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COUP DE COEUR pour les Spivach brothers & leur travail des opales

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Italie (IT),pierre / stone,rings,Sergio & Stefano SPIVACH (IT) — bijoucontemporain @ 21:45

Founded in 1981, Spivach & Spivach Opals are brothers Sergio and Stefano, top quality opal cutters. Based in Udine-Italy, this family-run artisan opal cutting studio has been handed down by their devoted, loving and talented father Luciano.
The diffusion of the opal in Italy in the last 30 years has its roots in the history of Spivach &Spivach. Constantly improving and enriching their skill and expertise to the highest possible standards, they have also with time developed a solid network with Australian opal miners. These respected and tight relationships have been built on trust.
It is with experience, passion and skill that the opal is taken from the mine through to the cutting process, whereby Sergio & Stefano transfer not only their expertise but also their themselves.
Spivach & Spivach opals can be found in the jewellery and art pieces of the best Italian and European goldsmiths and jewellery designers.

Sergio Stefano Spivach    acido - scultura per la mano Sergio Stefano Spivach    acido – scultura per la mano

Sergio and Stefano begin their work with a very clear philosophy in mind – nature creates, man brings those creations into light and puts value on them – without abusing nature, with respect.
Spivach & Spivach opals are mostly Australian. In most cases the type of work which is used on each stone has already been decided based on the quality of the opal itself. However, there are times when the cutter’s instinct takes over and he subverts the « written rules ».

sergio & stefano Spivach‬ - blue. boulder opal, resin ‪- ring: Sergio & Stefano Spivach‬ – blue. boulder opal, resin ‪- ring

Spivach - Omaggio a Frank Gehry 2003: Sergio & Stefano Spivach - Omaggio a Frank Gehry 2003

Sergio & Stefano Spivach - the big kauna  - 2006 Sergio & Stefano Spivach – the big kauna  – 2006

Sergio & Stefano Spivach - AQA contemporary opals - 2013 ·  Sergio & Stefano Spivach - AQA contemporary opals – 2013

Sergio & Stefano Spivach - 2003 ringSergio & Stefano Spivach – 2003 ring

sergio stefano spivach - carved air. boulder opal, silver ‪-‎sculturaperlamano‬ - ‎ carved air. boulder opal, silver ‪#‎sculturaperlamano‬ ‪#‎handsculpture‬ ‪#‎sergiostefanospivach:

Sergio Stefano Spivach - carved air – boulder opal, silver ‪- ‎scultura per la mano




EXPO ‘Confabulate’ – Popeye loves olive, Athens (GR) – 5-18 Dec. 2015


at Popeye loves olive, 15 Greek jewelry designers confabulate with the Mexican artist Jorge Manilla by taking, as an inspiration, a piece of his work and making their own interpretation.

Opening: Saturday, December 5 at 20.00
Participating Artists:
Kalliopi Andrikopoulou — Kelly Arnaoutaki — Katerina GlykaXenia Deimezi
Aggelika Diplari Victoria IoannidouErato KouloubiVally KontidisMaria KoutmaniIoanna NatsikouYakinthi OikonomouAntria PrasinouNiki Stylianou — Yannis Tsalapatis — Iryna Voitenko
Niki Stylianou jewel - Jorge Manilla drawings - Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos  Niki Stylianou jewel – Jorge Manilla drawings – Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos
 Aggelika Diplari  - Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos  Aggelika Diplari - Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos
Iryna VoitenkoIryna Voitenko Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos
Yakinthi Oikonomou  Yakinthi Oikonomou  Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos
  Xenia Deimezi  Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos  Xenia Deimezi - Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos  
Kalliopi Andrikopoulou - Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos  Kalliopi Andrikopoulou – Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos
 Katerina Glyka è Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos  Katerina Glyka - Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos
Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos –   Yannis Tsalapatis Yannis Tsalapatis  Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos 
 Maria Koutmani - Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos Maria Koutmani – Photo Credits: Alexis Kamitsos
During Jorge Manilla‘s visit to Athens we will have the pleasure to attend his presentation analyzing important aspects of his work.
Lecture: Thursday, December 3 at 8 @ Popeye Loves Olive
Duration: 1 hour Jorge Manilla // Brooch – What do you want


Popeye loves olive
Libona 5, Plateia Agias Eirinis
10560 Athènes
tel +30 21 0867 3461



EXPO/CONCOURS ‘Filo Rosso 2015′ … & the WINNER is …. – Sala Negrisin & Museo Carà, Muggia (IT) / DRAT Gallery & Palazzo del Podestà, Izola (Slovenia) – 12 Dec.2015 – 24 Janv.2016


Le realizzazioni selezionate dalla giuria saranno esposte assieme ai bozzetti presso il Museo d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà» o presso la Sala Comunaled’Arte «Giuseppe Negrisin» di Muggia, Trieste (Italia) dal 12 dicembre 2015 al 24 gennaio 2015
e nel mese di maggio 2016 presso il «Palazzo del Prefetto» o  la Galleria Drat a IZOLA  (Slovenia) 

11 Dec. : 17.30 Inaugurazione  MUGGIA (Ts – Italia) – Museo  d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà»
11 Dec. :  19.30 Inaugurazione/Otvoritev  IZOLA (Slovenia) Galerija «Drat»

Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato ilcoup de coeur”: mostra -mostre- dedicata a Silvia Beccaria (Izola) e a Vered Babai (Muggia), artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia.

Filo Rosso 2015:

The WINNER of FiloRosso 2015 is Alix Tran and her poetic necklace !!

 Alix_Tran_Premio_Filo_Rosso Alix TranCol Claudine, 22x20cm, necklace, linen and brass, 2015.
« Col Claudine (Peter Pan collar), is the contrast between a chaste and white collar, detached from the garment’s body, and the invasion of small precious flies.Flies concentrated on areas of cracks in the tissue, like wounds. Aggregated on a soft material, and loose like a net, that takes them to the trap. They become companion insects. Like a Memento mori. »

Prix FiloRossoPrix FiloRosso  – transmis du dernier gagnant, il sera transmis au prochain gagnant …. fil rouge de la création bijou !

  jury - Ruiz_prada_LeMignot_Babai_gassier_micerale jury ! deg à dr : Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Jean Yves Le Mignot, Vered Badai, Marianne Gassier, Giovanni Micera


Non primés mais remarqués, les bijoux suivants :

  Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) brooch 'the letter' seta, argento, acciaio, colore: Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) – « The Letter » BROOCH
Techniques: filigree, drawing/writing and aquarelle on silk with iron-fixing silk colors, sowing, oxidization
Materials: silver (925 and fine), silk, steel – Dimensions: 9.6 cm. x 7cm. x 1cm.
« This piece is part of the exploration series wearable memories. This is a “never sent love letter”. It contains everything unsaid to a lover, but worn inside. Now it appeared in a material form, ready to be seen and worn outside. »

 Noga Harel - Israel Title : Oceanic bloom NECKLACE Techniques: felting, sewing, reconstructing and assembling. Materials: wool, corals, pearls, crystals, thread, fabric, garlic flowers. Dimensions : 41 cm. x 24 cm. - Depth : 11 cm.: Noga Harel – Israel – « Oceanic bloom » NECKLACE Techniques: felting, sewing, reconstructing and assembling. Materials: wool, corals, pearls, crystals, thread, fabric, garlic flowers. Dimensions : 41 cm. x 24 cm. – Depth : 11 cm.
« The work  » Oceanic bloom » deals with the artist’s ability to present simultaneously different characters. In this work I wanted to investigate the wonderful world of the plants.
The result will always be based on reality but full of the inner emotional world of the creator…And at the unique personal perspective… « 

Noga Harel (IL)  - photo M.Gassier - - Oceanic bloom" NECKLACE Techniques: felting, sewing, reconstructing and assembling. Materials: wool, corals, pearls, crystals, thread, fabric, garlic flowers. Dimensions : 41 cm. x 24 cm. - Depth : 11 cm.: Noga Harel (IL) (detail) - photo M.Gassier - - Oceanic bloom" NECKLACE Techniques: felting, sewing, reconstructing and assembling. Materials: wool, corals, pearls, crystals, thread, fabric, garlic flowers. Dimensions : 41 cm. x 24 cm. - Depth : 11 cm.:

Noga Harel - Israel – « Oceanic bloom » NECKLACE (details)

Heidemarie Herb Germany Title: Schluesselkinder - collection time PENDANT Materials: fabric, silver, mix media, pigment Dimensions: 12 cm. x 8 cm. Techniques: textile impregnated in plaster, colorured with pigmentHeidemarie Herb  – Germany – « Schluesselkinder » – collection time PENDANT
Materials: fabric, silver, mix media, pigment – Dimensions: 12 cm. x 8 cm.
Techniques: textile impregnated in plaster, colorured with pigment
« My work is the expression of the pain of their children that they must often live with greater responsibility of them. A reality of the daily life. » Potographer: Silvana Tili

Muggia Museo U Carà - FiloRosso 2015-  Heidemarie Herb: Heidemarie Herb

 Aleksandra Atanasovski, Slovenija -   me(n)talna neznost RING Materials: silver and gold, red silk. Dimensions: 2.5x1 cm and 25x25 cm red silk Techniques: inprint of finger tip, casting in silver.:  Aleksandra Atanasovski, Slovenija -   « me(n)talna neznost » RING – Materials: silver and gold, red silk. Dimensions: 2.5×1 cm and 25×25 cm red silk Techniques: inprint of finger tip, casting in silver.
« I was oserving the space beetwen a thought and action, how the softnes (of silk) can be tuched, perceved by finger, and how this finger can become metalic in a fraction of a second. »

Sigal MeshorerSigal Meshorer – Israel – « Missing Embroidery » RING
Materials: Silver 925, White Linen. Dimensions: W-54mm. H-32-42mm.
« The work consists of 2 identical rings.
One with flat white linen fabric, the other with domed white linen.
The fabric sits on a circle on top of the ring, an outer ring holds it in place by pressure.
The fabric imitates either a white stone or a miniature embroidery hoop. »

Et, j’ajouterai, quelques coups de coeur personnels :

Flavia Michelutti - Muggia Museo U Carà - FiloRosso- : Flavia Michelutti – collana con ciondolo « aperto »

 Flavia Michelutti (chiuso): Flavia Michelutti - collana con ciondolo « chiuso »

  broche de Martina Obid Mlakar (front) - FiloRosso 2015broche « La pelle della mia vita » de Martina Obid Mlakar (front)

 -  broche "La pelle della mia vita" de Martina Obid Mlakar (back) - FiloRosso 2015broche « La pelle della mia vita » (« Pores of my life ») de Martina Obid Mlakar (back)

Yasmin Vinograd - Muggia Museo U Carà - FiloRosso 2015- Yasmin Vinograd  « The Wave » necklace / silver,silkwork  

Galit Einav (detail)Galit Einav necklace (detail)

Jure Kodre ring - FiloRosso 2015: Jure Kodre ring « In memory » – with a « filo rosso » work in the inside of the ring ….

Jure Kodre ring - FiloRosso 2015: Jure Kodre ring « In memory »

Huberto Široka (croix de vie) - Muggia Museo U Carà - FiloRosso 2015-  :  Huberto Široka (back):

Huberto Široka (croix de vie – entre croix et sexe ….) (front & back)

 Daniela Luzzu with the necklace "Radici" - tribute to Frida Kahlo: Daniela Luzzu (IT) with the necklace « Radici » – tribute to Frida Kahlo

 collier di "BONATI2" (NELLY E PATRIZIA Bonati) collier di « BONATI2 » (Nelly & Patrizia Bonati)

Muggia - Sala Negrisin - collier di BONATI2 NELLY E PATRIZIA: Muggia - Sala Negrisin - collier di BONATI2 NELLY E PATRIZIA:

collier di « BONATI2 » (Nelly & Patrizia Bonati) (detagli)

 Sandra Kocjancic,  detail Sandra Kocjancic,  detail

Pour cette édition de FiloRosso il y a plus de 80 artistes inscrits de toutes nationalités confondues: Italie, France, Slovènie, Croatie, Autriche…Etats-Unis, Israel … Quelques noms: Sebastien CarréGigi Mariani, Barbara Uderzo, Lucilla Giovanninetti (Eandare) , etc …… et de très jeunes artistes encore peu connus du public :

avec (liste non certifiée !)  Lucilla Giovanninetti –  Martina Obid Mlakar –  Marco PiccialiChiara LucatoBarbara UderzoAude MedoriTania PalazziRoberta RisoloJasmina WeissSilvia Beccaria –  Patrizia Bonati & Nelly Bonati Daniela RepettoLuisa ChiandottoSébastien CarréRomi BukovecTinka LoncarAleksandra AtanasovskiYasmin VinogradGigi Mariani Maria Chiara CassaràAlix TranFlora SicaLaura VolpiNataša GrandovecHuberto ŠirokaAnnie Sibert Žarko OgnjenovičAna SabolićMarta PejoskaRoberta PavoneSilvia Valenti Petra BoleBibi KlekackoskaLosch EmilieMonika Šangulin –  Sandra KocjancicInbar Shahak Galit Einav —  Sara Progressi. — Rosanna Raljević Ceglar (NIIRO Jewelry) -

La manifestazione è promossa dal Comune di Muggia in Italia e dal Comune di Izola in Slovenia è stata reralizzata con il contributo della Provincia di Trieste.  
Tra gli artisti che partecipano il pluripremiato Sébastien Carré , Francia, vincitore tra l’altro del premio  « Giovane creatore » al salone Révelation di Parigi nell’autunno scoroso, Gigi Mariani, Primo Premio nel 2014 a « Joya » a Barcellona o l’industrial design Petra Bole della Slovenia.  Le opere esposte saranno oggetto di una selezione a cura della giuria internazionale composta da:   
Jean-Yves Le Mignot – curatore mostre bijou 
Vered Babai – artista orafa israeliana  
Marianne Gassier – blogger di «bijoux contemporain»  
Giovanni Micera – Direttore della rivista «Preziosa Magazine»  
Agatha Ruiz de la Prada , stilista spagnola che ha fatto del colore e della forma il suo credo conosciuto in tutto il mondo, è la madrina d’eccezione di questa manifestazione.  

FiloRosso 2015 -Sebastien Carré - broche  front: Sebastien Carré - broche – proposition pour FiloRosso 2015

 Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato ilcoup de coeur”: mostra dedicata a Silvia Beccaria e a Vered Babai, artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia.

Silvia Beccaria  -  Palazzo del Municipio- Izola- SloveniaSilvia Beccaria  -  Palazzo del Municipio- Izola- Slovenia

Silvia Beccaria  -  Palazzo del Municipio- Izola- SloveniaSilvia Beccaria  -  Palazzo del Municipio- Izola- Slovenia

Vered Babai - broochesMuggia – Museo U Carà – expo « coup de coeur » Vered Babai

Muggia - Museo U Carà - expo "coup de coeur" Vered BabaiMuggia – Museo U Carà – expo « coup de coeur » Vered Babai


Scuola di Musica di Izola "Palazzo Besenghi" - point culminant de la soirée avec cette jeune musicienne de 16 ans .... elle joue depuis 10 ans .... sa musique était tellement belle, elle, elle en devenait encore plus belle, illuminée .... MAGIQUE !!! MERCI !!! Scuola di Musica di Izola « Palazzo Besenghi » – point culminant de la soirée avec cette jeune musicienne de 16 ans …. elle joue depuis 10 ans …. sa musique était tellement belle, elle, elle en devenait encore plus belle, illuminée …. MAGIQUE !!! MERCI !!!



Museo d’Arte Ugo Carà
Via Roma, 9,
34015 Muggia TS, Italie
tel +39 040 927 8632


Sala Comunale d’Arte «Giuseppe Negrisin»
Piazza Marconi 1
34015 – Muggia Italy
Telephone: +39 403360340
DRAT-GALLERY - Sandra Kocjančič 
Ljubljanska ul.21
6310 Izola Slovenia
tel +386 41 952 918





EXPO ‘Sinergia’ – botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba, Girona (ES) – 19 Dec. 2015 – 9 Janv. 2016

Sinergia a la botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba

by Lourdes Carmelo and Montserrat Lacomba

El 19 de desembre a les 12 h. s’inaugura Sinergia de Lourdes Carmelo i Montserrat Lacomba a la botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba, a la Plaça de Sant Pere, 2 de Girona. La mostra es podrà visitar fins al 9 de gener del 2016.

exposición "Sinergia" de Lourdes Carmelo y Montserrat Lacomba

The nature which is surrounding us and the memories we keep is the link between both artists work.

« Concerning the Landscape As Ive grown older, Ive become increasingly closer to nature. Observation of the landscape has become a sort of daily ritual, during which I have a constant awareness of the changes and mysteries of life that will never be revealed. I bring the shapes, colors and textures that are part of these landscapes into my pieces, so I may remember them, thereby inviting the viewer to sense those same places and make them their own. » / Montserrat Lacomba

« I’ll collected artifacts in my travels, my walks, in my day to day, I keep them and hope to find the time to restore the prominence it once had, remember the value of their past and hear again the story told , which generates the memory. Memory can blur memories and, in the effort to not forget, I restore past with patches, inch by inch, until finally there is a new object to join the past and the present, and sometimes the future. Sometimes it’s hard to remember but it’s always easy to reinvent oblivion. » / Lourdes Carmelo

 Montserrat Lacocmba - 2015 brocheMontserrat LacombaBrooch: Purple River Memories, 2014 – Silver, nickel silver, engraved and enameled copper, purpurite -4 x 9.5 x 1.5cm- Photo by: JM. Oliveras – From series: Concerning the Landscape

  Montserrat Lacomba Brooch: Crater, 2015 Silver, enameled copper, turmaline 9 x 8.5 x 1cm Photo by: JM. Oliveras From series: Concerning the Landscape: Montserrat Lacomba Brooch: Crater, 2015 Silver, enameled copper, turmaline 9 x 8.5 x 1cm Photo by: JM. Oliveras From series: Concerning the Landscape

 Lourdes Carmelo   Collier: Melodía salvaje para violín nº1, 2014 Mixed materials: Lourdes Carmelo   Collier: Melodía salvaje para violín nº1, 2014 Mixed materials

  Lourdes Carmelo Parra Brooch: Relato intimo para violin nº2, 2015 Mixed materials 13 x 4 x 3 cm: Lourdes Carmelo  Brooch: Relato intimo para violin nº2, 2015 Mixed materials 13 x 4 x 3 cm

 Lourdes Carmelo   Necklace: Relato intimo para violin nº1, 2014 Mixed materials 46 x 16 x 5 cm:  Lourdes Carmelo   Necklace: Relato intimo para violin nº1, 2014 Mixed materials 46 x 16 x 5 cm 

 Montserrat Lacomba Brooch: Sun and Boat, 2015 Enameled copper, silver, nickel silver, blue quarts with pyrite 7 x 9 x 1cm Photo by: JM. Oliveras From series: Concerning the Landscape: Montserrat Lacomba Brooch: Sun and Boat, 2015 Enameled copper, silver, nickel silver, blue quarts with pyrite 7 x 9 x 1cm Photo by: JM. Oliveras From series: Concerning the Landscape



botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba / Mar de Color Rosa Shop/Workshop
Plaça de Sant Pere, 2
17007 Girona (Spain)
tel   +34 972 224 635
+34 669 594 184


EXPO ‘Confabulate’ – Popeye loves olive, Athens (GR) – 5-18 Dec. 2015

Jorge Manilla  

at Popeye loves olive, 15 Greek jewelry designers confabulate with the Mexican artist Jorge Manilla by taking, as an inspiration, a piece of his work and making their own interpretation.

Opening: Saturday, December 5 at 20.00
Participating Artists:
Kalliopi Andrikopoulou — Kelly Arnaoutaki — Katerina GlykaXenia Deimezi Angelika DiplariVictoria Ioannidou Erato Kouloubi — Vally Kontidis — Maria Koutmani — Ioanna NatsikouYakinthi OikonomouAntria PrasinouNiki Stylianou — Yannis Tsalapatis — Iryna Voitenko
During Jorge Manilla‘s visit to Athens we will have the pleasure to attend his presentation analyzing important aspects of his work.
Lecture: Thursday, December 3 at 8 @ Popeye Loves Olive
Duration: 1 hour
 Jorge Manilla // Neckpiece - My love for you was true Jorge Manilla // Neckpiece – My love for you was true
Jorge Manilla // Neckpiece - You were always looking for someone else Jorge Manilla // Neckpiece – You were always looking for someone else
 Jorge Manilla // Brooch - What do you want Jorge Manilla // Brooch – What do you want
Jorge Manilla // Brooch - It was not just coincidence.. Jorge Manilla // Brooch – It was not just coincidence..
Jorge Manilla / Brooch - Nobody is important for you / Me seguraste que tu no eras asiJorge Manilla / Brooch – Nobody is important for you / Me seguraste que tu no eras asi
Jorge Manilla / Ring - I just gave to you the best of me... Jorge Manilla / Ring – I just gave to you the best of me…
Popeye loves olive
Libona 5, Plateia Agias Eirinis
10560 Athènes
tel +30 21 0867 3461


EXPO/CONCOURS ‘Filo Rosso 2015′ – Sala Negrisin & Museo Carà, Muggia (IT) / DRAT Gallery & Palazzo del Podestà, Izola (Slovenia) – 12 Dec.2015 – 24 Janv.2016


At MUGGIA (Ts -Italia)  [Museo d'Arte Moderna "Ugo Carà " & Galleria Comunale "Giuseppe Negrisin"] and at IZOLA  (Slovenija) ["DRAT" gallery, "Palazzo Manzioli" & "Palazzo del Podestà"]

Le realizzazioni selezionate dalla giuria saranno esposte assieme ai bozzetti presso il Museo d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà» o presso la Sala Comunaled’Arte «Giuseppe Negrisin» di Muggia, Trieste (Italia) dal 12 dicembre 2015 al 24 gennaio 2015
e nel mese di maggio 2016 presso il « Palazzo del Prefetto » o  » la Galleria « Dart » a IZOLA  (Slovenia) nel mese di maggio 2016.

Filo Rosso 2015:

Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato ilcoup de coeur”: mostra dedicata a Silvia Beccaria e a Vered Babai, artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia.

11 Dec. : 17.30 Inaugurazione  MUGGIA (Ts – Italia) – Museo  d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà»
11 Dec. :  19.30 Inaugurazione/Otvoritev  IZOLA (Slovenia)  «Galerija «Drat»

VENERDI 11 dicembre
ORE 14 _ 16 MUGGIA
selezione premi FiloRosso
a seguire trasferimeto a IZOLA
Inaugurazione DRAT Gallery
Palazzo del Podestà
ORE 18.30 trasferimento Muggia
ORE 19.00 inaugurazione Museo Carà

FiloRosso Bijoux è un concorso biennale dedicato al gioiello contemporaneo che presenta in una mostra finale i gioielli realizzati in parte o totalmente con il tessuto. I tessuti, gentilmente concessi dalla C&C-Milano, vengono inviati ai partecipanti secondo le loro scelte. Le opere realizzate vengono in seguito esposte presso gli spazi del Museo d’Arte Moderna “Ugo Carà” di Muggia a Trieste e presso la Galleria “Drat” e gli spazi della città di Izola, in Slovenia, creando un evento internazionale (PreziosaMagazine)

Palazzo del Municipio, Izola - SloveniaPalazzo del Municipio, Izola – Slovenia

FiloRosso est un concours à titre gratuit ouvert aux artistes et aux jeunes créateurs pour la réalisation d’un bijou avec  l’utilisation du tissu.
Le tissu est donné aux participants par la société italienne C&C-Milano, qui est spécialisée dans la création de tissus pour la haute couture et l’ameublement.
Le concours aboutit à une exposition des meilleurs travaux, sélectionnés par un jury, au Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Muggia (Trieste).  Dans les précédentes éditions, en 2008 et en 2010, on a vu la participation d’artistes de 16 pays différents avec une centaine d’ouvrages exposés.
Pour cette édition de FiloRosso il y a plus de 80 artistes inscrits de toutes nationalités confondues: Italie, France, Slovènie, Croatie, Autriche…Etats-Unis, Israel … Quelques noms: Sebastien Carré, Agathe Saint-Girons, Gigi Mariani, Barbara Uderzo, Lucilla Giovanninetti (Eandare) , etc …… et de très jeunes artistes encpre peu connus du public :

avec (liste non certifiée !)  Lucilla Giovanninetti –  Martina Obid Mlakar –  Marco PiccialiChiara LucatoBarbara UderzoAude MedoriTania PalazziRoberta RisoloJasmina WeissSilvia Beccaria –  Patrizia Bonati Daniela RepettoLuisa ChiandottoSébastien CarréRomi BukovecTinka LoncarAleksandra AtanasovskiYasmin VinogradGigi Mariani Maria Chiara CassaràAlix TranFlora SicaLaura VolpiNataša GrandovecHuberto ŠirokaAnnie Sibert Žarko OgnjenovičAna SabolićMarta PejoskaRoberta PavoneSilvia Valenti Petra BoleBibi KlekackoskaLosch EmilieMonika Šangulin –  Sandra KocjancicInbar Shahak Galit EinavNelly BonatiSara Progressi. — Rosanna Raljević Ceglar (NIIRO Jewelry) -

 filorosso 2015 _  IZOLA _ Slovenija "DRAT" galleryfilorosso 2015 -  IZOLA (Slovenia) « DRAT » gallery

La manifestazione è promossa dal Comune di Muggia in Italia e dal Comune di Izola in Slovenia è stata reralizzata con il contributo della Provincia di Trieste.  
Tra gli artisti che partecipano il pluripremiato Sébastien Carré , Francia, vincitore tra l’altro del premio  « Giovane creatore » al salone Révelation di Parigi nell’autunno scoroso, Gigi Mariani, Primo Premio nel 2014 a « Joya » a Barcellona o l’industrial design Petra Bole della Slovenia.  Le opere esposte saranno oggetto di una selezione a cura della giuria internazionale composta da:   
Jean-Yves Le Mignot – curatore mostre bijou 
Vered Babai - artista orafa israeliana  
Marianne Gassier – blogger di « bijoux contemporain »  
Giovanni Micera – Direttore della rivista « Preziosa Magazine »  
Agatha Ruiz de la Prada , stilista spagnola che ha fatto del colore e della forma il suo credo conosciuto in tutto il mondo, è la madrina d’eccezione di questa manifestazione.  

 FiloRosso 2015 -Sebastien Carré - broche  front:

Sebastien Carré - broche – proposition pour FiloRosso 2015

Yael Friedman necklace - FiloRosso 2015 - Yael Friedman necklace « Hoops » Collana, tessuto, filo

FiloRosso 2015 - Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) brooch 'the letter' seta, argento, acciaio, colore: Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) brooch ‘the letter’ seta, argento, acciaio, colore

Lucilla Giovanninetti per FiloRosso 2015: Lucilla Giovanninetti per FiloRosso 2015