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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Linda EZERMAN – How I fell in love with shrimps ….

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Hollande (NL),Linda EZERMAN (NL),www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 23:19


Contemporary jeweller Linda Ezerman lives and works in Wormerveer, The Netherlands.  Ezerman has a diverse educational background embrassing areas such as Sculpting, Cultural Management and Communication. Her jewellery plays with the paradoxical feelings her surroudings (the woods and the sea) can invoke, as well as the menaning of their history. 

« « In my jewellery I combine non-precious and precious materials. The creation process of my work is lengthy; it takes me many days, if not weeks, to complete a piece of jewellery. I work in an organic manner and combine unusual and unique materials. The result is tactile and wearable light-weight jewellery. Recognise the original materials in my jewellery may require a second or even a third close look.
My jewellery echoes the sea, contemporary and striking. Each piece is handmade and unique. »

 I admired her beach serie, sea seeds, corals & algea jewels ….. This year we got SHRIMPS ! ALL very wearable, VERY desirable shrimps !

Linda Ezerman - Shrimps 2016 - Neckpiece, unique piece Materials: silver, silicone, ink Linda Ezerman - Shrimps 2016 – Neckpiece, unique piece Materials: silver, silicone, ink

Linda Ezerman - Neckpiece from the series Shrimps Materials: silver, paint, silicone, pigment: Linda Ezerman - Neckpiece from the series Shrimps Materials: silver, paint, silicone, pigment

Linda Ezerman  Necklace: Shrimp, 2015  Silver, silicone, ink  Photo by: Linda Ezerman  From series: Shrimps: Linda Ezerman  Necklace: Shrimp, 2015  Silver, silicone, ink  Photo by: Linda Ezerman  From series: Shrimps

Linda Ezerman Neckpiece: Shrimp, 2015 Silver, silicone, ink Photo by: Linda Ezerman From serie: ShrimpsLinda Ezerman - Neckpiece: Shrimp, 2015 – Silver, silicone, ink – Photo by: Linda Ezerman -From serie: Shrimps

« In my jewellery I express how I experience the outside world. I am fascinated by the surroundings I find myself in and what these surroundings invokes in me: paradoxical feelings of freedom, security and imminent danger.
A walk in the woods, for example, invokes a feeling of freedom, yet the woods also make me feel slightly ill at ease: there always seems to be lurking something in the shadows.
With the sea I also maintain a paradoxical relationship. There is space and unfamiliar life, which I find both fascinating and frightening because of its incomprehensible infinity.
Moreover, the history of my surroundings create meaning. Century-old remnants of industrial life have made this landscape into what it is today and shaped the people who live here into who and what they are.
The materials I work with originate from my surroundings: felt, wood, silver and copper, mixed with polymer clay, silicone and paint. My work is wearable, which allows it to offer security or protection from that which is so intangible and yet so impressive: the surroundings in which you find yourself. »  Linda Ezerman

 Linda Ezerman Brooch: Shrimp, 2015 Silver, silicone, ink: Linda Ezerman Brooch: Shrimp, 2015 Silver, silicone, ink


Had several workshops/workclasses in felt jewelry, polymer clay ‘at Dutch Polymer Guild), goldsmithing
Exhibited in 2016 at « Más que Zuecos y Tulipanes./Més que esclops i tulipes« 


She will e at SIERAAD 2016 – Amsterdam – 10-13 Nov. 2016

SIERAAD Art Fair 2016 - Amsterdam - 10-13 Nov. 2016

  LINDA EZERMAN Dutch  stand 52bLINDA EZERMAN  Dutch  stand 52b

EXPO ‘Sinergia ’16’ – botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba, Girona (ES) – 5-26 Nov. 2016

SINERGIA 2016 Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition

joyas de  LLuis CominRosa NoguésMontserrat Lacomba

a la botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba, Girona (ES)

SINERGIA 2016 - LLuis Comin - Rosa Nogués - Montserrat Lacomba - Montserrat Lacomba / Mar de Color Rosa - Tienda / Taller  Plaça de Sant Pere, 2 17007 Girona  +34 972 224 635 +34 669 594 184 - Sinergia '16 Exhibition · 5/11/16 - 26/11/16:
Lluís Comín: Reconstructions
The series « Reconstructions » aims to be a reflection on how we advance, superimposing layers upon our past with a certain gaze of nostalgia, reinventing ourselves with each step.
Lluis Comin - Ring: Reconstruccions 4. Silver, bronze and lapis lazuli. 44 x 25 x 24 cm. 2016: Lluis Comin - Ring: Reconstruccions 4. Silver, bronze and lapis lazuli. 44 x 25 x 24 cm. 2016
Lluis Comin - broche - photo Manel Bielsa MartinLluis Comin - broche – photo Manel Bielsa Martin
Rosa Nogués: (R)evolution
In 1859 the English naturalist Charles Darwin published the book “On the Origin of Species”. He introduced the scientific theory that “it is not the strongest of the species, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”.
Following his theory, my work becomes an unlimited process in constant progress and adaptation as a result of a desire of change.  A “Butterfly effect” that will not stop because all in life is intrinsically related. Butterflies show that beauty cannot only be found in their morphology or colours but even in the attitude that they adopt in every transformation.
Rosa Nogués: Brooch: Indigo. Silver and enamel. 90 x 50 x 35 cm. 2016: Rosa Nogués Freixas: Brooch: Indigo. Silver and enamel. 90 x 50 x 35 cm. 2016
Montserrat Lacomba: Seaside
The “Seaside” series is the fruit of my observation of nature and a fascination with its perfection. The sea at Formentera presents wide landscapes as well as small fragments, seemingly insignificant details that spur me to work, that inspire contemplation and a need to retain them forever.Montserrat Lacomba -  one of "The Seashore" Series Brooches - Brooch: Spume, 2016 Enameled copper and silverMontserrat Lacomba -  one of « The Seashore » Series Brooches – Brooch: Spume, 2016 Enameled copper and silver
Montserrat Lacomba:   Brooches "the seaside series" 2016
Montserrat Lacomba:   Brooches « the seaside series » 2016
botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba / Mar de Color Rosa Shop/Workshop
Plaça de Sant Pere, 2
17007 Girona (Spain)
tel   +34 972 224 635
+34 669 594 184 




EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Julia Obermaier – coup de coeur « lapidaire »

Julia Obermaier

C’est drôle comme « le hasard fait bien les choses » …. Ou, il n’y a pas de hasard ….Un de mes problèmes majeurs dans ma vie actuelle est ma « distance aux gens » … trop près, trop loin, je ne sais jamais où, comment me situer …. trop au bord, spectateur, voyeur, ou trop « dedans », trop impliqué … J’avais coutume de dire à mes enfants « la liberté de chacun, c’est comme une bulle : tu as ta bulle, qui te protège et t’entoure, mais elle est fragile et se « brise » facilement. Et chacun a la sienne. Il faut réussir à t’approcher des gens de manière à ce que ni ta bulle ni la leur n’éclate. C’est ça la liberté de chacun, c’est ça « ta liberté commence là où fini la mienne ». C’est un délicat jeu d’équilibre » …. Je me rappelle, ils m’écoutaient bouche bée ….. Eh bien c’est exactement de ça que parlent les bijoux de Julia Obermaier ! « The distance between people« , the « Private space » ….. Cette découverte m’apporte une immense émotion, et ce d’autant plus que …. comment dire ? ses bijoux me touchaient, je ne savais pas pourquoi, parce qu’à priori ce n’était pas « mon genre » de bijoux mais plus un « genre », un style de bijoux, très prisé actuellement parmi ce qui vient d’Idar-Oberstein ……

Julia Obermaier – (Sur)face the space.
« Private space. Working area. The distance between people. The distance between the world and me. Space is a really important subject for me. If someone is crossing the borders of my spaces without permission, it causes a bad feeling within me. That is why I try to protect them as much as possible. But in daily life, one cannot always keep direct surroundings and personal space in their preferred way. This is because our outside world is always in relation with other people and circumstances.
To build my own spaces I cut slices out of agate or rock crystal.  They represent rooms, spaces, containers, boxes or little caves. Some of my works have empty spaces with corners or nooks, while others have an inner life through engravings I cut within the pieces. I am generating space which can be filled with ones own personal feelings, perceptions and sensations. I see my work as containers protecting the innermost emotions of the viewer or wearer.
In contrast to the large space around us filled with other people, I see these pieces as a part of ourselves. They are little copies of the viewer or the wearer. The space inside is reserved for what people find within themselves. The outside surrounding, which is not always controllable for us, becomes the protector of what lies within the piece.  The wearer can then decide if and who is allowed to approach the work, take a look or even touch it. The pieces embody ideas of a second skin and soul protector from the outside world.  They are meant to induce a comforting feeling of inner silence for the wearer, that they can use to confront a busy world. »

  Julia Obermaier Brooch: Untouchable, 2016 Agate, resin, pigment, stainless steel 10 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier Julia Obermaier Brooch: Untouchable, 2016 Agate, resin, pigment, stainless steel 10 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier

Julia Obermaier  Brooch: Round the corner, 2016  Agate, resin, pigment, stainless steel  7.5 x 7 x 3 cm  Photo by: Julia Obermaier: at Marzee Graduate Show 2016: Julia Obermaier (BFA 2016 Idar-Oberstein)  -  Brooch « Round the Corner » • Agate, resin, pigment and stainless steel • ©photo by artist  

« With her bachelor thesis Julia Obermaier delivers a statement of monumental grandeur. To do so, working mainly in agate and rock crystal, is a matter of concentration and patience as well as of spatial transition. Acquiring an extended awareness of space and volume, in the sense of an architectonic perspective,  paired with an empathical sensibility for the wearers and observers body and mind, and at the same time bordering the restrictions of jewellery is a remarkable feature of Obermaiers process of work. The result is a collection of wearables in gemstone with a high quality of sensitivity. As an object, Obermaiers pieces are intriguing and inviting, as soon as they are worn and in unity with the body, they show an until than almost hidden sensuality. » / Theo Smeets

Julia Obermaier Necklace: Come Around, 2016 Agate, resin, pigment 27 x 20 x 3.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier (selected for Marzee Graduate Show 2016:): Julia Obermaier – Necklace: Come Around, 2016 – Agate, resin, pigment – 27 x 20 x 3.5 cm – Photo by: Julia Obermaier (selected for Marzee Graduate Show 2016)

« Agate is one of my most favorite materials. The huge secrecy and variety of agate as a stone and its use over centuries is attracting me in my work. Studying the layers and druses of agate amazes me and makes me curious. What is happening? What is in there? I want to arise these feelings as well in the wearers and viewers of my pieces. You can find sensitivity, strength and multifaceted sides not just in agates, as well in every other living creature. »

She is member of  « Astonish », a group of young jewellery artists which are current students or recent alumni’s form University of Applied Sciences Trier, Campus Idar-Oberstein.
They were present at SCHMUCK 2016, at  Inhorgenta Munich, 12–15 February 2016, at Internationale Handwerksmesse München,  24 February – 1 March 2016 -

 Julia Obermaier- Untitled (No.3) – Necklace – Agate, Steel, 18kt Gold – 450 x 120 x 70 mm – 2014 – Photo by Julia Obermaier: Julia Obermaier (BFA stud. Idar-OberSTEIN 2016) • Necklace  Untitled (No.3) • Agate, steel, 18k gold • 2014 • 450 x 120 x 70 mm ©photo by Julia Obermaier – #MJW16/ « Astonish »

Julia Obermaier Necklace: Breathe, 2016 Rockcrystal, silver, iron, paint, resin 33 x 18 x 2 cm Photo by: Qi Wang  Julia Obermaier Necklace: Breathe, 2016 Rockcrystal, silver, iron, paint, resin 33 x 18 x 2 cm Photo by: Qi Wang

 Julia Obermaier Necklace: Have a look outside, 2016 Agate, iron, fabric, resin, pigment 26 x 11 x 3.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier: Julia Obermaier Necklace: Have a look outside, 2016 Agate, iron, fabric, resin, pigment 26 x 11 x 3.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier




Staatliche Berufsfachschule für Glas und Schmuck Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz
Hochschule Trier, Idar-Oberstein, Germany. BFA stud.   2016
Selected Graduate 2016 at Klimt02
Born in Landau a.d. Isar, Germany. 2009 to 2012 apprenticeship to a goldsmith at staatliche Berufsfachschule für Glas und Schmuck in Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz, Germany. Since 2012 studies Bachelor of Fine Arts in Gemstone and Jewellery at University of Applied Sciences Trier, Department Idar-Oberstein. Made during her studies an exchange semester at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. Lives and works in Idar-Oberstein, Germany.


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Viktoria Münzker – granules forever !

Classé dans : Autriche (AT),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:32

Viktoria Münzker

« In the beginning, all is empty and dark. It looks like a never-ending sphere. The darkness is strong and heavy. Only a small grain from the destroyed world remains. It is floating and collecting positive energy from the space. At the right moment, in the proper place, it explodes at the speed of light. From one moment to another, the universe is full. Blending, full of light, waiting for you. Make a wish. Create the new world of light, gravid with possibilities. To give birth to something new, something old must die. By focusing on the essentials, we reach the blurred lines between natural and artificial. These relationships are the jewel in the composition of freedom and individual expression. »

Usually, I love the BLUE(s), so I should show you the new Viktoria Munzker blues, the ones we saw at last JOYA Barcelona 2016, the Crystal Odyssey serie, done with some skeleton fish (see the incredible back of this neckpiece !) …….

Viktoria Munzker -  2016 - Crystal Odyssey - "Hyacinthina" necklace Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016Viktoria Munzker -  2016 – Crystal Odyssey – « Hyacinthina » necklace Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016

Viktoria Munzker -  2016 - Crystal Odyssey - "Hyacinthina" necklace (DETAIL) Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016Viktoria Munzker -  2016 – Crystal Odyssey – « Hyacinthina » necklace (DETAIL) Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016

Viktoria Munzker -  2016 - Crystal Odyssey - "Hyacinthina" necklace (BACK) Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, GranulatViktoria Munzker -  2016 – Crystal Odyssey – « Hyacinthina » necklace (BACK) Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat

2016 – Crystal Odyssey

Imagine your boat drifting in the winds
towards the stars
nothing is real
everything is fantasy
kaleidoscope skies with your head in the clouds
there\\\’s a place of diamond fields
lonely hearts standing there
where are they coming from
words are sea of green, gold and blue
follow the man next door
the sun will know
all you need is everyone
across the lane we live a life of ease
return to the galaxy of souls
where the crystal odyssey was written
and colored with memories

BUT ……. I’m in a REDDISH mood (Halloween ?????) so HERE we are !!!!

Viktoria Münzker Ferus  Ring: Rose Absolue, 2016  Silver, wood, granules: Viktoria Münzker – Ring: Rose Absolue, 2016  Silver, wood, granules

Viktoria Münzker Ferus  Ring: Violet, 2015  Wood, silver, granules: Viktoria Münzker- Ring: Violet, 2015  Wood, silver, granules

Viktoria Münzker- Brooch: Magenta, 2016  Wood, silver, amazonite: Viktoria Münzker- Brooch: Magenta, 2016  Wood, silver, amazonite

Viktoria Münzker Ferus Brooch Violina, 2016 Silver, wood, granules: Viktoria Münzker - Brooch Violina, 2016 Silver, wood, granules

Viktoria Munzker -  the tear & the pendulum necklace 2016Viktoria Munzker -  the tear & the pendulum necklace 2016 wood, silver, fluorite, glass, granules.



An exhibition with the finalists of the 5th edition of the prestigious Eligius Jewellery Award, which is granted with 7000€ prize money for Austrian jewellery artists. The exhibition includes a retrospective from Anna Heindl and will take place in a second venue in september 2016, at the MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna.  In the artists list, of course, Viktoria Munzker !

Viktoria Münzker - Brooch: Gorgonie, 2016  Wood, onyx, silver, granules: Viktoria Münzker – Brooch: Gorgonie, 2016  Wood, onyx, silver, granules

BLUE or RED, I’m MAD of her granules !!!!!



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