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  • > EXPO ‘Form and Color – Color and Form’ – Galerie Spektrum, Munich (DE) – 5 Juin-31 Juill. 2014


EXPO ‘Form and Color – Color and Form’ – Galerie Spektrum, Munich (DE) – 5 Juin-31 Juill. 2014

Classé dans : Allemagne (DE),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Spektrum (DE) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:02

Form and Color – Color and Form

Form and color – color and form is an exhibition, dealing with two main components of art work. Form and color are the medium to express artistic, social and philosophical ideas in works of arts, even as to work about form, geometry, signs, design and communication.In the exhibition there will be shown jewellery, photography, graphics and container from the artists.


With :  Helen BrittonRamon Puig CuyàsGeorg Dobler Iris Eichenberg — Kyoko Fukuchi — Herman HermsenMari IshikawaRian de JongFlorence LehmannMia MaljojokiRuudt PetersKaren Pontoppidan — Marianne Schliwinski — Deganit Stern SchockenArek Wolski

Kyoko Fukuchi, Brooch, 2013 Kyoko Fukuchi
Brooch: Untitled, 2013Photo: Jürgen Eickhoff

Arek Wolski Brooch: Untitled, 2011 Photo: Jürgen Eickhoff  Gal SpektrumArek Wolski Brooch: Untitled, 2011 Photo: Jürgen Eickhoff
Jürgen Eickhoff, Brooch, 2010Jürgen Eickhoff, Brooch, 2010
Mari Ishikawa, Pendant, 2013Mari Ishikawa, Pendant, « The Tag » 2013
Mia Maljojoki, Pendant, 2011Mia Maljojoki, Pendant, 2011

Galerie Spektrum
Theresienstraße 46
80333 München
Fr 14.3., 18-21, Sa 15.3., 11-14 Uhr, So 16.3., 13-18 Uhr

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