JOYA Barcelona 2014 – Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014
En premier, Yannick MUR !
son bijou saute aux yeux à la page d’accueil de
JOYA! – Of course ! Elle est l’une des « Guest Artists » !
Cette année, elle nous présente sa collection « OR & NOIR »
« The dance, primary source of my inspiration, is the guiding thread of my search around fluidity, and the freedom’s source in the realization ». The 2015 collection of Yannick Mur is included inside an Art Déco esthetic. OR & NOIR is a light collection, contrasting, dark and bright… Unique and pure, the creations laugh with the codes’ delicacy of the contemporary jewelry. »
Yannick Mur – « Or & Noir » 2014 détail
Puis, dans l’ordre alphabétique des exposants, viennent :
Anaïs PAULARD et, comme je les appelle, ses « maudits tubes » (qui crachent ! j’ADORE ! j’en VEUX un !!!). En fait, The Moody Tubes …..
Anaïs Paulard has created a collection of jewellery that leaves a physical trace of the memories or interactions of the person wearing it.«
Anaïs Paulard- broche The Moody Tubes – Materials: copper, spray paint, varnish steel wire & pigment.
« The aim of my work is to challenge people’s emotions and relations by creating interactive pieces that connect the wearer, the viewer and the object. My jewellery explores our emotional states and their effects on others. The Moody Tubes are made for happy people who want to share their joy and make others smile. In the present day, I feel it is important to open our minds to a different way of creating wearable pieces in order to bring something new and exciting.«
Edith BELLOD avec une nouvelle collection, « Nature » qui a première vue semble superbe !
Edith Bellod « Nature » 2014 necklace – photo Bruno Clergue - blackened bronze.
« This collection is inspired by the beauty of nature and its simplicity and strength. Its fusion of materials strive to preserve a natural harmony, a fragile balance between authenticity and sham, weakness and solidity, a reflection on temporality.«
Edith BELLOD « Nature » 2014 brooch #2 blackened bronze, pearls – 12cm
Florence CROISIER (si si si, j’insiste, elle est Française !!) avec sa collection « Around the Net (or the Net) »
Florence Croisier – Materials: brown titanium wire.
« The first idea for this collection is a wish to wear jewellery like a textile and to look how the body can participate in the jewel’s design and change its shape. The second idea invites us to think where the jewels can be worn, to think of different places of the body where the piece could fit. In this collection I am interested in the structure of a net. »
Florence Croisier « a wish to wear jewellery like a textile »
Isabelle BUSNEL et son/ses « SI-LI-CO-LI-ER » – le silicone, c’est mou. Mais, pos, là, ça a l’air dur, comme un bijou en porcelaine …. Et je ne peux que me rappeler la JUBILATION d’Isabelle Busnel, au dernier Salon JOYA, lorsque les gens prenaient une broche pour l’essayer et qu’ils se retrouvaient avec une « chose molle » entre les doigts ….. elle n’attendait qu’une chose, jubilatoire : voir leur tête de surprise …. « the deceptiveness of the white silicone » !
Isabelle BUSNEL – SI-LI-CO-LI-ER - white and green silicone rubber.
« Silicone rubber is a fascinating material for jewellery and, when appropriately worked, lures viewers into mistaking it for ceramic, plaster or porcelain. They are drawn into grabbing and touching the pieces only to realise it is not what they initially thought it was. This collection of necklaces explores pearls and beads stereotypes and plays with the deceptiveness of the white silicone. »
Violaine ULMER : collection « (IN)FORMAL » pour 2014
Violaine Ulmer- collier collection (IN)formal – Materials: enamelled porcelain, enamelled steel and copper, felt.
« This collection ‘(in)formal ‘ leans onto the dialectic of contraries : the plastic elements – form, matter and value – are going beyond the simple opposite ; contrasts mix to divulge the singularity of each. It’s also a dialog of values : the white, a light grey and the black as its polar opposition. ‘(In)formal’ claims the difference as source of enrichment. »
Enfin, parmi les COLLECTIFS, une rare Française, Jacqueline l. LILLIE , vivant à Vienne (collectif ANIMA). Elle fait un étonnant travail de « tissage » (?) de micro perles (glass beads)

Artist Jacqueline Lillie was born in 1941 in Marseilles, France and currently lives and works in Vienna. She studied metalwork under Professor Hagenauer at the Academy of Applied Arts, Vienna. Since the early 1980′s she has exhibited internationally, given lectures around the world about her work and influenced generations of young artists with her refined and articulate work. Most recently her pieces were included in Things Plain and Simple at the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna and GlassWear at the Museum of Art and Design in New York. (Sienna Patti gallery)
« First and foremost, every piece has to meet certain aesthetic requirements. Each piece has to stand up to the rigours of a working environment. In addition to form and function, I also insist on flexibility. In this way, I have developed my own FÑ formula. Admittedly, form often follows function. For me, however, form and function are on an equal footing, complemented by flexibility. Flexibility is essential because all good jewellery should adapt to the wearer and be an extension of that person’s character. Jewellery is no longer an expression of status. It is a reflection of one’s attitudes towards life and one’s surroundings. The ultimate test with any piece of art is the impact that the piece has on the person looking at it, or in my case on the person wearing it. My work is very much a labour of love in which I have tried to meet the client’s urge for self adornment and satisfy my own desire for poetry and elegance. »
(le tout écrit au son de CATARACTES de pluie !!!)
JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
Santa Monica Arts Centre
Rambla, 7
08001 – Barcelona
Telephone: +34 93 459 24 06