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  • > EXPO ‘Broken memories, precarious links’ – CODA Museum, Apeldoorn (NL) – 21 Sept. 2014 – 25 Janv. 2015


EXPO ‘Broken memories, precarious links’ – CODA Museum, Apeldoorn (NL) – 21 Sept. 2014 – 25 Janv. 2015

Classé dans : CODA Museum (NL),Exposition/Exhibition,TOTA RECICLADOS (RA),VIDEO — bijoucontemporain @ 0:10

Broken memories, precarious links

Assembled jewellery by Tota Reciclados

Fragments of old jewellery and everyday objects, bits of fabric, photos, illustrations and other memorabilia; they lie around unused and rarely looked at in kitchen drawers, nightstands or boxes in the attic. But they are not thrown away. After all, they tell personal stories or represent precious memories.

Broken memories, precarious links
During their stay in Amsterdam, Tota Reciclados – formed by Argentinian designers Valeria Hasse and Marcela Muñiz – invited neighbours, artists and students to donate these kinds of objects and materials and to share the stories attached to them. They used the materials they were given in jewels that together make up a collection. In return each participant will get back a specifically designed piece of the final collection, including part or all the material they left behind, mixed with other material.

As a conclusion to this project, the collection will be exhibited in CODA Museum.

Tota RecicladosTota Reciclados (photos : Damian Wasser) Broken memories project

Tota RecicladosTota Reciclados (photos : Damian Wasser) Broken memories project

Tota RecicladosTota Reciclados (photos : Damian Wasser) Broken memories project

Tota RecicladosTota Reciclados (photos : Damian Wasser) Broken memories project

Tota Reciclados were selected as Artists in Residence by the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation in 2013. During their stay in Studio Rian de Jong in Amsterdam they developed Broken Memories, Precarious Links, creating a new jewellery collection with its own story, made up of old materials and existing stories and memories.



CODA Museum

Vosselmanstraat 299

7311 CL Apeldoorn – NL
tel.: (055) 5268400


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