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JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you Galeria Amaranto Joies/Plateaus Jewellery Project – 8-31 Oct. 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
Galeria Amaranto Joies  : Plateaus Jewellery Project
Apertura/Opening 08 Oct. – 19:00
“Plateaus arises from the need of a new generation to define their position in an always changing world »
« The exhibition project Plateaus is the instant shot of a multiplicity, which linked to one another, is growing continuously. The links between the individual within the multiplicity go beyond each of the other individuals and the very moment, are inspired by the past, transgress borders and offer numerous connecting possibilities of building further plateaus – into all directions and forms.

At the moment four jewellery artist are connected in this project (Barbora Dzurakova, Patrícia Correia Domingues, Katharina Dettar, Edu Tarín). What they have in common are their academic years at the Hochschule für Edelstein und Schmuck of Idar-Oberstein (University of Trier). Here they have known each other and have worked together. Although they do belong to different academic years, in their pieces of jewelry one can recognize interconnection and mutual inspiration. This is their nexus, which is intensified and not only expressed by the heterogeneity of their origin, manner of approaching and individual shaping.«   Julia Wild

Carrer de Sant Domènec, 23
08012 Barcelona

JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you ESCOLA MASSANA/Linea de Sortida – 7-13 Oct. 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
Linea de sortida - Massana
ESCOLA MASSANALinea de Sortida 2014
Apertura/Opening  07 Oct. – 19:00

avec Coralie GrzesNatsumi Kaihara –  Iraida Vedriel –  Maitane Fernandez – Nerea Gonzalez — Joana Salvador –  Carlota SerdàEva Burton Laia Ossorio   et Ramon Puig Cuyas

Laia Ossorio Garcia - Projecte  "Memento".Laia Ossorio Garcia – Projecte  « Memento »

Natsumi+Kaihara+ Broche/ Brooch Acero forjado, seda, acero inoxidable, alpaca, plata/ Forged iron, silk, stainless steel, nickel silver, silver 45 × 136 × 13Natsumi Kaihara - Broche/ Brooch Acero forjado, seda, acero inoxidable, alpaca, plata/ Forged iron, silk, stainless steel, nickel silver, silver 45×136×13

Eva Burton - Ganesha Pop Brooch, 2014 Piano, furniture and skate woods, wild boar teeth, acrylic paint.Eva Burton – Ganesha Pop Brooch, 2014 Piano, furniture and skate woods, wild boar teeth, acrylic paint.

Iraida Vedriel  (EXPO Massana "Linea de Sortida")Iraida Vedriel

Coralie Grzes - broche (ENJOIA'T 2014)Coralie Grzes – broche « mes toits »


Sala busquests
Hospital 56
T 934 422 000


JOYA Barcelona 2014 – How about FRENCH jewellers ???

JOYA Barcelona 2014  –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
En premier, Yannick MUR !
son bijou saute aux yeux à la page d’accueil de JOYA! – Of course ! Elle est l’une des « Guest Artists » ! :-) Cette année, elle nous présente sa collection « OR & NOIR »
Yannick Mur JOYA 2014Yannick Mur  OR & NOIR
« The dance, primary source of my inspiration, is the guiding thread of my search around fluidity, and the freedom’s source in the realization ». The 2015 collection of Yannick Mur is included inside an Art Déco esthetic. OR & NOIR is a light collection, contrasting, dark and bright… Unique and pure, the creations laugh with the codes’ delicacy of the contemporary jewelry. »
Yannick Mur - "Or & Noir" 2014 détailYannick Mur – « Or & Noir » 2014 détail
Puis, dans l’ordre alphabétique des exposants, viennent :
Anaïs PAULARD  et, comme je les appelle, ses « maudits tubes » (qui crachent ! j’ADORE ! j’en VEUX un !!!). En fait, The Moody Tubes …..
«  Anaïs Paulard has created a collection of jewellery that leaves a physical trace of the memories or interactions of the person wearing it.« 
 Anaïs Paulard  Anaïs Paulard- broche The Moody Tubes – Materials: copper, spray paint, varnish steel wire & pigment.
« The aim of my work is to challenge people’s emotions and relations by creating interactive pieces that connect the wearer, the viewer and the object. My jewellery explores our emotional states and their effects on others. The Moody Tubes are made for happy people who want to share their joy and make others smile. In the present day, I feel it is important to open our minds to a different way of creating wearable pieces in order to bring something new and exciting.« 
Edith BELLOD  avec une nouvelle collection, « Nature » qui a première vue semble superbe !
 Edith_Bellod "Nature" 2014 Edith Bellod « Nature » 2014 necklace – photo Bruno Clergue -  blackened bronze.

« This collection is inspired by the beauty of nature and its simplicity and strength. Its fusion of materials strive to preserve a natural harmony, a fragile balance between authenticity and sham, weakness and solidity, a reflection on temporality.« 

Edith_Bellod "Nature" 2014 brooch #2 blackened bronze, pearls - 12cmEdith BELLOD « Nature » 2014 brooch #2 blackened bronze, pearls – 12cm



Florence CROISIER  (si si si, j’insiste, elle est Française !!) avec sa collection « Around the Net (or the Net) »

Florence CroisierFlorence Croisier – Materials: brown titanium wire.

« The first idea for this collection is a wish to wear jewellery like a textile and to look how the body can participate in the jewel’s design and change its shape. The second idea invites us to think where the jewels can be worn, to think of different places of the body where the piece could fit. In this collection I am interested in the structure of a net. »

Florence CroisierFlorence Croisier « a wish to wear jewellery like a textile »



Isabelle BUSNEL  et son/ses « SI-LI-CO-LI-ER » – le silicone, c’est mou. Mais, pos, là, ça a l’air dur, comme un bijou en porcelaine …. Et je ne peux que me rappeler la JUBILATION d’Isabelle Busnel, au dernier Salon JOYA, lorsque les gens prenaient une broche pour l’essayer et qu’ils se retrouvaient avec une « chose molle » entre les doigts ….. elle n’attendait qu’une chose, jubilatoire : voir leur tête de surprise …. « the deceptiveness of the white silicone » !

Isabelle BusnelIsabelle BUSNEL – SI-LI-CO-LI-ER -  white and green silicone rubber.

« Silicone rubber is a fascinating material for jewellery and, when appropriately worked, lures viewers into mistaking it for ceramic, plaster or porcelain. They are drawn into grabbing and touching the pieces only to realise it is not what they initially thought it was. This collection of necklaces explores pearls and beads stereotypes and plays with the deceptiveness of the white silicone. »



Violaine ULMER : collection « (IN)FORMAL » pour 2014

Vioaine UlmerViolaine Ulmer- collier collection (IN)formal – Materials: enamelled porcelain, enamelled steel and copper, felt.

« This collection ‘(in)formal ‘ leans onto the dialectic of contraries : the plastic elements – form, matter and value – are going beyond the simple opposite ; contrasts mix to divulge the singularity of each. It’s also a dialog of values : the white, a light grey and the black as its polar opposition. ‘(In)formal’ claims the difference as source of enrichment. »



Enfin, parmi les COLLECTIFS, une rare Française, Jacqueline l. LILLIE , vivant à Vienne (collectif ANIMA). Elle fait un étonnant travail de « tissage » (?) de micro perles (glass beads)

Jacqueline I. Lillie

Artist Jacqueline Lillie was born in 1941 in Marseilles, France and currently lives and works in Vienna. She studied metalwork under Professor Hagenauer at the Academy of Applied Arts, Vienna. Since the early 1980′s she has exhibited internationally, given lectures around the world about her work and influenced generations of young artists with her refined and articulate work. Most recently her pieces were included in Things Plain and Simple at the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna and GlassWear at the Museum of Art and Design in New York. (Sienna Patti gallery)

« First and foremost, every piece has to meet certain aesthetic requirements. Each piece has to stand up to the rigours of a working environment. In addition to form and function, I also insist on flexibility. In this way, I have developed my own FÑ formula. Admittedly, form often follows function. For me, however, form and function are on an equal footing, complemented by flexibility. Flexibility is essential because all good jewellery should adapt to the wearer and be an extension of that person’s character. Jewellery is no longer an expression of status. It is a reflection of one’s attitudes towards life and one’s surroundings. The ultimate test with any piece of art is the impact that the piece has on the person looking at it, or in my case on the person wearing it. My work is very much a labour of love in which I have tried to meet the client’s urge for self adornment and satisfy my own desire for poetry and elegance. »




(le tout écrit au son de CATARACTES de pluie !!!)


JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
Santa Monica Arts Centre
Rambla, 7
08001 – Barcelona
Telephone: +34 93 459 24 06


JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you KLIMT02 Gallery/’Daily Delicious’ – 8-31 Oct. 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
KLIMT02 Gallery   « Daily Delicious – Feast of Today » -
Apertura/Opening 08 Oct. – 19:30 – The artist will be present.
Exposición/Exhibition 8-31 Oct.
KLIMT 02 GALLERY Daily Delicious - Feast of Today/ Gésine Hackenberg

As a part of the group of works exhibited, Klimt02 Gallery presents 2 pieces specially made by Gésine Hackenberg for us, the necklaces French Beans II & Plum.

The exhibition is part of the events at OFF Joya, organized during Joya Barcelona fair 2014.

« Fruit and vegetables are one of mankind’s fundamental foodstuffs. They are associated with one of our most primary daily needs – eating – and are therefore closely connected with people. What is more, they stimulate and beguile the senses. These qualities are also essential in jewellery.
The intention of my jewellery is to represent fruit and vegetables’ relationship with people and their bodies. Everyday contact with these natural products – shopping, peeling, preparation and eating – serves as the chief source of inspiration. The sensual pleasure entailed in these acts invites us to celebrate the little things in life, playing with fruit and vegetables and adorning ourselves with their splendour. Translating fruit and vegetables into jewellery conjures up images from art and the decorative arts: images of luxuriance and profusion, of harvest festivals and traditional adornments. Classic ornamental motifs such as the Horn of Plenty are juxtaposed with my own contemporary context of daily life.
In the execution of this work, the emphasis lies on the human perspective and constructed nature, made of thin copper sheet. The copper colour ages over time and references the idea of growth and ripening of the fruit and vegetables. These fragile constructed copper objects are then reinforced through electroforming techniques that again, enhances the idea of growth« . Gésine Hackenberg

Gésine Hackenberg Necklace: Plum, 2014 Copper, electroformed copper, partly patinated; leather From the Designed For Klimt02 CollectionGésine Hackenberg Necklace: Plum, 2014 Copper, electroformed copper, partly patinated; leather From the Designed For Klimt02 Collection
Gésine Hackenberg Necklace: Large Horn of Plenty, 2014 Silver, leatherGésine Hackenberg Necklace: Large Horn of Plenty, 2014 Silver, leather
Gésine Hackenberg, Objects, 2014Gésine Hackenberg
Objects: Loose Fruit & Vegetable Objects, 2014
Pink gold plated copper, electroformed copper
A serie of objects made out of Pink gold plated or patinated copper and electroformed copper.
The pieces consist on the following fruits and vegetables: Banana, Pear, Apple, Cherry, Plum, Potato, Carrot and Zuccini
Gésine Hackenberg Brooch: Plum, 2014 Copper, electroformed copper; silverGésine Hackenberg – Brooch: Plum, 2014 – Copper, electroformed copper; silver
Gésine Hackenberg Necklace: French Beans II, 2014 Copper, electroformed copper, silver, silver chain From the Designed For Klimt02 CollectionGésine Hackenberg Necklace: French Beans II, 2014 Copper, electroformed copper, silver, silver chain From the Designed For Klimt02 Collection
Carrer de la Riera de Sant Miquel, 65
08006 Barcelona
tel 00 34 933687235
Horarios/Schedules 10:00 – 14:00/ 17:00 – 20:00
Klimt02 in conversation with Gésine Hackenberg :
Image de prévisualisation YouTube

JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you Context Gallery/Joies Minimes/Minimal Jewels – 9 Oct.-15 Nov. 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 - Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –

Galeria CONTEXT -  Joies minimes/Minimal Jewels

Apertura/Opening 11 Oct. – 19:00

The proposal of 31 artist to represent the minimalism 

OFF JOYA - EXHIBITIONS -   context - joiesminimes


Dins de la programació OFF JOYA ’14, presentem a la nostra galeria de Sant Cugat del Vallès una exposició de peces inèdites de 31 artistes que porta per títol JOIES MÍNIMES – MINIMAL JEWELS.
El PIN és el protagonisma d’aquesta mostra que aplegarà més de 60 peces especialment dissenyades per aquesta ocasió.
participan :  Oscar Abba — Amalia Vermell Montse BasoraEugènia BesoraAndrea CoderchMaria DiezCarla GarcíaGrego García Tebar Ana García Moya Catalina GibertAlicia Giráldez Lola GratacósAna Heimann Olga Hernández Puerto — Elsa Inzunza — Natsumi KaiharaSandra LlusàJudy McCaigClara NiubóEva PonsRamon Puig Cuyàs Silvina Rio Carme Roher — Cinta Sala — Blanca SánchezEdu TarínFátima Tocornal – Marta Torrent — Isabel Tristan — Silvia Walz –Renate Wülfinghoff.
CONTEXT a  Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair.


Galería Context
c. Viñolas 8-10,
Sant Cugat del Vallès
tel 935 893 806 

Horarios/Schedules 11:00 – 13:30/ 17:00 – 20:00 Monday-Friday 11:00 – 14:00 Saturday


EXPO ‘Animalités’ – Galerie Bettina Flament, Lille (FR) – 3-23 oct. 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,France (FR),GALERIES,Michele FOREST (FR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

Galerie Bettina Flament – nouvelle exposition avec les incroyables parures et bijoux de Michèle Forest.

Vernissage jeudi 2 octobre de 18h30 à 21h en présence de Michèle Forest.

Galerie Bettina Flament - exposition - parures et bijoux de Michèle Forest. Vernissage 2 octobre !

Michèle Forest- collier en ronds de cuir découpés à la main, perles et fermoir de corne.. Pièce unique. Photo/ Philippe Denis.Michèle Forest- collier en ronds de cuir découpés à la main, perles et fermoir de corne.. Pièce unique. Photo Philippe Denis.

Michèle Forest- collier serpent. Photo Philippe Denis..Michèle Forest- collier « serpent » Photo Philippe Denis



Galerie Bettina Flament7 rue Masurel
59000 Lille – France
tel 03 20 13 49 37



JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you InGalleryBCN/ »Amalgama »/Col.lectiu Bigòrnia/Quars d’una – 9-11 Oct. 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014–  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –

  OFF JOYA - Bigornia

AmalgamaCol.lectiu Bigòrnia / Quars d’una
Apertura/Opening 08 Oct. – 20:00
Exposición/Exhibition 9 – 11 Oct.

avec Sandra Llusà, Maria Diez, Carla Garcia Durlan, Imma Batalla, Mireia Calaf, Laura Juanós, Mar Sanchez et Clara Niubo Casas.


Un « trocito » de ‘Joyas Sensacionales’ con su nuevo colectivo ‘Quars d’una‘  – ‘Quars d’una’ son: Maria Diez, Carla Garcia, Sandra Llusà y Clara Niubò

Sandra Llusà    - broche (Valencia Melting Point - 2014)Sandra Llusà    – broche (Valencia Melting Point – 2014)

Maria Diez - bosc gelat alpaca, pàtina, pintura acrílica, gassa tenyida ref. pS1 serie PAISATGES SALVATGESMaria Diez - « bosc gelat » alpaca, pàtina, pintura acrílica, gassa tenyida ref. pS1 serie PAISATGES SALVATGES

Carla Garcia - LA INGENUIDAD DE CAPERUCITA 2013 Broche madera, acrílicos, alpaca Forma parte de la colección:  Paisajes encantadosCarla Garcia – LA INGENUIDAD DE CAPERUCITA 2013 Broche madera, acrílicos, alpaca Forma parte de la colección:  Paisajes encantados

Clara NiubóClara Niubò Casas – brooch, Gramínia verda (Green Grass), 2013, copper, wood, enamel, nickel silver, alabaster, gold plate

El col·lectiu de joiers Bigòrnia, format per alumnes de l’EADT, Tarragona -  Format per sis joieres, nascut a la primavera del 2013 : Imma Batalla, Mireia Bonastre, Mireia Calaf, Laura JuanósAnabel Ortega.

 Mireia Calaf "Asfíxia sexual" - Plata oxidada i silicona Mireia Calaf « Asfíxia sexual » – Plata oxidada i silicona

Mireia Calaf - "TALLANT OBSESSIONS" Fermall Coure i fil 2014Mireia Calaf - « TALLANT OBSESSIONS » Fermall Coure i fil 2014

Anabel Ortega - serie Maternitats - Lis - plata, pintura acrylicaAnabel Ortega – serie Maternitats – Lis – plata, pintura acrylica

 Imma Batalla  "Nius" / "Nests" Imma Batalla  « Nius » / « Nests »

Mireia Bonastre Bové "Posidònia" , Fermalls amb restes de vegetals i làtexMireia Bonastre Bové « Posidònia » , Fermalls amb restes de vegetals i làtex

Laura Juanós, "Esvaint-se" Laura Juanós, « Esvaint-se »


Penedès 3
08012 Barcelona
T +34 932 37 96 94

11:00 – 14:00/17:00 – 20:30




JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you Gallery Ring Ring BCN/ »Sibú »/Amira Jalet – 3-31 Oct. 2014

Classé dans : Amira JALET(Costa Rica),BARCELONA,Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,JOYA (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 7:02
JOYA Barcelona 2014 –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
OFF JOYA - EXHIBITIONS Sibú - Ring Ring Barcelona Amira Jalet - RING RING ARTS & CRAFTS Sibú - Amira Jalet Luis el Piadós, 3 T 649 426 974  Apertura/Opening 07 Oct. - 20:00 Exposición/Exhibition 3-31 Oct.
Sibú Amira Jalet – RING RING ARTS & CRAFTS -
Apertura/Opening 07 Oct. – 20:00
Este 3 de octubre estaré inaugurando mi Primera Exposición Individual Internacional en la Galería Ring Ring en Barcelona con una colección inspirada en la joyería de oro de nuestros indígenas Cabécares y Bribris, llamada « Sibú ».
« Costa Rica abriéndose camino en este mundo maravilloso de la Joyería deAutor ». Los que estén por allá, invitadísimos a acercarse a esta muestra, y los que no, por medio de redes sociales estaremos conectados.
Luis el Piadós, 3
08003 Barcelona
T +34 649 46 29 74


EXPO ‘Le Labo IV’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montreal (CA) – 26 Sept.-5 Oct. 2014

Classé dans : Canada (CA),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Noel Guyomarch (Qb) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:49

Galerie Noel Guyomarc’hLe Labo IV

Participantes aux ateliers de création dirigés par Noel Guyomarc’h.
Participants in the creative workshops directed by Noel Guyomarc’h.

EXPO ‘Le Labo IV’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montreal (CA) – 26 Sept.-5 Oct. 2014 dans Canada (CA)

Ces ateliers offrent différentes avenues créatives. Organisées sur une période de deux ans, ces rencontres mensuelles permettent aux participants de développer de nouvelles attitudes dans l’exploration de matières, de formes et de concepts. Cette exposition est le résutlat de ces recherches.
These workshops offer a variety of new creative avenues. Organized over a period of two years, thes monthly meetings allow participants to develop innovative skills in the exploration of materials, forms and concepts. This exhibition is the result of these experimentations.

Catherine Granche — Karine Rodrigue — Véronique Roy — Marie-Maude Brunet — Caroline Choquette — Emilie Dell’Aniello — Léonie Fontaine Giroux — Isabelle Lamarre — Sabine Pouquet — Magali Gobeil Thibault

4836 Bd St Laurent,
Montréal, QC H2T 1R5, Canada
Téléphone :+1 514-840-9362


JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you GIOIELLI IN FERMENTO/Boffi showroom – 9-30 Oct. 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014  –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
Apertura/Opening 08 Oct. – 19:30
Exposición/Exhibition 9 – 30 Oct.

 JOYA and Gioielli in Fermento since 2013 started a collaboration to give
the awarded artists in the competition “Jewels in Ferment – Torre Fornello Award” 
  the opportunity to be part of JOYA and exhibit their works.
This year the awarded artists are Liana Pattihis and Olivia Monti Arduini,
with a special mention to Akis Goumas.

Liana Pattihis - Flow-Fileri necklace 2014Liana Pattihis – Flow-Fileri necklace 2014

Olivia Monti ArduiniOlivia Monti Arduini

Akis GoumasAkis Goumas

Claudia Steiner Brooch: Landscape, 2014 Silver, resin glaze, pure colour pigments, steelClaudia Steiner Brooch: Landscape, 2014 Silver, resin glaze, pure colour pigments, steel
Gioielli in Fermento - Gigi Mariani Ring: Ruggini, 2011 Silver oxidation patinaGigi Mariani Ring: Ruggini, 2011 Silver oxidation patina
Gioielli in Fermento - Viktoria Münzker Necklace: Muse, 2014 Pocelain, driftwood, granules, glass, plastic chain, bronze, stainedViktoria Münzker Necklace: Muse, 2014 Pocelain, driftwood, granules, glass, plastic chain, bronze, stained
Calle Ferrán Agulló, 12
08021 Barcelona
T 934 145 224
horarios/Schedules 11:00 – 19:00 Monday – Friday 11:00 – 14:00 Sat