Enjoia’t Awards 2015
El 8 de octubre, a las 20h. en la Fábrica MORITZ

ENJOIA’T, Prize for Contemporary Jewellery Making, is a unique event within the sector, which has been rewarding the most outstanding proposals within the field of jewellery making for professionals as well as students.
However, ENJOIA’T is not just a prize, and you will find not just jewellery. ENJOIA’T is much more than all this, since it is also a celebration of creativity, an indispensable meeting point for professionals in the sector, and a platform from which to show the public your creative project.
In fact, ENJOIA’T rewards originality, technical quality, conceptual richness and transgression in the field of jewellery making so much as to question its own limits.
1/ Para el concurso ENJOIA’T 2015, ahora hemos presentado a nuestros semifinalistas :
-Yanli Duan (Xina)
-Erica Jordán Mancebo (València)
-Cristina León Camús (València)
-Akiko Shinzato (Regne Unit)
-Monique Voz (Bélgica)
-Laura Paglieri (Barcelona)
-Adriana Díaz Huigera (Barcelona)
-Mercedes Lamagrande Lurueña (Tarragona)
-Lin Wan-Ying (Suècia)
-Georgina Contel Ibarra (Barcelona)
-Juan José Ibáñez Piqueras (València)
-Lauren Kalman (EUA)
-Katja Toporski (EUA)
-Velislava Bozhinova (Bulgària)
-Angela Ciobanu (Romania)
-Jordi Aparicio (Barcelona)
-Heejoo Kim (Corea del Sud)
-Jennifer Lozano (Barcelona)
-Associació Obrador Xisqueta (Lleida)
-Marta Herradura (Madrid)
-Anja Eichler (Alemanya)
-Christine Jalio (Finlàndia)
2/ La segunda fase que tendrá lugar el 8 de octubre es la de la selección de los ganadores de cada premio (categorías profesional, estudiante y premio del público). Esta selección empezará por la mañana con la exposición de los semifinalistas en el Salon Joya que se celebrara en esas fechas aquí en Barcelona, exactamente en el Arts Santa Mònica. Cada semifinalista deberá llevar puesta la joya que ha presentado y además se valorará la originalidad en la defensa y presentación.
The Second Phase:
The Awards – The jury will meet the semi-finalists in the Arts Santa Monica building on Thursday, October 8th, 2015. Each piece must be worn ( by the participant or someone else), and the participant will have 5 minutes to present it and defend it before the jury. Besides the technical and innovative aspects of the piece, the originality of the presentation/defence will be evaluated.
Thus, the participant may utilize the elements he or she thinks convenient to help in the presentation.
3/ Por la noche (8 de octubre – 20h) en la Fábrica Moritz tendrá lugar la fiesta de los Premis Enjoia’t, en la cual los 20 participantes lucirán la pieza entre el público. Todos los asistentes podrán votar para escoger al ganador del Premio de Opinión (del publico). Al final de la fiesta, el jurado hará pública la deliberación y entregará los diplomas a los ganadores y finalistas.

Categories and prizes
The prizes will be announced and handed out the 8th of October.
Professional Award : There is one prize only for creators, designers or companies, with a
maximum of two finalists. The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Rodrigo Acosta, winner of the
ENJOIA’T Professional Award of 2014, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year. The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2016, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine « On Diseño ».
Student Award : There is one prize only for students with a maximum of two finalists.
The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Anna Norrgrann, winner of the ENJOIA’T Student Award of 2014, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year.
The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2016, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine « On Diseño » -.
Public Opinion Award : There is one prize chosen by the attendees of the celebration.
The prizes and the finalists of each category, as with those of the public opinion award, will receive an official diploma. The crowns will become part of the permanent collection of the A-FAD, Artists and Artisans of the FAD
The selecting jury of ENJOIA’T 2015 will be composed of:
– Ramon Puig Cuyàs; contemporary jeweller
– Jorge Manilla; contemporary jeweller
– Monika Szpatowicz; subdirector of the Srebro Festival in the Legnica Gallery in Poland
– Piotr Rybaczek; director of the Basílica Gallery in Barcelona
– Magda Polo; doctor of philosophy of art and president of the A-FAD
Fábrica MORITZ
Ronda Sant Antoni 39, Barcelona
http://a-fad.blogspot.com.es/A FAD: info@a-fad.org // tel