Selected 4 SCHMUCK 2016 : Josephine Winther
Josephine Winther
Head of Accessory Design School Kolding , DK
Congrats to all the artists who made the SCHMUCK 2016 list, on show at the Handwerksmesse during #munichjewelleryweek 24/02–1/03/2016
Toujours des « petites choses », très légères, très aériennes, très poétiques, toujours accrochées, « pendant(e)s » …. avec toute une recherche « de sens » -basée sur les sens justement- qui leur donne néanmoins une présence certaine …….
Josephine Winther – Containment – 2011
« Here the concept of containment means to enclose and to internalize, both in the physical sense but also as a conceptual idea of a space. The inspiration for the jewellery came from a girl I know. She was adopted from India at the age of seven and, in the first period after her arrival in Denmark, she would only wear clothes with pockets in them. I found it thought-provoking that she should display her need for a personal space,a personal container,in this way and was intriqued by the fact that pockets could, to some extent, provide a solution for this need. This led me to consider whether a need exists for a personal space which can be worn or carried on the body and whether this space can function as a mental refuge/sanctuary.
The jewellery contains a space* designed to be a “path” to (inner) calm and tranquillity – a space for meditation.
* space, enclosed space/compartment/chamber » Josephine Winther Containment
Josephine Winther – April 2014 – « Alula » – bronze – 4 pieces at Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2014 - photo Dorte Krogh:
Josephine Winther Necklaces: Ding, 2011 – 45 bells, bronze, silver, gold, copper, porcelain, amber, agate (« From the Coolest Corner: Nordic Jewellery » exhibition 2015)
Josephine Winther – « ding » 2011 - Bell necklaces in various metal alloys. Photographer Jeppe Gudmundsen
Josephine Winther, resonans 2011
»Being touched by something is generating emotions, and these emotions are really a mixture of thoughts, bodily sensations and feelings. So the senses are part of emotions and sound is a very profound sensation as sound waves are felt different places in the body and they do generate sensations around the body if we pay attention to them.
I have tried to let a group of people listen carefully to the same sound an A from a tuning fork, and from that sound imagine, fell and construct a 3D figure in clay. Each person was given the same amount of clay (2.4 gr)
Each 3D figure was then dipped in wax and cast in bronze, and the outcome was 51 sound objects/bells.
So the sound of a tuning fork was passed through the sense of hearing, through the imagination and onto the sense of touching. In a way each person touched a sound while creating one, and later each person was happy to listen to their sound object/bell sound. I am not sure if they were touched by the sound, but I was touched by the experience of handing the sound back to each person. And eventhough they all come from the same sound and process none of them sounds alike.«
Josephine Winther – Rubyfruits from Jewellerybox – Smykkeskrinet. Photographer: Dorthe Krogh
Josephine Winther trained as a goldsmith in 1988-92 she later continued her studies at the Danish College for Jewellery and Silversmithing, graduating in 1999. In 2010 she took a master’s degree in Jewellery at the Royal College of Art in London. The Danish Arts Foundation and Design museum Denmark have purchased her works. And her work is in the Royal College of Art collection of Jewellery and Hollowware. (DanishCrafts)