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« Out of over 650 applicants from around 30 countries,my work has been selected to be part of TALENTE 2016. Some pieces of my « InsideOutside » collection are going to  Munich at the end of February. TALENTE 2016 presents the work of 102 artists, designers and craftsmen from 26 countries in 12 different areas of production.
See you in Munich!!! »



Well … I knew yet Steffi Götze jewelry, loved it yet (her 2014 « In Between » collection), but I think this year was the « coup de coeur’ year » ! ;-) all these whites & light blue-whites ……. hold in these black prongs, structures for the « anima », open windows on imagination, on dreams ….. « la page blanche » ….. the white sheet where ALL can be written ….
Welcome to the « Inside outside » collection.

« My work is an experimental and personal dialogue with poetry, intuition, the conscious and the unconscious, culture, experiences, emotions… I communicate the basic human emotions and memories through color, textures and narrative objects. My work is like a souvenir one takes home from a trip abroad, allowing oneself to return to the moment of purchase and be flooded with all the memories.
My jewelries are wearable life stories. »

Steffi Götze, brooch "Inside outside" collection 2015Steffi Götze, brooch « Inside outside » collection 2015

Steffi Götze, brooch "Inside outside" collection 2015 - BACKSteffi Götze, brooch « Inside outside » collection 2015 – BACK

Steffi Götze, brooch "Inside outside" collection 2015 at JOYA 2015Steffi Götze, brooch « Inside outside » collection 2015 at JOYA 2015 – my beloved !!!

Steffi Götze, brooch "Inside outside" collection 2015 - BACKSteffi Götze, brooch « Inside outside » collection 2015 – BACK

Steffi Götze, brooch "Inside outside" collection 2015  Steffi Götze, brooch « Inside outside » collection 2015 

Steffi Götze, brooch "Inside outside" collection 2015Steffi Götze, brooch « Inside outside » collection 2015

Steffi Götze, brooch "Inside outside" collection 2015 at JOYA 2015Steffi Götze, brooch « Inside outside » collection 2015 at JOYA 2015

Steffi Götze, brooch "Inside outside" collection 2015 at JOYA 2015Steffi Götze, brooch « Inside outside » collection 2015 at JOYA 2015 (photo by Autor)

Steffi Götze,   "Inside outside" collection 2015Steffi Götze,   « Inside outside » collection 2015

 » Perception is the interpretation of what we take through our senses. The way we perceive our environment is what makes us different from each other. I am interested in the connection of two concepts, the Inside and the Outside, and the undefined space in between of them. There are thousands of stimuli and experiences that come from the outside to touch our inside, like fragments of a puzzle. The way we put them together is what makes us unique »


 Brooch by Steffi Götze, winner of Joya Barcelona Award at AUTOR 11, 2014Brooch by Steffi Götze, winner of Joya Barcelona Award at AUTOR 11, 2014

Steffi Götze  - 2014 "In Between" collectionSteffi Götze  - 2014 « In Between » collection brooches


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