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COUP de COEUR …… Anke Huyben …. corps emotion

Classé dans : Anke HUYBEN (NL),COUP DE COEUR,Hollande (NL) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:06
Découverte lors de l’EXPO « BLANCO » (à SCHMUCK 2014) .
quand le corps est faible ….. mais là, est-il « faible » ? ou « fort » ? et « fort » dans quel sens ? force du corps, ou « corps fort » ? en tout cas il m’a fallu du temps pour l’assimiler …..
Ce corps qui s’épand, se répand, envahit, moelleux, laiteux, pas aux normes (quelles normes ? faite, voulues par qui ?), qui « agresse » les « normaux » …..
Son travail me fascine …….
Anke Huyben - Rash necklace - A series of necklaces made by causing a rash around the neck.: Anke Huyben - Rash necklace – A series of necklaces made by causing a rash around the neck
« Lekker indrukbaar » is a project about my body and how I sometimes am dissatisfied with it.
To hide the parts of my body I feel insecure about I take certain postures to cover them up. But by assuming these postures I in fact draw attention to these body parts.
The space between my breasts when I cross my arms, the space between my stomach and my crossed legs; these opening in my closed postures are casted in bronze.
By wearing these bronze objects I force myself in these comforting postures that, in contrary with their intention, emphasize my vulnerabilities. »
pictures made by Anjes Gesink
« A piece of jewellery is a decoration of the body. Without the body it cannot exist.
I study the body as carrier of the jewellery and I take my personal obsessions and insecurities about my body as the starting point.
I don’t offer solutions but just seek to visualize them. »
Anke Huyben - "Lekker indrukbaar" is a project about my body and how I sometimes am dissatisfied with it.Anke Huyben – « Lekker indrukbaar » is a project about my body and how I sometimes am dissatisfied with it. To hide the parts of my body I feel insecure about I take certain postures to cover them up. But by assuming these postures I in fact draw attention to these body parts. The space between my breasts when I cross my arms, the space between my stomach and my crossed legs;
these opening in my closed postures are casted in bronze.  By wearing these bronze objects I force myself in these comforting postures that, in contrary with their intention, emphasize my vulnerabilities.

Anke Huyben - "Lekker indrukbaar"
Anke Huyben - « Lekker indrukbaar »
« A piece of jewellery is a decoration of the body. Without the body it cannot exist.
I study the body as carrier of the jewellery and I take my personal obsessions and insecurities about my body as the starting point.
I don’t offer solutions but just seek to visualize them »
"Lekker indrukbaar" - Anke Huyben: Anke Huyben - « Lekker indrukbaar »
"Lekker indrukbaar" - Anke Huyben (Anke Huyben at BLANCO): Anke Huyben – « Lekker indrukbaar » -
 Anke Huyben - Form studiesForm studies - Anke Huyben:
Anke Huyben – Form studies

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