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EXPO ‘ SIMON COTTRELL – timbre’ – Sienna Patti, Lenox (USA) – 27 Juin-19 Juill. 2015

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Sienna Patti (US),Simon COTTRELL (AU),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:12

 SIMON COTTRELL -  timbre 

June 27 – July 19, 2015
reception June 27 4-6pm

 Sienna patti - Simon Cottrell TIMBRE - reception June 27 4-6pm (Simon Cottrell Paired Uneven Double Pendant, 2015 Monel, woven nylon cord )

The specific combination of qualities within a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume is its ‘timbre’. While Simon Cottrell‘s works are tangible and far less transient than any sound can ever be, this term which defines the inherent small differences within similarities seems more than apt to apply. The ongoing and slowly shifting use of certain preset parameters with only a singular material, monel, and an achromatic palette, has become his formal language. Working within this sameness has lead him to focus more closely on the possible variances within those systems of working, and heightens the sensitivity to relationships between tiny details within one piece or acrosspast works.

Simon Cottrell Down Bud II Brooch, 2015 Monel, Stainless steel, powdercoating, bio-phosphorescence 3 x 3 x 2 in.Simon Cottrell Down Bud II Brooch, 2015 Monel, Stainless steel, powdercoating, bio-phosphorescence 3 x 3 x 2 in.

“I have no need to hurry or progress in leaps and bounds. Each piece is conceived primarily for an existence in collaborating with a wearer towards their communication of self. From a wearer’s perspective, prior relationships between other earlier works of mine are insignificant. As ever my work retains a decisive avoidance of direct allusions or clearly resolved representation. This is not so much by thorough pre-­‐planning, rather by only allowing coy suggestions of subjects to repeatedly rise in a responsive and intuitive process of making, and then continuing countering those subjects. The result usually evokes something between anything and nothing.”

 Simon Cottrell Double Circles, Fingers Brooch, 2013 Monel, Stainless steel 2 3/4 x 1 1/4 x 1 3/4 in.Simon Cottrell Double Circles, Fingers Brooch, 2013 Monel, Stainless steel 2 3/4 x 1 1/4 x 1 3/4 in.

Simon Cottrell | June 27 - July 19, 2015 - Sienna PattiSimon Cottrell brooch

  Simon Cottrell Three drops, Hard Blunt Brooch, 2013 Monel, Stainless steel 2 1/2 x 2 x 1 1/8 in. Simon Cottrell Three drops, Hard Blunt Brooch, 2013 Monel, Stainless steel 2 1/2 x 2 x 1 1/8 in.


Simon Cottrell is an Australian artist based in Canberra. In 1997 he completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts, with Honours in Gold and Silversmithing at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). In 2005 he was awarded an RMIT University Scholarship for a Master of Arts by Research. He has been teaching since 2001 and is currently a Lecturer and Researcher at the Australian National University, and has also been invited to teaching workshops, giving seminars and lectures at institutions around the world. Since 1996 he has exhibited extensively in over 120 exhibitions, in Australia, New Zealand, Germany, USA, Japan, The Netherlands, UK, Malaysia, France, Thailand, Canada, Italy, India, Spain and China. Selected Public Collections Auteur Bijou Collection City of Cagnes-­‐sur-­‐Mer, France. Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) Melbourne, Australia. National Gallery Of Australia, Canberra, Australia.



80 Main Street
Lenox, MA 01240 USA
(001) 413 637 8386

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