COUP de COEUR / Découverte : bijoux (TRES) branchés de Yael LEVIN
Yael LEVIN ? MAIIIIIS si !!!!
« I’m a jewelry designer, currently live & work in Tel-Aviv, israel.
I’m a graduate of the jewelry design department of Shenkar college of design & engineering, class of 2014. I first started to learn silversmithing when I was 16 and been doing it ever since. I have always had a passion for arts & crafts and my dream had always been to lead my life as a creative person, with hands busy all the time, to enrich peoples lives with products that show respect and awareness to shape, matter & beauty.
As a designer, I see the human body as a great tool for exploring form & function.
jewelry design to me Is a wonderful way of bringing these into the practical world. During the design process, I try to get inspiration from as many different & varied places always keeping an open mined.
I believe that a creative person must be in a constant learning process, I feel that experience is something that I could never have enough of and that its value is priceless. More than that, I believe only by being open to new & different things and by grasping every possibility at hand, can a designer bring real change & innovation. »
Jul-Aug 2014 : B.Design graduate exhibition Shenkar, Ramat Gan city, Israel. – Shenkar college of engineering & design certificat of recognition for outstanding achievements in 4 yaers jewelry design studies.
Immediate FASCINATION for Yael Levin industrial pieces ! :
Yael Levin industrial pieces
Yael Levin – bracelet done with electrical wires, silver …
Yael Levin – bracelets done with electrical wires, silver, ready made sockets ...
Yael Levin – bracelets done with electrical wires, silver, ready made sockets …
Yael Levin - electric wires necklace
Yael Levin – the golden cage necklace 2012