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During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘MATICES’ – Wigel Space, Munich (DE) – 25-27 Fevr. 2016

Matices by Jordi Aparicio and Jorge Manilla Exhibition

25 Feb 2016 – 27 Feb 2016 – at Wigel Space

 Matices by Jordi Aparicio and Jorge Manilla Exhibition  /  Schmuck - MJW 2016  /  25 Feb 2016  -  27 Feb 2016 - Wigel Space:

The starting point for this exhibition is to show to the public constant research and meaning of refinements in materials, shapes and colors. Artists duet  Jorge Manilla and Jordi Aparicio bring the equal importance to the pieces of their work.
MATICES   is a way to depict vividly the small differences in the full process and result of the work. Going from precious  to the most primitivism both of artist emphasize metaphorical meaning of shade, tinge,tint and bland.
The result of this exhibition will be full of layers in a definition based in their personal perspective.

Jorge Manilla - MATICES: Jorge Manilla

“There is nothing to be afraid of”
« “You have to die a few times before you can really live” Charles Bukowsky
Thinking and reflecting about different life situations, I have been asking myself about what is the beginning and what is the end. We are dealing all the time with this two concepts in  our feelings, emotions, relationships, situations and even the life. When something ends what  are the memories we keep? And when something start are we talking about a real start or it is just the contination of other end. I started working in this project shameless and giving myself to you as the most fragile person. I have been afraid but getting into my creative process I was  trying to come as close I can to my psychological recognition. Using  the act of burning in a methaphorical way as symbol of purification. I made my own compositions of textures representing emotions, feelings, situations and frame it to keep the moment, just a moment, never pretending to define anything and giving to you this moment to find and recognize your own memories,as ghosts of the past and burn it.  In this project am as a Phoenix rising again and again from the death  from the ashes of my own emotions without being afraid because I know  and each end I always reborn and start  my new beginning. »  Jorge Manilla 2016

Jorge Manilla - MATICES: Jorge Manilla

Jorge Manilla - MATICES: Jorge Manilla brooch « Reborn » 2016

Jorge Manilla - "Now is my moment..."  Brooch  2016Jorge Manilla – « Now is my moment… »  Brooch  2016

Jorge Manilla -"Some moments to remember"  Broche 2016Jorge Manilla - »Some moments to remember »  Broche 2016

Jorge Manilla - "Never ending dream"   Broche  2016Jorge Manilla – « Never ending dream »   Broche  2016

 -MATICES - by  Jordi Aparicio .    - photo Alliages: Jordi Aparicio   – (photo Alliages)

 MATICES -  Jorge Manilla - photo Erato Kouloubi.: MATICES -  Jorge Manilla necklace -- photo Erato Kouloubi.:

Jorge Manilla neckpiece- (photos Erato Kouloubi)

MATICES -   Jordi Aparicio Manchado. -  photo Erato Kouloubi.: Jordi Aparicio   -  (photo Erato Kouloubi)



Wigel Space
Adlbertstrasse 11
80799 München
25.02.2016 – 27.02.2016
Thu – Fri 12:00 – 19:00
Sat. 10:00 – 15:00

During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘SPECIALS, HandShake Alumni exhibition’ – Einsäulensaal, Munich (DE) – 25-27 Fevr. 2016

SPECIALS, a HandShake Alumni exhibition
21 jewellery artists from New Zealand


Celebration day (artists present) 25.02 14.00 – 16.00

SPECIALS, a HandShake Alumni exhibition #42

SPECIALS, a HandShake Alumni exhibition features twenty one jewellery artists from New Zealand showing at the Einsäulensaal in the Munich Residenz Palace from 25 – 27 February 2016.
Peter Deckers has curated a special selection of works and projects from the HANDSHAKE programme. This one-off exhibition showcases the best work from the 12 national and international exhibitions over the last 5 years.

The HANDSHAKE Project is an art development programme for progressive ideas, making, presentations, feedback and networking for contemporary New Zealand jewellers.
The project began in February 2011, with emerging jewellers matched in mentoring roles with their chosen idols from all across the globe. Each mentee’s development was not only supported by their mentor but also through a series of workshops, masterclasses and most importantly, exhibitions in prestigious galleries in NZ and beyond.
The HandShake project will begin its third iteration (HandShake3) following the SPECIALS Alumni exhibition. Selected jewellers have been chosen from the first two projects to develop new bodies of work for a fresh series of international exhibitions, with a focus on collaboration in its broadest sense. The purpose of this HS3 programme is to allow the former mentee to become an independent artist, steering their own developments. The mentor now becomes a colleague and in most cases also a fellow art collaborator.

Handshake 3 participants:  Amelia PascoeBecky Bliss — Debbie Adamson — Kelly McDonald — Nadene CarrSarah Walker-HoltRaewyn Walsh — Neke Moa — Renee Bevan — Sarah Read — Kathryn YeatsSharon Fitness

SPECIALS, HANDSHAKE PROJECT -  Alumni exhibition -  Kathryn Yeats, necklace 2015: Kathryn Yeats, necklace 2015

  Jhana Millers with mentor Suska Mackert, HandShake 1, Objectspace, Auckland (2013): Jhana Millers with mentor Suska Mackert, HandShake 1, Objectspace, Auckland (2013)

 Sarah Walker-Holt , necklace (2015):  Sarah Walker-Holt , necklace (2015)

HANDSHAKE alumni .... - - by Renee Bevan Premonition #1 2014Renee Bevan Premonition #1 2014

HANDSHAKE alumni - Sharon Fitness 2015: Sharon Fitness 2015


Munich Residenz Palace
Residenzstraße 1, 80333 München



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