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The Arts & Crafts Design Award 2014 prize – 1st Prize : Julia TOLEDO

Classé dans : Julia TOLEDO (Brazil),METIERS d'ART,Prix/Awards — bijoucontemporain @ 0:59

The Arts & Crafts Design Award 2014 prize winners have been chosen!

Arts & Crafts Design Award is an international, annual competition for all nominated artisans, craftspeople and designers.
The primary aim of the award is to honor and support the best ideas and concepts and recognize its excellent realization.
It provides the award winners and nominees with publicity, prestige and creates a global PR push.

acd-award  2014 :  1st Prize 2014 : Julia Toledo, Brazil

Julia ToledoJulia Toledo - neckpiece « Vento »  walnut wood, plaster, polymer, acrylicpaint, resin, fine fabric – 400 x 400 x 3 mm (flat) – 2013 -

« These pieces belong to a collection of a wearable art works inspired by movement and represent the dancing body.
As a dancer I am very passionate about movement and as an artist I start analysing and exploring who it relates to the experiemce of wearing jewellery.
 My work aims to explore the sensorial responses we get from work that is fluid, follows the body shape and reacts to our moves. It communicates to the body sometimes by following, and other by leading unexpected twists, revealing new colours and textures.
 I use wood as a living precious material, its natural colour contrasting with the glossy painted surface connected through a very fine fabric acquiring a dynamic articulated and exuberant structure.  
 This body of work allows the wearer to experience changes, interaction and a playful relationship with the jewellery piece. »

 Julia Toledo neckpiece "Flame" 2013Julia Toledo neckpiece « Flame » 2013 - walnut wood, plaster, polymer, acrylicpaint, resin and fine fabric

Julia Toledo neckpieceJulia Toledo neckpiece «  Cipó  » 2013 – walnut wood, plaster, polymer, acrylicpaint, resin and fine fabric

 Julia Toledo Contemporary Jewellery London | ArtJulia Toledo Contemporary Jewellery


Julia Toledo is a Brazilian artist, designer and maker with a Masters Degree in Contemporary Jewellery.
She is interested in fusing a range of artistic activities and materials in order to achieve a collaborative and contemporary body of work. Julia keeps her cultural background and values always present in her creations.
Bold colours and natural textures are seen in a variety of nuances in her work.



Arts & Crafts Design Award
Hannah & Jörg Ullmann

Močibobi 109
52423 Karojba
Istria, Croatia


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