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Prix/concours ENJOIAT 2014 – sélectionnés – remise des prix le 9 Oct. 2014



 L’esdeveniment dels premis Enjoia’t 2014 tindrà lloc durant la tarda i la nit del 9 d’octubre. A partir de les 20.00 hores començarà la festa a la Fàbrica Mòritz amb el lliurament de premis i la revelació dels guanyadors de les diferents categories !

Remise des prix le 9 OCT. à partir de 20h à la  Fàbrica Mòritz  (Barcelona)

ENJOIAT 2014(Categoria Professional)

El Enjoia’t es una actividad que nació, hace 15 años, con la voluntad de difundir, entre el gran público, el mundo de la joyería contemporánea. Una iniciativa que pretende apoyar y difundir a las jóvenes generaciones de creadores emergentes y dar reconocimiento a los profesionales.
El Enjoia’t ha sido, desde sus inicios, una plataforma de lanzamiento para muchos diseñadores, ya que les ha otorgado un reconocimiento a su trabajo y ha incentivado puentes de comunicación con destacadas empresas del sector. Este acontecimiento, que se celebra anualmente,  es la única iniciativa de esta índole en todo el estado español, en el que se pretende difundir el arte de la joyería y estimular las buenas prácticas entre sus creadores. 

Enjoia’t is an activity born 15 years ago with the intention of spreading among the general public, the world of contemporary jewellery making. It is an initiative aimed at giving support and diffusion to the younger generations of emergent creators and to grant recognition to professionals.
It has been, from its origins, a launching platform for many designers since it has awarded them  recognition for their work as well as establishing links with relevant companies in the jewellery making industry.
This event, which is held annually, is the only initiative of its kind in Spain, which strives to diffuse the art of jewellery and encourage fair practices among its creators.

 Photo(Categoria Estudiante)

seleccionats als Premis de Joieria Contemporània Enjoia’t 2014 :
Categoria Estudiant :
Anna Martínez — Anna Norrgrann — Mariko Kumon — Bifei Cao Isabella Liu – Linda Horská — Iria Heredia – Coralie GrzesSue Ibars –  Ssu-Ya Hsiung — Sangji Yun.

Categoria Professional :
Silvia Beccaria –  Agnès WassermanInbar Shahak Angela CiobanuMarta HerraduraRodrigo AcostaGalit Barak Mirèia Calaf — Gerard Duch.

RODRIGO ACOSTA. …..muy contento de ser FINALISTA del ENJOIA’T 2014 con mi proyecto Rito Cardíaco…. fotos: Adolfo López.
RODRIGO ACOSTA.RODRIGO ACOSTA – broche « rito cardiaco »
Mireia Calaf - 'TEIXINT LA VIDA' collar Plata,llautó i fil- 2014Mireia Calaf - (Categoria Professional ) ‘TEIXINT LA VIDA’ collar Plata,llautó i fil- 2014
Angela Ciobanu  "Forget-me-not" Brooch - Keum boo, recycled silk paper, fretsaw blades, fine gold.Angela Ciobanu  (Categoria Professional ) « Forget-me-not » Brooch – Keum boo, recycled silk paper, fretsaw blades, fine gold.


agnes WO ( Agnès Wasserman)Agnes Wo (Agnès Wasserman) paper necklaces


Sue Ibars - FINALISTA en ENJOIA’T 2014 (Categoria Estudiant), con mi collar ‘A través del silencio’.

Sue Ibars - Sue Ibars -  collar ‘A través del silencio’

Sue IbarsSue Ibars -  collar ‘A través del silencio’ (detalle)

Bifei CaoBifei Cao (Categoria Estudiant)

Galit Barak - Brooch  Brass, nickel silver, silver plating  2013Galit Barak - Brooch  Brass, nickel silver, silver plating  2013

 Shoulder wing by Inbar ShahakInbar Shahak (Categoria Professional)

Silvia Beccaria - "la speziale"Silvia Beccaria – « la speziale »

Anillo Hipodérmico de Marta Herradura | @Apb Joyeria Contemporanea para ((ENJOIA'T FINALISTA 2014))Anillo Hipodérmico de Marta Herradura

Coralie Grzes - broche 08001 (ENJOIA'T 2014)Coralie Grzes -  « mes toits » broche 08001



Plaça dels Àngels, 5-6
08001 Barcelona
T. 93 443 75 20


EXPO ‘Le petit est beau’ – Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej manggha, Cracovie (PL) – 2 aout-14 sept. 2014

Le petit est beau. Paper Jewellery
Luis Acosta : participo en esta exhibición  « Le petit est beau » en Cracovia (Polonia). Apertura el viernes 1 de agosto a las 18:00 hs / I participate in this exhibition in Krakow (Poland).
Opening on Friday, August 1 at 6 PM
le petit est beau

Artits :   Luis  Acosta / AR-NL — Grażyna Brylewska / PL — Noemi Gera / HU — Mari Ishikawa / JP — Alejandra Koreck / AR — Sergiusz Kuchczyński / PL — Nel Linssen / NL — Fritz Maierhofer / AT — Doris Maninger / AT-IT — Kazumi Nagano / JP — Piotr Pandyra / PL — Magdalena Soboń / PL — Janna Syvänoja / FI — Andrzej Szadkowski / PL — Kiwon Wang / USA — Li Chu Wu / TW-UK

Luis Acosta (Luis Acosta)Concentric C bracelet Noémi Gera (źródło: materiały prasowe organizatora)Noémi Gera - Concentric C bracelet

le petit est beau - Doris Maninger Doris Maninger

Janna Syvänoja  Janna Syvänoja

 Kazumi Nagano broszki, 2014, fot. Ryota Seloguchi (źródło: materiały prasowe organizatora)

Kazumi Nagano Kazumi Nagano

EXPO 'Le petit est beau' - Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej manggha, Cracovie (PL) - 2 aout-14 sept. 2014 dans Alejandra KORECK (RA) 1544297_10152232748742322_943482978910961629_n Li-Chu WuMari Ishikawa Mari Ishikawa

Mari Ishikawa - Blooming (źródło: materiały prasowe organizatora) Mari Ishikawa - Blooming

Luis Acosta paper thread brooch V (źródło: materiały prasowe organizatora) Luis Acosta paper thread brooch V



Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej manggha
ul. M. Konopnickiej 26, 30-302 Kraków
tel. 0-12 267 27 03; 0-12 267 37 53 fax. 0-12 267 40 79


VIRUS de la COMPARAISON ………. Ulrike Kampfert / Carme Roher

Je crois que je vais reprendre ma série « virus de la comparaison » …. la plupart du temps « pur hasard » ou ce que j’appelle « air du temps », parfois, je crois, pure « ignorance culturelle (de l’histoire du bijou) de la part de jeunes qui démarrent, et parfois … on préférera ne pas parler de la vilaine « copie » ……..

… et je reprends cette série parce qu’au dernier « Melting point 2014″ à Valencia, plusieurs d’entre nous avons été fortement étonnés, et à plusieurs reprises, par de très frappantes ressemblances ………… ce doit être « l’air du temps » …….


Ulrike KÄMPFERT  « Ombrelle ». Broche frise de pétales de fer oxydé sur un ovale en or. Pièce unique. 2007. Poids brut : 8,2 g ; Diam. : 7,5 x 7 cm. estimation 600-800€ Kampfert – broche « Ombrelle » fer et or – frise de pétales de fer oxydé sur un ovale en or.  2007

 Ulrike Kampfert, bague Ombrelle ou Schirmring, fer et or Ulrike Kampfert, bague « Ombrelle » ou « Schirmring », fer et or acier

Carme Roher - brooch - (comparaison avec  Ulrike Kampfert)Carme Roher – Broche Alpaca patinada

Carme Roher - brooch - (comparaison avec  Ulrike Kampfert)Carme Roher – Broche Alpaca patinada


Ulrike Kämpfert : née en 1965 – Formation à l’AFEDAP 2001-2003 – Artist in residence à Hochschschule Trier en janv-fevr. 2012 – membre de l’association « D’un bijou à l’autre » - « «Inspirée et fascinée par le travail des forgerons et par la plasticité du fer, je martèle le métal d’une manière régulière et répétitive jusqu’à la limite de sa résistance,  pour obtenir de fins et fragiles pétales. C’est comme si je cherchais à rhabiller la nudité de la peau, à couvrir  l’homme  d’une mince paroi de métal. De cette façon, mon travail parle de la relation du bijou au corps. Le contraste du métal et de la peau reflète la fragilité du corps humain. De ce dialogue complémentaire naît la préciosité».

Carme Roher : born in Mataró 1962 – Studies of superior degree in jewelry at EscolaMassana (Barcelona) and in applied arts, in the same specialty in Escola Llotja (Barcelona) and in addition to courses with Ramon Puig Cuyás. She has exhibited national and international and also she has exhibited her work permanently in the Museu de les Arts Decoratives de Barcelona. Nowadays she is a member of the group Joyas Sensacionales, coordinated by Silvia Walz.


Gustavo Paradiso – WORKSHOP – Mallorca (ES) – 5-6 Aout 2014

Gustavo Paradiso – workshop

Tecnica de fundicion en hueso de sepia, jibia –  Cuttlefish bone casting technique  – fonte a l’os de seiche


Info + inscripciones:



C/ Sa Lluna 43
07100 – Soller
Mallorca – Baleares
0034 971631732


EXPO ‘RULE THE WORLD’ – Friends of Carlotta, Zurich (CH) – 19 Juin-5 Sept. 2014

RULE THE WORLD, a juried exhibition at Friends of Carlotta in Zurich, Switzerland, curated by Bruna Hauert.

Welcome to our world of lived-out deficiencies and psychopaths!

What are the adornments of dictators, despots, and the plain delusional ? What do they need in order to let their real personalities shine through ? What tools do tyrants have to show that they are in charge ?

Rule the World

Despoten sind – bei aller Einfalt – ein sehr facettenreiches Trüppchen. Sie wollen nicht nur geliebt werden. Nein, sie wollen ehrlich und echt geliebt werden. Notfalls mit Gewalt.
Doch: Womit schmücken sich DiktatorInnen, Grössenwahnsinnige, Möchtegerns und Trauminöds? Womit präsentieren sie sich, damit ihre wahre Persönlichkeit im richtigen Licht erstrahlt? Womit zeigen GrosskotzInnen, TyrannInnen und zu Höherem Berufene, dass die Macht mit ihnen ist? Besitzt der Mächtige Objekte der Macht weil er mächtig ist? Oder ist er mächtig, weil er Objekte von magischer Macht besitzt?
Und: Was gönnt der Despot sich selbst in einer launigen Minute? Welcher Schmuck feiert mit ihm in der Stunde seines Triumphes? Womit verwöhnt er seine Untertanen, damit sie sich ihm leichter unter tun? Und wie kann ich ihm huldigen, damit er meine wahre Liebe und somit seinen wahren Wert erkennt?
Diese und andere Fragen zum Thema RULE THE WORLD beherrschen das Thema der nächsten jurierten Schmuckausstellung bei Friends of Carlotta.
Willkommen in der Welt der gelebten Defizite und der Psychopathen in Bestform!
Ich freue mich auf die Pracht der Macht und darauf, Sie an der Vernissage vom 19. Juni 2014 ab 17h begrüssen zu dürfen. Oder an jedem anderen Tag während der Ausstellung. Herzlich  Bruna Hauert

Despite their simple-mindedness, despots are a very diverse little group. All they want is
to be loved. Or rather, they want honest and real love. By force, if need be.
However, what do dictators, megalomaniacs, wannabes and the delusioned adorn themselves with? What do they use to cast their personalities in a positive light? What do fat cats, tyrants and those destined for greater things use to demonstrate that the force is with them? Do the powerful own objects of power because they are powerful? Or are they powerful because they own objects with magic powers?
What’s more: What do despots treat themselves to when they’re in a foul mood? Which pieces of jewellery are there to share the hours of victory with them? What do they spoil their subjects with in order to make them more eager to subdue themselves? And how must I worship these despots so that they recognise my pure love and therefore their true value?
These and other questions on how to RULE THE WORLD will be the dictating subject of the
next juried jewellery exhibition at Friends of Carlotta.

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD -  Joo Hyung ParkJoo Hyung Park
- Annette Altenburger (DE) — Jessica Andersen (USA) — Christine Annau (DE) — Miriam Arentz & Annika Schindler (DE) — Ela Bauer (NL) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Stefan Behnke & Miriam Gradl (DE) — Brigitte Berndt (DE) — Marlene Beyer (DE) — Wolfram Beyer (DE) — Laura Bradshaw-Heap (UK) — Rachael Colley (UK) — Jennifer Crupi (USA) — Martina Czunczeleit (DE) — Laura Deakin (DE) — Saskia Derksen (DE) — Saskia Detering (DE) — Sam Tho Duong (DE) — Beate Eismann (DE) — Tanja Emmert (DE) — Ricarda Enderweit (DE) — Katja Fischer (CH) — Su Foster, Patsy Kay Kolesar & Simone Richmond (CA) — Katja Fox (DE) — Andrea Fretz (CH) — Yael Friedman (IL) — Helen Friesacher-Borst (DE) — Claudia Frisch (DE) — Masako Fukuda (JP) — Sam Gassman (USA) — Friederike Glück (DE) — Miriam Gonnissen (DE) — Nicole Grandics (USA) — Bénédicte Gross (CH) — Tamara Grüner (DE) — Christian Guthmann (DE) — Bruna Hauert (CH) – Stephanie Hensle (DE) — Jasmin Hess (CH) — Tomoko Hori (UK) — Mara Induni (CH) — Bettina Jakob (CH) — Florence Jaquet (CH) — Léonie Jeanrenaud (CH) — Edda Andrée Jessel (DE) — Leonore Jock (DE) — Udo Jung (DE) — Masumi Kataoka (USA) — Verena Klette (DE) — Luitgard Korte (DE) — Michelle Kraemer (AT) –  Unk Kraus (DE) — Martina Lang (DE) — Gregory Larin (IL) — Tracy Lee Black (USA) — Alisa Letsius (RU) — Reka Lorincz (HU) — Inés Mantel (CH) — Gigi Mariani (IT) — Laura Martínez (ES) — Susanne Matsché (DE) — Esther Mattille (CH) — Jennifer Merchant (USA) — Katharina Moch (DE) — Jillian Moore (USA) — Julika Müller (DE) — Viktoria Münzker (AT) — Nick Mullins (USA) — Elisabeth Mundwiler (CH) — Deanna Ooley (USA) — Ossi Oswald (DE) — Joo Hyung Park (KT) — Nadine Pawusch (DE) — Lina Peetz (DE) — Izabella Petrut (AT) — Annika Pettersson (SE) — Carmen Pfanner (AT) — Yvonne Raab (DE) — Daniel Ramos (DE) — Sarah Reinhard (CH) — Begoña Rentero (ES) — Claudia Römer (DE) — Sabine Roth (DE) — Vicky Saragouda (UK) — Nils Schmalenbach (DE) — Naoko Iyoda Schneeberger (CH) — Verena Schreppel (DE) — Nicole Schuster (DE) — Anna Silberstein (DE) — Eva Sörensen (DE) — Katrin Spranger (UK) — Johanna Stäss (DE) — Simone Strauss (DE) — Rebecca Strzelec (USA) — Eva Tesarik (AT) — Myung Urso (USA) — Viveka Valentin (DE) — Otto Van Winkle Peterstein (IE) — Barbara Vogl (DE) — Maria Volokhova (DE) — Andrea Wagner (NL) — Heike Walk (DE) — Heike Wanner (AT) — Caro Weiss (DE) — Klaus Weisser (CH) — Angelika Wolpert (DE) — Grandpa Wooley (DE) — Diana Zeiler (DE)

EXPO virtuelle / virtual exhibition here

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_  Jennifer CRUPI power gestureJennifer CRUPI power gesture

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Luitgard Korte - ringLuitgard Korte - ring

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Gregory Larin  'Nice to meat you'Gregory Larin  ‘Nice to meat you’ necklace – brass, textile, polymer

Andrea Wagner "Rule the World" Friends of CarlottaAndrea Wagner

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_Florence JaQUETFlorence Jaquet

Jasmin Hess jewels Jasmin Hess brooches « Love is what you PUT IN my heart » Brosche Holz, Textil, Garn, Silber

Tamara GrünerTamara Grüner

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ - FOC - Brigitte BerndtBrigitte Berndt – « man Eater »

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD- Tanja EmmertTanja Emmert

Jillian Moore - at Friends of carlottaJillian Moore   « PHASELOS »
The obscenely over sized piece did not hang like a pendant. It framed her face and seemed to cradle her body. It required a formal posture and bearing that teased out an air of decorum she was not always prone to pulling off. A hybridization of legume, embryo, and organ, the piece could not be more ripe. It‘s glossy surface, and speckled edges felt less like a thing made than a thing born. To the starving masses it was a promise of fertility, but to her enemies it was a reminder that she might gut them at amoment‘s notice

 Johanna Stäß  Johanna Stäß

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ Yael FriedmanYael Friedman

 EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Gigi MarianiGigi Mariani
« I wanted to think of a jewel that affirm strength and power. in which the tyrant will exhibit their achievements represented by balls enclosed between cubes, like columns that recall the force of power.
A potential rosary made to be shown to confirm the ego and emphasize his power.
Object to show, but that becomes amulet and creates safety to the wearer »

Nick MullinsNick Mullins

Bruna HauertBruna Hauert

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Bruna HauertBruna Hauert

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Izabella Petrut Izabella Petrut
« Jewelry to live every deficiency to the fullest extent. I choose to use a female and a male despot, creating two characters and two scenarios. They both compete for power, adoration, attention and they use the same weapons: the Penis, a symbol of power and dominance. My characters have a lot of insecurities for which they have to overcompensate with decoration and dubious behavior. The Penis becomes a symbol of desire and the despots see it as the object of their desire. The Penis becomes a cult object. Queen of all queens carries around a small wooden Penis pendant as a symbol of her dominance over men. It looks modest, unimportant and not too cared for. It is a trophy.
King of all kings carries around a wooden Penis to show he is the biggest, strongest and most precious of all. The piece is carved out of balsa wood and carefully finished. The piece is really easily imprinted if one doesn’t handle it with care, just like the King’s ego. The way it is worn, as a brooch on the shoulder, is disturbing for the wearer as well as for the viewer. »

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD -Katharina MochKatharina Moch

Sam Tho Duong for "Rule the World", Friends of Carlotta, ZürichSam Tho Duong neckpiece

Jennifer Merchant, "Rule the World" Friends of CarlottaJennifer Merchant

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ - Begoña RenteroBegoña Rentero


Friends of Carlotta Bruna Hauert,
Neumarkt 22
8001 Zurich
Tel +41 44 261 87 07


EXPO ‘Xavier Monclus jewelry’ – Gallery Deux Poissons, Tokyo (JP) – 18 Juill.-3 Aout 2014

Dia 18 de Julio inauguración de mi exposición en la galeria Deux Poissons de Tokyo! Vamos para japón la semana que viene! / Next 18th of July will be my openning solo exhibition in Tokyo.  In Deux Poissons gallery. Let´s go to Tokyo!….. 18 de juliol inauguro sa meva exposició individual a la galeria Deux Poissons a Tokyo
gallery deux poissons is honored to host Xavier Ines Monclus’s solo exhibition for the first time in Japan. Xavier Ines Monclus is a Spanish jewelry artist who studied jewelry in Barcelona and is currently based in Menorca.
In the exhibition, there will be large brooches as limited edition artworks and unlimited collection called DINKY JEWELS.
The brooches are composed of various miniatures, such as houses, walls, chimneys and wheels. Familiar objects become surrealistic by being combined with disconnected elements. The artist leaves a room for viewers to imagine narratives behind them freely.
DINKY JEWELS is a series of small silver rings, pin brooches, and earrings. Animals, flowers, small coffee cups, and dices… everything becomes jewelries through unique view point of the artist who is also a toy collector.
The exhibition including 100 works invites viewers to enjoy Xavier Ines Monclus’s world of jewelries.
Xavier Monclusau pays du Soleil Levant vous dites ? ……  Brooch: Es Llop de Mar de Binisafua, 2013 – Silver, oxidated silver, bronze, enamel paint
60 x 65 x 13 mm – From the series: Architecture

Xavier Monclús, Pieces, since 1995Xavier Monclús – Pieces: Dinky Jewels Collection, since 1995Silver, oxidized silver – From Dinky Jewels series – Earrings, rings, pins, pendants and small brooches

Xavier Monclús, Rings, since 1995Xavier MonclúsRings: Dinky Jewels Collection, since 1995Silver
From Dinky Jewels series

Shibuya 150-0013
TOKYO – Japan

tel +81 3-5795-0451


EXPO ‘Silke Spitzer: Breathing’ – Ornamentum Gallery, New York (USA) – 12 Juill.-10 Aout 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Ornamentum (US),Silke SPITZER (DE),USA,www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:31

Silke Spitzer: Breathing

gal Ornamentum

« Silke Spitzers most recent body of work BREATHING is aptly named. Like the delicate task of inhaling and exhaling these pieces feel effortless and very intimate.  She choreographs her ideas with pinpoint balance between primal earthiness and refined beauty and somehow does this  so it conjures lighthearted memories from a childhood that we wish we’d had. »
Joni Johnson, jeweler, Rhode Island, USA

Silke Spitzer - Slate/Wood, 2014 Necklace: Slate, wood, aluminum Silke Spitzer – Slate/Wood, 2014 Necklace: Slate, wood, aluminum

Breathing - Silke Spitzer - Green Double-round, 2014 Necklace: wood, antler, plastic, fabric 12 x 11.25 x 1 inchesSilke Spitzer – Breathing -  Green Double-round, 2014 Necklace: wood, antler, plastic, fabric 12 x 11.25 x 1 inches

Silke Spitzer -Breathing: Slate/Wood Left and Right, 2014 Necklace: Slate, wood, aluminumSilke Spitzer -Breathing: Slate/Wood Left and Right, 2014 Necklace: Slate, wood, aluminum

Silke Spitzer - Yellow Bows, 2014 Necklace: Antler, wood, plastic, fabric 12.75 x 7.5 x .85 inches Silke Spitzer - Yellow Bows, 2014 Necklace: Antler, wood, plastic, fabric 12.75 x 7.5 x .85 inches

 Silke Spitzer -  Breathing: Aluminum Twig II - necklace: anodized aluminum, wood, plastic, fabric 12.5 x 8.25 x .85 inches 31.8 xSilke Spitzer -  Breathing: Aluminum Twig II – necklace: anodized aluminum, wood, plastic, fabric 12.5 x 8.25 x .85 inches


Ornamentum Gallery
506 1/2 Warren St.
Hudson – New York
United States
Telephone: 518.671.6770
Fax: 518.822.9819

EXPO ‘Daniela Hedman and Agnes Larsson: Guldrush’ – Bergrummet, Slite Utveckling, Slite, Gotland (Sweden) – 18-20 Juill. 2014

Daniela Hedman and Agnes Larsson: Guldrush


”GULDRUSH” is Daniela Hedman‘s and Agnes Larsson’s first exhibition together. Working and living in Stockholm, Sweden, but both with a connection to the swedish island Gotland where the artists now will show their work for the first time.
The exhibition will take place deep inside an underground rock shelter located in the industrial city of Slite. Slite offers Gotland’s unique nature and at the same time a pure industrial environment. Inspired by this place the artists have created the exhibition ”GULDRUSH”. In connection with the exhibition the artists will hold a workshop for locals and visitors on the island, introducing thinking- and artistic processes related to contemporary jewellery.The project is a collaboration between Daniela Hedman, agnes Larsson and Slite Utvecklig.
Daniela Hedman‘s work relates to her fundamental interest with the human body. She is fascinated by the body’s ongoing physical presence and what impact it has on our spirituality. Her jewellery revolves around the relationship between the object and the body, and she is constantly searching for different connections between the two of them.
In deep investigations of natural materials Agnes Larsson is working with opposites to create tensions in the material. Her work is often inspired by the powerful forces that surround us in life such as heaviness and lightness, living and dead. The core of her work lies in the material which rather than telling a truth is focusing on forming a paradox.

Daniela Hedman, Brooch, 2013Daniela HedmanBrooch: Beach-series, 201329 x 16 x 0,4 cmRed birch, copper, thread

Agnes Larsson, Piece, 2011 CARBOAgnes LarssonPiece: CARBO, 2011500 x 300 x 5 mm

Daniela Hedman Brooch: Beach-series, 2013 Corian, textile, copper 14,5 x 12,5 x 0,5 cmDaniela HedmanBrooch: Beach-series, 2013Corian, textile, copper14,5 x 12,5 x 0,5 cm

Agnes Larsson Piece: CARBO, 2011 - 500 x 300 x 15 mmAgnes Larsson – Piece: CARBO, 2011 – 500 x 300 x 15 mm


Bergrummet, Slite Utveckling
Storgatan 95
- Slite, Gotland
Telephone: 0703 42 32 13


EXPO ‘Playground & Shadows’ – Espace 446, Osaka (JP) – 22 Juill.-1er Aout 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Japon (JP),Liisa HASHIMOTO (JP) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:18

HiNGE Dept.Accessory / Liisa Hashimoto -
[ Playground & Shadows ] Liisa Hashimoto Art Jewelry Exhibition.


Liisa Hashimoto.
4-4-6 Honmachi Chuo-ku
Osaka 541-0053
TEL 06-6245-0446
FAX 06-6245-0448
mail address


COUP de COEUR – bijoux qui ne tiennent qu’à un fil ….

Fil ROUGE cette fois-ci avec les bijoux de Mireia Calaf

Découverte au Melting Point 2014 à Valencia.

 joies de Mireia Calaf a l'exposició Melting Point 2014joies de Mireia Calaf a l’exposició Melting Point 2014 Valencia

Llicenciada en Belles Arts per la Universitat de Barcelona, especialitzada en Restauració i Conservació, quan acaba d’estudiar treballa a la joieria dels seus pares i després d’uns anys coneixent l’ofici, decideix aprendre’l a l’Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona.
L’art de la joieria ha sigut amb el qual s’ha identificat i ha recuperat la seva vessant més creativa ja que, es distancia de la intenció estètica d’aquesta i la utilitza com a un mitjà d’expressió i de transformació; així doncs sol ser el reflex de la seva persona i és causant de la seva pròpia transformació. Les joies seves són, doncs, molt íntimes i personals i solen tenir  una intenció reivindicativa així com una moralitat oculta.
 Les seves últimes col·leccions han tractat temes com la violència de gènere buscant sempre el canvi. Ha exposat a llocs com l’ EASD durant Schmuck i el Melting Point a València així com Inhorgenta, Munich. (CAT Contemprary Gallery)

« relations complexes » …. « broches qui s’enroulent sur elles-mêmes, s’emmêlent d’un fil rouge (souvenirs ? amour(s) ? liens ? sentiments ? …), et se nomment « tissant les obsessions », « tissant des relations »,  « coupant les obsessions » …….


 Relacions complexes. Vides teixint-se. Teixit d’amor. Passions enllaçades amb sentiments de dependències i d’enveja. Amors que es poden transformar en obsessions.

Mireia Calaf - "TEIXINT RELACIONS" Collar Plata i fil 2014Mireia Calaf – « TEIXINT RELACIONS » / « Tejiendo relaciones »  Collar Plata i fil 2014
Mireia Calaf - "TEIXINT RELACIONS" Collar Plata i fil 2014Mireia Calaf - « TEIXINT RELACIONS »/ « Tejiendo relaciones » Collar Plata i fil 2014
Mireia Calaf - "Teixint obsessiones" / broche 'Tejiendo obsesiones' -  2014-  cobre, hilo rojoMireia Calaf – « Teixint obsessiones » / broche ‘Tejiendo obsesiones’ -  2014-  cobre, hilo rojo
Mireia Calaf broche 'Teixint obsesiones' 2014- plata y filMireia Calaf broche ‘Teixint obsesiones’ 2014- plata y fil
Mireia Calaf - "Teixint obsessiones" / broche 'Tejiendo obsesiones' -  2014-  cobre, hilo rojoMireia Calaf - broche ‘Tejiendo obsesiones’ -  2014-  cobre, hilo rojo
Mireia Calaf - "Tallant obsessiones" / broche 'Cortando obsesiones' -  2014-  cobre, hilo rojoMireia Calaf - « Tallant obsessiones » / broche ‘Cortando obsesiones’ -  2014-  cobre, hilo rojo

 Mireia Calaf - "Tallant obsessiones" / broche 'Cortando obsesiones' -  2014-  cobre, hilo rojoMireia Calaf – broche ‘Cortando obsesiones’ -  2014-  cobre, hilo rojo