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OFF JOYA 2014 – EXPO ‘LUDUS GEMMARUM’ – Luís Comín-joieria creativa Gallery, Barcelona – 8-11 Oct. 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –


Montserrat Lacomba « DELS PAISATGES »
8-9-10-11 October 2014

Opening: October 8th − 17:00

EXPO Montserrat JOYA 2014

Montserrat Lacomba - "Sweet Cloud Behind a Mountain (for K.)" from the "Dreamed Landscapes" Series Brooch 60 x 65 x 5 mm. Enameled and oxidized copper and oxidized silver. "Ludus Gemmarum" ExhibitionMontserrat Lacomba - « Sweet Cloud Behind a Mountain (for K.) » from the « Dreamed Landscapes » Series Brooch 60 x 65 x 5 mm. Enameled and oxidized copper and oxidized silver.

Montserrat Lacomba - 'Broken cloud' brooch from the Dreamed landscapes serieMontserrat Lacomba -  « Broken Cloud » from the « Dreamed Landscapes » Series Brooch 45 x 80 x 5 mm. Enameled and oxidized copper and oxidized silver.

Montserrat Lacomba - "Núvol atrapat". Brooch. Silver, copper, enamel, gold and lapis lazuli. 6,5 x 7,5 cm. 2014. This is the brooch that Lluís Comín and I made together especially for the exhibition "Ludus Gemmarum" Montserrat Lacomba – « Núvol atrapat ». Brooch. Silver, copper, enamel, gold and lapis lazuli. 6,5 x 7,5 cm. 2014. This is the brooch that Lluís Comín and I made together especially for the exhibition « Ludus Gemmarum »

Montserrat Lacomba - 'Sweet sky' necklace -Oxidized silver and copper, enamel and pink quartzMontserrat Lacomba – ‘Sweet sky’ necklace -Oxidized silver and copper, enamel and pink quartz

Lluis Comin - Necklace “Seqüències” collection “ Mosaic de la memòria” of silver, gold, copper, coral and ruby, part of the exhibition “Ludus Gemmarum” Lluis Comin - Necklace “Seqüències” collection “ Mosaic de la memòria” of silver, gold, copper, coral and ruby, part of the exhibition “Ludus Gemmarum »

Lluis Comin - Necklace “Ressorgiment blau” collection “ Mosaic de la memòria” of silver, gold, copper and lápiz lazuli, of the exhibition “Ludus Gemmarum” Lluis Comin - Necklace “Ressorgiment blau” collection “ Mosaic de la memòria” of silver, gold, copper and lápiz lazuli, of the exhibition “Ludus Gemmarum”


Luís Comín – joieria creativa
Avinguda Mistral 66
08015 Barcelona
Tel.: 93 325 53 40
map – metro Plaza Espanya
10:00-14:00 and 16:30-20:30


SUSPENS ….. for JOYA 2014

Classé dans : Catalina GIBERT NADAL (ES),COUP DE COEUR,Espagne (ES),JOYA (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:03

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –

…. more new works by Catalina Gibert ? new colors ? Here is the SERRA serie

Her work will be presented at JOYA 2014 among the selected Collectives (AAC)

Catalina Gibert | Serra_2014 NecklaceCatalina Gibert | Serra_2014  Necklace

Catalina has become a friend. A dear friend (well, I hope !). I love her work. But more than her work, I admire here tenacity, and what she makes evolving her project, her first idea of jewelry …. Onec upon a time, there was (there is) MEDITERRANEAN.The colors, the smells …. the sea, the nature ….well, the « nature » : you will not see « little flowers » in Catalina Gibert Jewelry. It began with lemons, yes, but more than a lemon, ONE lemon, what was important was the SERIE of lemons, their color, at 1st sight, but their form(s), their « granulation » , their texture : having in front of you ONE lemon you could thought « OK, it’s a lemon … (what else ?) » … but was important to see, to touch ALL of them, together …. This beginning could have been « dangerous », after the lemons, the flowers ? the branches ? the trees ? ….
NO ! she continued with COLORS of Mediterranean, and with TEXTURES … with the sailing’s world : materials, ropes, woods, corks, nets …  (see series « aMare » and « M.A.R. ») .… all the rough of things, all the vivid life of colours …

Catalina Gibert -  aMARE inspirationCatalina Gibert  Catalina Gibert -  aMARE inspiration (up) – working on M.A.R. (bottom) – importance of colors & textures

Catalina Gibert  Llimona_2012  BroochCatalina Gibert  Llimona_2012  Brooch

Catalina Gibert  Llimona_2012  Brooch series

Catalina Gibert 6 lemon brochesCatalina Gibert- Lemons, 2012, 6 brooches, foam, paint, silver 5.8 x 3 cm, photo: Federico Cavicchioli

Catalina Gibert M.A.R._2013 BroochCatalina Gibert M.A.R._2013 Brooch – | linen canvas·acrylic paint·water colours·gold·brass

Catalina Gibert M.A.R._2013 BroochCatalina Gibert M.A.R._2013 Brooch

Catalina Gibert - Serra 2014 - Mediterranean pine burnt wood - linen thread - acrylic paint - MODIFIED PHOTOCatalina Gibert - Serra_2014 – Mediterranean pine burnt wood – linen thread – acrylic paint

Catalina Gibert | Serra_2014 NecklaceCatalina Gibert | Serra_2014 Necklace

Catalina Gibert | Serra_2014 | NecklaceCatalina Gibert| Serra_2014 | Necklace


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