, May 9 at 19.00 hFrom May 8 to May 11 at Pepe March WorkshopC/ Mare Vella 17 (Valencia, Spain)We hope see you there !!



Coordinadora: Silvia Walz

Alicia Giráldez — Carla García Carme Roher Gemma CanalFátima Tocornal Lola Gratacós Lourdes Carmelo Montse Basora Noelia SanchezNicole Deuster Xus Anglés Sandra LlusàClara Niubó Maria Diez



Joyas sensacionales - 2013


Taller de Pepe March / Pepe March Workshop
C/ Mare Vella 17
Joyas sensacionales
Taller PerillOpening Friday, May 9 at 19.00 h
From May 8 to May 11




Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot