DECOUVERTE : Andra LUPU – « crushed »
« crushed »
« Crushed is what you feel when something beautiful is ending, crushed is how you feel when you lose someone dear… But every ending is a new beginning, it’s up to you how you start over, or whether if you take the good or the bad of every experience.
In my new collection, I use thin layers of « crushed » melted silver, to create a jewellery as a metaphor to the fragility of life, relationships, feelings… »

« Andra Lupu is a contemporary jewelry designer. She has gratuated the University of Arts and Design, Cluj-Napoca, Romania with a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Design. She is working with metal: silver, gold, copper and brass combined with gemstones, wood and plastic. In 2012, she atended a workshop organized by Lucia Masei, about “Pigments on metal”, at Alchimia , School of contemporary Jewelry, Florence, Italy. She likes experimenting when it comes to her work, considering jewelry a continuous game of different materials, textures and formal contrasts, being mostly intrigued by the interaction between the jewelry and the wearer. « I think I like to create rings because of the dynamic relashionship between the piece itself and the worn surface. I like to watch the audience’ reaction reagarding my creations. It is not the inherent value of the jewelry that I emphasize, rather its capacity of innovation and experiment. » (NotjustAlabel)

Andra Lupu – crushed – brooch – 925 silver, garnet