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EXPO ’4 SOLOS – 4 SOULS’ – Gallery Hnoss/Konstepidemin, Göteborg (SE) – 2-21 Sept. 2014

« 4 SOLOS – 4 SOULS » , Opening night 2-9

4 solos, 4 souls is an exhibition curated by Hnoss Initiative and present four young, visually very strong international jewellery artists. The work of the chosen artists shows a wide perspective of what contemporary jewellery is about, within its format of four solo exhibitions in a common context.

"4 SOLOS - 4 SOULS", Opening night 2-9 Gallery Konstepidemin












Noon PassamNoon Passama

“Portraits” collection presents jewellery pieces as personalities. They are representations of characters through abstracted and constructed facial aspects opening for interpretation, identification, and imagination”.  Noon Passama

 Nhat vu DangNhat-Vu-DangNhat-Vu-Dang-Green-Fold-backing-beskuren Nhat-Vu-Dang

“My work has two appearances, at first it seems stark, strict, geometric and monochrome, but then through interaction of the wearer or the environment it reveals it’s colourful aspect. I like to surprise people, to make them realize that nothing is what it initially seems.“  Nhat-Vu Dang

 Despo SophocleousDespo Sophocleous

“While maps and the spaces they create have been sources of inspiration in the development of my work, it is also the physical and emotional elements associated with place that allow me to create pieces, which represent and document movement, change and transformation in time and space.” Despo Sophocleous

 Benedikt FischerBenedikt Fischer

I am interested in things that withstand the test of time, that are maintained in our culture without question and which are established in our lives as axioms. I choose to work with industrially made products in plastic as a research of esthetics in our time and because I can’t deprive myself from it.”
Benedikt Fischer



Hnoss / Konstepidemin Gallery
Konstepidemins väg 6,
413 14 Göteborg,

EXPO ‘Beyond Textile’ – Galería Lalabeyou, Madrid (ES) – 11 Sept.-15 Oct. 2014

« Beyond Textile » – 11/09 – 15/10 – 2014  – Galería Lalabeyou – Madrid España -

inauguración / opening: jueves / thursday 11/09 21:00

"Beyond Textile" - 11/09 - 15/10 - 2014 Galería Lalabeyou -




extil en joyas, obras de 21 diseñadores de joyas argentinas. / Textile in jewelry, works of 21 Textil en

- Textil en joyas, obras de 21 diseñadores de joyas argentinas. / Textile in jewelry, works of 21 Argentine jewelry designers. comisario/curator Luis Acosta



Artistas / Artists : Fabiana Vodanovich Casañas — Patricia Trigub — Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse + Marcela Muñiz) Sabina Tiemroth – Mai Solorzano — Paola Victoria Saavedra — Jimena Ríos Mabel Peña — Bárbara Paz — María Rosa Mongelli — Graciela Lescano – María Alejandra Koreck — Elida Kemelman — Ansiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo) Fabiana Gadano — Lilia Breyter — Gabriela Bonelli — María Boggiano — Ana Arlía — Alícia Antich — Luis Acosta



Galería Lalabeyou
Travesía de Belén 2 – Local 1
28004 Madrid España – Spain
+34 653300154




EXPO ‘Beyond Textile’ – Instituto Cervantes , Utrecht (NL) – 7 Sept.-14 Oct. 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Hollande (NL),textile — bijoucontemporain @ 0:11
« Beyond Textile » Textil en joyas, obras de 21 diseñadores de joyas argentinas. / Textile in jewelry, works of 21 Argentine jewelry designers. comisario/curator Luis Acosta -
  7/09 – 14/10 – 2014
sunday 7/09 12:30 – inauguración


"Beyond Textile" - Utrecht


Textil en joyas, obras de 21 diseñadores de joyas argentinas. / Textile in jewelry, works of 21 Argentine jewelry designers. comisario/curator Luis Acosta


Artistas / Artists : Fabiana Vodanovich Casañas — Patricia Trigub — Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse + Marcela Muñiz) Sabina Tiemroth – Mai Solorzano — Paola Victoria Saavedra — Jimena RíosMabel Peña — Bárbara Paz — María Rosa Mongelli — Graciela Lescano – María Alejandra Koreck — Elida Kemelman — Ansiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo) Fabiana Gadano — Lilia Breyter — Gabriela Bonelli — María Boggiano — Ana Arlía — Alícia Antich —  Luis Acosta

 Luis AcostaLuis Acosta



Instituto Cervantes 
Domplein, 3
3512 JC Utrecht
Tlf: +31 30 233 4261/242 8477
Fax: +31 30 233 2970


EXPO ‘The Sweet Perfume of Decay’ – Sintra, Göteborg (SE) – 30 Aout-23 Sept. 2014

You are very welcome to my solo exhibitionThe Sweet Perfume of Decay‘ at Sintra in Gothenburg on Saturday the 30th of August. Märta Mattsson
Opening 30/8 12-16

Marta Mattsson - sweet perfume of decay

I will also hold a lecture at the gallery on Friday the 29th of August at 19.00.
I hope to see you at either of these events or at both ! :)
Lecture by Märta Mattsson 29/8 19:00


The Sweet Perfume of Decay
Sometimes I see beauty in things that other people find strange or are even repulsed by. I become fascinated when there is something you do not want to see and the feeling you get when you do not want to look at some- thing, yet you still do. My jewellery deals with the tension that lies between attraction and repulsion. I take seemingly inappropriate materials, making ordinary and familiar objects seem extraordinary and unfamiliar.
In the 18th century many new breeds of animals and plants were discovered and it was the main era of cabinets of curiosities. People collected rarities because it gave them the feeling of being in the presence of something ex- traordinary and marvellous. The cabinets of curiosities were not meant to sympathize with the creatures on dis- play, only marvel over their oddity. In a world where not many new and exotic breeds are discovered I use dead creatures in my pieces to evoke wonder. The creatures are transformed and reborn; given a new life as objects of astonishment.”  Märta Mattsson

 Märta Mattsson Jewellery "‎The Sweet Perfume of Decay" - Sintra - Göthebourg (SE)

« During this year I have been working on new pieces where I use wings from butterflies, cicadas and moths. The idea of mimicry and transforming the wings to look like new species of animal appeals to me. By assembling and building new bodies out of the wings I can create mysterious creatures that uses the esthetic qualities of the wings but without making them too pretty and flower like.
As well as exploring the idea of creating new species I am also interested in the symmetry of the wings and how I can explore this in a new way. I find inspiration in images from the Rorschach test. The inkblot test is a method of psychological evaluation. Psychologists use this test in an attempt to examine the personality characteristics and emotional functioning of their patients. This test is often employed in diagnosing underlying thought disorders and differentiating psychotic from non-psychotic thinking in cases where the patient is reluctant to openly admit to psychotic thinking. »

Märta Mattsson, Booch: Wings, 2014 Cicada wings, resin, lacquer, crushed stone, glitter, silver 12 x 6 x 1 cmMärta Mattsson, Booch: Wings, 2014 Cicada wings, resin, lacquer, crushed stone, glitter, silver 12 x 6 x 1 cm

Märta Mattsson Brooch: Wings, 2013 Cicada wings, resin, lacquer, glitter, silver 13 x 10 x 1 cmMärta Mattsson Brooch: Wings, 2013 Cicada wings, resin, lacquer, glitter, silver 13 x 10 x 1 cm


Landsvägsgatan 5,
Haga 413 04 Göteborg
tel 031 – 775 01 20
Mo-Fr.11-18, Sa.11-16

A contemporary crafts shop and gallery, established 1984; in the charming and picturesque district of Haga located in the central part of Gothenburg


EXPO ‘Wear It Loud’ – Reinstein/Ross Gallery, NY (USA) – 4 Sept.-16 Oct. 2014

Wear It Loud”, an exhibition exploring the connection between fashion & jewelry.

Open September 4, 2014 at REINSTEIN/ROSS RR Gallery, curated by Platforma.

opening Thursday 9/4 6-9pm

Wear It Loud is on view 9/4/14-10/16/14

“Wear It Loud”.

« Wear It Loud” is a contemporary art jewelry exhibition dedicated to exploring the ongoing conversation between fashion and jewelry.
With over 50 pieces of jewelry on view, “Wear It Loud” will present the work of sixteen emerging and renowned international artists who all create unique and one- of- a kind wearable works of art.

Featured artists:
Anya Kivarkis — Ashley Buchanan — Alissia Melka-Teichroew – Cristina Dias — Denise J.Reytan — Gregory Larin — Hanna Hedman — Inbar Shahak — Johanna Törnqvist – Karin Seufert – Lola Brooks – Marge Hinge — Mia Kwon (Eunmi “Mia” Kwon) – Nikki Couppe — Rebecca Hannon — Tara Locklear.

 Hanna Hedman jewelryHanna Hedman jewelry

 Tara Locklear's Concrete Costume Cluster Collection  Tara Locklear‘s Concrete Costume Cluster Collection

Gregory larinGregory Larin

hand-cut rubber jewelry pieces by Rebecca Hannonhand-cut rubber jewelry pieces by Rebecca Hannon

Johanna Törnqvist! - uses recycled textile and plastic material to create wearable art that combine contemporary and folk traditions.Johanna Törnqvist – uses recycled textile and plastic material to create wearable art that combine contemporary and folk traditions.

Lola Brooks - heartknot - 2012 - 3.5 lbs of stainless steel chain, 2 ounces of 14k solderLola Brooks – heartknot – 2012 – 3.5 lbs of stainless steel chain, 2 ounces of 14k solder


REINSTEIN/ROSS gallery (RR Gallery)
30 Gansevoort Street, New York,
NY 10014   (USA)
tel 212.226.4513

Platforma is a newly established curatorial initiative by Bella Neyman and Ruta Reifen.
Platforma’s main goal is to bring art jewelry out of the confines of an intimate circle of curators, collectors, and connoisseurs and give it the same respect that is bestowed upon contemporary painting, sculpture, and design.
Platforma wants to provide art jewelers support and a place to shine. It is your moment. Here is your platform. Stand tall and proud, show the world what you got!


EXPO ‘ANATOMIA DEL PENSAMIENTO’ – Centro de las Artes de San Luis Potosí, (Mexico) – 27 Aout-28 Dec. 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Jorge MANILLA (MEX),Mexique (MX),MUSEE — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05

Today is The opening of my solo Exhibition ANATOMIA DEL PENSAMIENTO, this beautiful place is the old prision of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. And I got the site museum for my solo show.. Im very happy and excited, in this show you can see more than 180 pieces of my work - Jorge Manilla

Jorge Manilla - Anatomia del pensamiento

El Laboratorio de Diseño del Centro de las Artes de San Luis Potosí, tiene el honor de invitarlos a la gran exposición del maestro Jorge Manilla titulada: Anatomía del Pensamiento, este miércoles 27de agosto de 2014 en punto de las 20:00 h . Los invitamos a vivir y compartir la experiencia con nuestro invitado especial desde Bélgica. ¡Los esperamos!


Centro de las Artes de San Luis Potosí
Calzada de Guadalupe 705, Col. Julián Carrillo
78340 État de San Luis Potosí – MEXICO


EXPO ‘Jiro Kamata: I-Land’ – ATTA Gallery, Bangkok (Thailand) – 31 Juill.-27 Sept. 2014

Jiro Kamata: I-Land

Jieo Kamata expo(Brooch: Momentopia, 2008-2010 – Camera Lens, paint, silver)

For the “I-Land” Mini Exhibition, Jiro chose to exhibit three series of work—’Momentopia (2008-2010), Arboresque (2010-2012) and Spiegel (2011-2013)’—all made with camera lenses.
Jewellery is an object of value. This is the single most important notion in my work as an artist-jeweller.
I make jewellery from old camera lenses. The lenses I use have already retired from active duty, covered in a light layer of dust, sitting in some obscure corner in a camera shop. But imagine if we were able to talk with these lenses, what great stories they might tell us! They have witnessed so many memorable and precious moments from people’s lives.
An investigation of the meaning of ‘value’ is integral in the work of goldsmiths such as myself. What is the real meaning of value for human beings? This question, always present in my mind, is what drives me to keep creating jewellery.
Jiro Kamata

 Jiro Kamata Brooch: Arboresque, 2010-2012 Camera Lens, paint, silverJiro Kamata Brooch: Arboresque, 2010-2012 Camera Lens, paint, silver

Jiro Kamata Pendant: Spiegel, 2011-2013 Camera Lens, mirror, silverJiro Kamata Pendant: Spiegel, 2011-2013 Camera Lens, mirror, silver



ATTA Gallery
O.P. Garden, Unit 1109, 4,6 Charoenkrung Soi 36
10500, Charoenkrung Road, Bangrak – Bangkok
Telephone: + 662 238 6422


EXPO ‘Connected Construct’ – Flickinger Fine Arts Center, Houston (USA) – 25 Aout-10 Sept. 2014

Caitie Sellers & Demitra Thomloudis : Connected Construct -

San Jacinto College South, Flickinger Fine Arts Center (Houston, United States) 25-Aug-2014 – 10-Sep-2014


Caitie Sellers and Demitra Thomloudis: Connected Construct

Inspired by the Houston landscape, Thomloudis and Sellers intimately examine and transform their surroundings through the lens of jewelry, mapping, and drawing. Their work observes moments between materials, time, and place that ultimately interacts with the body as site and collectively produces a snapshot of the sprawling Houston landscape.

Demitra Thomloudis, Brooch, Demitra Thomloudis – Brooch: 4825 Chenevert Street: Houston YellowReclaimed shingle, nickel silver, wood, steel, graphite pencil, 14 gold leaf

Demitra Thomloudis Necklace: 4813 JacksonSstreet: Houston Yellow Tape Reclaimed stair spindle, nickel silver, wood, steel, paintDemitra Thomloudis Necklace: 4813 JacksonSstreet: Houston Yellow Tape Reclaimed stair spindle, nickel silver, wood, steel, paint

Caitie Sellers Rings: Highway ring series Silver and copperCaitie Sellers Rings: Highway ring series Silver and copper

Caitie Sellers Necklace: Highway Silver and copperCaitie Sellers Necklace: Highway Silver and copper

Caitie Sellers - Houston drawings 2014Caitie Sellers – Houston drawings 2014

Caitie Sellers......each one a scene...Caitie Sellers


San Jacinto College South, Flickinger Fine Arts Center
13735 Beamer Road
TX 77089 – Houston
United States
Telephone: (281) 464-3420



EXPO ‘MONIKA BRUGGER Des dés, des bague & autres ustensiles’ – Sabato Lab, Taipei (Taiwan) – 9 Aout-27 Sept. 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Monika BRUGGER (FR),Taiwan (RC) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:09

MONIKA BRUGGER  Des dés, des bague et autres ustensiles

Sabato Lab  – 2014.08.09 – 9.27

Monika Brugger - Sabato Lab Monika Brugger,  Fragile - broches - argentMonika Brugger,  Fragile – broches – argent

Monika Brugger,  "Un dé" - rings - 18K / thimble, 18K goldMonika Brugger,  « Un dé » – rings – 18K / thimble, 18K gold

Monika Brugger - à fleur des doigts | On the surface of fingers - rings / silver, goldMonika Brugger - à fleur des doigts | On the surface of fingers – rings / silver, gold

Monika Brugger

Monika Brugger


Sabato Lab
1F., No.90, Guangfu S. Rd.
Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106 – TAIWAN
phone:(02) 2799-8194
open hours:1:00-6:00pm - Saturday 1-6pm or by appointment
Founders : Shu-Lin Wu  & Carissa Wen-Hsien Hsu


EXPO ‘Villes Imaginaires’ – boutique TALENTS Opéra, Paris (FR) – 26 aout-27 sept 2014

Villes Imaginaires – Hommage à Italo Calvino -

Aline Kokinopoulos & Suzanne Otwell-Nègre

Villes Imaginaires - Hommage à Italo Calvino - Aline Kokinopoulos & Suzanne Otwell-Nègre - Paris, boutique TALENTS Opéra - 26 aout-27 sept 2014

Exposition autour du thème de la ville -inspirée du livre d’Italo Calvino- .. Deux créatrices de bijou présentent leur vision et leur ressenti de la ville à travers objet et bijoux .. Aline Kokinopoulos et Suzanne Otwell Negre, deux personnalités différentes et dont le travail se croise à travers la ville, rêvée, imaginaire, suggérée …,2518-Villes-imaginaires_0.jpeg


Aline Kokinopoulos - Les villes imaginairesAline Kokinopoulos – « Lorsque l’on voyage au sein d’une ville,on a toujours des surprise …… » (photo à gauche, broche à droite)

Aline Kokinopoulos - bague SamarkandeAline Kokinopoulos – bague Samarkande
« Il y a aussi des envies d’ailleurs, des lieux qui font rêver … des noms qui font voyager et dont la seule évocation permet à l’esprit de voyager »

Suzanne Otwell-Nègre brocheSuzanne Otwell-Nègre broche

boutique TALENTS Opéra
1 Rue Scribe, 75009 Paris
tel : 01 40 17 98 38


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