JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you El Lavadero Gallery/JoyEROS – 8-11 Oct. 2014
JOYA Barcelona 2014 – Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

Artists: Amenábar Paulina — Antúnez Guillermina — Arévalo Viviana — Ávila Soledad — De La Fuente Pamela — Díaz-Pinto Mónica — Durandin Pascale — Fernández Loreto — Fugón Polin — Garretón Valentina — Harsanyi Gabriela — Hernández Natalia — Honorato Marcos (Caco) — Labra Pilar — Latorre Paulina — Marin Joyce — Martínez Valeria — Muñoz Massiel — Nadjar Ana — Ojeda Liliana — Palocz Ilonka — Pérez Mónica — Roccatagliata Cecilia — Ruiz Vania — Soto Ventura Rita — Zamora Yoya — Zuker Paula — Zuñiga María Elena
Eroticism, a provocateur, winding walks from caution to fury, modesty to obscenity, restraint to compulsion and mildness to violence. Tension is the characteristic of its energy. Overcoming it means union, orgasm, ecstasy.
Jewellery and eroticism share a common ground: both involve the body. The exhibition joyEROS arises from this affinity. The works in this show bring together the force of creation and the force of eroticism. Rather than just representing the erotic, artists have made objects that participate and are the key figures in the erotic experience.
Therefore, the pieces do not narrate the erotic through imagery: they are neither functional machinery nor ornamental apparatus for excitation.
No! These erotic-aesthetic objects are built as signs that promise or foretell pleasure from a personal view.
To make the originality of the pieces more effective, the artists had to be honest with their work, recognizing that we are not sex machines, though not indifferent to the energy drive of desire.
The process of creation as a group, led them to forge authentic, personal and open works, which neither conform to false stereotypes nor block their impetuous verve. They try to accept the individuality of their own life experiences.
Thus, projects derived their seduction from the individual way of being, recognizing, remembering, reliving, living or fantasizing about whatever intrigues and stimulates them sexually. Which was certainly unique.
Thereby, experience, the body, shape and material were amalgamated to build, from extremely intimate honesty, the many diverse signs for Eros. Eruptions of puberty, self-exploration, genital conversion, the hidden caress, fetishized animalism, ambivalence, subtlety or power grip, the trace of the other in the body, sensory contrasts, phallic possession, energy flow, are some of the proposals. No doubt this exhibition expresses the wonderful variety of human experience facing the endless eroticism announcement in a works of art.
Santa Monica Arts Centre
Rambla, 7
08001 – Barcelona
Telephone: +34 93 459 24 06