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Selection 4 SCHMUCK 2016 : Silvia Walz

Silvia Walz

Congrats to all the artists who made the SCHMUCK 2016 list, on show at the Handwerksmesse  during #munichjewelleryweek  24/02–1/03/2016


« Jewellery is for me a way of express myself, as paintings can be for a painter and poems for a poet. My jewels are the answers to the questions I ask me; the pieces of different series are fragments of these answers. ‘Blossfeld’ series is an attempt to analyse natural forms to make visible what usually we do not see. ‘Casitecturas’ series deals with spaces and its memory, while ‘Burbujas’ froze past moments. ‘Geometria 1’ series is a poetical mathematic that questions the relation betwen measures and objects » Silvia Walz

Silvia Walz - brooch from "Geometria 3" - 2015Silvia Walz - brooch from « Geometria 3″ – 2015 –
materiales para los broches : acero, esmalte opaco y transparente, transfer sobre esmalte

Contemporary Jewellery of Silvia Walz -  brooch from "Geometria 3" - 2015: Silvia Walz – brooch from « Geometria 3″ – 2015

Silvia WalzSilvia Walz – brooch from « Geometria 3″ – 2015

Silvia WalzSilvia Walz - brooch from « Geometria 3″ – 2015

(Gelsenkirchen-Germany, 1965). She lives and works in Barcelona. She followed Studies at Fachhochschule Hildesheim, Metal Design (Germany), and at Escola Massana of Barcelona. Degree at Fachhochschule Hildesheim (Germany). Since 1991 she trains Jewellery Projects at Escola Massana of Barcelona. Since 1991 she has joined many individual and group exhibitions in national and international galleries. Some of her jewels are part of Museu d’Arts Decoratives of Barcelona, of Muzeum Ceského Ráje v Turnove (Turnov), of the Helen Drutt Collection in Philadelphia (USA) and the Pahlman-Collection of Helsinki (Finland). In 2007 she won the International Prize Amber Biennal, Frombork (Poland). Her work has been mentioned in many articles, magazines and specialised publications. Since 2008 she coordinates a project in Barcelona, Joyas Sensacionales at Taller Perill.




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