JOYA Barcelona 2014 – OFF JOYA Program
JOYA Barcelona 2014 – Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

The route will be made of 11 exhibitions and 1 reading.
*October 6th
* the Cypriot artist settled in London Liana Pattihis, will present her reading « Digging Deep » in Galería Dterra*,
* the same day Fili Plaza Barcelona*, inaugurates her collection « Calado« , with a staging of real models next to their pieces.
*DTerra - Avinguda Josep Anselm Clavé, 9, 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona – tel +34 936 74 78 07 - map
*Fili Plaza Barcelona - Carrer de Provença, 225, 08008 Barcelona – tel +34 934 17 78 11 - map
*October 7th
* The Galería Dterra* will present « Intercanvis Simultanis« , the work of Ramón Puig Cuyás.
* The same day Joya Brava, Chilean contemporary jewellery association, will present « Joyeros: erotismo, joyería y cuerpo » in the gallery « El Lavadero« *.
*« El Lavadero« Calle Sant Rafael 14 -08001 Barcelona – tel +34 666 23 00 99- - – map
*October 8th
* Amaranto Joies* will present « Plateus Jewellery Project« by Barbora Dzurakova, Patricia Correia Domingues, Katharina Dettar and Edu Tarín.
* L’Escola d’Art del Treball*, will present a sample of jewellery schools « Jo. Joia«
* Klimt02 Gallery* will inaugurate « Daily Delicious Feast of Today » by Gésine Hackenberg.
* The gallery of Lluís Comín Joyeria Creativa* will present « Ludus Gemmarum » a combined exhibition of Montserrat Lacomba with her work « Dels Paisatges« and Lluís Comín « Mosaic de la Memòria« .
*AmarantoJoies c/ Sant Domènec 23 – 08012 Barcelona, Spain - – plano
*Escola d’Art del Treball – Comte d’Urgell, 187 – 08036 Barcelona - Tel: 93 321 90 66 – - mapa
*Klimt02 Gallery – – tel 00 34 933687235 - Carrer de la Riera de Sant Miquel, 65 -08006 Barcelona – map
*Lluís Comín – Joieria creativa – Avinguda de Mistral, 66, 08015 Barcelona – tel +34 933 25 53 40 – map
* October 9th
* »Joies minimes » is inaugurated, the proposal of 30 artist to represent the minimalism in Galería Context*.
*Galería Context – c. Viñolas 8-10, Sant Cugat del Vallès - tel 935 893 806 – map
* October 10th
*La Basílica Galería* will present « Anatomía de los Pensamientos » by Jorge Manilla.
* At Boffi, Gioielli in Fermento will present the pieces of 60 selected artists and the winners of the prestigious award. (map)
*La Basílica Galería Carrer de Sant Sever, 8 derecha, 08002 Barcelona – tel +34 93 250 41 31 – map

JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
Santa Monica Arts Centre
Rambla, 7
08001 – Barcelona
Telephone: +34 93 459 24 06
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