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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Barbara Paganin – THE Venetian goldsmith ….

Classé dans : Barbara PAGANIN (IT),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Italie (IT) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:40

Barbara Paganin

me ????!!! doing  an « EXCHANGE » with Barbara Paganin ???!!! for me she is a STAR, far away in the sky, a place where only « Gods » have place !!! a MASTER !! THE jeweller !! and she accepted to do an exchange with me ???!!! I can’t believe it !! it paralyzes me !!! It leaves me breathless !!! and when you read this (in which public collections her works are, I feel really …… OUT !! (« Her works are in the permanent collections of museums including the V & A in London, Musée des Art Décoratif of Paris, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Museum of Modern Art in Ca ‘Pesaro in Venice, Museum of Fine Art of Montreal, LACMA in Los Angeles….. »)

Well …… trying to keep calm ……………..
What makes me really mouth-watering is her coliflor & other vegetables series ….. and the « more » necklace leaves you really breathless & mouth watering ……… a part the BEAUTY of forms, of colors, of composition ….
« In a 2011 study of cabbage, Paganin cast romanesco broccoli (a Roman variety of cauliflower) in dental acrylic, which she embellished with oxidized silver, ultimately producing a brooch that evoked the logarithmic, spiraled texture of the vegetable. »

Barbara Paganin - "cavolo" arancione brooch Italy 2011 - oxidised silver and acrylic (methacrylate) cast from broccoli romanesco,  orange and yellow, faded slightly but still bright, looks like a type of cacti, connected to a back piece of metal using wire.: Barbara Paganin - « cavolo » arancione brooch Italy 2011 – oxidised silver and acrylic (methacrylate) cast from broccoli romanesco,  orange and yellow, faded slightly but still bright, looks like a type of cacti, connected to a back piece of metal using wire

Barbara Paganin - "More" necklace, 2013Barbara Paganin – « More » necklace, 2013 – oxidised silver, gold and polymethylmethacrylate

« With her works she creates a plant and animal life and landscape where geometric knowledge alternates in processing natural and informal, where the color will find its space and where the story will become the main theme. Each work tells a story chapter by chapter linked to the experience of Barbara Paganin, but that each one can imagine different, adapting it to his own memory, to their own experiences, so bringing out from the seas of memories the images, flash, life paths that converge in unison in a single center or in the work itself. » (Elena Segato Virtualkiosk)

Barbara Paganin - "More" necklace, 2013 at Milan 2016  Miart & Triennale « More » necklace, 2013 – oxidised silver, gold and polymethylmethacrylate

« Il lavoro di Barbara Paganin condensa la coerenza concettuale di un percorso artistico articolato, supportato da conoscenze e capacità tecniche eccelse. Pur padroneggiando a fondo l’arte della lavorazione dei metalli, l’artista va oltre, desiderosa di sperimentare sempre nuove esperienze con materiali altri, quali il vetro, la porcellana, il polimetacrilato, il titanio raggiungendo costantemente un successo qualitativo di massimo livello. Il risultato sono dei pezzi « parlanti », delle opere che sempre hanno racchiusa una storia che ogni volta si racconta in modo diverso ad ogni diverso osservatore.
Non certo una mostra celebrativa quindi, forse anche quello, ma la reale opportunità di conoscere ed emozionarsi avendo l’incentivo per avvicinare e apprendere un percorso artistico esemplare che il catalogo con il testo di Mirella Cisotto, curatrice della mostra, e gli ingigantimenti fotografici dei singoli pezzi aiutano ancor più a svelare. » (archimagazine - EXPO « Barbara Paganin -Dall’orto alla soffitta » Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova 16 ott.- 22 nov. 2015)
« la « sequenza simultanea » di oltre 120 pezzi messi insieme in occasione di questa esposizione, toglie davvero il fiato« 


Barbara Paganin - cavolo arancione necklace -: Barbara Paganin – cavolo arancione necklace

« inspired by the vivid colors and organic shapes of her natural surroundings, Barbara Paganin channels the textures and forms of landscapes and fruit in her imaginative, contemporary jewelry. Paganin lives in Venice, Italy, where she is a graduate of sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts and now teaches jewelry design at the Art Institute of Venice along with maintaining her studio. In her designs, Paganin replicates patterns and forms derived from nature in intricate detail.« 

Collana More, 2013, Mostra Barbara Paganin a San Rocco, Padova - © Photo Roberto Zanon: Collana More, 2013, Mostra Barbara Paganin a San Rocco, Padova – © Photo Roberto Zanon

« Barbara Paganin, the Venetian goldsmith, from the first creations of the ’80s to the most recent completed during this year 2015. For over 25 years, exhibited in Europe (London, Vienna, Monaco, Gothenburg, Paris, Antwerp …) and the US (New York, Chicago, Miami …) ; known internationally, has won several national and international awards. The artist inherits from goldsmith school of Padua, within which is inserted the critically intense structuralism that it then turns into an original form of naturalistic figuration. » (Virtualkiosk)

Barbara Paganin: Broche CESPUGLIO VERDE - Galerie Orfèo -: Barbara Paganin: Broche CESPUGLIO VERDE – Galerie Orfèo

« Dall’orto alla Soffita is the first retrospective dedicated to Paganin’s work in Italy, and we should be thankful to the city of Padua for paying homage to a great maker, and aligning itself with recognition she has already received abroad.
The question is, why did we have to wait so many years?
One possible interpretation is that her work is too innovative and especially too “divergent” from that of the Gold School of Padua to have been widely promoted or simply given its proper due in Italy. Being so stylistically detached sent her on a different, international career course. » (AJF)

Barbara Paganin  2010 ·   Concrescenza , metacrilato e argentoBarbara Paganin  2010 ·   Concrescenza , metacrilato e argento

« the jewels owned by private collectors stood out: They delivered a peculiar emotional energy because they live, as should be the case, their life as brooches, rings, necklaces. And soon, they will be back with their owners. » (AJF)Enregistrer

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