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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – Tests and Experiments

Carlos SILVA

Expérimentation(s), expérimentation(s), & expérimentation(s) !!
D’ailleurs un de ses albums de photos s’intitule « Tests and Experiments » et on dirait que c’est vraiment ça son « leitmotiv », le « truc en plus », ce qui l’éclate ! le matière de prédilection, en tout cas celle autour de laquelle il tourne et retourne, c’est le bois …. le naturel …. auquel, petit à petit, il ajoute des « produits dénaturés » de la « civilisation » (plastiques, goudron, mousse synthétique pour déco, plâtre….)

Here are some « experiments », as an « appetizer » ! ;-)

Carlos Silva - bracelet - wood, silver leaf: Carlos Silva – bracelet – olive tree wood, silver leaf – 2014

« “A subject that is beautiful in itself gives no suggestion to the artist. It lacks imperfection.” – Oscar Wilde
In our daily lives we come across many elements that hold a hidden beauty. 
I feel I am rarely attracted by the immediate beauty of nature. It is in its minor flaws, irregularities and asymmetries I find true expression. 
 In my work I create jewelry that can translate this seemingly random nature. I use many organic shapes, and use techniques which allow me to replicate these unique shapes, their natural formations and imperfections, because therein lies their true beauty. »
Carlos Silva-  Projects - CASA - school project 2011-12 - necklace - wooden pegs: Carlos Silva-  Projects – CASA – school project 2011-12 – necklace – wooden pegs
PURE | Carlos Silva: Carlos Silva - PURE – 2014 · – Necklace – wood, plaster and cotton thread
Carlos Silva - necklace - olive wood, natural leather, nylon thread -    mai 2014 ·   Colar | Necklace  madeira de oliveira, cabedal natural e fio de nylon olive wood, natural leather and nylon thread: Carlos Silva – necklace – olive wood, natural leather, nylon thread -  2014
Carlos Silva  - Necklace  - Copper, stone and cotton thread 60X40X15 mm: Carlos Silva  – Necklace  – Copper, stone and cotton thread 60X40X15 mm
Carlos Silva -  2016-   'Frozen Fragments' Necklace - cork, plaster and cotton: Carlos Silva -  2016-   ‘Frozen Fragments’ Necklace – cork, plaster and cotton
 Xmas 2016 - IngalleryBCNINRED
Jewelry Group Exhibition
Opening December, 12th
@ Ingallerybcn
C/ Penèdes, 3, Barcelona
Carlos Silva - ring shot noel 2016New exhibition INRED coming soon, stay tuned !!! ring shot !!!





*Studies : Curso de Joalharia no AR.CO Lisboa – Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual | Lisboa | Portugal de 2009 a 2013
*Board Member of PIN - Portuguese Association of Contemporary Jewelry
*AJF Ambassadorfor Portugal
*Collaborates with the Project Pavilion 31 of the Psychiatric Hospital Lisbon with the artists of Atelier CHPL Arts


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