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EXPO ‘Inner Core’ – Gallery el.Marneri, Athens (GR) – 5 dec. 2014 – 5 Janv. 2015

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. El.Marneri (GR),Grece (GR),Zeta TSERMOU (GR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:31
Gallery el.Marneri presents the contemporary jewellery collection Inner core by Zeta Tsermou.

Opening: Friday 05 December 2014 at 18:00
Zeta TsermouZeta Tsermou « Inner core I » oxidized silver, cotton ribbon
Inspired by architecture this collection exposes the inner core of the jewellery piece free of its outer shell. The revealed core is the heart of the piece. The core can be rough, the core defines the shape, the core is where the essence of beauty is hidden.
The piece of jewellery then turns into an exoskeleton or an armour to “protect” the body that wears it. Other times it can become almost weightless, wrapped or folded in order to create fluid forms. Zeta Tsermou was born in Athens, 1972. She studied architecture in the National Technical University of Athens, then got a Masters degree (MArch) in the Bartlett School of Architecture of UCL in London. She worked as an architect in London and Athensand also taught architectural design in Portsmouth School of Architecture.Later she studied sculpture in the School of Fine Arts in Athens.Micro sculpture soon led to experimentations with jewellery and sheattended various workshops and seminars in jewellery making: in Athens with Dimitris Nikolaidis and in London with Paul Wells and Anastasia Young in Central St. Martins.Now she works as an artist and jewellery maker in her studio in Athens.

 Zeta Tsermou  "Inner core II" brooch - oxidised silver  | Gallery MarneriZeta Tsermou  « Inner core II » brooch – oxidised silver

Zeta Tsermou "Inner core IV" bracelet - oxidised silver  | Gallery MarneriZeta Tsermou « Inner core IV » bracelet – oxidised silver 

Eleni Marneri Creative Gallery

5 Lempesi str,
11742 Athènes
tel +30.210.8619488

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