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EXPO ‘Subamos los colores/Enhance colours’ – Aram. Espai de Joies, Palma de Majorca (ES) – 19 Sept.-3 Oct. 2015

On Saturday it will be the 2nd stop of the « Enhance Colours » tour during the « Nit de l’Art » in Palma of Majorca.
A night when all the city is invaded by all sort of artistic proposals.
Come and join us.
We are waiting for you at « Aram. Espai de Joies« !!!!

nit del art 2015  palma de mallorca will be the 2nd stop of the Enhance_Colours /Pugem_els_colors tour.

Join us on Saturday, September 19th @AramEspaideJoies !!

 nitdelart2015  palmademallorca will be the 2nd stop of the Enhance_Colours


Exhibition organised by Alchimia alumni collective :

List of participants:
Akiko Ban — Andrea Coderch — Catalina Gibert — Claudia Cucchi — Elena Gil — Francesco Coda — Elisa Deval — Margherita de Martino Norante — Mª Constanza Ochoa — Mª Ignacia Walker — Maru Lopez — Poly Nikolopoulou — Selen Özus — Valentina Caprini  – Yuki Sumiya


Claudia Cucchi EXPO 'Subamos los colores/Enhance colours' Claudia Cucchi

catalina_gibert dans Exposition/ExhibitionCatalina Gibert

Elena GilElena Gil

akiko_ban dans Gal. Silvestre (ES)Akiko Ban

andrea_coderchAndrea Coderch

maria_ignacia_walkerMaria Ignacia Walker

Poly Nikolopoulou: Poly Nikolopoulou

Selen Ozus Jewelry | "Friends" necklace(s) 2013 - silver, porcelain, cotton thread: Selen Ozus – « Friends » necklace(s) 2013 – silver, porcelain, cotton thread

Valentina Caprini 2015Valentina Caprini

Carrer Missió

07003 Palma de Majorque
tel 971572348
de dill a div de 10.30 a 14.00 i de 17.00 a 20.30h

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